MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Bitch vs Black on SNL

By the way, this is why the studios fought YouTube on copyright… so they could use the clips to both generate ad revenue and to sell other shows and products.
And for a twist in revolutionary thought… the corporations pushing this stuff off of the “democratic” YouTube also means that the WGA members who struck over the issue of web replays can get paid for the use of these clips… which they could not when they ran on YouTube. So… corporations good or corporations bad? Democracy freeing or democracy exploiting the worker?

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69 Responses to “Bitch vs Black on SNL”

  1. Joe Leydon says:

    Getting paid is always better. Always.

  2. lazarus says:

    “Bitch may be the new black, but black is the new president, bitch!”
    Perfect. So sick of that smug Fey and her completely over-the-top Hillary pimping. Her crime was forgetting to make it funny. Morgan knows better.

  3. CaptainZahn says:

    This kind of thing isn’t Morgan’s forte. His specialty is being rambling and unfocused. It just didn’t work for me.

  4. Hopscotch says:

    Every guy I spoke with said they thought it was kind of funny…
    every female said it really pissed them off.
    Tina Fey was a head writer for that show, wrote a hit movie, produces / writes and stars on a critically hit show. She’s worked her ass off to get where she is. Where would you call her “smug” lazarus?
    “Morgan Knows better”? Do you think he actually WROTE the words being said in that clip?

  5. Noah says:

    Well Hopscotch, Jim Downey wrote the rant that Tina Fey did and I’m willing to bet he wrote Tracy Morgan’s as well. So, I’d say neither of them knows better.

  6. OddDuck says:

    Regardless of who wrote what, I’m pretty surprised anyone would find Morgan’s “black is the new president, bitch” funnier than Fey’s “bitch is the new black”. Seriously. The latter is a pretty clever play on words that works on multiple levels while the former is basically saying “shut the f*** up”. Yeah, real clever.
    Also, have to say I think Tracy Morgan is seriously unfunny. He coasts on facial contortions and acting like an idiot, rarely bringing anything else to the scene. He drags down 30 Rock whenever he appears (although his entourage almost make up for him).

  7. The seriously unfunny “comedian” on SNL is Keenan Thompson who must have broken his streak of appearing in a hilllllarious dress in every episode last night. Tracy Morgan is money and that rant was funny so there.

  8. Me says:

    I tried watching the Spitzer opening on this last Saturday, and it was just plain unfunny. Now I remember why I don’t bother watching the show.

  9. movielocke says:

    the nbc-ideo looks nice and all, better than you tube quality, but at least with youtube a 3 minute clip can be watched in 3 minutes, not 10 minutes, which is what these are taking.

  10. Hopscotch says:

    I saw Jim Downey on Hardball and he wrote the two Hillary sketches, but mentioned that Fey wrote her stuff on Weekend Update.

  11. brack says:

    “Regardless of who wrote what, I’m pretty surprised anyone would find Morgan’s “black is the new president, bitch” funnier than Fey’s “bitch is the new black”. Seriously. The latter is a pretty clever play on words that works on multiple levels while the former is basically saying “shut the f*** up”. Yeah, real clever.”
    actually, what he did was do a play on her words, and pretty much said the truth, not just an FU.


  13. Rob says:

    Yeah, calling your boss a bitch on TV is pretty classy. Amy Poehler looked thrilled.
    But I forgot, it’s Clinton supporters who always take the low road.

  14. brack says:

    yeah, um, she called herself a bitch. you get it now?

  15. LexG says:

    Why are Hot Blog readers, or at least those who post, just so completely humorless?
    I’ve made this point before, but very few if any people here ever seem to find anything funny. Everyone here always seems very bitter and mean, just chronically unimpressed and chronically serious. Very little irony, very little good nature or joie de vivre. Just mean and self-serious, etc.
    I realize that’s the default armor of Hollywood, and I realize my “personality” is that of a raging blowhard, but in truth there’s very little I or anyone can do to puncture the incredible sourness of so many.
    Everyone just takes themselves very seriously, and is completely unwilling to extend any civility or good cheer to others. I realize that might an ironic observation coming from someone who posts ALL-CAPS TANTRUMS, but most of my tantrums are attempts at puncturing the hot air and pretentiousness that runs rampant. Not from Poland, who seems witty and insoucient, but from his legion here. Just always crotchety and detached and joyless.
    If 12 years in this town have taught me anything, it’s that the poseury, joyless, unable-to-extend-credit-where-it’s-due people are almost always the most insecure, the most desperate, the most jealous, and usually trying too hard to look like they’re more in the know than they really are.
    In other words, some people here need to seriously get a sense of humor.

