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David Poland

By David Poland

BYOB Weekend 121611

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44 Responses to “BYOB Weekend 121611”

  1. Tuck Pendelton says:

    Tinker Tailor on Saturday. Woo woo. My wife really wants to see Young Adult, so that’s probably next. Then MI:GP, and top the year off with some Dragon Tatooed Girl.

  2. doug r says:


  3. JS Partisan says:

    Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadow is a great old school adventure film. I know those aren’t for everyone, but they are for me. That aside, the freaking TDK: R trailer in front of Game of Shadows is ridiculous. The part with Hines Ward is absolutely mind-blowing. Seriously, that movie looks fucking insane.

  4. storymark says:

    I’ll check out Game of Shadows, but mainly for the TDKR trailer. For me, the Holmes-geek in me is all about series 2 of BBC’s Sherlock next month!

  5. sanj says:

    won’t that dark knight rises trailer just end up on the internet anyways ?

    i want DP to go on tv tour for the dp/30s for oscars ….
    there are big huge stars and there are lots of them – but
    i wanna see how many minutes DP can get on any tv station ..really think it would freak the mainstream media tv reporters how many interviews DP has done and can talk about .

  6. Monco says:

    If Hines Ward is in TDKR…that is one of the lamest things I’ve ever heard.

  7. anghus says:

    The Dark Knight Rises trailer is the best thing i’ve ever seen.

    All set up. No story. Exactly what you want to see. You get a glimpse of every character and a taste of what their deal is. Everything and the kitchen sink in this one.

    At Sherlock Holmes this afternoon, the trailer finished and this guy shouted “PLAY IT AGAIN!”

  8. JS Partisan says:

    Monco, Ward plays for the Gotham City Rogues and trust me, that’s the first time ever I’ve ever felt for Ward as a player. It’s an absolutely mind blowing scene.

  9. sanj says:

    i got a great idea – the day of oscars ..

    put 8 hours worth of movie talk just before the oscars ..
    grab every movie critic and talk as much as you want about
    movies ..

    1 PM to 7 PM – movie talk
    8 PM to 12 AM – oscars

    how do they pay for all this ? put up commercials for movies and dvd’s all day …

    this works for superbowl – they spend 8 hours talking
    about a 3 hour game. they can do the same for movies.

    basically celebrate movies for 1 day on a real tv network.

  10. Krillian says:

    Hoping to catch Descendants tonight.

  11. Don R. Lewis says:

    I just saw three movies in a row that all were based in heavy nostalgia.

    I loved all three but the sweet, thrilling pure pleasure of HUGO was basically raped from my mind by YOUNG ADULT. I was pretty keen on THE ARTIST too but I don’t really see what all the hullaballoo is about. It’s a wonderful, nostalgic pastiche with wonderful performances but it’s all form and little substance.

    HUGO made me get teary eyed 3-4 times. Such a great ode to creativity and life and MOVIES. I was so enamored with it and feeling all gooey. Then I caught YOUNG ADULT and man, it hit me on the opposite side of my brain that HUGO did. As in, what’s the fucking point of doing anything. Ever. Having hopes and dreams is a road fraught with peril and one might be better off being a bitter toy seller in a train station who has a steady 9-5 gig and a wife and kid that loves them then someone trying to truly be happy by pursuing a longshot dream.

  12. Triple Option says:

    Oh man! Looks like the Culver Plaza Theater has gone the way of the polariod. I wish there were another place to see discounted films. It was especially nice to catch films I would’ve otherwise missed due to time constraits but still wanted to see on a big screen.

  13. Joe Leydon says:

    Is the Dark Knight trailer in front of Game of Shadows different from the one in front of Ghost Protocol? Because if not… well, I don’t see what all the excitement is all about.

  14. Count me in on the ‘didn’t like the Dark Knight Rises prologue’ club. It’s basically an amped-up variation on the Dark Knight prologue, but with horrible dialogue, terrible acting (Aidan Gillen is awful, and that’s from a huge Shanghai Knights fan), and action so choppily edited that I couldn’t tell what was happening on the biggest(?) IMAX screen in California (the Rave). Toss in Bane’s indecipherable dialogue and Hardy’s accent that reminds one a little too much of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mr. Freeze, and I was frankly shocked at how poor the scene played. I’m hoping the trailer is better.

  15. Joe Leydon says:

    OK, I’ve just been informed that because I didn’t see Protocol at a “real” IMAX theater, I didn’t see the “real” Dark Knight trailer. Uh, OK.

  16. sanj says:

    watched William Shatner’s “The Captains” documentary ..

    i knew 90% of the interviews would be easy questions …

    only 2 things stood out – Shatner got the actors to talk about how everybody got divorced and Avery Brooks interview was just weird ..he’s got a unique way of speaking . .

    since Picard and Kirk are way too famous for a dp/30 i want a dp/30 with Brooks . lets see if DP can make
    him talk….

    Avery Brooks – 7 minutes…

  17. sanj says:

    today is cool..i found 3 hours of content to consume in 5 mintues …lots of audio movie reviews and tv shows ..

    you movie critics have it easy cause you just watch 2 movies = 3 hours worth..

    how many hours of content can you consume before doing anything else ?

  18. Melquiades says:

    Did Poland ever write a review of Young Adult? I can’t find it in the search.

    What this blog needs is a sidebar with links to all of the reviews Dave’s written over the past 6-12 months. Often he’ll write up a movie weeks or months before those of us not in the industry get to see it.

  19. jesse says:

    Joe, do you really not know the difference between a digital IMAX screen built in the last five years (mostly to show “IMAX 3-D” versions of movies that weren’t actually shot with IMAX cameras) and a genuine 70mm IMAX screen that can show footage shot with IMAX cameras?

    I imagine the digital fauxMAX screens (which can show a bigger version of MI4, sure, but can’t really show the IMAX footage as Bird shot it, which is about thirty minutes of the movie) are showing the Dark Knight Rises trailer (which is generally playing in front of Sherlock Holmes 2). In front of the real-IMAX MI4 screenings, there’s a six-minute prologue scene (probably the first six-minutes of the movie?) followed by some trailer-y footage.

    So there’s a trailer, which you saw and I didn’t; and six minutes of footage, which I saw and you didn’t. It’s not a question of a “real” trailer — just two different cuts of footage (if anything, what *you* saw is the actual trailer).

    It is a little confusing; I’d blame IMAX for diluting their brand, calling a bunch of retrofitted big screens IMAX when they’re not actually the same as the screens they built their name/reputation on.

  20. jesse says:

    Also, Scott, the dialogue was super hard to hear, but I didn’t find the action in the Dark Knight Rises prologue hard to follow at all. It was actually pretty spectacular-looking and, like MI4, faked with a lot of skill such that it looked relatively real.

  21. movieman says:

    I saw the standard “DKR” trailer affixed to “Sherlock 2.”
    Even for a non-Nolan groupie like me who’s had issues with both of his two previous Batflicks, I thought it looked freaking amazing.

  22. Don R. Lewis says:

    I saw MY WEEK WITH MARILYN last night and gotta join the masses. Spectacular performance in a mediocre movie. Michelle Williams is….wow. I was totally in love with her.

  23. kbx says:

    Joe, the new tdkr trailer plays with Sherlock and MI4 digital IMAX

    but those seeing MI4 in 70mm film IMAX get to see the tdkr prologue-first 6 minutes of the film

    there is a list of 70mm IMAX theatres–about 40 in total

  24. sanj says:

    watched luck – hbo show – about horse gambling / racing .

    story is a bit hard to follow …they got big huge cast with Hoffman and Nolte …

    but the whole thing seems like how cops would say things…

    the writer worked on nypd blue so that explains it..

    they needed to make this a bit more simple ..

    my guess – DP will like this series maybe cause Nolte did a big dp/30 .

  25. sanj says:

    some 30 second fun

    just type “let it snow ” into google

  26. leahnz says:

    the final instalment (because apparently i’m a bit of a masochist and completest) of my fervently-clamoured-for-and-discussed (as if) ‘GREAT MOMENTS WITH RIVER’ tribute clip retrospective, to honour arguably the finest actor of his generation, lost too soon.
    (sam shepard’s arthouse western ghost story is a strange, abstract brew; as usual river steals the show as ‘talbot roe’ with a display of quietly devastating poignancy, playing a grieving young widower teetering on the edge of madness and over the body of his dead wife, in his second-to-last completed role; richard harris is also typically terrific as his father, and however one feels about the film itself, the turns of phoenix and harris as the roes is worth the watch. i always thought this would make an interesting ‘weird westerns’ dvd box set with jarmusch’s ‘dead man’, starring river’s friend and contemporary johnny depp)
    (lastly, the only available stand-alone clip from the ill-fated ‘dark blood’ – and of course river’s last go in life playing the part of ‘boy’, here with johnathan price. in this his second (and last) movie with uncharacteristic dark hair, the loss of river’s trademark sandy locks seemed to signify a new era of moving into full-fledged cinema adulthood, with interesting role choices in small films. the direction of his career would have been no doubt fascinating to observe)

  27. leahnz says:

    ugh, jonathan PRYCE of course, if i could type or spell

  28. Foamy Squirrel says:

    Sorry Leah, I’m waiting for the complete set to come out on Blu-ray…

  29. leahnz says:

    ha, you best hunker down for a long wait with some sweet supplies and munchies then foamy, cuz from what i know hardly any of river’s films are available on blu, let alone god forbid a much deserved set or collection, it’s a freakin travesty (everyone should be ashamed. you know who you are – even if i don’t)

    and the fact the ‘actors’ of ‘twilight’ have a star on the hollyw walk of fame and river phoenix doesn’t…well that’s some fucked up shit right there. everybody should be ashamed. you know who you are.

  30. sanj says:

    i like this music video – they pack so much into 4 minutes with lots of edits . i want a dp/30 with whoever directed this – this person should direct movies – action movies –

    Flo Rida – Good Feeling [Official Video]

    DP might find him 2 years from now but right now i found
    this person first . its got 22 million views so other
    people have noticed.

    DP get more music video directors to dp/30’s
    David Fincher is not the only one who makes music
    videos and does movies…

    also i want all you super important film critics to watch
    1 hours worth of music videos – find some new talent
    and interview them. thats where all the cool directors
    hang out.

  31. MDOC says:

    So I just watched the Dark Knight Rises prologue and the trailer online. I won’t give up the website but of course if you are not 4 years old you can find it in about two seconds.
    What was unique and noteworthy about the experience, was that for both clips I had to watch a 30 second ad for Bud Light before either would start. 4 minutes into the prologue, there was a pause and another ad for Bud Light, and a Bud Light ad played at the conclusion of both videos. So essentially, the bootlegged, filmed on an Iphone in a theater this weekend and illegally posted online videos I watched were sponsored by Bud Light. Fascinating.

  32. sanj says:

    Dark Knight Rises prologue and the trailer is up on youtube .. lots of versions – the ad i saw was for world of warcraft game

    warner bros is hurting themselves by not posting this online faster for people to view it….plus theres so much
    batman stuff they could sell – comics / games / toys and
    dvd movies …

    plus if warner bros put up a simple link it would have
    been on twitter like 1 million times . thats good
    for the movie and warners …probably more than
    theatre only version

    this will probably happen with spiderman 4 …they put up
    exclusive trailer in movie trailer .. marvel won’t put it
    up online .

    its an interesting way to treat geeks who go crazy for these types of movies.

    hey DP – is this a smart movie or dumb move by warner bros …and does anybody outside the geek community care ?

  33. sanj says:

    since DP and Carey Mulligan are best friends – DP should ask
    her now to get an interview with Leo for great gatsby.

    i haven’t read the book or even know whats its about. mostly
    cause the school system forced shakespeare and somehow they
    missed making read this book..

    so Leo is busy i’m sure with 100 interview requests a day + he is forced by movie law to make a movie with Martin Scorsese every year.

  34. leahnz says:

    well nothing says ‘dark-&-edgy-hardout-gritty-urban-batman-crime-drama-action’ like Bud Light (how can budweiser get any ‘lighter’, is the alcohol content like 1%? ooh, badass…or is it calorically light?)

    anyway being a self-proclaimed completest how silly of me to neglect to mention above that jordan’s ‘interview with the vampire’ w/cruise and pitt was next on the docket for river, which would have been quite interesting to see. i’m sure you’re all flabbergasted i left that out, send all letters of complaint to DP

  35. Foamy Squirrel says:

    “send all letters of complaint to DP”

    Letters of complaint about the omission, or just letters of complaint in general?

  36. leahnz says:

    just about the omission…otherwise just complain out loud here like everybody else

  37. leahnz says:

    “A rapist, or at least our rapist, is about exercising his power over somebody. A serial killer is about destruction; they get off on destroying something. It’s not about having power over something, it’s about eliminating it. What thrills them is slightly different.”

    i don’t think steven zaillion has done his research on serial killers properly to make that claim

  38. leahnz says:

    i just might out-sanj sanj

    proof positive that once-clever, imaginative movie tag lines are now written by mental defectives:

    1979: “in space, no one can hear you scream”

    today: “the search for our beginning could lead to our end”

    (apparently all tag lines must now somehow relate to beginnings or endings)

  39. sanj says:

    north korea leader kim jong il died.

    anybody care ? no . cause its far far away. plus the only world leaders you are supposed to care about is the ones cnn tells you too..

    the southpark movie made fun of the leader ..

    so the guys at vice did a whole thing going there and
    filmed the crazy stuff that happens…

    here’s part 4 … its like 5 minutes.

    plus Colbert made fun of this guy – just search for Colbert + kim jong il …..

    and of course kim jong il was too famous for a dp/30.

    it might take a few months – somebody will make a good doc on this guy…

  40. yancyskancy says:

    leah: “The search for our beginning could lead to our end” — yeah, that makes it sound like the search leads right up their ass. Maybe a good metaphor for the way the studios work these days? 🙂

  41. leahnz says:

    lol yancy, exactly

  42. sanj says:

    looks like kim jong il son is going to takeover north korea .. thats not better.

    i expected DP to do a huge rant on this and there would be
    like 50 replies by now.

    cnn spent years and years doing stories on saddam hussien they forgot about kim jong il ..

    so the average person don’t know the crazy stuff he did…

    gotta wait for a documentary and then the leader will
    get a dp/30 ..

    they made a movie – devil’s double on saddam hussien …so that got a dp/30 …

    leader of the uk got a movie – iron lady …

    plus last king od scotland …the leader there got a movie

    some world leaders do the craziest stuff…

  43. sanj says:

    when i actually try to talk about something serious – like north korea – nobody pays attention.

  44. sanj says:

    some actors don’t seem to want the oscar bad enough to do a dp/30

    Rachel Weisz – The Whistleblower

    Angelina Jolie – In the Land of Blood and Honey

    Tom Hanks – Sandra Bullock – Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

    Pitt – Hill – Moneyball

    Ryan Reynolds – Buried

    they are all busy and famous but if they want a shot at oscar – gotta do a dp/30 ..

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