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David Poland

By David Poland

Weekend Estimates by Len The Lizard



So… the ASM worldwide cume is now estimated by Sony at $341.2m. That’s about $140m domestic, $150m international from 70 territories on the last week, and $50m from 13 territories that were open last weekend.

Assuming that ASM will double that number – a very safe, even modest assumption – it will be the #2 grosser of the year worldwide (all that really counts) behind only The Avengers and with TDKR on the way.

The will be lots of parsing to come, some surely by yours truly… but for a reboot that cost significantly less than a fourth film by the last team and with the promise of sequels, this is a big win for Sony. Sorry of you wish to believe that I am being too generous, but I think that’s, simply, silliness.

A bit lost behind Spidey Redux are solid continuing runs for Ted and Brave and the surprising opening of Oliver Stone’s Savages. Aside from the Wall Street sequel and World Trade Center, this is the best launch of his career. And given the presold element of both of those films, this is more impressive to me. This is another string showing from Universal’s marketing team, with Ted now looking bigger than Bridesmaids was last summer. Brave won’t be the biggest Pixar movie domestically, but it won’t be the smallest by a long shot, likely to pass $200m by this time next weekend.

Magic Mike has a bit of a holiday – and probably a switcheroo – hangover. But as families get back to their normal schedules, I’d expect a strong hold next weekend.

I was wrong, it seems, about Moonrise Kingdom, which is continuing to play strong and not play out.

Beasts‘ expansion went well… but is probably being overestimated by its media fanbase. We shall see.

And Katy Perry opened part of her to strong doc numbers, but not Bieberesque numbers. Good for her. Word from critics is good enough that I may even watch the film.

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31 Responses to “Weekend Estimates by Len The Lizard”

  1. etguild2 says:

    What movies have actually cost more than “Spider-man 3” (258 million) did?

    Other than “Pirates 3” which came out the same summer, have their been any? I’ve seen some claiming “Tangled” which seems insane, but since it was the first movie to merge hand-drawn and CGI animation, I guess it’s possible.

    Also conflicting reports on “John Carter,” and I’m assuming “The Hobbit” films will surpass it…

  2. kbx says:

    ASM still cost $230 though, but all in all a good result for Sony

    around 800m worldwide at least, for a reboot with casting which sets them up perfectly for future installments

  3. Rob says:

    Surprised at the strength of Savages. Popped into a showing after work on Friday and found it nearly sold out to a surprisingly teen-heavy audience, mostly nonwhite.

    Also caught Take This Waltz, which (mild spoiler alert) makes two movies in a row that feature man-man-lady threesomes.

  4. anghus says:

    They marketed it heavy on scarface associations. That will get non whites to the theater, but not as fast as Tyler Perry in drag

  5. Joe Leydon says:

    Rob: Scarface continues to have a major appeal to “nonwhite” audiences. Seriously: I don’t think there’s a Fiesta supermarket here in Houston where you can’t still buy Tony Montana T-shirts and framed posters.

  6. Joe Leydon says:

    Ron and Anghus: Also this: A few years ago, a friend who also taught at University of Houston (and also is very non-nonwhite) expressed her surprise that so many of her Hispanic and African-American students made references to Al Pacino. “Wasn’t The Godfather a long time ago, as far as people their age are concernerned?” So… Well, I took her to a Fiesta Mart.

  7. Smith says:

    No numbers for Take This Waltz? Saw it this weekend – found it half transporting/half infuriating, and have had trouble settling on a final consistent opinion of it. Also saw To Rome With Love, which was half assed even by late career Woody standards – personally thought it was his weakest since Melinda & Melinda, though several segments still charmed.

  8. LexG says:

    Blake Lively = the ultimate woman. That golden skin and BLONDE HAIR plus she shows her feet in some parts of the movie: Why can’t all women look like Blake?

  9. David Poland says:

    I believe there are about 10 films that cost more than $270m to make. And a lot more that cost between 200m and 250m, which means some of those could also be more than $270m in reality.

  10. chris says:

    I think that’s the exact half-and-half you’re supposed to be feeling, Smith.

  11. anghus says:

    Lex, if all women were Blake Lively, then none of them would be Blake Lively….

  12. LexG says:

    I guess so, it’s just NO WOMEN in Southern California look like Blake Lively. They all look like Imelda Marcos.

    What is this Laguna Beach in the movie? Is that a real place in LA? All I ever see is North Hollywood, Van Nuys, Glendale, and the dreaded nightmare of Burbank… All old people, horse people, and a zillion ethnic people. I never see Blake Lively just rolling into Poquito Mas on my lunch break.

  13. Big G says:

    At first I hated the idea of a 28 year-old playing teenage Peter Parker but then I recently rewatched Brian DePalma’s classic Carrie and realized all of the actors playing high school seniors (Spacek, Irving, Katt, Travolta, etc.) were all well into their 20s so it’s not that uncommon.

  14. LexG says:

    Shit, Edie McClurg is in CARRIE playing a high school kid, and she’s like 65.

  15. Big G says:

    Oops, that was meant for the other thread. Point still stands though.

  16. Big G says:

    Yeah, Lex, she Mr. Rooney’s secretary in Ferris Bueller ten years later, already looking like she was thirty years out of high school.

  17. chris says:

    Even McClurg, at 25 when “Carrie” came out, was younger than Garfield is now. And I think it’s slightly more believable in “Carrie” because at least those actors were all at the beginnings of their movie careers, as opposed to Stone and Garfield, who are already stars and have been college students/graduates in several other movies each.

  18. LexG says:

    Amy Irving in CARRIE is a retro ’76 LOOK AT HER of K-Stew proportions.

  19. sanj says:

    so the lesson hollywood teaches people is that real teenager actorts can’t be in a mega blockbuster movie like spiderman thats about teenagers .

    are any real teen actors mad at Stone and Garfield ?

  20. JS Partisan says:

    Oh yeah it needs to be mentioned: Pete and Gwen are seniors. Gwen points it out, when she introduces Pete to Dr. Connors. She also states that she’s number one in the class, and he’s number two. This makes me hope, that they do something with this. Gwen and Spidey teaming up to take down a villain, could be good stuff.

  21. Smith says:

    chris – yes, that’s sort of what i’m coming around to thinking as well.

  22. Yancy Skancy says:

    Lex: I had such a crush on Amy Irving. Then Spielberg stole her away from me. I’m sure you’ve seen her in THE FURY; if not, get on that.

    Big G: Not only is casting 20-somethings as high schoolers not that uncommon, it’s probably more common than not. James Dean comes to mind. And ever see the original Beverly Hills 90210?

  23. Burbanker says:

    Blake Lively went to Burbank High School.

  24. Big G says:

    Lex: Nancy Allen and P.J. Soles were also smoking hot in that movie. And speaking of hotness, I thought the Katy Perry movie would do better than it did. She’s sold millions of records and has had lots of #1 singles, so she is obviously very popular. Still don’t understand the logic of opening the movie on Thursday.

  25. cadavra says:

    BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL = Lex’s Worst Nightmare.

  26. Tom says:

    Laguna Beach is south of LA, in Orange County. I thought people would remember the mid-00s MTV show Laguna Beach, since it seems to be trending on Twitter every morning lately.

  27. LexG says:

    I contain multitudes, Cadavra, because I really liked Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Yeah, I’m always talking up big dumb actions and explosions and the McG/Berg/Bay aesthetic, but I see everything except animation, plus I generally like everything I see.

    Why just yesterday I saw People Like Us. Though I guess that has the double-LOOK AT HER Banks/Wilde factor.

  28. cadavra says:

    Lex: That you liked MARIGOLD straight-up just earned you ten gold stars in my book. Good on ya.

  29. Josh says:

    “But as the family’s get back to their normal schedule’s, I’d expect a strong hold next weekend.”

    Yikes. Proofreading can be your friend.

  30. Joe Leydon says:

    C’mon, Lex, tell the truth: You dug Marigold because you know deep in your heart that Maggie Smith could still ride your ass like Zorro.

  31. etguild2 says:

    I think it’s because Judi Dench bares her feet.

    Btw…anyone notice that the actual for SPIDERMAN was $3 million less than the estimate? Worst differential of the year. Yikes.

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