MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Michael Moore Responds…

As seems to be his habit, win or lose, he repeats himself. This image has been on his site for weeks… and now, it has replaced the front page of his website, leaving his many loyal followers to, uh, fend for themselves. It’s his ball… you failed him… now you have to look at this!


Perhaps it is better that Mike takes seven minutes… seven hours… seven days… and composes himself before he speaks out again.

But for now, he is offering the same degree of insight and perspective as usual… he hate Bush… Bush is murderer… history no written by the victor this time!!!!

On a lighter note, this bit of mockery came to me through another democratic country of note… every bit as pointed, but not nearly as petulant…


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30 Responses to “Michael Moore Responds…”

  1. Brotherhood says:

    Poland, I cannot see how your stance on this bullshit
    what so ever. What are we, the people of the blue,
    supposed to do for a group of human beings who
    hate gay folks, are against logical thought sense
    they VOTE from their GUTS not from the issues, and
    seriously believe the delusions of one of the most
    disgusting human beings in the history of government?
    What exactly are we supposed to do? How are we supposed
    to take the middle of the country, no matter it’s
    little flickers of blue, that are OPPOSED TO

  2. jesse says:

    Jesus Christ, Dave. Is Michael Moore capable of doing one thing, one single miserable thing, that meets with your almighty approval?? What in holy hell is wrong with him posting that picture on his website for now? If it stays that way for a month, yes, by all means criticize him for abandoning ship and whining when things don’t go his way. But for right now, for November fucking Third 2004, let him feel anger and sadness. Let him say “this is who was just re-elected” and nothing else. I felt like a zombie today and I don’t doubt Moore did too. And just for the record, I’m not a rabid Moore fan. I just like his movies (Bowling for Columbine moreso than F9/11, actually) and recognize his place in the scheme of things.
    I think part of the problem is that some liberals think that in order to be smart and realistic, they have to be so self-effacing that they don’t like virtually anything any other liberal/Democrat does — it’s too extreme or not extreme enough, or not the right tone, or doesn’t acknowledge how much people love our awful president, or whatever the newest complaint is… it’s like a cracked version of the crazed idealist who will only vote for a candidate who agrees with them 95% of the time or more. Sometimes you sound like you only want to support someone who shares exactly 70% of your beliefs (no more, no less) and in EXACTLY the right way, or else!

  3. ryan says:

    One of the reasons I would support getting rid of the electoral college is because it seems to foster this notion that people living within a state all share the same opinion.
    There were nearly 4.5 million Bush voters in Calfornia, almost as many as there in Bush’s adopted home state of Texas.
    The votes to ban same-sex marriage weren’t just in the so-called red states, either. Oregon and Michigan, two states that went for Kerry, voted in initiatives banning same-sex marriage, and the votes for such initiatives in states such as Ohio outstripped Bush’s numbers, leading to the obvious conclusion that some Kerry voters also voted to ban same-sex marriage.
    It’s not a state-vs-state thing. It never has been. The electoral college map can make it look like it, though.
    And, one way to not get them on your side is to act as if they’re idiots just because they believe differently than you do and paint them as unthinking or uncaring about issues just because you come to a different conclusion given the same set of facts. People have all sorts of reasons for forming their opinions. You can’t paint nearly 60 million people with a single brush any more than they could paint every Kerry voter with the same brush.

  4. martin says:

    all this moore hate is kind of disturbing. I get it, his ego is fatter than his belly. The guy got a great deal of the public more interested in the political process. Good on him.

  5. Brotherhood says:

    I can paint them with any brush I like. They are
    all one gluttonous mass that I have to
    share a country with who I am completely and utterly
    opposed to. I hate to break this to you; but
    opinions do not mean JACK AND SHIT when it comes
    to the facts. There are a ton of FACTS out there,
    and these ignorant dolts choose to ignore them
    for a man who will screw us mightily. Oh good
    forbid someone calls these assclowns on something.
    They are idiots. They are my oppositions. This
    will not change until people I have faith in,
    no matter they be democrat or republicans, have
    the power back.
    Right now; I have no power. Absolutely no power
    what so ever. In my mind, in many people’s mind,
    this country has sold them out. You know the faces
    in that picture are all the soldiers this president
    and his rash and bullshit decisions, led to their
    doom. They are dead, but god forbid I care about
    opinions. God forbid.

  6. David Poland says:

    I would argue that the way to take the country back is to proudly carry ideals instead of making hatred of the those who disagree the primary argument. Kerry could have lost by more, but he could have lost without pandering, building the opportunity for the next Democrat to state an affirmative case. These people who voted for Bush II are the same people who voted for Clinton ahead of Bush I and re-elected him despite all the “moral issues” of that moment. Have “they” changed? Are “they” capable of that kind of change?
    I blame Michael Moore in great part for leading the charge to losing this election. So I have no pity for him today. The demonizing of Clinton didn’t work for the Republicans and the demonizing of Bush didn’t work for the Democrats this time.

  7. the_doom says:

    I agree, Michael Moore was so egotistical that he thought he could change an election, and most people saw right through it.
    Well, I look forward to the future…
    Dean ’08!!!

  8. MeekayD says:

    No no no, it’s **Hillary** in ’08. That was a great reason to vote for Bush…

  9. BrotherhoodOfCPatterson says:

    Poland, they might have voted for Clinton in 1996,
    but he did not even get 50 percent of the popular
    vote. This country has changed be it through
    terrorism, the war, or some moral compass a bunch
    of dellitante (look at their opinions, and then tell
    me who represents the term more) want to IMPOSE on
    the rest of the nation.
    Do not blame Michael Moore; blame Kerry. IF he
    would have spent time on Howard Stern. He wins Ohio.
    It’s that simple. Instead, as politicians usually
    do; he opted for the high road. As we saw with
    that scumbag who won by the way he kept to his
    base. The high road does not always win an election.
    Kerry had a chance to make himself a regular guy
    on Stern, but instead choose the Daily Show. A
    show more irrelevent than most people want to believe.
    Kerry screwed up. It happens. It will not happen
    again in 2008. Do not go around casting blame
    Poland. The issues Moore covered in his film
    did not even matter to Scumbag’s base. They voted
    for morals. Who knew some people in this country
    wanted to exist like a more open-mined Taliban!

  10. Taiwan Steve says:

    Kerry’s Hair style is so stupid that I won’t believe he can be the president of US in this way. No wonder he lost.

  11. Sandy says:

    Are there any centrist, Democratic governors from the south? I believe that in my lifetime so far, the only Democrats in that category went on to become President.
    The Democrats have to pay attention to the south and midwest and connect with those bases.

  12. I’m tired of Moore being blamed for things. However obnoxious he may be to some people -at least he is brave and speaks his mind. If more of our good citizens who recognize how damaging the current trends are for civility in our nation, who recognize how immoral the removal of civil rights is in the name of cheap “moral values” would have spoken out… maybe we’d be better off. Moore may be an egotist. But he’s still a hero in my book. Somebody has to stand up and scream at injustices. I’m sorry so many people don’t like him but also consider…why are liberal minded celebrities who speak out so vilified? What is happening here?
    Is it wrong for famous folks to try and use their platform to generate discussion? If they didn’t do it -who would? The press isn’t doing it. The Republicans can’t do it because they are the machine that the rage is against. Who else that can be heard is doing it.
    Give Moore a fucking break.

  13. Jen says:

    Moore got people to see his film and preached to the choir, but in the end it didn’t do any good for Kerry. Celebrities and filmmakers like Moore have the right to speak up like anyone else, but they didn’t get through to the constituencies that put Bush back into the White House.

  14. Joe Leydon says:

    David, if you’re going to make fun of Michael Moore for posting something that is a few weeks old, should we then mock you for posting something — the joke Time magazine cover — that is FOUR YEARS OLD? (It made the rounds of the Internet just a day or two after the 2000 election. And I have friends who have kept it posted on their refrigerator doors ever since.)

  15. John Crichton says:

    I guess Moore’s biggest mistake here was that he didn’t put up a caption for those who do not get why he made that collage the sole thing you see when first get to the site: “This is what this race was about, nearly 1,000 of our citizens dead since the mission was supposedly accomplished.” Bush ran on his success in Iraq, and those lost souls are there from Moore to remind everyone of their blood spilled for hubris, haste and highly untrustworthy intelligence.
    A friend of mine from high school, who I just saw for the first time in 20 years at our recent reunion, ships out today for Iraq thanks to the “back door draft” and his Army reserves status. At this point I can no longer look forward to a possible day when a President Kerry bridges the rift between the US and those in the world community so that they are willing to commit the peacekeepers needed so we can start getting our people out of harm’s way.
    I can only cross my fingers that luck is on his side to spare him injury or worse. I wonder if all of those who voted for Bush yet admit that Iraq was blunder from Day One would be willing to look into his wife’s and children’s eyes should he come back in a coffin no one is allowed to photograph and tell them that they did the right thing by returning Bush to office when they will admit such a blunder cost my friend his life.
    I have to say I am pretty damn proud of Americans who stood up and denied Bush any sense of “mandate” or good job performance by holding him to a win in a very strict sense only. After nearly 4 years in office, the best he can muster is 51%? When Clinton ran for re-election even with all the “Whitewater” and personal smears, he still managed to get 54% of the vote against Dole the challenger (excluding third party candidates. If you factor them in, it’s actually better for Clinton where he garnered 49% of the vote to Dole’s 41%).
    The numbers so far seem to suggest it was an energized conservative base that came out for Bush; Kerry got more of the independents than Bush did. Somehow I don’t see that base coming back out for the GOP next time in such numbers without the gay issue to drive them.
    But please, for those who are serious about getting a Democrat back into the Oval Office in 2008 drop the Hilary talk. You’re just giving Republicans wet-dreams thinking about running someone against her.

  16. mike2 says:

    Apparently it’s okay for the spokespeople of the right–Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Coulter, Malkin, et al–to behave like rabid dogs, but let one guy on the left act like that and suddenly it’s How-Dare-He? Moore and Carville are the only two liberals who behave like right-wingers, and if we’d had a few more, maybe it might’ve made a difference.

  17. Mark says:

    What you don’t get is the Left can’t have anyone act like Rush or Hannity or the like. Why? Because they have no core values or beliefs. They believe they know all. Moore cost the Democrats more votes than anyone. It galvanized the sleeping Republicans. Made them want to vote to shut his lies up. Thanks, Mike.

  18. Brotherhood says:

    Mark, let me say this slow that your peanut-sized
    brain might understand; FUCK YOU. I have no morals?
    I do not believe in anything? You piece of utter
    dog shit. I believe in GOD not being IMPORTANT
    when it comes to the REAL ISSUES of the day. Believe
    in the lord all you want, but do not FORCE IT UPON
    ME! When most of the Country does not vote; I am
    willing to bet they are either ambivalent to your
    president or on the other side.
    I believe TWO GUYS and TWO GIRLS who love one another
    should have the right like the rest of us no-account
    heterosexuals who have pissed on marriage, to get
    married just like us. Unlike you fucking conservatives
    who want to treat them as if they are mutants. They
    are tax paying citizens just like you Jesus Freak
    assclowns, and they deserve just as much respect
    as anyone else.
    I believe in war only as a last resort. Not when
    you believe GOD TOLD YOU TO DO SO. I do not
    believe in anything Mark? I know all? Maybe I do
    know all, because you fucking idiotic moralistic
    fucks are too busy trying to control people’s private
    lives to pay attention to what’s really happening
    in the world. Fuck you Mark. Fuck you and everyone
    like you. You sorry empty headed sods.

  19. bicycle bob says:

    another liberal who thinks he knows whats best for everyone. preach to us steel. preach on about higher taxes and more government sponsored programs!

  20. MartinS says:

    Brotherhood has to be the most ignorant individual I have read in some time. Anyone who believes a Kerry appearance on Howard Stern would have changed a vote in Ohio – where I live – is in fantasyland. Stern has no clout outside the radio biz. None.
    As for Moore, Poland is right. Most leftists will never see it because they agree with Mikey. The old “forest-blocking-the-trees” story, once again.
    What I will find amusing is when Barack Obama moves the ethnic-minority groups into the moderate Democrat position, leaving the Moore’s and’ers as the fringe element unwanted by both parties.

  21. bicycle bob says:

    mikey moore can say the jews killed kennedy and control the worlds economy and brother douche would swear its gospel.

  22. Brotherhood says:

    Martin, you apparently do not pay attention there
    douche, because if you did you would have realized
    how many people Howard INFLUENCED in this election.
    He has gotten TWO GOVERNS elected. Yeah, he has
    not clout. Sure he does not. You are delusional
    and apparently miss that Stern has hugh numbers
    in OHIO since he happens to be on all over that
    state. Again, Howard would have helped, but you
    are just showing your ignorant biases towards the
    And bob, since you can barely type a coherent thought.
    I guess I KNOW more than you, but you and Mark,
    which is probably you from another email addy,
    but if not. You two should go and get married.
    Oh, you cant, because pieces of shit who think
    like wont let you and your lover get married.
    You are small minded.
    You are pathetic.
    You built the house
    And you will feel the pain.
    How can 59 Million people be so dumb?

  23. Brotherhood says:

    God forbid the whole nation can have health care
    Bob. State sponsored programs, like the ones used
    by FDR during the DEPRESSION are so bad. Now log
    on as Mark, and act as if you are two different
    people. Sad little sod.
    State sponsored programs help, but Bob apparently
    does not care about anyone who does not have health
    care or the middle class, aka the WORKING POOR, strapped
    with all the tax burden. Yeah bob, fuck you.

  24. Mark says:

    Typical Brother response. Fights real issues with insults and incoherent blabber. So, your guy got made for the fraud he is. Stop crying about it. Moore galvanized Republican turnout. We owe him and people like you a lot.

  25. Mark says:

    The Liberal solution. Look to FDR and his programs. Sorry, Bro. That was 60 years ago. This is not the Depression. And those programs and the Democrat playbook are old news. Live in the now. I know you know whats best for everyone but get your little, feeble mind out of the gutter.

  26. Brotherhood says:

    1) You are getting insulted, because you deserve
    to be insulted. I have no respect for you or anyone
    like you. If I did, then I would be off my rocker.
    Why should I not insult you you fucking twit, when
    you said liberals do not stand for anything? If you
    want respect. You have go to earn respect. Like
    your fucking President; who has yet to earn any in
    the world. You earn none because you believe you
    know something.
    2) Moore’s not a fraud, and anyone backing that belief
    easily does not pay attention to COUNTLESS OTHER
    ABOUT HOW BUSH IS OUT TO LUNCH. Watch Sundance at
    some point, and watch Bush’s Brain. If you defend
    him still, then you are even more of an asshole
    than I think you are.
    3) Government programs work, and this country has
    citizens who NEED help due to the ECONOMY Bush and
    his bs policies have created. Again, this guy
    will wreck more havoc, but you think that’s a good
    thing. You like being laughed at by the rest of
    the world. You like the growing anti-Americanism
    that will only hinder us for a generation or more
    to come. And Mark, you think Iraq has the same
    ramifications as WWII. You are a simpleton. You
    are a dolt. You are lucky HALF-THE POPULATION did
    not vote, but maybe when this country goes further
    to shit. You might get your head out of your ass,
    and understand what’s really going on.
    4) Stop acting like we have similar intelligence,
    because you apparently have turned half-your brain
    off to make the statements you have. You are my
    tennis ball, and I sure love beating you with a
    racket. Silly Rabbit.
    How can 59 Million people be so dumb?
    Again, we can let this go, and talk about movie
    issues on this blog. If not, then keep running
    your mouth, because you are the one who supports
    the belittling of this country. Either understand
    we can never get along, we can both shut the fuck
    up, and move on.
    I just love how you belittled a president so great
    he received four terms in office. People need help,
    but the government should not help them? The Republican
    playbook kills the country, and gets nothing done.
    Still only has 55 in the Senate, not 60. Sure.
    That captial will get spent. Sure it will.

  27. JimmyConway75 says:

    Sandy asked: “Are there any centrist, Democratic governors from the south? I believe that in my lifetime so far, the only Democrats in that category went on to become President. The Democrats have to pay attention to the south and midwest and connect with those bases.”
    Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia is one such person. A pal of mine has started a blog advocating for his candidacy:

  28. Mark says:

    Another worthless post by Brother Liberal. Always defending his points with blab blab blab. Moore is a hack. He starts out with this answer and molds all of his footage to equal that. Its already been proven his 9-11 movie is a fraud. Same with Columbine. Same with Roger.

  29. bicycle bob says:

    who takes this fat slob seriously anyway? hes become a national joke. someone thats so far out of touch and so far left wing he can’t be taken seriously
    i hope he makes a right bashing movie every four years

  30. tipzy says:

    nobody will probably read this…
    but Michael Moore is ridiculous. I don’t even know how he got away with all that bull shit in his movie. I think he’s a liberal piece of scum that I would personally like to spit on. Who could take someone like that so seriously… I mean… someone that would go so far out of their way with their hate for a perfectly awesome president to make it clear? It was totally bull shit. I hate that man. I have that movie. George Bush is my hero and I love America. I’m sick of people bashing the country they live in, if it’s that big of a problem, go move to fucking Canada or Mexico and then see what the hell you’re missing out on.

The Hot Blog

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon