MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Quip It

I just saw an ad for some game when you watch a clip and you and your friends write clever quips about it. Tee Hee
But what was interesting is that when they showed the box, it was dominated by a big, goofy photo of Jon Heder.
Pre-Dynamite? Dynamite related? Weird.

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19 Responses to “Quip It”

  1. Me says:

    Is it too late to start taking bets on when Heder’s 15 minutes are up?

  2. Paul Hackett says:

    I don’t know. Here’s what he has lined up:
    “Just Like Heaven” was a commercial disppointment based on expectations, but he still got seen by a decent number of people. The above list shows that he’s going to be in a bunch of stuff in the next few years. And while some of those movies look like flops, I’m willing to bet that at least the Todd Phillips one will do solid business.

  3. Josh says:

    Jon Heder is a star.

  4. Mark Ziegler says:

    Look like flops? He’s in some big time movies there.

  5. EDouglas says:

    More important, how long before he breaks down and makes Napoleon Dynamite 2?

  6. dave l says:

    Did anyone see him on Saturday Night Live? He did about as well as Lance Armstrong last week, reading cue cards, stiffly injected into scenes… he’s good in ND, but I don’t see him having a long diverse career.

  7. Angelus21 says:

    Yeah because SNL is the epicenter of great work and great comedy now. Really shows talent now there. Are you kidding?

  8. joefitz84 says:

    They were offered a 10 mill dollar deal for a sequel to ND and they turned it down. But money does talk in the biz.

  9. LesterFreed says:

    I would die for a sequel to Dynamite. I can watch that movie over and over. Kip’s going to be a huge star. You watch and see.

  10. dave l says:

    When Christopher Walken is on SNL, he’s the funniest guy on the show. When Heder was on, most of the cast did better than him. That’s the difference between a real star and a guy who found one perfect role.

  11. Sanchez says:

    Walken was on the show during the great years. If you have watched this season you know it is one of the worst seasons ever. No host can help.

  12. dave l says:

    Did you see this episode (no reason for you to have) or are you just defending Heder on principle?

  13. Sanchez says:

    Thanks to TIVO I’ve seen every episode this season and lets just say thats not a good thing. Very poor season. Heder had his moments but a lot of misses there too. Not his fault. Got to blame the show. They don’t have it this year.

  14. dave l says:

    Fair enough, but I think his performance indicated a comedic actor who doesn’t have a lot of range. If he was really a star he could have come on and dominated, and instead he just went with the flow.

  15. Angelus21 says:

    Why do you dislike Jon Heder so much? What did he do to you? He’s been in 2 movies. Give him a chance before you start tearing him down.

  16. Krazy Eyes says:

    I thought Heder was great in ND but I agree with dave | that he was pretty bland on SNL. His hosting gig wasn’t as painful as Lance Armstrong’s but he had very little of that spark that often defines a bright, young comedic talent.
    SNL is having the worst season in recent memory.

  17. joefitz84 says:

    Very hard to say if someone has chops from this season of SNL.
    Its making Mad TV look good.

  18. Scooba Steve says:

    SNL has been on life support since Will Farrell left. Casting more attractive performers only increases the desperation. I think it’s time for one of those purges like the 95/96 season that completely rejuvinates the show. That’s how talents like Farrell came on in the first place.

  19. dave l says:

    I like Heder a lot in Napoleon Dynamite, but he hasn’t proved that he’s going to be the next Ferrell. Did his performance in Just Like Heaven make that big of an impression for anyone?

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