  16. You guys do realize that while Fey’s sketch actually made some good points, Morgan’s sketch basically said vote for Obama because you don’t want a woman to pick up the phone at 3 in the morning. Yes, I realize it’s comedy and I think both happen to be pretty funny (Not funny enough for me to start watching SNL, but funny nonetheless), but saying “Morgan knows best” is pure stupidity.

  17. OddDuck says:

    LexG, I’ve seen your argument employed by halfwits to make the case for Two and a Half Men (and a number of other shitty sitcoms and other equally unfunny things). It’s the “if you don’t find this [terribly unfunny] thing funny then you must not have a sense of humor” argument.
    That said, I’m sure we all know someone who is too-cool-for-school and doesn’t find anything funny enough, so of course there is something to what you said.

  18. David Poland says:

    I think, BR, under all the Morgan bluster, there are some very salient points.
    1. Race is now being used against Obama in an insidious, vile way. (“We are a racist country… the end!”
    2. Obama is not “as black” as many black people see themselves in this country.
    3. Obama has already won the nomination, for all intents and purposes, and we are now in a full-scale jihad by the Clintons to try to rip his pretty much insurrmountable wins in delegates, popular vote, and state count from his grasp by using the politics of fear.
    4. TM doesn’t think Clinton will get away with it.
    Also, you seem to avoid the subtle point that Morgan suggests that you don’t want that woman picking up the phone at 3am IF Hillary’s name wasn’t Clinton and had “too much money and not enough loving.”
    I look forward to Alec Baldwin’s inevitable rant on the next live SNL.

  19. Rob says:

    A seven percent delegate lead with no mathematical possibility of reaching the number needed to clinch it does not mean Obama has all but won. The most insidious bit of propaganda coming from either side is the attempt to deny Clinton the right to see this through.

  20. jeffmcm says:

    Okay, neither of them ‘has it won’ but Clinton will need to employ nondemocratic means (superdelegates) to win whereas Obama can simply apply his lead.
    Lex, you must also look into the possibility that people are only sour when you’re around.

  21. LexG says:

    Jeff, I was referring to the fact that everyone in this thread seemed so harsh about how unfunny the two videos were, how unfunny SNL is, etc…
    …but after actually watching them, I’d like to rescind that rant, since, yeah, they were both pretty lame and the nonplussed reaction was appropriate.

  22. IOIOIOI says:

    “A seven percent delegate lead with no mathematical possibility of reaching the number needed to clinch it does not mean Obama has all but won. The most insidious bit of propaganda coming from either side is the attempt to deny Clinton the right to see this through.”
    You have lost, but you want her to follow through? Please. You simply want your candidate to rip off the victory from the only democratic candidate who can win. I am a democratic and would rather vote for McCain over her. Obama nailed this months ago by stating the people who vote for him will not vote for her. While the people who vote for her. Will vote for Obama. Especially all of these women who are only voting for Hillay because of shared reproductive organs. Do you really think that these same women — and the over 30 hispanics — will vote for McCain over Obama? Really? Please. Morgan slammed Fey and Poehler (and people like you Rob) right back in their apple sacks. It made my freakin morning because THE SCREECHER NEEDS TO HIT THE BRICKS.

  23. David Poland says:

    So Rob… your position is that if neither reaches the needed number, the votes means nothing… little?
    Deny Clinton the right? Please! Pray to God that she doesn’t get McCain elected by her tactics is more like it.

  24. lazarus says:

    Let me get this straight, Lex: You chastise the people on this blog for not having a sense of humor and whining all the time, yet you commented on something you hadn’t even seen? And then were forced to correct yourself? I applaud your honesty, but maybe THAT’S the real problem here; people opening their fucking mouths before they even know what they’re talking about.
    Even if some of your points were valid (and I agree, some people need to lighten up), you have to see a bit of hypocrisy, however indirect, in your actions.

  25. LexG says:

    Lazarus… post was indeed premature… probably had more to do with my knee-jerk instinct to defend SNL (as if it needs it), which is a source of endless fascination (and one-time inspiration) for me, than even my half-assed (though often valid) complaint about overall seriousness of posters.
    Only semi-related, I tend to think Seth Myers OWNS the WU segment, Poehler worked a little better with Fey, and that ALL of the mid-news character skits go on too long and usually aren’t even funny. I realize they used to drop freakin’ OPERA MAN of all things into the news, so these usually make a little more sense… but they completely kill any momentum Myers and Poehler get going.

  26. leahnz says:

    so io, women only support hillary because we all share uterusus… uteri…? what a twat. i’ve long admired hillary because she has spent her lawyerly life as a tireless advocate for children. shows what you know.

  27. IOIOIOI says:

    “so io, women only support hillary because we all share uterusus… uteri…? what a twat. i’ve long admired hillary because she has spent her lawyerly life as a tireless advocate for children. shows what you know.”
    A tireless advocate for children? ON WHAT FREAKIN PLANET? You know all of those CHILDREN WHO HAVE DIED IN IRAQ. She did not seem to advocate for them by voting against the war.
    Do you mean the whole S-chip situation? She was proven to be less than honest with her role in helping children’s health care.
    Do you mean what she tried to do with health care in the 90s? Do you even remember that her cold and calculating tactics pissed off people on both sides of the isle? If she really gave a crap about children. She might have been a bit more co-operative in order to make that deal happen.
    I could go on, but you really need not play with me. It’s foolish. Much like your inability to see that women — for some reason — have decided to anoint the wrong woman to be the first female president.
    If she was worth a crap. I would be all for her, but she is not. All she wants is power because she believes it is her god given right. Give me the guy with the crazy preacher any day of the week, because he at least wants to do something with that power for everyone.

  28. jeffmcm says:

    “her cold and calculating tactics pissed off people on both sides of the isle?”
    IOIOI, you could learn something from your own words. You aren’t exactly promoting productive discussion with your above comments.

  29. IOIOIOI says:

    Jeff; I could give a crap. The Hillary people can leave like they left other blogs such as the Daily Kos. This is not a time to mince words with this group of people. This is a time to be honest with a group of people who support a candidate who may be as ruinous as the current guy in office.
    If you want DAINTY jeff. Go put on a dress. If not; save your condemnations for someone who gives a damn. Remove yourself sir.

  30. jeffmcm says:

    IOIOI, all I want to point out is that one of the arguments the Obama people like yourself are using is that Obama is more electable than Clinton because more of her people will vote for him than vice versa. When you say insulting stuff like the above, you’re doing a good job of making sure that Clinton voters stay home in November, and making it easier for McCain to get elected.
    Get some perspective and grow up a little.

  31. OddDuck says:

    Hey IOIOUOU, jeffmcm speaks the truth. Your rants don’t accomplish anything except perhaps making you feel better. Do you honestly think any Hillary supporter (or even someone undecided but maybe leaning a litte towards her) is going to respond to the way you talk? You come off (just a bit) as a deranged lunatic.
    I’m a Hillary supporter but like Obama a lot. One of the things that kept me from voting for him is this instinctual reluctance to drink Kool Aid, or anything that might possibly be Kool Aid. And the whole “Obamania” and “cult of Obama” and all this overly amped up exuberance – it weirded me out a little bit. He’s gotten hoisted up, so high, so fast. People think he can walk on water. Hell, his pastor compared him to Jesus. Stuff like that just turns me off. The depressing thing is, none of this stuff has to do with Obama himself. I eat up just about everything he says, policy wise, and have tremendous amount of respect for him (as I also do for Clinton). But all the craziness around his campaign, and the hostility – and frequent vulgarity – of so many of his supporters is a major turnoff. Reading your posts tonight reinforces that in a big way.
    Could be what I just wrote evidences some flawed reasoning on my part. I don’t know. But crap like what you wrote tonight certainly isn’t gonna change my mind.

