MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

It's Star Wars Day

The wave of discussion should hit the web at about 3:15…

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71 Responses to “It's Star Wars Day”

  1. Terence D says:

    We have all waited a long time for this movie. Hope it lives up to it.

  2. Geoff says:

    Here’s a fun thing to try. Since we all know how it will read, why don’t we try to take a stab at Harry Knowles’ review?
    “About as dark and entertaining as any previous Star Wars film…..Hayden Christiansen gives the best performance of his young career…..The moment when Darth Vader rises, I swear, the ten year old in me just cried…..What people don’t get about Lucas is he is really aiming for something VISUAL…..When Yoda rides on the back of Chewbacca, it’s really the best moment of the entire series…..”

  3. Stella's Boy says:

    Geoff, that made me LOL. Thank you. Hilarious.

  4. Yancy says:

    The real question, critic-wise, is can Ebert get over his personal war against digital cinema and embrace “Sith”? He gave four stars to the first three, three-and-a-half to “Phantom Menace”, and then TWO to “Clones”… Personally, that makes very little sense to me, and it seemed that Ebert’s soapbox on “Clones” had “I Defy Digital Cinema” written on it. But if the general consensus is that “Sith” is very good, how will Ebert save face? Three stars?

  5. don says:

    All my friends are at press screenings and I don’t know why. I’m seeing the flick NEXT Thursday with REAL fans at the theater George Lucas personally designed in Corte Madera, CA. I’m even taking the day off work!
    Seeing the film with a bunch of hand-sitting critics doesn’t sound fun to me.
    I’m Don! And I’m not a geek! Really! Oh, and I feed my people.

  6. Geoff says:

    Yancy, I have to disagree with you about Ebert. If nothing else, I think he has been too easy on films relying on digital technology. The guy gave positive reviews to Van Hellsing, the Mummy films, and Sky Captain.
    And if you are just talking about digital projection, I have also heard him rail against all the theaters that do not know how to properly project their films, often not using enough light. I really don’t see how he has a big gripe against digital projection, he has also given good reviews to all of James Cameron’s recent cinema innovations.
    When it comes to Clones, I happen to agree with him that it was the first Star Wars film I actually disliked, did not enjoy it. He was probably too easy on Episode One, but I have to admit that I did enjoy it. I even liked the pod race. Was it poorly written? Hell, yeah, even for Star Wars standards. But I think, just excitement of a new Star Wars movie made it an enjoyable experience for me, though the film has certainly not aged well.
    Episode II was just death to sit through, for much of its running time.

  7. Mark says:

    If Harry says its good, it must be great! (sarcasm applied gently)

  8. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    saw it yesterday and this is from someone who vomited after PHANT and CLONES. It is really very good, the biggest flaw with the film is the shitty way Lucas conveyed the relationship between Christensen and Portman in the first two films – when you need to believe he’d sell his soul to save her life.. well you just don’t buy. But he makes a valiant attempt at it for sure. Portman spends entire film waiting around on a balcony – and in one scene with a massive afro! But when the film locks into its main agenda – tying the whole series together and being the pivotal chapter… then everything soars. Fuck knows how he did it, but Lucas turns you back into that 9yr old kid again. And you come out wanting to go straight into another cinema to see Ep IV. This time I just ignored the CGI.. why bother worrying about it.. if you haven’t come to terms with it by now then fuggedabout it.. yeah the whole thing is created in a freakin computer. Deal with it. It took me 2 films but I am now at peace. Is it a great film? I think it is.. for all the obstacles he had to overcome, Lucas has actually made a film that at times is pretty riveting. It hits all its beats and the pacing is superb once the ignition switch is it. Its also the least convoluted of the bunch – its mythic structure is not hampered by unnecessary supporting characters.. in this flick for good or bad.. there seems like there are only 5 people in this galaxy. For me it intensified everything. However I did appreciate the guy in the background folding cables like an old roadie before ObiWan whisked away somewhere on the back of a lizard. If you hated the first two, I guarantee you’ll feel you at least got half your money back from LucasFilm.. the rest of you apologists will likely shit bantha sized messes in your jeans.

  9. GdB says:


  10. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    p.s DO NOT SEE IT WITH MEDIA. no offense Joe and the like. The fans are going to go bugshit crazy in parts and like an old popculture vampire you can feed off the orgasmic teens.

  11. Yancy says:

    Now, why is it that anyone who likes the prequels (I like them both) is called an “apologist”? Can’t I just call any one who DOESN’T like them a cynical Gen-X hollow man?
    For my money, the prequels are better, purer, more spectacular than the older films. They more closely represent Lucas’s original sci-fi/fantasy vision. That’s an attempt at objectivity on my part, and I don’t even really believe in objectivity when it comes to art criticism. SUBjectively, my whole generation (who came of age suckling on the Star Wars teat) can’t hope to judge these new films clearly – we waited too long for them, grew up too bored and ugly.

  12. Stella's Boy says:

    I’m not part of Gen-X. I was just bored silly by the last two. Can’t help it. Terrible acting and writing. Couldn’t get into them at all.

  13. teambanzai says:

    Well I’m not calling anyone that like episode one and two anything but in my opinion they blew. The original films never seemed to take them selves seriously plus Lucas didn’t write the screenplay for Empire or Jedi so the dialog wasn’t so goofy. Revenge looks much better than the last two but anyone that was old enough to see the first three in the theaters I think are always going to like those films better.
    What I’ve been enjoying is the fans in front of the Chinese theater woundering what it was like way back in the 20th century when Star Wars opened. When I went to see Hitchhikers across the street last Friday I almost went over to the line and let them know that in 77 it was no big deal. No one made a pilgramiage to that theater to see Star Wars. They don’t seem to understand that in 1977 there were no multiplexs the Chinese theater just happened to be the closest theater playing this new Science Fiction film that looked interesting. I ended up seeing Star Wars over fifty times in 77 and 78 only once at the Chinese I liked the film not the theater. Plus someone needs to set them straight Empire opened down the street at the Egyptian in 81 so not every Star Wars film premiered at the Chinese.
    I’ve already got my tickets for the 21st and I’m sure I’ll come out of the film liking it better than the last too but still thinking the Star Wars and Empire were better.

  14. Gotta love those simulcast press screenings, eh?
    I dug the movie a whole freaking lot. Then again, I’m a sucker for the whole series. Yes, all six of ’em.
    Looking forward to hearing your opinions, Dave, good, bad, or indifferent.

  15. Chester says:

    I think it’s been a surprise to many of us to see how fervently some of the contributors on this blog site have supported the first two prequels. To each his/her own, no doubt. But from where I’ve been sitting, the tale of young Anakin Skywalker has so far been dull, dull, dull. I mean, has there been a single original, uniquely dramatic (i.e., interesting) element in his story arc so far? Not that I can recall.
    I think Lucas blew it by using his three-part swan song to focus so intently on Anakin’s back story, about which we apparently knew enough from Episodes IV, V and VI. A potentially more interesting tale IMHO might have been the mysterious origins of the Jedi knights, which could have led to a more succinct telling of their near-total annihilation at Anakin’s hands.
    I’m still looking forward to this one. But nothing’s going to change my opinion that the prior two were among the all-time wasted opportunities in film history.

  16. G-Man says:

    I was also disappointed by the first two prequels. After all that time, the best Lucas could come up with was pod racing and Jar Jar Binks. Unbelievable.
    That being said, you better believe I’ll be in line opening day to see Sith.

  17. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    What I have noticed in this whole new trilogy is that there is virtually zero saavy technological ideas, not one innovative and unique creation. The only real clever thinking has been passed in front of Hasbro/Kenner? execs for potential toy manufacture. Oh dammit.. sorry – just remembered the toaster laser knife. Expect cambrook to be onto it.

  18. Chester says:

    I’m still keeping my fingers crossed, but “Sith” ultimately may be little more than an anagram for “shit.”

