Gurus o’ Last Minute Changes (Round 1)

Rank Last Chart Ch-Ch-Ch-CHANGES AppeloBreznicanEllwoodHammondHernandezHowellKargerLevyOlsenPolandPondStoneTapleyThompsonWloszczyna Votes Total
Editing - Social Network to Win
* * * 3 3
Sppt Actress - Helena B. Carter to Win
Hailee Steinfeld to #2
* * 2 2
Foreign - In A Beter World to Win
* * 2 2
One Vote Wonders
Score - King's Speech to Win
Social Network to #2
* 1 1
Live Short - The Crush to Win
* 1 1
Ani Short - The Lost Thing to Win
* 1 1
Doc - Inside Job to Win
* 1 1
Director - Tom Hooper to WIn
David Fincher to #2
* 1 1
Director - David Fincher to Win
Tom Hooper to #2
* 1 1
Costume - King's Speech to Win
Alice in Wonderland to #2
* 1 1

And in addition…
Pete Hammond drops The Fighter’s editors to #2
Kristopher Tapley drops The King’s Speech editors to #2
Susan Wloszczyna drops Black Swan editors to #3
Anne Thompson drops Hailee Steinfeld to #2, Day & Night to #2, Wish 143 to #2, and Biutiful to #2.

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2 Responses to “Gurus o’ Last Minute Changes (Round 1)”

  1. Alex says:

    Now I like you, guys ! TKS WILL RULE!!!!!

  2. Ben says:

    TKS & TSN & TG were very good movies. Typical Best-Picture winners. What we need for once is a non-typical winner. The only films on the 10-best that blew me away were Black Swan & Inception. Of last year’s crop only Hurt Locker did the same. Gut-feeling tells me one of these two is the best, but probably will fall short due to their polarizing themes. TKS will nab BP and TSN will nab director for Fincher.