  32. IOIOIOI says:

    Jeff; you know damn well the Hillary supporters are not going to stay home in November. You are simply buying into the INTERNET representing a true cross-section of the populace. When you know that it does not, and some Hillary supporters voted for her now. While they will vote for OBAMA later. Again; are they going to vote for the man who wants a HUNDRED YEAR WAR and strong immigration policies? I think not. Hillary is all smoke and mirrors. Excuse some of us for not being totally blown a way by the candidate who — much like her husband before her — thinks only of her power. While ignoring that this is a PARTY that needs a STRONG CANDIDATE to help the party make strong gains all over in November not only in the White House. I simply do not see why that upsets you so much Jeff? Why don’t you pick a side already.
    McWeeney Style…………….. engaged!
    “Hey IOIOUOU, jeffmcm speaks the truth. Your rants don’t accomplish anything except perhaps making you feel better.”
    Why do people online type this stupid shit? Do you really think this has anything to do with me feeling better? No sir; it has to do with myself being a citizen of this country. A citizen who strongly believes that this country needs change, and has finally found someone who may facilitate that change. EXCUSE ME FOR WANTING SOMETHING BETTER!
    “Do you honestly think any Hillary supporter (or even someone undecided but maybe leaning a litte towards her) is going to respond to the way you talk? You come off (just a bit) as a deranged lunatic.”
    A derranged lunatic? Believing in something furvently makes me derranged? Believing in a candidate who has excited the western world like no other candidate in well over a decade, and this makes me a derranged? I think someone here is an asshole, sir. Please keep your ridiculous arm-chair psychology to your friends and family. You at least know them.
    “I’m a Hillary supporter but like Obama a lot.”
    Like Obama a lot? Apparently not enough to vote for him. How you feel about him means very little in this whole post of yours.
    “One of the things that kept me from voting for him is this instinctual reluctance to drink Kool Aid, or anything that might possibly be Kool Aid. And the whole ‘Obamania’ and ‘cult of Obama’ and all this overly amped up exuberance – it weirded me out a little bit.”
    PEOPLE BEING EXCITED FOR A CANDIDATE FREAKED YOU OUT? How do you come to arousal sir? With exuberance or a wimper?
    Like every other Hillary fan on the net. You take believing in this man and his candidacy to be a CULT. When it’s not cultish. I do not see anyone in matching Nikes or track suits. I simply see people who have lived through a terrorist attack, a shitty war, and a crumbling economy believing in and wanting CHANGE. REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS… change.
    There are few responses that I find more downright goofy, then people giving OBAMA SUPPORTERS crap for being excited about his candidacy. It’s not our fault we are for the guy who wants change, represents change, and possibly can facilitate real change for the first time in many of our lives. EXCUSE US FOR BEING SO OVERJOYED WITH THIS POSSIBILITY.
    “He’s gotten hoisted up, so high, so fast. People think he can walk on water. Hell, his pastor compared him to Jesus. Stuff like that just turns me off.”
    If you call yourself a democratic. You are a piss-poor one. The guy has not been hoisted up so fast or so high. This has been building since his speech at the 04 convention and his two best-selling books. If anything; you are guilty for not paying attention to the man who is currently beating Hillary in every category worth a damn in this primary season.
    “The depressing thing is, none of this stuff has to do with Obama himself. I eat up just about everything he says, policy wise, and have tremendous amount of respect for him (as I also do for Clinton). But all the craziness around his campaign, and the hostility – and frequent vulgarity – of so many of his supporters is a major turnoff.”
    A poster at the Daily Kos pretty much summed this up: Hillary supporters cannot handle other democrats turning on her. You simply do not get that we do not like your candidate or anything she represents like that racism bit with Ferraro last week. We are not down with what she’s doing to the NEW HOPE. Excuse us for simply responding in kind to supporters that I would imagine a great deal of people feel is holding back the candidate whose already won this primary. Excuse us for not being a fan of Bill’s wife right now.
    “Reading your posts tonight reinforces that in a big way.”
    Reading and ripping your post apart pretty much reinforces in me that you have a hard time with people being excited for the first time in their lives when it comes to presidential politics. You have a hard time understanding why people want CHANGE, when your candidate is the candidate of the last eight years except this time they will happen in a pant suit.
    “Could be what I just wrote evidences some flawed reasoning on my part. I don’t know. But crap like what you wrote tonight certainly isn’t gonna change my mind.”
    What crap? It’s not my fault you dislike the realities of this situation, but they are what they are. Hillary has no chance baring grand shenanigans happening in her favour. She cannot even steal the candidacy now because Pelosi slammed that door in her face. This leaves us with a candidate who will do whatever she can against a better opponent that has inspired much of this populace for the first time in decades.
    If this is crap, sir. I would recommend you looking closer at yourself and why you are so turned off by people BELIEVING IN THIS COUNTRY BEING GOOD AGAIN. Why does this repulse you so much? Why does it scare you so?

  33. leahnz says:

    do your research io. i’m talking about waaaay before hillary was ever first lady, in her early days as a lawyer and beyond, before big politics really took over her life, she was an outspoken advocate for childern and the rights of children for many years. anyone who really know anything about children’s advocacy or hillary as a person or hillary’s career knows this. i like both hillary and obama, so suck on that.

  34. IOIOIOI says:

    Ignore me; jeff? What am I stating that is so damn bad? Please explain to me oh arbitor of what’s right and wrong. Please explain to me what I have typed that is so damn bad? Hell… Heat is more incendiary than I am, but I am to be ignored? Once again Jeff… REMOVE YOURSELF SIR.
    It has nothing to do with who you like. It has to do with who earns your vote. Also… please explain to me when BIG POLITICS did not take over Hillary’s life? During the early 70s? Come on. Point out to me where this woman was such a child advocate because it would be nice to read that she did some good in politics at some point in her life.

  35. OddDuck says:

    Wow. Somebody’s off their meds.

  36. jeffmcm says:

    IOI, I’m an Obama supporter.

  37. IOIOIOI says:

    Odd duck; that makes you an ass. I believe in change and want this country to change for the better. While you believe in a being an ass. Wow. If every Hillary supporter is like you. She must be doing gangbusters.
    If that’s the best retort that you have. You would do best to stare at the mirrour and ask yourself; “When was it I became an asshole?” It would seem this is a long time coming by judging who you want for elected office.
    Jeff; a rather tepid one it would seem. I also find it fun that you would defend someone like odd duck more then me. Thus demonstrating that you love personal attacks more than successful rhetoric.

  38. jeffmcm says:

    You just don’t get it. Insulting people on your same side of the issue (getting a Democrat in the White House) makes you look petty and damages your cause.
    I was an Edwards supporter until he dropped out, then I moved to Obama because Clinton’s rhetoric and tactics turned me off. The point being, even if you have a strong case, you can still lose if you behave like a jackass and alienate people who might be willing to agree with you.

  39. IOIOIOI says:

    I do not agree with these people on core principals. They are no different than republicans to me at this point. Seriously jeff; I see Hillary and her supporters at blocking a real chance at this party having a November that could really change this country for the better.
    If they have a hard time with the way some folks put things. This is on them. The paraphase WIND: The presidency is right over there for Obama, and Hillary is in the way.

  40. OddDuck says:

    IOIOUOIOIO’s got mad debating skills.

  41. IOIOIOI says:

    Look at how mad and angry Odd is right now. You got Pippened. Accept your Pippening and accept you backed the wrong horse.
    If this upsets you so much. Why doesn’t Hillary’s RACIST junk with Ferraro upset you? Why doesn’t the 3 AM ad upset you? Why doesn’t Hillary’s attacks at Obama core character upset you? I could go on, but you are wasting your anger. Direct it at your candidate. Do not direct it at me.

  42. jeffmcm says:

    IOI, I don’t really care about what your ‘core principals’ are, I’m telling you that you’re acting like a jerk and, as a duly designated representative of the Obama campaign, making him and his supporters look like jerks.
    And learn to write English like a normal person, not one who delights in obscure, masturbatory references.

  43. OddDuck says:

    I’m not angry right now. I’m actually in a pretty good mood.
    However, I am beginning to suspect IOIOIOI is thirteen years old.

  44. IOIOIOI says:

    Odd; you are the one whose continually insulting me. I am simply responding to an asshole. Whose acting like an asshole.
    Let me also once again ask when did 12 and 13 year-olds get turned into the defacto “STUPID SCHMUCKS”? Do we discount all of the brilliant 12 and 13 year-olds in this world to slam someone online over what? You being a pithy bitch of a man that likes a really bad candidate whose taking the LOW ROAD? Did you catch her speech today? Did you notice how often she pretty much lied Obama’s stance on bringing the truth home? Do you really support this woman? If you do. I will exclude myself from any age group and gladly be slammed as being “thirteen.” I at least would be a thirteen year old whose not a freakin putz and had some sort of sound reasoning unlike my older counterpart.
    Jeff; how am I acting like a jerk? I am being honest and steadfast in my beliefs. This makes me a jerk? I am a jerk for believing in a candidate that can change the country? Really?
    You sir have no idea my intent or my attitude. You are also the worst gage of my character because you lack the ability to even get the simplest of my post. So please do not state I am acting like a jerk. When you are simply acting like the worst Obama supporter on the net. Oh I forgot. You wanted the guy who never had a chance to win. Good on you Jeff.

  45. jeffmcm says:

    You still don’t know what pithy means.