  19. L&DB says:

    I see it like this. Being a SW fan equates similarily
    to being a sports fan. Either you love the Prancing
    Pony or you dont. Either you love the Cubs or you
    dont. Either you love the Houston Rockets or you
    dont. If you are an outsider coming to these films.
    Say as a fan of Empire. Then these films will just
    not work for you. It’s that simple. Either you
    are down or you are not. Thus making the biggest
    film franchise ever something very objective.
    And who knew Boam sent reviews into AICN? I know
    now. For someone who wished death on me for being
    a geek. You sure do hammer the SAME points as you
    did in your AICN review. Again, you did not get
    Padme or Anakin relationship. Many did not because
    let’s face; they were being assholes. Watch any
    romcom, and you will be faced with the same dialogue.
    Shit. The scene in the salon on Naboo sounds and
    was shot the sameway as the Hayden confessional
    scene in Chasing Amy. I personally love how she
    sits up the OT now. Her love. IF you do not see
    that then you are as cold as a grinch before he had
    his heart warmed by the citizen of Hooville.
    One last thing; Attack is a better movie than TPM
    in easily countless ways. Of course, do not take
    my word for it. Attack never lets up. TPM has some
    of the worst pacing from a movie, ever. It stops
    and starts. Stops and starts. Attack never lets
    up in very much the same way Revenge apparently
    does. Hating Attack, just lumps you in the
    asshole category. It’s just that simple.

  20. Ricky Gervais says:

    Loved the movie, it’s action-packed and surprisingly moving. Good times.

  21. L&DB says:

    No innovations? A way for any director to create
    the world HE OR SHE invision. Surely does not
    equate to innovation. No, that’s impossible. Surely.

  22. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    WTF? Lazy Dumb bastard – i didn’t send anything into AICN amigo. stop smoking crack.

  23. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    maybe i should stop smoking crack.. i think the laser knife was in HGTG right?

  24. Stella's Boy says:

    L&DB, is it possible to like the first three and not like the last two? Or for you is it all or nothing? Seems pretty simplistic to me. Why such animosity towards those who don’t love the last two as much as you do? And seriously, don’t throw out the “you just don’t get it” argument. Very tired and lame.

  25. Chester says:

    You’re 100% right about the sports analogy, L&DB. Just like in sports, a lot of fans will vigorously root for and defend their team’s performance through thick and thin – even when that team by any objective standard SUCKS.

  26. Jerri says:

    I remember 1977 too well. My brother and I went to see SW at the Loews Astor Plaza in Times Square. I must have seen it 20 times there. Now I’m old and jaded but I can’t wait to see this, the finale and end of a long journey.

  27. jeffmcm says:

    Boy, L&D is having trouble being understood today, I suggest completely sentences.
    That said, I still see no defense for the poor writing/directing of the romantic scenes in Clones. Lucas obviously intended them to be sweepingly moving like in classic movies of the past, and instead they were laughter-inducing (My favorite line was the one about sand and Padme’s skin being soft). They were similar to every other romantic comedy, sure, but with markedly lower quality. And your argument that “they’re assholes” to defend Lucas doesn’t make any sense unless you’re trying to say that he’s subverting the romantic paradigm in movies.

  28. jeffmcm says:

    Whoops, I meant “complete sentences”. But seriously, what does “how she sits up in the OT now” mean?

  29. Chester says:

    jeffmcm, I’ve learned that debating with L&DB is like getting into an argument for kicks with the resident drunk in a neighborhood bar. You’re dealing with someone consistently incomprehensible and obnoxiously loud, yet who’s basically harmless most of the time.

  30. GdB says:

    Can I read the comments, how spoilerific is this discussion. I don’ t care what anyone says, this for me, is the LAST George Lucas directed SW flick ever. I don’t even want to know how and when the obvious stuff, “we all know is going to happen” plays out. But I’d like to get a sense of how people feel about the film. Is it ok to read? (I’m talking about you BOAM)

  31. lazarus says:

    I’m confused–did David start this thread because HE saw Episode 3 today, or because he knew many others did and would want to talk about it.
    Really wanting to hear the response from our “benefactor” if he has indeed attended a screening. He was one of the few critics who seemed to have a good time at the last two prequels.
    I’m curious if Episode 3 has any references to classic cinema, and if every reviewer will once again fail to notice and/or acknowledge them. Among others, Episode 1 had a nod to Kurosawa’s Kagemusha, and Episode 2 had a whole scene of homage to The Searchers. I’m guessing a wise student like Lucas will be sneaking something in this one as well.

  32. L&DB says:

    One, Chester, I have learned that you are a smarthy
    little weasel of a human being. Who belives his,
    as the folks say, shit does not stink. Trust me.
    I am far from harmless. Of course it does not take
    much to smack a little bitch like you down, and put
    you in your place. Now go get your shinebox.
    Jeff, ohhhhhhh, I had a typo. Since some are acting
    like total jackasses in this thread. I am just going
    to reveal how things happen. Padme, her love for
    Anakin, sets up the Original Trilogy. She tells
    Obi-Wan that he still has good in him. Mimicing
    the words of her son, and giving Obi-Wan a belief
    that he can help redeem his friend.
    Back to Chester, sorry, this team does not suck. Again
    people, such as myself, like to say the Cardinals
    suck. Yet in reality, that unfortunately, not the
    case. Again not like you have a respectable stance
    like Stella’s Boy. You are just another cold-hearted
    fanboy bitch. Again, get to steppin with that shinebox.
    Finally, Boam, my bitch, your words were not only
    posted once by AICN, but twice. The exact same
    problems with the film, and so on. My Bitch, why
    dont you step up? Admit you like sending reviews
    to AICN. IT’s okay. At least the Mystery Douchebags
    can write better than you can, my bitch.

  33. Chester says:

    Like I said, “consistently incomprehensible and obnoxiously loud.”
    By the way, L&DB, make no mistake about it: my shit is quite pungent. I’m aware of that because, unlike you, I don’t keep my nose stuck up George Lucas’s ass.

  34. L&DB says:

    And there is nothing wrong with civility. Yet when
    people are rude. I wonder what they expect to happen?
    Some of us should have more respect for Poland’s blog.
    Dave deserves better than this, but of course besides
    me. I wonder who else will stop this bollocks?

  35. Chester says:

    This is L&DB’s idea of civility and respect for Dave Poland’s blog:
    “Hating Attack, just lumps you in the
    asshole category. It’s just that simple.”
    Just lovely, L&DB.

  36. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    Lazy Dumb bastard – so now I posted twice on AICN.. why not go the whole hog and say I am knowles. Apart from being delusional, can your tiny peanut sized brain comprehend that perhaps the same problems I saw another saw them too? In this whole galaxy two people saw the same flaws.. gee must be a conspiracy.. it’s the same guy! You’re a fucking loser of monumental proportions. Do you even dress yourself in the morning? I mean it must be enough hard getting into those tight lycra trek pants while putting your foot in your mouth – surely mom helps right?

  37. L&DB says:

    Like I said, you are a snarky weasel of a human
    being. Again, my qualities could be seen as passionate.
    Yours are just seen as, scummy. Note the difference

  38. L&Db says:

    Boam you will always be nothing more than my little
    Bitch. Like a little pony, but with hardly any hair
    or endearing qualities. And yes Chester. If you
    hate Attack. You are just being another one of those
    asshole fanboy geeks. That is, if you care. If
    not, then you really do matter in the whole scheme
    of things.

  39. Chester says:

    No one here questions your passion. Just your intellect and brain-cell count.

  40. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    only his mom questions his passion.

  41. JediMasterLota says:

    L&DB don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. You managed to insult near everyone except me. Cubs SUCK. There. [And my papa DID hit it out of Wrigley, but too bad it hit the street and didn’t hit a Cubs fan in his least useful item–his HEAD.]
    Star Wars…it is not an all or nothing “love” for the series.
    I think Clones was awful and I am a True fan. EMpire Strikes back was one of the best films of the entire 80s. What a great dark fantasy dream. The ‘fight’ in the cave. wow. It is still is a great film for kids, adults (and I guess Goths) alike. Where’s the Intensity in CLones? Zilch.
    Jedi I didn’t like as well as IV and V, the romance shlock and Ewoks were a letdown, but it still was a decent movie.
    As an adult now I can still admire what went before and have high expectations for Episodes I II and III, and rightly so–Lucas had plenty of time to come up with I II and III.
    It sounds like from comments posted above that III is a big improvement to what was lost between Jedi and Episode I–the monastic like intensity that made all the original cast so real, and unforgettable. Liam Neeson was no Alec Guinness in the intensity dept, and Hayden Christiansen thus far hath shown no zeal which he proportedly passed onto (genetically) the future Jedi master Luke.
    A little more intensity and suffering and childlike faith could rescue Episode III…and it sounds like it may. I am getting excited and avoiding spoilers, but glad to hear people say it’s decent.
    I am Master Lota and I feed my people…Cubs fans.

  42. Jedi Asshole says:

    I hated Attack of the Clones too. I wasn’t aware until today that that lumps me in the asshole category. I see now that it’s just that simple.

  43. Joe Leydon says:

    The “Star Wars” review has been posted on If you can’t access the site, and would like me to try to e-mail it to you, e-mail me with your address. (Yes, LDB, even you.) At the risk of sounding like some cheesy website: I promise I will not use your e-mail address for unsolicited advertising or porn downloading.

  44. Chester says:

    Rotten Tomatoes currently has one review posted for “Revenge of the Sith.” Based on that one definitive review, it’s pretty clear that the overall critical consensus will be…just kidding!

  45. Joe Leydon says:

    Whup! Guess you don’t need my help after all. The review has been linked on — no kidding — No, really.

  46. L&DB says:

    First things first. I have no idea where you folks
    grew up, but in my realm of existance. There are
    varying degrees of ASSHOLE. Now, some of you,
    excluding boam and Chester, think that this terms
    means that you are an asshole. No, it simply means
    it’s an asshole stance. Not that you are an ASSHOLE,
    but the stance itself. So, unless you are Chester
    or Boam, I do not think you are an asshole. If
    that does not clear it up. Well, celebrate diversity
    as Josh Lymon once said.
    I also, have a problem, with fans of EMPIRE. Do
    not tell me you are a FAN OF A SAGA. When you really
    like JUST ONE FILM. How on earth does that quantify
    as being a fan of anything? You like a part, but
    now the whole? Sorry just do not see it that way.
    Neither do a lot of SW. Who have to suffer the fucking
    Empire fans, and their constant need for more darkness.
    We can just disagree Lota, but it is all or nothing.
    If not, then you are not a fan. You just like something.
    Again how I see it. Disagree all you want, but I
    am not alone in this thinking.
    Now onto Poland’s review. Hey, he liked a SW movie.

  47. jeffrey boam's doctor says:

    lazy dumb bastard; what the hell are you talking about? Does anyone know what this doofus is on about? So you loved GODFATHER 3 did you? Wet yourself over ALIEN 4 did ya? Jerked your merkin to TWO JAKES? Why not just do everyone a favour and do the one thing your inbreds existed for: suicide!

  48. Joe Straat says:

    The prequels were decent, if a little like the computer game Myst. Beautiful looking time killers, but they really leave you kind of empty. And that’s not to mention Lucas’ “filler” stuff. The C-3PO/R2D2 factory scene. That sequence didn’t work AT ALL. Then there’s Hayden “I WILL BE GREATEST JEDIEST EVER!!!!” Remember when we thought Jake “Yippee!!!!” Lloyd was bad? We’ll see how the attitude about the film is a month after the dust, hype, and energy from packed theaters clears. Remember how many people said how awesome Attack of the Clones was right after seeing it?

  49. L&DB says:

    Boam, you first wish death on me. Then you start
    calling me lazy dumb bastard. Then you insult my
    mom and say I have sex with her. Now you want me
    to die again. You are one fucking warped piece of
    utter fucking shit. How long does it take to get
    this twisted? What you need to do for now on is
    tone it down a little. But maybe you should just
    be banned, because no one, not even Chester, has
    wished death on a person twice.
    You dumb bastard. As they say; “Im going to report

  50. Chester says:

    Is this blog cool or what? I can actually smell the alcohol on L&DB’s breath!

  51. L&DB says:

    So Chester lumps himself with the scumbag. Good to
    know where you stand Chester.

  52. Chester says:

    You already lumped me with the assholes for disliking “Attack of the Clones.” Might as well join the scumbags too.
    Who’s left? The shitheads? Dickwads? Numbnuts? Let me know because I expect you to provide membership cards from all of them.

  53. jeffmcm says:

    If you don’t have anything nice and/or intelligent to say, don’t say anything at all…please.

  54. GIR says:

    Nothing wrong with getting along. Yet some people
    have to understand that they have not dealt with
    the countless criticism of these films for six years.
    Yes. It’s real easy to get along. When you are
    not the one taking the proverbial slagging.
    Very interesting.

  55. bicycle bob says:

    chester, u really inspire the hatred here buddy. don’t listen to these jerks. keep ur head up even if ur points are all over the map and usually bogus.

  56. Stella's Boy says:

    Surely Chester will sleep well tonight knowing that bob is supporting him.

  57. teambanzai says:

    When I saw Attack opening night at Grauman’s it was packed with the truely dedicated, but they did recognize that the romance scenes were painfully bad. When Padme and Darth Skywalker are “picnicing” and riding the dung beatles someone in the audience started singing the sound of music theme and that got a good laugh but the best was the really awful fireside chat scene where she’s wearing that black leather bondage outfit and he’s whining about how much his life sucks. Padme says something like “If there’s anything I can do for you.” And immediately someone in the audience coughed “BLOWJOB!” And the entire place lost it. So at least some of the fans have a sence of humor about the flaws.

  58. Terence D says:

    There goes that Stella taking cheap shots at every poster who doesn’t agree with his points. There is more to an argument than personal insults.

  59. bicycle bob says:

    stella is what libs all are. a hypocrite. they preach togetherness and love of everyone but all they do is take shots and make fun of people. wheres the love stella?

  60. jeffmcm says:

    Don’t get political. How do you know Stella is a ‘lib’?

  61. Darth Lota says:

    Just because I don’t worship every SW movie, and I think ESB was the masterpiece of the series doesn’t make me a SW h8ter. I am an avid Star Wars fan. I just don’t dress up like any of the characters (but I do use the light saber spoon I got in my Corn Pops).
    Even when invited to free screenings I still have paid to see every Star Wars film (except the first three where my Pop paid), and I will do so again.

  62. Joe Leydon says:

    When “Kill Bill, Vol. 1” was released, I decided NOT to see it in theatres at the time. Rather, I waited until I could watch it on home video, then rush right out to catch a preview screening of “Kill Bill, Vol. 2” That way, I got the pleasure of seeing it as one long movie (albeit one with, oh, a 90-minute intermission.) It was such an enjoyable experience (as those who go Tantric will tell you, delayed satisfaction can be delicious)that I decided to blow off the “Revenge of the Sith” press screening, and advance purchase tickets for the very first public screening — 12:01 a.m. Thursday. This way, I can watch “Phantom” and “Clones” back to back Wednesday afternoon/evening, then immediately see the finale. I don’t recommend this for everyone, but I’d be curious to see if anyone else attempts the same thing and, if so, what’s his/her reaction.

  63. Mark says:

    There are few movies which are must see events. Episode Three is one of them.

  64. Chester says:

    Hey, Mark, I’m genuinely glad to hear you feel that way. Especially since we already know, as one of the just-posted reviews on Rotten Tomatoes has succinctly pointed out, “Revenge of the Sith is very much the film Lucas’s fans want to see, but are some of them ready for an anti-Bush diatribe?”

  65. jeffmcm says:

    A Star Wars movie that isn’t pure escapism? Wow!

  66. Stella's Boy says:

    I’d like to hear more about the anti-Bush diatribe. What’s that all about?

  67. jeffmcm says:

    Ed Gonzalez, Slant Magazine…he isn’t a Lucas fan it seems.

  68. Stella's Boy says:

    Thank you sir.

  69. Chester says:

    Joe, I like your idea (but honestly don’t think I could sit through Episodes I and II again, certainly not in one sitting). When “Lord of the Rings: Return of the King” came out, the Arclight in Hollywood had a marathon of the first two films that led right into the first midnight showing of ROTK. Seats for the whole hobbit-fest sold out very quickly and were going for as high as $300/ticket on eBay. I’m very surprised nothing like that is being done theatrically for “Revenge of the Sith.”

The Hot Blog

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon