Posts Tagged ‘Moulin Rouge’

MW on DVDs: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Chaplin at Keystone, Moulin Rouge … and more

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010


Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Three Stars)

U.S.; Edgar Wright, 2010

Oh, to be a kid again. To feel the juices and saps running madly, to get wildly excited about comic books and top ten hit-lists and about the last good new teen movie you saw (the whole canon from A Hard Day’s Night to Superbad) and maybe even a (No! Whoa!) video game or two. To fall in love every ten minutes or so, to wake up in a new bed now and then (now, now, pray God), to feel possibilities churning out of every flashy half-cynical gizmo that contempo-pop culture spews up at you, to anticipate sort of breathlessly every new load of possible super-stuff you can’t afford, blazing like neon from the record shelves or bookshelves or videoshelves, or the video/DVD rows, offering possible (non-cannabis, you Republicans) highs or potential mind-blasts waiting, it seems, around every street corner.