MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Weekend Estimates by Alex Crossdress Klady

So… given the history of Paranormal, you’re looking at a $60m domestic total, though international has grown over the last episodes, so look for foreign to be bigger than domestic for the first time with this franchise… though this will still likely be the lowest grosser of the franchise both domestically and worldwide… and still make a bundle.

Not so much Alex Cross, which did okay by some standards… but fails to make the tranny-sition that Tyler Perry has been jones-ing over for years now.

14, 22, 25, 23. Those are the drops for Argo, Hotel Transylvania, Pitch Perfect, and Seven Psychopaths. I’d say that four drops under 25% in the Top 11 is a pretty thing. And I’m not including the #12 movie, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, which held even (0% drop) while adding just 19 screens to get to 745 this weekend.

In fact, the only estimated drop of 40% or worse in the Top 10 this weekend was 51% for Sinister… which isn’t bad for that genre.

Not a lot to be thrilled with in the arthouses. The Sessions did well, but not sensationally. The Paperboy is already petering out. Oscilloscope is thrilled with Samsara’s $2 million, the new high theatrical watermark for the company.

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39 Responses to “Weekend Estimates by Alex Crossdress Klady”

  1. bulldog68 says:

    Not too shabby a drop on Boom either. I don’t know what the budget is or Sony’s expectations were but if it was made on the cheap they might have a Timothy Greenlike moderate hit on their hands. The reviews are not stellar among industry critics, but general audience reviews are really good.

  2. Aaron Aradillas says:

    Anyone know what the opening for KISS THE GIRLS was? (I’m too lazy to look it up myself.) That was fifteen years ago. Is Perry’s reboot better, worse, or same as the original. I remember that one being marketed as a joint vehicle for Freeman and Judd. They were obviously mooching off of Freeman’s association with SE7EN.

  3. alynch says:

    According to Box Office Mojo, Kiss The Girls opened to $13 million, but it had some pretty good holds in the ensuing weeks and was able to top out at 60.

  4. movieman says:

    “Alex Cross” is hardly the worst movie I’ve seen this year.
    Hell, it’s not even the worst movie I’ve seen this weekend. (That would be “Fun Size”).
    For that matter, it’s not even the worst Rob Cohen movie (hello, “Stealth”).
    The plot is actually pretty serviceable for B-grade genre fare (Patterson deserves most of the thanks here). What sinks it is the utterly pedestrian, ho-hum filmmaking and generally uninspired–or inept in some cases–performances. At times I thought I was watching an endless loop of one of those wildly popular CBS police procedurals that I never, ever watch.
    Perry is unconvincing as both a cop and a heterosexual (sorry, Madea), but Matthew Fox does a neat job as the psycho killer.
    And to think, Cohen actually evinced some promise as a director once upon a time.
    I sort of loved 1980’s “Small Circle of Friends,” and genuinely liked “Scandalous” (w/ Robert Hays and John Gielgud) and “Dragon” (his 1993 Bruce Lee biopic).
    Even “Dragonheart” w/ Dennis Quaid wasn’t terrible.
    What the hell happened to him anyway?
    His original “Fast and the Furious” was arguably the worst in that highly profitable series; “XXX” was beyond-dreary; and “Stealth” made my 2005 10-worst list.
    Awesome “Argo” hold, but (tragically) Summit/Lionsgate continues to fritter away “Wallflower”‘s earning potential.
    Who would have guessed “The Master” would outgross it?

  5. Aaron Aradillas says:

    Cohen’s best is his HBO movie THE RAT PACK.

    I don’t know why the studio didn’t embrace the whole “See Tyler Perry Like Never Before” aspect of casting him as Cross. Maybe Lee Daniels should’ve directed it. A Lee Daniels-directed ALEX CROSS would certainly be something.

    Actually, CBS’s BLUE BLOODS might be the most subversive cop show on a major network. The words “democrat” or “Republican” are never used, but it is CLEARLY the work of conservatives. This doesn’t mean it’s bad, but it’s fascinating to watch every week as they navigate NYC politics. I mean, the show focuses on a family of decorated cops named Reagan. Donnie Wahlberg is actually quite strong on the show. I wonder what it would be like to see him act with his brother.

  6. The Pope says:

    Looper has done very well, wouldn’t you say? Box-Office Mojo lists the budget at 30 and the worldwide take at $130. And they’re not even including the figures from China.

  7. movieman says:

    My favorite Donnie Wahlberg perf was his sterling turn opposite the great Robert Forster in 2001’s (sadly) underseen “Diamond Men.”

  8. Joe Leydon says:

    Sorry: Scandalous practically drove me out of the theater. But Diamond Men? Sweet.

  9. YancySkancy says:

    Forster is awesome in DIAMOND MEN, and Wahlberg definitely holds his own. The film itself is a beautifully observed slice of life–for about 9/10ths of its running time. But late in the game, writer/director Dan Cohen seems to say, “Uh-oh, I forgot to have some kinda ‘movie crap’ happen.” So he throws in a little danger and a twist ending that negates something we think we know about one of the characters. That’s a disappointment, but not enough to withhold a recommendation.

