MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Estimating Sky Captain

The numbers are running from $15 million to $35 million… in other words, no one really knows.

Paramount’s Gerry Rich and his team have done a great job getting the focus on the action and grabbing remarkable reviews from the likes of 4-Star Roger Ebert.

The movie I’d be worried about if I was Paramount and looking for a #1 slot would be Mr. 3000, which could cross over and become this weekend’s Bringing Down The House surprise. If only they had hired Eugene Levy!!!

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4 Responses to “Estimating Sky Captain”

  1. BrotherhoodOfSteel says:

    Paramount did a great job of selling Sky Captain as being an original concept. Yeah. Like Lucas hasnt been using CGI sets since 97, but far be it from me to deny the UNIQUENESS of Sky Captain. How that bit of business got put over the advertising continues to baffle me.
    They should worry about Mr. 3000, because the kids do love Bernie Mac much more than Jude Law. If the kids loved Jude Law. I would be worried. It just wouldnt seem right. At least there are movies to see this weekend. Anytime you can have a box office debate in SEPTEMBER, then you just have to realize how utterly crap, the Summer movie season turned out to be.
    When they ruin the Bourne franchise, then you know you just witnessed a horrible Summer movie season.

  2. SRCputt says:

    Have you seen the film yet? Unique is a good word to use. I’ve never seen any film like Sky Captain.

  3. thedoom says:

    Decent movie. It tries to be star wars, indiana jones, and a film noir all at the same time, falls short of those expectations but is still fun to watch.

  4. BrotherhoodofSteel says:

    Yeah I have seen the film, and Sky Captain has a director who should be compared to P Diddy. I say this, because Couran just pretty much ripped off the Beard and Lucas, and put his own spin on it. Inspiration, sure, but not like P Diddy wasnt inspired by certain things, twisted, flipped, and put them out as his own.
    I would not be surprised to see a movie by Kouran in the future titled, “I CREATED THE STAR WARS!” If you dont get that reference, then I really cant help you. It’s some one percenter.
    Nevertheless if you TYPE, ie SAY, you havent seen a movie like Sky Captain, then you are just not paying attention to films that feature Obi and Frodo. He RIPS OFF the Rivendale shot for fuck’s sake! Just rips it right off! A decent movie, but it could have used some epic scope like Resident Evil Apocolypse.
    Yet both movies could have used BETTER THEMES! Sky Captain has absolutely the most generic score for a film like that, that someone REMIXING the beard and George should know better than to use. RE: APOC needed to give Nemesis a bloody THEME damn it!
    Again, this movie watches as NOTHING NEW! Just one man remixing the films of other men and their inspirations to put something good on the screen.

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