MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Once More… Briefly

I didn’t read everything this morning, seeing how the ABC News presidential debate got slammed in the media.
I will not join the fray, though I have to wonder why someone thought it was okay to have a guy who owes his entire public career to The Clintons asking questions.
But what struck me was that with as many attacks as were thrown at Obama – four straight questions about the statistically insignificant Reverend Wright, a dumb question about a flag pin, plus that weak stuff about David Ayers, which sadly to me, forced Obama to point out the Bill Clinton had taken other Weather Underground members OUT OF JAIL with pardons – he just kept moving forward with answers that both made sense and for the most part, were not at all evasive. Half the time, I was watching Hillary with that “I can’t believe that we can’t hurt this guy” look on her face.
Bring on McCain.

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19 Responses to “Once More… Briefly”

  1. mutinyco says:

    Obama getting elected has less to do with him than McCain being saddled with Bush’s record.

  2. Blackcloud says:

    Reaction to the debate, and Obama’s performance, is much more mixed than you’re making it out to be. It seems a pretty even race who is taking more whacks, the moderators or Obama.

  3. David Poland says:

    Where, Blackcloud? On Fox News?
    The only positive voice I know of regrading ABC News on this is right winger David Brooks. And of course, ALL the right wingers want to see Obama go away because they know they can beat Hillary and are still praying she can find a way to win what she has already (98% certain) lost.
    But really… where is all this “Obama was bad in the debate” stuff? I don’t even see it on Drudge.

  4. LexG says:


  5. mysteryperfecta says:

    The flag pin questions are dumb. Stop asking about flag pins.
    Also, I’ve learned that questions=attacks if you don’t like the questions.

  6. Stella's Boy says:

    Well there’s something we definitely agree on mystery. Flag pin questions are incredibly stupid.

  7. Blackcloud says:

    I was disappointed Obama started wearing the pin again.
    David, check out the links at Real Clear Politics. Much more mixed, not a Fox News story to be found.

  8. David Poland says:

    Well, looking at Real Clear Politics is pretty much a list of anti-Obama writers. Not balanced. A number of those who are listed were all over Fox News today. And the ABC issue is all over the place… and barely mentioned there.
    Andrew Sullivan is the odd liberal on the list… and his remarks make no sense to me.
    I am not saying that the debate was a huge win for Obama… aside from the fact that every time this kind of petty stuff becomes a central focus, Obama actually goes up in the polls.

  9. Chucky in Jersey says:

    George S, who owes his career to Slick Willie, used talking points from Sean Hannity and right-wing radio. As Hannity works for Fox News Channel that should put George S’ integrity into question.
    Real Clear Politics IS a right-wing website, so it’s gonna crucify Obama no matter what.

  10. mysteryperfecta says:

    Obama cannot lose a debate with Hillary. He could turn his back to the audience and listen to his iPod for the duration. As decidedly average as Obama is off-the-cuff, Hillary can never take full advantage. Its Hillary. ITS HILLARY.
    “George S, who owes his career to Slick Willie, used talking points from Sean Hannity and right-wing radio. As Hannity works for Fox News Channel that should put George S’ integrity into question.”
    George S. went to a bunch of shows to pimp the debate. Hannity proffered a debate question that George liked. He asked it. You’re into truther territory.

  11. IOIOIOI says:

    So Blackcloud supports a right-wing website? This explains everything. It really really does. Nevertheless; Hillary extending this out has pretty much led to Barack becoming BATTLE-TESTED. Good going there, dingleberry. YOU MADE YOUR OPPONENT STRONGER AND MORE ELECTABLE!

  12. Hopscotch says:

    George S. left the White House in 1996, wrote a tell-all book about the Clintons, “All Too Human”, was paid hansomely for it and he has not been friendly with the Clinton’s since he left the White House. In the book there’s not a lot of flattery about Hillary or Bill, so to claim he’s an old-friend is not really painting the whole picture.
    No one would accuse Bob Scheiffer of being biased, even though his brother has worked with George W. Bush and appointed him an ambassador.
    All that being said, there were poorly researched and asked questions and frankly they deserve all the shit they got today.

  13. Blackcloud says:

    I’m not sure how mentioning a website makes me support it any more than DP mentioning Drudge makes him support it. But carry on with the paranoia and delusions, IO.

  14. IOIOIOI says:

    Paranoia and Delusions? No need to be a dick, dude. Seriously… absolutely no reason to retort in that fashion, but you apparently roll that way. I just thought it was interesting you bring up that website, when clearly you are not that interested in seeing whose writing for it. Unlike you… I clearly admit to reading Druge even if he’s a gay (allegedly) guy in Miami with questionable politics and morals from time to time. He at least has an Obama man-crush. The t-shirt ad on the bottom of his page excluded.

  15. Blackcloud says:

    IO, I don’t have much patience with arguments about the so-called liberal media, so the reverse isn’t going to win my favor, either. To me, your comments were rather like Nicol D’s rants about the irredeemable left-wing taint of academia. I brought RCP up because they link to a lot of stuff, like Drudge, but with much more editorial responsibility. Do they have “right-wing” stuff? Sure. But they also link to stuff on the other side. Anyway, my main objection was to your infering my political leanings from a website I mentioned. Especially that one, which is one of the main political news sites. Just as Drudge is. Given your statement that you read Drudge, I’m sure you’d be annoyed if I made a judgement about you from that info beyond the obvious: that you read Drudge. That’s all I was objecting to. I apologize for the offense. We’re all getting a little thin-skinned here.

  16. Stella's Boy says:

    On a daily basis I try to check out Drudge, Politico, RCP, Huffington Post and The Atlantic. Sometimes I get Time and Newsweek in there too. I like reading as much as I can about a wide variety of issues from multiple sources. I can read what interests me and ignore what doesn’t. Mentioning a Web site hardly means you ardently support it.

  17. Chucky in Jersey says:

    Hopscotch: An employee of ABC News coordinated his debate questions with an employee of Fox News Channel. Anyone in my company who pulls a similar stunt would be fired on the spot.
    Even the pro-government/pro-war Washington Post nailed George S for acting like a dirty tricks operative.

  18. IOIOIOI says:

    Cloudy; thanks for the apology and I truly did not intend to come off as such a wanker in one of my previous post. Everything is all cleared up now. So no worries and all.

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