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David Poland

By David Poland

Weekend Estimates By PennyKlady

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18 Responses to “Weekend Estimates By PennyKlady”

  1. Hcat says:

    Not only a tremendous number but this is without an IMAX OR 3D bump and the 8th, 16th and 18th largest media markets out of commission.

  2. Pete B says:

    So was it perverse genius or just dumb luck that this IT came out 27 years after the Tim Curry miniseries?

  3. Cheetah Dancer says:

    Hcat, not sure where you’re getting your info from, but IT is absolutely playing at IMAX theaters, not in 3D though.

  4. Sideshow Bill says:

    I had a wonderful time with IT. What fun, audience-pleasing horror film. Perfect? No. But a great experience nonetheless. I look forward to chapter 2 and do right by that portion of the book.

    Happy to see Wind River doing OK for itself. Not showy numbers but the film is getting some attention. It deserves it.

  5. LBB says:

    Agree all around, SSB. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Some misgivings have cropped up as the first-view high has worn off. Mainly with use of Bev toward the end (though at least she isn’t used like she is at that point in the book) and some of the jumpscare bits got repetitive. But there was also a nice variety of scares and they did a good job of making it a buffet of horror technique like the book. Some of it left fresh scars.

    Seeing the CLOSE ENCOUNTERS 4K tomorrow and am beyond excited. It’s a lynchpin movie in my growing up. Can’t wait to see it on a large screen again.

  6. leahnz says:

    is there a horror cliché IT (the movie) doesn’t indulge?
    whack-a-mole with pennywise’s head would have been good

  7. EtGuild2 says:

    9/11, which isn’t listed here, apparently managed about 10 tickets per-day-per-theater. I heard it was genuinely boring so didn’t go, though hear that Whoopi Goldberg’s sentient fright wig gives Pennywise a run for his money as the scariest character to enter theaters this weekend.

  8. Saul says:

    Although the whole nostalgia thing has gotten old, I’d love it if this led to a trend of more adaptations of blockbuster novels from the 80s and 90s. Bring back John Grisham and Michael Crichton movies! Crichton I suppose they’ve filmed most if not all of the decent stuff. But there are a few good John Grisham novels that never got filmed. Wonder if we could ever see another one of those. I guess none of them are horror, or have that brand name recognition of IT. And those Grisham movies were movie star movies, and we don’t have movie stars any more.

  9. amblinman says:

    “It” strikes me as a movie very much requiring audience participation to enjoy. If you had a loud, raucous group freaking out and cheering at the right parts, it was probably great.

    I didn’t have that, so all I was left with was a mediocre movie.

    Did not like the performance nor design of Pennywise. I don’t understand all the praise. Kids were good. That’s about it.

    Can’t wait for the news that they’re breaking the next chapter into two parts so they can squeeze a trilogy out of this.

  10. hcat says:

    Amblin, lets not forget an inevitable origin prequel for Pennywise.

  11. Stella's Boy says:

    There’s a lot of truth to that amblinman. That’s what the piece linked to on the main page argues as well. I saw it with a full house and it definitely added to my enjoyment, even though I think the movie is slightly above average at best. And yeah after this weekend you have to think they want at least two more of these. Ugh hcat don’t say that. This will be a universe a la The Conjuring soon.

  12. hcat says:

    I don’t know if there is a lesson to be learned in comparisons to this and the Dark Tower’s ambitions. The monster of a book was cut in half and modestly budgeted and will expand while Dark Tower started out as a trilogy with a tv show to fill in the blanks and got whittled down to an incomprehensibly short feature that has made the source material toxic for at least a short time.

  13. Sideshow Bill says:

    I saw IT with my girlfriend, her daughter and my daughter. And a fully packed house even though the Bears were playing. There’s no doubt that helped the experience. It’s an audience-pleaser. Maybe I’ll see it’s flaws later on but I had great, great time and that’s so rare that I’m gonna hold it close to my heart for a while. The church of the cinema still lives.

  14. hcat says:

    Well whatever flaws IT has they are not as glaring as the ones the Bears have. You certainly made the correct choice.

  15. Sideshow Bill says:

    LOL at hcat. Yea. I’m not even a Bears fan. I’m a Dolphins fan in Bears country. But that’s a whole other conversation.

  16. leahnz says:

    just thinking about pennywise in this incarnation of IT (rather than a screed about the movie’s numerous problems and inadequacies), adapting pennywise is a tricky proposition because
    ———- SPOILERS ———————–
    the character is not an evil clown but rather the guise of a clown is used as a lure – like those deep sea anglerfish with the luminescent bulbs that draw the smaller fish in, and by the time the true nature of the predator is apparent it’s too late and they get gobbled up.

    one of the reasons tim curry’s pennywise is so weird and effective is that there’s a certain…struggling for the words to describe it accurately here…vacant, staring, bizarre other-worldly quality to the performance, creepy and disarming to be sure but the monstrous entity within stays mostly hidden as IT talks a good game to lure you in and only reveals its truly sinister, violent nature when you’re close and it’s too late to escape the deadlights, a performance with a degree of esoteric nuance beyond ‘SCARY CLOWN!’.

    this new incarnation of pennywise — one-note, OTT sinister, capering, pop-up, jump-scare pennywise — is kind of emblematic of the problem with much of today’s horror in general, lacking in nuance and facets, just a cheap mischaracterisation more akin to ‘the joker’ than the unfathomable subterranean entity who hides in the guise of a clown to lure children in. i mean, kids are dumber than sacks of hair bless them but please, no kid’s going to be fooled by/or go anywhere near this blatantly menacing I’M AN EVIL CLOWN! version, just silly

  17. Doug R says:

    So IT is basically a long version of The Spongebob Squarepants movie’s ice cream scene?

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