MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Sucking It Up Like A Sponge

Paramount did a series of presentations for The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie today, hosted by Tom Kenny and Bill Fagerbakke, who voice Sponge and his best friend/sidekick, Patrick Starfish.

There was an odd genius to the presentation, as you walked into the small screening room and were faced with a gigantic SpongeBob in every seat. There were, indeed, inanimate. But still, there was something powerful about their presence in the room. My niece, the only human in the room that represented the target demographic, let out a squeal of shock and delight that still makes me smile.

Tom and Bill came out and introduced the half dozen or so clips. And I have to say, the film got me to laugh hard enough to shut my eyes at least three times, Patrick or Plankton being the culprit in each case.

I was also struck by the visual style of the film. Director/Creator Stephen Hillenburg has a very specific style of having his characters play almost everything directly to the camera, making the visual experience much like theater. The camera rarely wanders inside a scene, between characters or offering much perspective on the happenings. Perhaps the dynamic represents the visual style of watching a fish tank. I’m not exactly sure why the aesthetic exists… Hillenburg was not at the screening. But moving a TV show, animated or not, to the big screen can be treacherous. And this variation of style strikes me as one of the reasons why SpongeBob doesn’t feel “just” like a larger version of the same old show.

After the clips, Fagerbakke and Kenny hung around and talked shop. Neither could have been any more gracious.

All in all, a very good event that left me wanting more. And my niece… she was in Bikini Bottom heaven.

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2 Responses to “Sucking It Up Like A Sponge”

  1. Ace Roberts says:

    I speculated months ago that Paramount would succeed with SpongeBob because the target audience is clear, and the fan base is set. I’m now interested in seeing how they handle Team America, Lemony Snicket, and Sahara where perhaps that isn’t the case. Especially Sahara!

  2. bicycle bob says:

    who doens’t love sponge bob???
    ur right dave. must be really slow news if you’re talking about this.

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