MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Is It Cool?

From Movie City Indie:
Following the in the august steps of Harry Knowles and the New York Times, Rachel Abramowitz of the Los Angeles Times reviews the script of a movie that has not yet been shot

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82 Responses to “Is It Cool?”

  1. Nicol D. says:

    Difficult to call.
    I think in this case the pre-reviews will actually help the movie. It will make people realize that Stone, an exceptionally gifted film-maker (and I’m a conservative/libertarian) is not trying to make a political film about conspiracies but a human story.
    There is always a line and many shades of grey, but I suspect as film culture increasingly gets more mainstream we will see more of this.
    In the case of this film…I think it will help.
    Part of me wonders if the script is being leaked so that people realize the film is not political.
    I look forward to it.

  2. joefitz84 says:

    Now MCN becomes AICN? Luckily we all know how it turns out but come on. You had a good thing going here. Don’t resort to AICN style crap. Look at where they are now because of it.

  3. GdB says:

    Hmm….it just feels too early for a 9/11 movie. At least a decade or a different president before we go there (nothing against the current pres. but how about a changing of the gaurd before we start this?)
    It just doesn’t feel right.

  4. Lefty says:

    It feels too soon for this movie. We need to pray for all the people effected by this and we need to understand the people who did this. They need and could use or thoughts too. I hope Stone shows them in a balanced light.

  5. jeffmcm says:

    Lefty, didn’t you know that all liberals are godless atheists? Prayer is offensive.

  6. Pale Viewer says:

    I’m with GdB and Lefty here. They should’ve waited a few years more. But then, someone else would’ve done it if Stone didn’t grab the script.
    Luckily Nic Cage is a fine actor as long as he can keep his mannerisms in control. But can he? He’s the hero.
    About Abramovitz. I don’t think she revealed any crucial details about the script in her “review”. Every one of us saw people jumping from the towers. We saw the collapses, we already know the plot.
    Hell, we know the plot, the characters AND the ending. She didn’t give anything away.

  7. David Poland says:

    What do you mean, JoeFitz? The script review is in the LA Times

  8. JW says:

    Does anyone believe that people who lived during Pearl Habor enjoyed a film being made out of that disaster? There will probably never be a proper time for a 9/11 film. It all depends on the execution of this project. If Stone keeps it small, focuses on the two officers, and more than the horrour around them. Then this film might be tolerated. If not, Oliver, duck and cover because you are going to get it from every direction.

  9. bicycle bob says:

    i would hope for tasteful and respectful but this is stone here. he always promotes his weirdo message. its sad when guys peaked 20 yrs ago still think they have something to say.

  10. KamikazeCamel says:

    Haven’t websites been reviewing unproduced screenplays for years?
    I have more confidence in Stone with a movie like this than with something like Alexander.
    Btw, there’s already been movies dealing in someway or another with 9/11, just they were smaller character driven dramas.
    (cast Maggie Gyllenhaal somewhere plz!)

  11. BluStealer says:

    If its anything remotely close to Alexander than Stone should pass on this and do a favor for all Americans.

  12. Stella's Boy says:

    Yes how dare Stone have the audacity to still have opinions. Seriously, though, would Paramount fund this if they thought Stone would inject his personal insights into it? He said it’s going to avoid politics and broader issues to just focus on the heroism. I believe that.

  13. LesterFreed says:

    If he tries to inject any personal viewpoint it will crash and burn on him. No one wants politics in this. We all saw what happend and know what happend. We know that these cowards attacked innocent people. I hope he shows that.

  14. bicycle bob says:

    who are guys like stella kidding? they’re praying that stone comes in and uses his pulpit to blame america and humanize the arabs as fighting for their rights.

  15. Stella's Boy says:

    I agree with you, and I think he does know that. After Alexander, he’s probably just grateful for the opportunity.

  16. bicycle bob says:

    how can any studio look at alexander and still give this guy prime work? can we agree that alexander is one of the all time worst or what?

  17. Stella's Boy says:

    Did I say that bob? There isn’t a shred of truth to that. I shouldn’t even have to point that out. You really say some idiotic things sometimes.

  18. Stella's Boy says:

    I’ll agree with that bob as soon as you stop putting words in my mouth and saying moronic things like you did above.

  19. Bruce says:

    I like Stone. In 1991. But he shouldn’t be getting gigs like this now until hge proves himself.

  20. bicycle bob says:

    stella u put those own words in ur own mouth. be who u are. ur an anti war liberal who feels the pain of the muslim terrorists. whats so bad about being who and what u are? why u ashamed?

  21. Bruce says:

    It is an Oliver Stone film. He won’t and can’t resist taking some shots at anyone.

  22. BluStealer says:

    Since when did the LA Times start writing script reviews and how will they stop at one? Seems a slippery slope here.

  23. teambanzai says:

    I don’t think a film about this topic is necesary we all know what happened.

  24. Stella's Boy says:

    Disagree all you want with me about movies bob. That is what we are here to do. Discuss film. Right? But you continually cross the line. You are continually disrespectful and a jerk. To suggest that I would want a movie that sympathizes with the terrorists and takes their side is ludicrous, untrue and insane. I shouldn’t even have to point that out. Stating the obvious. Your Rush Limbaugh bullying has been old for a long time bob. Don’t put words in my mouth. Don’t act like you know me. I know you’d like to believe that everyone who isn’t like you is exactly the same and easily labeled, but the world doesn’t work that way. It’s complex and full of all different types of people. There’s even pro-war liberals and anti-war conservatives. So please, I’m asking you nicely. Stop acting like you know everything about me and my views.

  25. bicycle bob says:

    just be who u are. thats all i ask. and fromall ur posts its pretty obvious where u want stones movie going. why deny it? stop crying like a baby and be yourself for once.

  26. Terence D says:

    Pro war Liberals? Isn’t that an oxymoron?

  27. Stella's Boy says:

    You could say the same thing about anti-war conservatives Terence. But they do exist, believe it or not. bob, do you actually read my posts? I stated that I hope Stone leaves the politics out, which I think he will. So stop putting words in my mouth. Stop acting like you know me and where I stand on every issue. If you want to know something, ask. Don’t make accusations. Don’t assume. Quit acting like a complete asshole for once.

  28. BluStealer says:

    Yes. Pro War Liberals is an oxymoron. It is used as the example for oxymoron in Websters.

  29. bicycle bob says:

    stella i read all ur posts but obviously not for the content. more for the comedy of errors. they are enjoyable. now ur saying ur not a true blue liberal? will wonders ever cease?

  30. Bruce says:

    I haven’t met too many pro war liberal people out there. Most of the ones I know would rather see us lose so theres no more war anywhere. But these people are not what I call the brightest minds when it comes to big issues. They’re like everyone out there. They want to see peace but they don’t know how to go about it. They fail to realize this country was started and defended with force. For better or for worse. War has solved a lot of issues.

  31. jeffmcm says:

    Bob, you are a bully who has never had an original thought in his life. Go away until you can come up with something more interesting to say than “ur a stupid liberal”. Seriously, I dare you to say something intelligent.

  32. bicycle bob says:

    how am i a bully? because i want him to be himself and be free and speak his mind? not be afraid to be who he really is. thats being a bully in ur world jeffmcm? if thats ur truth then maybe u should join the real world.

  33. Bruce says:

    I feel like I have to take sides in a schoolyard brawl. Why don’t you calm down? If you can’t take someone calling you out for your views then don’t post them. This is honest dialogue here. Have the confidence to express yourself and if you can’t take the criticism then don’t. It really is that simple.

  34. Terence D says:

    Stella’s Boy, are you saying you’re not an anti war Liberal? What is wrong with labels when they are on the money? I got no problem with you being one. Doesn’t really effect my opinion of what you think of movies.

  35. LesterFreed says:

    You better watch it Bob or the anti war peace loving Left winger is going to resort to violence and completely go against his type.

  36. jeffmcm says:

    Maybe you’re new here, Bruce, but Bob consistently only posts to attack other people’s views and usually for no reason. Terence, you’re no better. If they ever had anything interesting to say it wouldn’t matter, but in my humble opinion they are wastes of bandwidth.

  37. Terence D says:

    Jeff please. All you do is bad mouth and antagonize. Who has ever said a bad thing to you? You just can’t take it that more than half in here think your views on movies are terrible.

  38. Bruce says:

    Jeff, I have been here long enough to know what I know and I see what I do see. It baffles me why some people get so angry over a movie message board. Like you get insulted when someone calls you out on your views. From what I have read I don’t think bicycle bob is malicious or has even said a nasty word.
    If that is some persons views they should stand up and be proud of them. I don’t see the problem with it. It just leads to good discussions.

  39. jeffmcm says:

    I’m trying to engage in discussion here. The only people I want to antagonize are guys like BiBob and Terence who are dragging this blog down into name-calling and pointless rants.

  40. jeffmcm says:

    Bruce, you seem like a reasonable guy, and able to have a discussion. But if you don’t think Bi Bob has ever said a nasty word, you haven’t been looking very hard. He doesn’t want to discuss movies, he wants to piss people off.

  41. Bruce says:

    Sorry Jeff but those guys haven’t name called you once. I don’t see why you have it in for certain people. If you don’t like someones talk and rants and views, then promptly ignore them. Instead of crying about it and whining. We are all adults here. Start acting like it.

  42. bicycle bob says:

    jeff what movie have u ever discussed with anyone? u just try and bash me. thats cool since i can take it and really don’t care but i do want to know.

  43. BluStealer says:

    Bruce, dealing with a bunch of babies is half the fun of coming here. I can imagine some of them crying over their keyboards because bicycle bobby asks them to be themselves. LOL.
    And I am being serious. No joking.

  44. Stella's Boy says:

    Terence, bob and Bruce, as I have stated already, I have no problem when the disagreement is related to movies. That is what we are here for. The problem is that bob repeatedly acts as if he knows me. He puts words in my mouth and makes shit up. He lies. Wouldn’t you have a problem if someone did that to you? He said that I would like to see Stone make a movie that takes the side of the terrorists. That is despicable. I never said that nor implied it. Should I not be upset by it?

  45. BluStealer says:

    Relax. Have you not gone on and on and on and on about how you are anti war and a liberal? We have all read what you said. Even me who doesn’t give two poopies about politics. Why is it so bad for people to assume things based on your record?

  46. Stella's Boy says:

    Actually, I have not gone on and on about how I am anti-war. I challenge you to find the posts where I go on and on about that. You won’t find them.

  47. Stella's Boy says:

    I have no problem with being myself and my beliefs. The problem is someone putting words in my mouth and spreading lies. There is a difference.

  48. Terence D says:

    Stella’s Boy, how is he putting words in your mouth and why do you fly off the handle like this? Stand up for your beliefs. People who don’t even agree with you would respect you. Like myself. I enjoy the back and forth but not when you sound like you are crying over a perceived slight. That is not good.

  49. BluStealer says:

    Do you guys have to shake hands or hug or pound a brewski now?

  50. bicycle bob says:

    stella i just want you to say what u really want to and to be your liberal self. why would i want anything different? u got me all wrong. i am just trying to see u be your very best. whats so bully about that?

  51. Stella's Boy says:

    Terence, I have already said how he put words in my mouth. He stated that I wanted Oliver Stone to side with the terrorists in his 9/11 movie and sympathize with them. I never said that nor implied it. In fact, I specifically said that I hope Stone leaves politics out of the movie. Understand now? It isn’t about standing up for my beliefs or even politics. I don’t want him putting words in my mouth. Simple as that. Is that expecting too much?

  52. Stella's Boy says:

    Believe me, I am saying what I really want to. I always do. Just please stop putting words in my mouth. No sane person would want Stone to side with the terrorists. One would think that goes without saying.

  53. LesterFreed says:

    I know a few left wingers who would disagree with that statement but they’re the kooks and the ones who drink the kool aid.

  54. Stella's Boy says:

    Exactly. They are the kooks. Like I said, no sane person would want Stone to side with the terrorists. You can’t judge the many by the actions of the few. I don’t think all conservatives are insane Jesus freaks who want a theocracy in this country. I know they are the few, not the many.

  55. BluStealer says:

    Whats wrong with having religion and faith in your life?

  56. bicycle bob says:

    liberals run like a man on fire when the subject of faith comes up in any discussion. its like kryptonite for superman. they hate it. they’re not big on values which is a shame.

  57. BluStealer says:

    Having no faith in life always elads to bad things. Even having faith in booze is something.

  58. Bruce says:

    There are a lot of newspaper columnists especially overseas that would want Oliver Stone to use that movie as an excuse for why the terrorist thugs did what they did. They’re totally out of the world but they’re entitled to their opinion.

  59. Stella's Boy says:

    Jesus. You just can’t win with some of you. I think you completely ignore what I say and immediately start an argument. I never said faith was bad. I never said there was anything wrong with having faith in religion in your life. I know plenty of religious people, and they all vote Democrat, so the right does not have a monopoly on religion and faith, despite what you may believe. My parents are die-hard Catholics and they didn’t vote for Bush. There is a difference between having faith and wanting a theocracy in this country, isn’t there? Or do all of you support a theocracy? Maybe you do.

  60. Bruce says:

    Some people shouldn’t be arguing about politics and faith. See what happens in a slow news cycle?

  61. Terence D says:

    When did Liberals ever care about faith and religion? Did I miss that memo?

  62. BluStealer says:

    “I hate you all and I hope you catch a cold.”
    How dare you say that to me, Lota! I take great offense and I may cry that you insult me so. Why can’t you just be nice?

  63. Stella's Boy says:

    So Terence, you’re saying that no liberal in the United States cares about faith and religion? I don’t want to put words in your mouth. So please, clarify.

  64. Mark says:

    Does someone want to get Stella’s Girl her bottle? Anyone?

  65. Stella's Boy says:

    Does someone want to get Mark a new insult? Anyone?

  66. Angelus21 says:

    Aren’t you men? Why all the crying like little girls? “I got insulted over a post” Booooo Hooooo.

  67. joefitz84 says:

    Some guys are really ultra sensitive here. I would say tissue over a bottle. Sounds like Stella is raining tears.

  68. Stella's Boy says:

    Some guys have an endless supply of third-grade level insults here. I would say they need a shoulder to cry on, and maybe a therapist. Sounds like they’ve been picked on and have self-esteem issues.

  69. joefitz84 says:

    Seriously, guy, you sound like a guy who got picked on relentlessly in grade school for being a jerk. WHy don’t you tone down the rhetoric because maybe theres a reason so many people are taking shots at you? Because you’re an easy target.

  70. Lefty says:

    I hope Oliver Stone has the testicular fortitude to show the Muslims for who they really are and explain their positions. There is two sides to every coin.

  71. Stella's Boy says:

    I don’t need to tone anything down around here. I am not the problem. I don’t throw around labels and claim someone has said something that they haven’t. I’m only an easy target because I don’t share the same beliefs as bob and those who leap to defend him no matter what he says and how he acts. They don’t even care what he does. They’re behind him no matter what, like lame sheep.

  72. Panda Bear says:

    Stella’s Boy,
    You seem to have a problem with everyone. Why don’t you stop crying like a girl and cowboy up. Jeez.

  73. jeffmcm says:

    Are you guys on here to talk about movies or to bash people you don’t like? Because you can do the latter in the comfort of your own home without bothering the rest of the world.

  74. Stella's Boy says:

    Panda Bear, was anyone talking to you? Mind your own damn business. I need your advice like I need an asshole on my elbow. When I want to know what you think, I’ll ask you. Otherwise, can it.

  75. Angelus21 says:

    Jeff, seriously, all you have done is bash people. What point have you ever made? Waiting……Waiting…… Birds chirp…..

  76. jeffmcm says:

    Oh, sorry, busy out having a life. The only bashing I’ve done is of idiots like you. I would prefer to have civil intellectual discussions but an awful lot of the people on this blog have conversations on the level of “u r stoopid” which makes things hard for everyone.

  77. Bruce says:

    Why can’t you be bigger than some people instead of just taking shots at them?

  78. bicycle bob says:

    because he was born and bred a jerk. thats what they do. but now he’ll blame me for his being a jerk. u go jeff!

  79. BluStealer says:

    The only fact of this board is when you call out Stella’s Boy (or Girl) he comes back crying and vicious. I’m all for it since its funny.

  80. Terence D says:

    But Liberals don’t cry. They hold meetings and talk about their problems.

  81. jeffmcm says:

    Good call, Bruce.

  82. joyfool says:

    911 movie showing the terrorist perspective may not be half bad. you figure tora tora tora did it with the japanese invasion of Pearl harbor and that was well received. anyway i imagine drama can only be improved upon when you allow for such complications (e.g. a counterview). Anyway who the hell wants to see a stars-n-stripes flagwaving yellow ribbon bullshit piece of crap. Certainly not the rest of the world…this is a global marketplace.

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It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon