MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

How Much Disclosure?

The LA Times nailed Zorianna Kit for attacking Brad Grey as a journalist without disclosing that her husband, a producer, had lost a lawsuit to him in recent years.

That does seem to be a clear conflict… even if her comments were not inaccurate.

And of course, we have to look at why the L.A. Times is running that story today.

But what do you think? All entertainment writers have a lot of relationships. Can Zorianna Kit never mention Paramount again because her husband once had a beef with the film chief? And what of positive relationships?

How much disclosure works for you? Or do you care at all?

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43 Responses to “How Much Disclosure?”

  1. JoeLeydon says:

    Sorry, didn’t intend to repeat.

  2. bicycle bob says:

    leydon, i know what u have to say is important but 4 times?

  3. Mark says:

    Disclosure is key because it gives perspective. Every writer should list the books he has written and link to the articles he has written. And losing a lawsuit to the guy you are attacking? That should be mentioned in parapgraph one.

  4. Angelus says:

    Writers have agendas. When one conceals it makes the public distrustful of every writer.

  5. Barry says:

    The time to disclose and not to disclose is entirely debateable. However, I think most readers and editors would agree that in this case, Zorianna’s Kit stinks. Of course Zorianna can continue to do stories on Paramount, but negative stories specifically on Grey? That’s probably something her journalistic ethics should preclude her from.

  6. TheBrotherhoodOfTheLostSkeletonOfCadavra says:

    I don’t watch the KTLA News, but I saw Kit on that ghastly “Movie Club” on AMC, sitting cross-legged on her chair and giggling uncontrollably as she reviewed movies in the most idiotic manner imaginable. That she is what passes for “journalist” nowadays makes me weep.

  7. Chester69 says:

    The bitch is heavily into antidepressents. Plus what kind of chick wants to be named “Zoriana”? Sounds like an alien in Star Trek.

  8. bicycle bob says:

    what guy wants to be called “chester”?

  9. Spam Dooley says:

    I remember when Zorianna came to LA in 1995. She was working it from the moment she got here. She had her little binder book full of BS stories she had done in Toronto. She screwed guys that would hook her up where she wanted. She got a gofer job at the Hollywood Reporter where she started saying she was the new Anita Busch- till Anita found out and sorted her out. She used to live on air blown popcorn for several years due to the worst anorexia I have ever witnessed. Then she met this guy who staged faked writing contests, and saw mutual evil in his heart so they are now reproducing little Damiens. She is scary looking as hell, and convinced that she and hers can do no wrong. The guy sued over a VERBAL agreement for profits… I mean what the hell? Of course she should not say anything about Brad Grey but hey, they are the same class of opportunist so….

  10. to spam dooley says:

    Hey Spam Dooley, you seem to know ‘quite’ a lot about her. Sounds like you are bitter in some way. As to the ethics thing, well… it’ll pass. Lawsuits are so common in the US. Trust me, she isn’t all that bad of a person that you make her out to be. Ahh, disclosure.. what, so does she have to disclose that she knows ‘that’ person or ‘this’ person before she comments about them!??! It’s just a job, take it for what it is, if you don’t like it, change the channel. But again Spam Dooley, it is quite obvious you hold some sort of grudge, you disclose things that only someone who really ‘knows’ her could post. Grow up, find another gal ;)… Zorianna is a Ukrainian name to the other poster by the way, and there is nothing wrong with that name.

  11. Spam Dooley says:

    Hey, Dipshit
    The entire discussion is about ethics. I was illustrating that she had none. You call it just a job. I call it the public trust. Your friends call you moron. SO?

  12. to Dipshit Spam dooley says:

    Speaking of ethics, you aren’t displaying great quality ones at this time. You brought up ‘air blown popcorn’. What does THAT have to do with on air ethics?! Ummm, none, from what I can tell. I made my point about the ethics part, so did you, but it was you who had all the ‘hot air’ about her personal life

  13. Terence D says:

    Spam Dooley must be Zorianna herself.

  14. Spam Dooley says:

    Dipshit is Zorianna, Terence “Bite Me” D.
    Spam Dooley is the righter of wrongs.
    Dear anonymous, uncreative, no name Dipshit-
    The whole point IS her personal life. In her personal life her contest rigging husband was smacked down by several courts over a lawsuit he filed against Brad Grey. Brad is a dick, but Kit/Zenga had nothing real to sue him over. She then expressed her bad opinion of him to the public without revealing her personal animus. You haven’t addressed the ethics, dipshit, you just said they don’t matter. I mean, buy a clue- if she went on KTLA talking about someone’s anorexia or living an ALL ABOUT EVE scenario – the fact that she did the same IS very fucking relevant indeed.
    You are pathetic beyond compare for supporting that squinty eyed freak.

