MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

One Movie Trying To Fight Its Way To A Cannes Sale

What first caught my eye was a press release by Soleil Film headed, “Soleil Film Increases Equity Interest in Feature Film “All That I Need” by 100%”
I read the press release, wondering whether a company had indeed doubled its investment in a film I had never heard of and why they were announcing it publicly. In the release it calls, All That I Need, a reality documentary movie in the spirit of Super Size Me.” It also states, “We are extremely pleased about the opportunity to acquire an increased equity share in the feature,’ commented CEO, Kenneth Eade, ‘and are even more pleased that the screening room at Cannes has been filled to capacity with major distributors who have confirmed their attendance for our May 13th screening.”
This is a May 12 press release.
On May 2, it turns out, there was a release (picked up by Yahoo! FInance) stating that there was a 75% increase in Soleil’s equity position on this same film, not May 12th 100%.
And have I mentioned, the film is not a documentary like Super Size Me? It is a fake documentary starring the director.
A little more investigation turns up another press release (May 10) in which Paramount Classics’ Susan Wrubel passing on the film. Yet Soleil takes the doubly surprising step of positioning that as a win and of quoting a distribution exec’s position on a film publicly. Wrubel is quoted as caling the film “‘incredible material,’ comparable to Lord of The Flies.” The release continues… “Although Paramount chose not to purchase distribution rights for the film, Susan Wrubel, Vice President of Acquisitions and Co Productions for Paramount commented, ‘You have something interesting here, with some incredible material. I’m sure you will be able to sell this film at Cannes, just on concept alone.’

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7 Responses to “One Movie Trying To Fight Its Way To A Cannes Sale”

  1. bicycle bob says:

    cannes is just a show and more publicity than good film festival

  2. Terence D says:

    Cannes is a beautiful city. They get a little too into their film festival though. But it is fun.

  3. Mark says:

    It is more of a show and a celebrity sighting event than a film place. Which isn’t too bad.

  4. KamikazeCamel says:

    Speaking of Cannes… did anybody know that DAVID LYNCH HAS A NEW FILM PREMIERING THERE?!?!
    The IMDb (the place with all the facts, obviously) is saying that it stars Laura Dern, Harry Dean Stanton and Jeremy Irons and that it’s a mystery about a girl and that’s all Lynch will say. And he’s being SO secretive about it that he won’t even allow the film’s poster to be revealed until the film has been shown.
    I found this odd, especially coming from the IMDb, because there is not a single word about this project anywhere on the site apart from that one news column. Not on Lynch’s page or Dern’s page or… you get the drift.
    Did anybody know about this? Cause I sure as hell didn’t. Does this mean we have another auteur for this year! Von Trier, Van Sant, Kar-Wai, Egoyan, Cronenburg, Jarmusch and many others.
    “” – have a squiz at that link.

  5. hoodia says:

    Erase this message and never see it again. hoodia

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