  10. ThriceDamned says:

    The budget on Looper was 60m, reported in numerous places and also by Rian Johnson himself. Mojo simply has it wrong.

    Regardless, it looks like it’ll be a modest success, probably going for somewhere between 170-200m worldwide.

    Great movie I thought.

  11. bulldog68 says:

    I haven’t seen Alex Cross so I can`t criticize the movie itself, but I am part of the collective who welcomed the news that this would be an Idris Elba vehicle only to get immensely gut punched when Tyler Perry was announced.

    Outside of Idris, and if Denzel or Will did not want to step into the role, I`d have loved to see Jamie Foxx or Chiwetel Ejiofor, or most interestingly, Jeffrey Wright, who I think always steals the scenes he is in.

    Lawrence Fishburne I`m sure could have been considered but then it would just look like another CSI episode, which it seems they accomplished anyway based on the reviews I have read.

    It seems like such a sellout that they wanted an above the title actor instead of a going with an actor to bring some gravitas to the character. And now the experiment while not a massive box office failure to what appears to be it`s relatively low production cost will be deemed as a failure. What a letdown.

  12. hcat says:

    But would have there even been another Cross movie without Perry’s involvement? Fans of the books surely are happy to get a new installment but its not like its some plum role that Idris or Chiwetel is looking for to put him over the top.

    Denzel does fine without a signature franchise role (though it is still a shame we have didn’t have a slew of Rawlins films), and the others mentioned might like a regular franchise but Cross seems like such a 90’s role. Like others have mentioned above today’s franchises battle dragons, robots or other assorted CGI beasts, serial killers are now for almost-was movie stars looking to pad out their retirement with regular series work.

  13. bulldog68 says:

    I get what you’re saying Hcat. I think there is a market for this franchise however, and while it may never be the next Hunger Games, at $30m a pop, a good script, and a decent dramatic lead, it could be a resectable and profitable franchise.

    I’m sure a lot of the male black names mentioned would have loved the chance to step into Morgan Freeman’s shoes and chew some scenery. There isn’t another series out there that features a black lead, so resume wise, it would have looked good if they were profitable.

  14. movieman says:

    Has anyone else noticed that the only time Tyler Perry projects a masculine screen presence is when he’s playing a woman (i.e., granny-from-hell Madea)?

    Not trying to make a homophobic crack here, just saying.

  15. cadavra says:

    Idris Elba would indeed have been ideal, but Lionsgate wouldn’t have put 20c into a movie starring him. They want the big name to keep the Wal-Mart folks happy. Wanna know why Russell Crowe is in IRON FISTS? That’s why.

    P.S.: “THE PAPERBOY is already petering out.” GOOD JOKE.

  16. Prettok says:

    Not all black actors want to be Morgan Freeman 2.0. And after doing Luthor, wouldnt ‘Alex Cross’ be a step back creatively for Idris Elba?

  17. bulldog68 says:

    Certainly did not stop him from doing Ghost Rider.

  18. movieman says:

    I just noticed that my cable provider (Armstrong Cable) is offering “2016: Obama’s America” free to all of their subscribers instead of charging the usual $3.99 for new PPV releases.
    Sounds awfully fishy to me.
    I’d love to know who’s behind it.
    (Remember that I live in the highly coveted “swing” state of Ohio.)

  19. Prettok says:

    I meant Elba would be covering the same ground ( crime procedural), but of a lesser quality.

  20. hcat says:

    Thor and Ghost Rider certainly didn’t give Elba room to stretch his creative muscles but they were high profile films and I am sure the paydays were the best he has ever gotten.

  21. hcat says:

    I know it will never happen since DC wants to tie in the next series into everything else ala Avengers, but I would love to see Elba take a few turns as Batman.

  22. LtotheG says:

    Batman isn’t black.

    Besides, what is this geek meme where Idris Elba is MAGICAL or something? Done this rant before, but white geeks seem to only be able to process one “cool” black actor every five years– and it’s usually one who shows up in “white” TV or movies. Cheadle, Eljiofor, now it’s Elba.

    It’s a sort of geek tokenism, usually by guys who wouldn’t DEIGN to see an actual authentic African-American movie.

  23. bulldog68 says:

    Just for the record Lexg, I’m black. And what the fuck is “white tv”?

  24. bulldog68 says:

    And just as a matter of interest, what would you deem as a “actual authentic African American movie?”

  25. LtotheG says:


  26. bulldog68 says:

    And I guess a white movie would be what? Freddie Got Fingered?

    The problem with your answer Lexg is that everything you do is for a reaction. And the problem with Madea being described as an African American movie is an example of what is wrong both with Hollywood and America.

    I always cringe when I read that a particular movie was made for “black” audience. Does it come with some special glasses? Is it in code? Do white people have to pay a surcharge to get in?

  27. hcat says:

    Elba is hardley magical but he is a very good looking guy with strong acting chops. Is there really anything Clooney does as an actor that is beyond Elba’s capability? Its simply wanting to see a good actor get better roles, no different than wanting Gerwig to succeed. Not a geek thing, and certainly not a ‘some of my favorite actors are black” meme.

    And you forgot Jeffery Wright, honestly if there was ever a black actor that the hard core movie crowd latched onto and wished to see more often thats the guy.

    But this isn’t just Black actors that we do this with, isn’t our current fascination with Jessica Chastian the same thing

  28. martin s says:

    Elba is hardley magical but he is a very good looking guy with strong acting chops

    Elba hijacked Eamonn Walker’s career, and he got stuck on one of the crappiest shows I’ve ever had the accident of viewing, for several hand-over-mouth minutes; Chicago Fire.

  29. LYT says:

    “And I guess a white movie would be what?”

    IT’S COMPLICATED would be a good example.

  30. scooterzz says:

    as a white guy who has attended a few of perry’s madea plays on the chitlin’ circuit, i can tell you that they (just like the films) are aimed directly at the african-american audience…perry, himself, has admitted as much….
    no ‘special glasses’ but a distinct sensibility that he knows very well how to serve…

  31. StellaPD says:

    There are geeks who will never go to a movie with black stars, period. Some geek sites regularly rave about Elba but 99% of the time they mention Stringer Bell and nothing else (well, at least before Prometheus). They would not be caught dead at Daddy’s Little Girls and constantly belittle those movies sight unseen. They respond to news of a new Tyler Perry movie as if someone just told them Raja Gosnell or Brett Ratner will be directing the Justice League movie. But hcat is right, it’s a matter of wanting to see talented actors one really likes get good roles, be it Elba or Anthony Mackie or Kevin Bacon or Michael Pena.

  32. bulldog68 says:

    “They respond to news of a new Tyler Perry movie as if someone just told them Raja Gosnell or Brett Ratner will be directing the Justice League movie.”

    Believe me, the visceral scream that eminates from sectors of the black community are equally if not more so critical for every new Tyler Perry/Madea movie. Some of us view these Madea movies as perpetuating a streotype that does absoluetly no good for the black community. It’s always a good thing to see black actors working, but to see good actors reduced to being stepinfetchitesque players induces vomit bag moments.

    Same goes for his TV shows. I tried watching Meet the Browns and literally could not get through it. It was a few levels below stupid. And I like stupid dumb leave your brain at the door comedies. This wasn’t just stupid, it was insulting.

  33. StellaPD says:

    Oh I believe it bulldog, and I wasn’t trying to claim that the Madea movies are “actual authentic African-American films.” I’ve heard anti-Perry/Madea arguments from the black community. But fanboys/geeks I’ve interacted with on some sites give a pass to/defend a whole lot of garbage while hyperventilating about Perry movies while basically declaring that they represent the end of cinema/civilization/life as we know it. Their reactions seemed a bit extreme, especially since they’d admit to never having actually seen a single Perry movie.

  34. anghus says:

    White movie – This is Forty

  35. palmtree says:

    What makes Tyler Perry so fascinating is exactly that he has built a successful career on a specifically cultivated audience (not ALL black people, but those who have become fans from his plays and persona). I don’t think this minimizes him in any way…on the contrary, it’s brilliant to have a star come up grassroots-style doing his own material with support of Hollywood. I’m not a fan personally, but I admire the amount of hard work and talent needed to pull this off.

  36. LtotheG says:

    Brian J White, Michael Ealy, and Morris Chestnutt, I’d throw out there are talented black actors who work almost exclusively in black-themed comedies and the “buppie” romcom genre, and probably your average white “geek” couldn’t pick them out of a lineup, unless they knew White from DOA or The Shield. Ealy in particular is pretty world-class, AND starred in a 20-mil opener… but white geeks know is CAST IDRIS! IDRIS FOR BATMAN! IDRIS FOR BOND!

    And, being frank, I liked him on The Wire, and I saw Obsessed and enjoyed it for what it was…. But IDRIS ELBA really this FONT of big-screen charisma?

    Usually he’s standing around fourth-billed looking out of shape, unshaven, 65 years old, like a dumpier Carl Lumbly. Is he THAT exciting or good-looking? Keep hearing people say Elba could be Bond. Elba looks like he’s pushing *60* even though he’s in his late 30s. He”s 6-5 and like 340 pounds, not in shape whatsoever and kind of a big towering oaf with a terrible American accent. Was he really ripping up the screen in Prometheus? The Losers? Thor? American Gangster? He’s great on TV but kind of BORING in movies.

  37. bulldog68 says:

    “Brian J White, Michael Ealy, and Morris Chestnutt, I’d throw out there are talented black actors who work almost exclusively in black-themed comedies and the “buppie” romcom genre.”

    I’m sure that’s not by choice. That’s the problem.

  38. Joe Leydon says:

    Funnily enough, when I talked with Edward Burns a while back, he told me one of the reasons he did Fitzgerald Family Christmas was, while doing Alex Cross, Tyler Perry encouraged him to “super-serve your niche.”

  39. LYT says:

    Idris was GREAT in Thor. The only alien character who behaved like an actual not-of-this-world being.

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