  15. Obvious says:

    Hi Spam Dooley,
    I’m sorry, I don’t know how popcorn affects ethics in this case.

  16. Matt says:

    It’s an interesting discussion. More revealing about Spam Dooley than anyone else. For all of Kit’s faults, she obviously showed excellent judgment in not sleeping with him. Wasn’t a fan of her’s until right now.

  17. Spam Dooley says:

    To Obvious- I explained it away above but let’s try again….
    When your personal life creeps into your journalistic life, even if it has NO affect, you need to report or or appear compromised.
    So the fact for example, that Zorianna thinks that Bert Fields conspired to bug her phones IS relevant if she reports on Bert Fields.
    As far as the anorexia, I was bringing it up to slam her. Because she is a cow. Got it?
    To Matt
    I never said she didn’t sleep with me.

  18. Matt says:

    So, you’re into bovine love, Spam? MAD COW! MAD COW!

  19. bicycle bob says:

    dooley is into hearing himself talk. hence the long nonsense posts about god knows what

  20. Spam Dooley says:

    You can’t even capitalize a sentence,much less read my complex posts.
    Sad, really.

  21. Terence D says:

    Mr Dooley, I don’t think its the fact that your posts are over anyones head. I think its the fact that no one wants to bother wasting their time reading a ponderous line of crap. This is a blog. A quick thoughts page. Not Spam Dooleys blog.

  22. Disclosure says:

    See Mr. Spam Dooley…
    ETHICS? You didn’t disclose your relationship with her before your post, so now everything you say is invalid. You didn’t disclose information, your code of ethics are in question. And you are questioning her ethics? My point is made and nailed. Did you happen to drive a black NSX?

  23. Mark says:

    Lets be real here and say Spammy Dool didn’t have a point. If he did, I lost it in the novel he jotted down.

  24. Spam Dooely says:

    Mark writes—
    “Lets be real here and say Spammy Dool didn’t have a point”
    So illiterate as to be hilarious!
    To Disclosure (probably noted “journalist” Borys Kit who was hired illegally by the Hollywood Reporter with Immigration still pending)
    My name isn’t Spam Dooley either. I am not reporting news. I am reporting my opinion. You can ignore it or not. I am not being paid. NO ETHICS APPLY TO A MESSAGE BOARD you stupid, foolish, useless tool.

  25. Useless Tool says:

    Nope… not him, but John, seriously, name calling? How low do you have to get?!? Would sleeping with you get me anywhere? Is that how Hollywood works according to you? Look, she’s a fine talented young individual who will go very far.. I give her credit. Ethics do apply to a message board, so does conduct.

  26. Mr. Hollywood says:

    Mark wrote: And losing a lawsuit to the guy you are attacking?
    She didn’t loose a lawsuit against anyone, it was Zenga, his intellectual property was stolen, I somewhat believe it! I don’t think she had to disclose this information, she had an opinion based on fact, and she clearly stated it. Nothing new here.

  27. To Spam Dooley says:

    Spam Dooley wrote in a message above : “She used to live on air blown popcorn for several years due to the worst anorexia I have ever witnessed.” That is not a grammatically correct sentence, I can see you are not a journalist, nor educated in the English language.

  28. Mr. Hollywood says:

    No no… read Spam Dooley’s sentence again, he witnessed her anorexia and that is why she ate air blown popcorn for several years. lol… 😉

  29. Intrigued says:

    Mr./Ms. Dooley,
    You have certainly taken a ride on the bitter bus. What is your agenda? What do you have invested in revealing such personal and VERY detailed information about Zorianna Kit? How do you know this information? I assume you’re just venting, but, really, what do you hope to accomplish, via this blog? You were either a) very close to her, at some point, so as to have acquired all the personal information you’ve posted or b) you are a pathological liar. What was the nature of the relationship, between the two of you or is this some sort of second hand information/assumption, on your part.
    You seem to be very, very angry at Zorianna Kit.

  30. Spam Dooley says:

    The biggest problem with trying to educate the anonymous masses is that they are unaware of the extent of their own stupidity. Oh well, it is my burden as a genius.
    To Mark- umm, no, Zenga sued not because of his intellectual property but to enforce an ORAL contract about sharing the profits. He was laughed at just like you awlays are. And ethically, of course she DID have to disclose it and the station made her when revealed. Not that you understand the concept of ethics. Her opinion was no more valid than anyone else’s and colored by the facts of her husband’s lawsuit.
    To Anonymous Shit for Brains who cannot even come up with a handle/name- The sentence you quote is 100% grammatically correct- we all enjoyed another laugh at your expense. But why not address the issue of Kit’s journalistic lapse, eh Borys?
    To Ed Carney (Intrigued)
    Truth to you equals bitterness. Got it. As you can tell by her brother’s posts to derail the thread, the facts are true. What do I gain? Maybe I hate her. Maybe I hate you. Does revealing the truth always have to lead to a gain? Would you charge to testify against Jackson when you saw his hand on a tiny pee pee? Anger is a base emotion. Kit is a fraud who fails upwards. I simply state the facts for your analysis.

  31. Matt says:

    So, anger is a base emotion that you aren’t displaying? Fraud is unfortunate but not nearly so pathetic as self-deception. Am unclear as to why you find your vendetta palatable/justifyable and any defenders of Kit to be “unaware of the extent of their own stupidity.” Please explain in a lucid manner.
    As for your burden of genius, am awaiting any evidence of this cross you supposedly bear. And I’ll gladly come by with some nails and a hammer if you really want to martyr yourself, but then you reman anonymous as well don’t you, Jesus of Spam?

  32. Terence D says:

    Dooley, I wish you could actually spell and use proper grammar. Maybe then you would be taken seriously instead of being laughed at.

  33. Spam Dooley says:

    Terry baby-
    I’ve spelled every word right every time.
    Your ignorance is showing.

  34. Stella's Boy says:

    You have spelled every word right every time? What does awlays mean?

  35. Spam Dooley says:

    Ah young Pablo, you poor retarded Mexican lad…
    Sometimes people make a typo
    This is not a wrong spelling
    This is brain going faster than fingers
    The site is too basic to have an edit figure.
    Otherwise I could correct my spelling of your name, you kunt.
    Look- INS!

  36. Stella's Boy says:

    Yikes. Who’s ignorant? For starters, I’m not Mexican. Pablo is a nickname (my name is Paul). I am as white as they come. But it’s nice to know how narrow-minded and racist you are. Says a lot about you. And I’m not the one who stated that I never spelled a word wrong. That was you.

  37. Spam Dooley says:

    Yes a lot of white men named Paul have Pablo as a nickname. Yup. And I am not racist. We NEED people like you to clean the restaurant. And I have never spelled a word wrong. Except kunt- oh and last week I spelled “Pabro es una douche y una piece of mierda” incorrectly.

  38. Mr. Hollywood says:

    Spam Dooley’s name is John, I believe he drove an Acura NSX some years ago (I’m taking a wild guess). You’re wrong though, I am not her brother. But I do support her. It is fun to get a reaction from you, it is getting to be too easy. Oh well, I can’t wait to see your next response. Your opinion is biased, so your points about her are not valid.

  39. Spam Dooley says:

    No, my points are very valid. I have disclosed what I know about her. I haven’t mentioned things I know second hand (like the hatred former HR staffers have for her). Just the first hand stuff. Unlike Zor, I have no obligation to even do that. You can ignore my point, or accept it. But I submit that it is YOU who gives the reaction. I don’t give a flip. I think you are a joke. And I drive a Mustang- always have and always will. Guess on.

  40. intrigued says:

    Well, you’ve certainly made your point….OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Veracity notwithstanding, you are a bitter, angry person, with a touch of megalomania. The acerbic manner, in which you field inquiries reveals this aspect of your personae in spades. Your terminology (i.e., “ignorant masses,” “she’s a cow,” “maybe I hate her, maybe I hate you,”) is rather telling. This will be my final post, as I’m not interested in beating a dead horse, but, friend, perhaps you need to let this anger go. The only thing you stand to gain is an ulcer.

  41. Stella's Boy says:

    What exactly are you accomplishing with these tirades? Again, I am not a Mexican, and I do not work in a restaurant (not that it would matter). Your anger is puzzling and sad. Are you that unhappy? Do you feel better after you finish typing your attacks? Go back and read your posts. You will find words that are spelled wrong. I found one in about two seconds. Always spelled as awlays. Just so you know.

  42. Joe Leydon says:

    Hang down your head, Spam Dooley.
    Hang down your head and cry.
    Hang down your head, Spam Dooley.
    For, boy, you’re going to….
    Sorry, I couldn’t resist. (I am an unreconstructed Kingston Trio fan.)

  43. David Poland says:

    Guys –
    I like a good argument as much as anyone and I don’t mind Spam Dooley offering up whatever he likes – you don’t have to believe it and you have to know that anonymous has its purpose…
    But fun is fun and boring is boring.
    The argument has devolved into boring.
    So, with little being added to the conversation, this will be the first Hot Blog entry ever to have comments closed. See you at the next brawl.

The Hot Blog

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon