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David Poland

By David Poland

New Paramount Rumor

An prominent industry player says that Paramount is already in extended discussions with Bill Mechanic to take over the Lansing slot at Paramount… DeLine likely to stay in #2 spot…

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52 Responses to “New Paramount Rumor”

  1. Mark says:

    Its about time she left.

  2. Taiwan Steve says:

    Since Sherry Lansing decides to step down in the end of next year, it’s time to think about who is the right one can lead the studio.
    How about Amy Pascal? She’s doing so well in Columbia, and she’s a woman, too. Actually I always consider her as younger Sherry Lansing, only she likes to make worse movies with the singing diva each year. Mariah Carey, Madonna, J. Lo. Funny is when she’s done with all these actress/singers, Sherry just picked up what she left, making worse movies with actress/oscar winners. Nicole Kidman, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jude Law (x2) all made dumbs this year.
    Michael Moore is another great candidate for president. I mean, the president for Paramount, not for US. Somehow he starred in “Team America : World Police”, a movie presented by Paramount but shot in the warehouse next to Columbia/Sony. (It’s another sign that Amy should take over Paramount). Beside, Michael is so genius about how to market the movie “Fahrenheit 911” by catching the headlines, he made it became the boxoffice hit, smashed the record for documentary. Yeah, if Michael can make a documentary became a hit, it will be a piece of cake for him to lead a studio. Beside, he’s fat, isn’t it nice and cheerful to see someone overweight can achieve something?
    And Of course it’s me. Yeah, I watched all these Hollywood movies as long as I remembered. I e-mail so much great and wonderful ideas about Hollywood movies to you in the past years. I log on Internet everyday to read all the informations about movies, movie industry. I like to read “The Hot Button”, it makes me imporved every day. If I am hired to lead Paramount Pictures, I will make another Indiana Jones movie right away without years waiting. I will make the sequel to “Mean Girl” because I know everyone loves Lindsay Lohan (and I love her, too). I will buy more Asia horror movies to remake US editions faster than any other studios since I live in Asia I always see these films quicker than you guys in US. (Yeah, there’s ll be more “The Ring” or “The Grudge”). I will make more movies at Vancouver, Sydney such places outside Hollywood for the cheaper cost. I will make more kung-fu movies with Quentin Tarantino because he’s the right one who knows it best. I promise I will give more budget and freedom of creative to Richard Linklater so he can make “School of Rock 2” or anymovie he loves. I swear I will bring back the Beavis and the Butt-Head back to screen by cross over with four kids of “South Park” because I learn my English so well by watching these cartoon series. And there must be “Sex and the City : the movie” for all women, I know how much you want to meet Carrie and Mr. Big on screen as how much I want to meet Samatha in real life. Yeah, vote me! Vote me as the president of Paramount, movie fans, I will make all your fantasy comes true!!!

  3. bicycle bob says:

    they need someone who is gonna take risks and chances and increase the output of films

  4. Mary Wert says:

    Is it just me or did Hollywood not get any election results??? Paramounts Brad Grey just spent 15 million dollars on a movie called Hustle & Flow. And now I am paraphrasing but its a movie about a pimp having a midlife crisis and wants to become a rapper?!?!? Now remind me again….why would anyone care. This is insane. Middle America has got to get its act together and start producing films people can see and care about. Characters with problems that rediscover their values. Films that promote goodness, reality and freedom. News Flash to Brad Grey…read the new Essence article on Raps treatment of women…more importantly go to the website and read the comments. And all of you in entertainment, go live in a Red County for awhile. It will do you some good.

  5. bicycle bob says:

    if its a good flick, everyone will see it. if its not good, then middle america and everyone else won’t. 8 mile did pretty good with america. just because they may care more about certain values and the like doesn’t mean they don’t like seeing good movies.

  6. Mary Wert says:

    No Bicycle Bob, you missed my point entirely. It can’t be a good “flick” by its very premise. I would love to see the breakdown of 8mile into sales by county. Why does “good movie” in Hollywood always equate with pimps, sluts, murderers, cheaters and religion bashing. Is there some little canister filled with bad words your teacher never let y’all write that gets shaken and what falls out is the premise of the next Oscar contender. Oh! Let me help!
    1. Former nun who sees the light helps prostitute fight for right to abortion.
    2. Angry, stupid white male realizes he is secret Nazi with a penchant for hating…well…everything. Honest, clean cut person of color homosexual helps him come out as his true self…a cross dresser. Movie fades to happy dancing at some kind of celebration.
    3. Girls who can’t quite find it in them to marry anyone with one tiny flaw celebrate their lives by whoring endlessly and then bitching about their choices and buy shoes. (No I guess that one has been done.)
    I got a million more of these. Why are are all white suburbanites thought of as racists, hate mongers and idiots in today’s movies. I don’t, and no one I know hates any group. Okay maybe terrorists. Can’t a “good movie” actually involve some people with morals who are tad more elevated. One that y’all are missing by a mile is the tremendous story of Pope John Paul growing up in secret police communist country. But wait, I don’t want that in the hands of Hollywood, what was I thinking.

  7. Mark says:

    Mary, this thread is almost three months old. Live in the now.

  8. Mark says:

    Wow, I am blown away by your streamlined hipness…”live in the now”…profound. Okay direct me to a new blog or new thread where I can get into a good discussion with hollywoodites. And the thread concerned Paramount. And Paramount was my point. And BTW, you summed up Hollywood’s problem in one simplistic statement. Too many live in the now and marriages, movies, values, the future, how they effect others and yes, even decent handbags that 2 months after some old Italian craftsman has kissed it goodbye and shipped it off to Fred Segals and is now deemed “out” suffer. Where will it end? Did you note the hip sarcasm?

  9. Nurse Ratched says:

    Mark/Mary, internet time is over. You must return to your room or an orderly will be called in. Don’t forget that today’s hormone treatment is at 7:30PM.

  10. Mary Wert says:

    It’s Mary, slip of the keyboard…sorry. And I, unlike some left coast people have no need of mind altering drugs, therapy, voodoo, chakras, or detox. I have the Lord. And no, before you nod your heads knowingly and say Ahhh…one of those…be reminded…Jesus always forgives if you leave the sin behind. Also I don’t make “judgements” on other peoples salvation…so get over that rant too. And pick up an Ann Coulter book. It’s good for what ails. Is steam coming out of anyones ears yet? This is fun!

  11. jon s says:

    Ann Coulter? I read in Al Franken’s book that she’s a nutcase.

  12. Mary Wert says:

    No really, read it for yourself Jons. Franken is wrong.
    Liberal and wrong. Sorry for the redundancy. Cheers!

  13. Stella's Boy says:

    People don’t get any dumber than Ann Coulter. She is a staunch defender of McCarthy. That says it all right there. She is a waste of flesh, and there is a special place in hell reserved just for her.

  14. Mark says:

    Dumber than Coulter? I guess you’re pretty dumb when you have written best sellers, clerked for a judge on the US Court of Appeals, are on of the top litgators in the department of justice. But hey, guys like know it Stella, know about dumb and smart.

  15. Stella's Boy says:

    You’re a Coulter defender, too? How is she any better than the extreme right’s version of Michael Moore? She is insane. How can anyone with a brain defend Joseph McCarthy? And since when does writing bestsellers prove one’s intelligence? And what does this sentence mean: “But hey, guys like know it Stella, know about dumb and smart.”

  16. Mark says:

    You calling someone dumb, is the pot calling the kettle black, Stellas Gal. Say you don’t agree with her. Thats fine. Pick an issue she has and go thru it. Prove her wrong on an issue. The problem is you can’t. You’re like every other Liberal. You can’t win an arguement so you resort to petty and venomous insults.

  17. Stella's Boy says:

    Um, I’d say she is 110% wrong on Joseph McCarthy for starters. Unlike her, I would say that he is not a national hero nor someone to admire. How about you prove her right on an issue? And since when are Limbaugh and O’Reilly liberals? They have the market cornered on resorting to petty and venomous insults in an argument.

  18. bicycle bob says:

    i think someone can make a very good case for crazy joe mac. there was a communist threat in the 40’s and 50’s. he did go overboard because he liked fame and notoriety but u cannot discount the fact that there were communists.

  19. SRCputt says:

    I do not dispute there were Communists. I very much dispute they were a threat.

  20. bicycle bob says:

    we were in a war against the communists. still are really if u wanna get down to it. how are they not a threat to this country? as spies? as sabotuers?

  21. Stella's Boy says:

    You cannot discount the fact that there were communists? That is your argument? That is your best defense of McCarthy? Well I am overfuckingwhelmed. Where did you get that information bob? Do the proper authorities know? I certainly hope so. That will really clear the man’s name. If only the world had known of this sooner.

  22. Mark says:

    Clear who’s name Stella? You sound very bitter on the McCarthy Era. Was Stella’s Poppy a Communist? It would explain a lot about your views.

  23. Sen. Joseph McCarthy says:

    I cannot lend my support to someone who would associate with or even claim to be a Jew. I don’t have anything against Jews per se but most Jews are on my list of those suspected to be in the Communist Party. Because there are a lot of Jews on this site and because this is a kind of meeting place, anyone posting here is meeting with Jews. Therefore, anyone posting here is presumed to be attending meetings with communists. Consequently, bicycle bob and Mark are presumed to be communists.

  24. Stella's Boy says:

    My father a communist? Jesus you are a hopeless fool. But I thought it was only the left that resorted to idiotic and baseless attacks Mark? How does that explain 99% of your posts here? He wasn’t even born until 1949, and he has never been a very political man. I’m not bitter. I just have very little patience for people who defend or support worthless scum-of-the-earth types like Joseph McCarthy.

  25. BicycleBobMarkMary says:

    i cant keep track. who am i now? lets see. it’s about 3:15 in the afternoon so i can’t be bicycle bob anymore cause that shift is over. I must be Mark or Mary. Maybe I’ll be Garry just for a change of pace. I sure enjoy being Mary though.

  26. Ann Coulter says:

    Mark and bicycle bob: I appreciate the endorsement. But get it through your heads: I’m never going to fuck either of you. Forget it. I’ll let you crawl on your knees to lick my muddy boots with your grubby hands shackled behind your hirsute backs. But let you fuck a tall tight one like me? Never! Not you or any other man without an uncircumsized penis, or at least a visible circumsized one. Neither of you meet that simple criterion, so stop following me around.

  27. Mark says:

    Stella, you seem to have a lot of anger at McCarthy. Do you even know anything about McCarthy other than he went after the Red Menace? Maybe you should pay attention in that social studies class next time, Chief.

  28. bicycle bob says:

    ur bashing mccarthy because why? because u don’t think we were in a war with communists? bash him for a lot of things that he did wrong. but don’t bash him for the communist problem

  29. SRCputt says:

    The difference between the communists of USSR and China and the American communists was sizable, and McCarthy should have known better. The American communists were, for the most part, naive liberals who were no threat to the American way of life.
    The idea that the American communists were a threat is as laughable as saying that NOW is a danger to today’s society. Do they want change? Yes. Are they a serious threat to our country? Please.

  30. bicycle bob says:

    naive liberals? is there any other kind????? honestly and how do know they weren’t a threat at the time? were u there? did u sit on on there meetings? we were at war and they were conspiring against our country. it was treason.

  31. Stella's Boy says:

    You are starting to repeat yourself Mark. Is that all you can offer? I must be angry? That’s all you’ve got? Great argument. You have really proven me wrong. bob, how do you know that all of these people were a threat? How do you know they were all conspiring against us? Because McCarthy said so?

  32. Mark says:

    I repeat it because its all you have. You don’t offer any basis of fact. Just venomous retorts usually on a personal level. Now I realize that is the best you can do. So its ok. Has anyone ever met a “with it” Liberal? They don’t exist.

  33. SRCputt says:

    I took a film class in college on the blacklist period. We studied each of the major figures in the period. The Hollywood figures who were blacklisted were, by and large, in the American communist movement mainly due to the desire to make life better for the poor and downtrodden. Most of them joined in the 30s and 40s, during the period of the Depression and World War II (when Russia was considered a friend). They were not looking to overthrow the government.
    A good overview of the subject can be found in “Seeing Red”, a 1983 Oscar nominated documentary on American communists.
    So I have studied the subject a bit to understand your treason charge is simplistic at best, or more likely just ignorant.
    What information are your claims based on, Bob?

  34. bicycle bob says:

    oh a film class definately makes u an expert on the communists in america in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. thank god we have u here to fill us all in. i love how u generalize every communist. “they were only trying to change things”. actually some were trying to do more. they were spying. they were attempting to subvert gov’t policies. they were making films with a pro communist slant and then denying it. please get ur facts straight before u go off giving us some film class interpretation of the events of the era. what do u think some liberal (probably communist) professor is going to say about the time? good thing u know how to separate facts from fiction.

  35. SRCputt says:

    I find it hilarious that a person defending McCarthy immediately jumps to the conclusion that my film professor is probably communist.

  36. bicycle bob says:

    i still find it funny that u can defend something u found out in film class. what community college theatre program did u attend? are u a commie??

  37. L.J. says:

    At least SRC heard it at college. You get all your info from Rush L off the wacko right-wing radio.

  38. bicycle bob says:

    maybe u should listen to rush. u would be more informed than trying to learn about history in a film class.

  39. jon s says:

    I know as someone who probably barely got his GED, you must be pretty bitter about book learnin’, but I find your comments laughable, bob. Hummmmmmm. Learning things from a UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR, or learning them from a hypocritical, former drug addict like Limbaugh? Think I’ll stick to believing the professors. Guess that makes me a commie, huh?

  40. Mark says:

    what happend to the Liberal way of forgiving people for their mistakes and giving them thirty and forty chances? What about the social programs and the aid they are supposed to have as caring human beings? All hypocrites. Only when it works in your favor. You people are all about having power. Case in point, freedom. You preach about democracy and freedom and when a Republican does it, there must be problems with it. It has to be wrong! Luckily most of the country doesn’t agree with people like you jon s.

  41. SRCputt says:

    I enjoy debate. I enjoy discussing issues and trading facts over particular issues. Well done debate can enlighten both sides as well as those in the audience. However, it is not enlightening when the person you are debating cannot or will not provide facts to back up his side.
    Bob, you sneer at my referring to taking a class on the blacklist period in film, then you insult the school I attended. Bob, you have no idea which school I attended. It wasn’t a community college, as you suggested.
    And if you cannot accept that I got my facts from a film class, then I provide you with another source: Naming Names, by Victor Navasky, which won the 1981 American Book Award.
    It would also help if you actually read my post. When I referred to most American communists, you responded with “i love how u generalize every communist.” Most, Bob. I said most. Not all. Not every.
    You asked how I conclude they were not a threat. That’s my sources.
    And to your other question, I am not a communist.
    But hey, that’s your typical method, right Bob? Distract, insult, but never truly address the question as originally raised. Never try to prove your point with actual facts.
    Now, Bob, can you answer any of these questions:
    What information are your claims based on?
    What film was aimed at undermining the government?
    What member of the Hollywood Ten was a spy?
    How was anything any entertainment figure did a threat to the American government?

  42. Dan says:

    Don’t take it personally, SRCputt. Once bob responded to a well-reasoned post of mine with a single comment about how “all the girls at Rochester University” [where I go] “are dogs.” Just gives you a sense of his level of discussion. I, and many others, just ignore him now, along with Mark and Garry and the rest.
    Rest assured, there are a few of us here who do appreciate a good discussion about films and film related issues. Once David has secured this blog and made it civilized again, some of the rest of us will be back.

  43. PeppersDad says:

    What is your major malfunction? Every girl at Rochester is a dog. This is a known fact of American college life and I haven’t been there since Pepper was born into this great world.

  44. pavlov's dogs says:

    I did not submit the 10:10 PM posting.

  45. Mark Zieglerzo's Mom says:

    I did not submit the 12:06 AM posting.

  46. Sen. Joseph McCarthy says:

    I did not submit the 12:18 AM posting, you commie scum.

  47. Armstrong Williams says:

    Mark has not paid me yet for the 12:22 AM posting.

  48. Ann Coulter says:

    I did not submit the 12:29 posting. Mark, how many times do I have to say it: I WILL NOT FUCK YOU!

  49. jon s says:

    Looks like a moron or two didn’t have a date (again!!) on a Friday night. Oh well… The internet kept them company.

  50. PeppersDad says:

    I wish we could all get along here. The Right and the Left. The movie fans and the non movie fans. Let us all make a real try to have some intelligent discussion not just personal attacks on some individuals. We are better people than that.

  51. Mark says:

    Only takes a few clowns to ruin a good discussion about McCarthy’s tactics and the Communists of the 40’s and 50’s. Figures its the ones who cannot intelligently discuss anything and resort to attacks and lame unfunny comedy. Pity.

  52. Mark says:

    Only takes a few clowns to ruin a good discussion about McCarthy’s tactics and the Communists of the 40’s and 50’s. Figures its the ones who cannot intelligently discuss anything and resort to attacks and lame unfunny comedy. Pity.

The Hot Blog

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It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
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“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

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