  46. movielocke says:

    I’m an obama supporter, but IO you’re way out of line. In a big way. Derision like that is not representative of obama but other candidates in the race.
    “in her early days as a lawyer and beyond, before big politics really took over her life, she was an outspoken advocate for childern and the rights of children for many years. anyone who really know anything about children’s advocacy or hillary as a person or hillary’s career knows this”
    Clinton’s first big case was making sure a pedophile got off for raping a twelve year old girl. in her defense the pedophile asked for a female lawyer so he would look better to the jury, but she was quite happy to set all her principals aside to show she could ‘play ball’ with the boys and toe the line as a lawyer. That bothers me a heck of a lot more than that Obama’s preacher is an angry black man. how on earth is the only thing negative that has stuck to Obama is that his preacher is less crazy (but more black) than James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, or Pat Robertson?,0,2670956.story

  47. swordandpen says:

    Watching IO rant about politics is hilarious (he’s only funny when not trying to be). Bad enough he displays his ignorance about movies, but any intelligent thoughts on politics are clearly way, way out of his reach.
    The only thing IO accomplishes is showing that Obama is getting the raving loon vote, which makes the rest of us rational Obama supporters look bad by association.

  48. “Jeff; a rather tepid one it would seem”, “you are simply acting like the worst Obama supporter on the net.”
    So because Jeff isn’t foaming at the mouth and barking at everyone who isn’t the same makes him worse than you, IO?
    People simply can’t have a difference of opinion around you because if they do you will SMACK THEM DOWN (ignoring the fact that you’re on the freakin’ Internet).
    Go Obama, but damn, lay off the red bull.
    Jeff, he sort of knows what “pithy” means. I mean, you are being brief and succinct, which is more than I can say for him.

  49. Rob says:

    “So Rob… your position is that if neither reaches the needed number, the votes means nothing… little?”
    All I’m saying is that the assignation of delegates is a complicated process, and not the same as a 1-to-1 vote, so it’s hard to characterize Obama’s slight lead as “the will of the people.”
    Bringing superdelegates into the process isn’t a betrayal of democracy – they’re there for this very reason.

  50. IOIOIOI says:

    Sword; you are still another user using another name in order to talk (figurative) smack to me. You make me feel so damn special. You are still an ass. Unlike you; I could admit even when an ass makes a point. Yet you fail to see that I am not that far off, and many Obama supporters all over the net simply loath Hillary and dislike her supporters. If you silly motherfuckers want to act like this is a big sleep over and we are a bunchy of gossipy teen girls. Go right ahead. I simply refuse to be part of something so lame and so tepid, that it comes across as a limp noodle sliding down a wall.
    And fuck Ron Fournier. He’s a Hillary supporter. They will do everything they can do to take Obama down. It’s a shame, but he just gave a speech today knocked it out of the park again. If that speech and that man represent the height of arrogance. I am all about being arrogant
    Camel; I will continue to slam away. If you believe something… STAND THE FUCK UP FOR IT. Why I am the only one that stands up for something around here besides LEX. Demonstrates that the rest of you could use a backbone infusion.

  51. IOIOIOI says:

    Oh yeah… the raving loon vote? Is it my fault that you are a flacid freakin white guy? It is my fault that you are not an Obama supporter that has had to deal with the ridiculousness of Hillary supporters?
    Seriously; how can you support Obama and not be disgusted at what Hillary tried to do to the man over the last month. She threw the kitchen sink at the man. She tried to ruin him as a man, a candidate, and scared the state of OHIO into voting for her. Yet I am a raving loon for being angry about all her shenanigans? Really?
    Excuse me for having emotions. Excuse me for being a human being. Yet you should excuse yourself for calling me a raving loon. When you are the sad-sack who was too cowardly of words on a screen to respond with your first log-in. If that’s not the hallmark of a raving lunatic. I do not know what is.

  52. OddDuck says:

    Obama did give an awesome speech today. I thought it was honest, from the heart, and didn’t involve any cop outs. If my state hadn’t had its primary already, I’d be feeling more torn than ever in which candidate to support in the primary.
    But IOIOU, let me ask, what do you think Obama would think of your behavior on this message board? Do you think it’s in keeping with the spirit of his campaign and the speech he gave today?

  53. swordandpen says:

    IO, I love how you keep calling me white when I’m not. Having some deep-seated racial issues, huh?
    I have exactly one log in on this site, but I’m sure your obvious paranoia will not be able to comprehend that.
    I don’t think you’re special, only in the mentally handicapped sense. But I realize you choose to be ignorant, stupid and misinformed by choice. How’s that lifestyle working out for you?
    If you think I’m such a coward, I will happily say what my name is when you do. I stand by every word I say. I’m sure everyone on this forum would like to see how brave you are with your ridiculous rants when we all know what your name is.
    Something tells me though your bravery only comes from the anonymity behind your computer keyboard while scarfing down bags of Nachos.
    You’re a joke, IO. A pathetic loser,. As always. Referring to yourself as a “human being” was the funniest thing you’ve ever written.

  54. Blackcloud says:

    IO’s thinking, like his name, is in all caps, and thus lacking in any subtlety and nuance. Clearly, he comes from the Jeremiah Wright side of the Obama coalition, and not the restrained, calm, rational side. Or, if we were being unkind, we could simply dismiss his rantings as the infantile screeds they are.

  55. IOIOIOI says:

    “IO, I love how you keep calling me white when I’m not. Having some deep-seated racial issues, huh?”
    First off; this is racist bullshit. Anyone with your limited reading comprehension would note as much. Yet you seem to not get whole white folks thing. It’s okay. One day you might be hip. Keep praying.
    “I have exactly one log in on this site, but I’m sure your obvious paranoia will not be able to comprehend that.”
    Obvious paranoia? This is lame white motherfucking shit right here. You think you are being clever. You think that you are cutting with your retorts. When really… you are just a bitch. You are just a bitch whose afraid to use his real log-in to confront me. Are we not men, sir? Are we not men?
    “I don’t think you’re special, only in the mentally handicapped sense.”
    You are still a bitch. Carry on.
    “But I realize you choose to be ignorant, stupid and misinformed by choice. How’s that lifestyle working out for you?”
    Where in the world do you get this conception? Please point out to me how my points are not well informed. I am paying attention to politics on a damn near hourly basis, but you dare to insult my intellect? You are a bitch. Anyone agreeing with you represents the same bitchy condescending attitude thast you seeming have for no good reason. You sir are a bitch. Please do not try and act above your class. It does not suit you.
    “If you think I’m such a coward, I will happily say what my name is when you do. I stand by every word I say.”
    You do not stand by your words sir. You do not stand by them. You stand besides them. If you stood by them. You would actually respond with some integrity, some vigor, but not these lowly insults. You simply lack the ability to stand by these statements. I doubt if I were standing in front of you, that you would say anything to me.
    “I’m sure everyone on this forum would like to see how brave you are with your ridiculous rants when we all know what your name is.”
    These rants? No they are postings. Unlike you folks — except Lex — this is the manner in which I post, and I am sorry if it upsets your sorry ass bitch tendencies. They also already know my name dipstick. Nice of you to not pay attention.
    “Something tells me though your bravery only comes from the anonymity behind your computer keyboard while scarfing down bags of Nachos.”
    Scarfing down bags of NACHOS? You sorry bitch. Do you have some sort of INTERNET PUT DOWN book that you are using in this post? You cannot scarf down nachos. If you are referring to DORITOS or a TORTILLA BRAND SNACK CHIP that’s one thing. Using the whole scarfing down NACHOS thing denotes that you are an idiot, you are trying to hard, and you are still a bitch.
    You should also not question my bravery. Again; I will say this to your face. I will say it with no hesistation for I know in the real world the way some on this forum act, does not represent the way they truly are in public. I doubt you have the size, the speed, or the strength to even step to me in any situation.
    So please… stop acting as if you are tough. Stop acting as if KNOWING MY NAME changes anything. When really… you are just a perv who wants to google me to get a look at my goodies. You sick twisted freak.
    “You’re a joke, IO. A pathetic loser,.”
    A pathetic loser? Wow. Scarfing down NACHOS and the whole PATHETIC LOSER comment. Really? You taking it back to 1996 with these PUT-DOWNS. Watch out everybody… this bitch of a man is trying to scold me. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH…. that’s smarts.
    “As always. Referring to yourself as a “human being” was the funniest thing you’ve ever written.”
    You apparently miss the point simpleton. Seriously… go back in your hole because I once again demonstrated that my pen is a sword, and it cuts you down rather easily.
    “IO’s thinking, like his name, is in all caps, and thus lacking in any subtlety and nuance.”
    No; I do not type like you boring ass bitches. You also are not clever enough to get that IOIOIOI is an alphabetic take on BINARY CODE. Sorry Cloud; you suck at psychology as much as that other douche. GOOD JOB!
    “Clearly, he comes from the Jeremiah Wright side of the Obama coalition, and not the restrained, calm, rational side.”
    This is why you are a dipshit. Do Heat’s postings about Hillary seem rational and restrained to you? Do you not get a sense of the seething anger from all of them? You are another sorry ass bitch from this site trying to call me out in a way, that makes you look foolish. I am not happy with Hillary or her Supporters. Should I try to lie about it? Like you lie?
    “Or, if we were being unkind, we could simply dismiss his rantings as the infantile screeds they are.”
    No; they are rather intricate posts detailing real reaction to this primary season. Once again… excuse a brother for not seeing things all LILLY WHITE like you do :D!
    Finally Odd; I would ask that same question about you, but Hillary acts like you do. So it’s sort of mute now isnt it?

  56. christian says:

    It’s clear that IOI is straight outta the Land of Kos, where that phony “Libertarian Democrat” smug boy-king dismisses actual progressives like Kucinich with an insightful “ugh” and pimps Chevron ads under his banner. Kos and his groupthink acolytes ban and run off the actual liberals if they stray from the ever changing hypocritical rules of that sports and politics fantasy site.
    Anyway, at least you can’t hide or ban people here for not thinking exactly like you, IOI. But you are typical of Obama supporters like the deranged Andrew Sullivan, who now simply shoo away potential voters with endless insults. Unlike Kos, you better hope they don’t strike.

  57. Blackcloud says:

    “I am not happy with Hillary or her Supporters. Should I try to lie about it? Like you lie?”
    In IO land, everyone who does not praise Obama as much as IO does is against Obama and for Hillary. You may not be paranoid, IO, but you definitely have a messianic complex, along with an absurdly Manichean view of the world. That may be great for true believers, but movements based on true belief usually wind up devouring themselves. Hopefully this one, if that is its fate, does so without doing as many others have, and does not devour everyone else in the process.

  58. Blackcloud says:

    “No; I do not type like you boring ass bitches. You also are not clever enough to get that IOIOIOI is an alphabetic take on BINARY CODE. Sorry Cloud; you suck at psychology as much as that other douche. GOOD JOB!”
    Yes, your thinking is binary alright. And it seems highly unlikely it will ever emerge from that narrow universe. Your name is more apposite than you can possibly know.

  59. LexG says:

    IO is RUNNING SHIT in this thread.
    He’s almost convincing me to go register to vote.

  60. OddDuck says:

    I’m beginning to think IO is a McCain plant trying to make the Obama camp look as bad as possible. But as IO would say, it’s all “mute” now. After all, most of us have already cast our votes and anyone who chooses to sit out the general election because their favored democrat lost is a douchebag.

  61. Sometimes when I arrive at The Hot Blog I wonder if IO will still be around because, surely, some day, he’s going to burst a blood vessel in his face or something.
    “I simply refuse to be part of something so lame and so tepid”
    Says the man who insults people for being white and not hip enough and whose posts are epic in length? He sure ain’t pithy, that’s for sure.
    “Camel; I will continue to slam away. If you believe something… STAND THE FUCK UP FOR IT. Why I am the only one that stands up for something around here besides LEX. Demonstrates that the rest of you could use a backbone infusion.”
    Here I am standing up for something! You’re an idiot! Or, in IO speak – YOU’RE AN IDIOT, SMACK DOWN!!!!!!!! I am a GOD, all bow down to my SUPREME ability to INSULT PEOPLE ONLINE!!!! yaw!

  62. jeffmcm says:

    Guys: troll.

  63. LexG says:

    Blackcloud, my new goal in life is to get her to friend me on MySpace.
    That chick OWNS.

  64. Blackcloud says:

    LexG, the way you use “OWN” reminds me of the way the Smurfs used “smurf.”
    MySpace sucks. Facebook OWNS.
    Sorry, couldn’t resist.

  65. swordandpen says:

    IO makes an ass out of himself yet again.
    By the way, IO, I would happily say anything I’ve said right to your face. You’re a troll, IO. We all know face to face wouldn’t be your style because, at the heart of every troll, is a coward.
    The internet must be the only place for you to feel all big and tough to deal with the failures in your own life. Apparently, you manage to post something awesomely stupid on every single topic here. You must have a lot of free time on your hands.
    If you so much want an intelligent conversation to happen on these boards, the first thing for you to do is stop posting here and go to Ain’t It Cool where all of your fellow trolls post. I don’t want to speak for everyone here but something tells me no one will miss you.

  66. seeker says:

    so where were we… is tina fey funnier or tracey morgan?
    perhaps IO will enlighten us? šŸ˜›

The Hot Blog

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” ā€” some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it ā€” I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury ā€” he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” ā€” and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging ā€” I was with her at that moment ā€” she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy namedā€”” “Yeah, sure ā€” you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that Iā€™m on the phone with you now, after all thatā€™s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didnā€™t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. Thereā€™s not a case of that. He wasnā€™t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had ā€” if that were what the accusation involved ā€” the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. Iā€™m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, ā€œYou know, itā€™s not this, itā€™s thatā€? Because ā€” let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. TimesĀ piece, thatā€™s what it lacked. Thatā€™s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon