MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Once Again…

Man, is it hard to stay focused on movies right now.
Don’t get me wrong. I love movies. I am still taking in information and movies and doing all my normal work that leads to blog entries, etc.
But Ahmadinejad is speaking at the U.N… the bail out package, which involves almost as much money as the Iraq War (though some of this money – possibly all of it – will be recovered), is being debated in Congress… Palin and McCain are still playing hide the candidate and even the wimpy press corps is beginning to be disgusted enough not to accept it for fear of being “Je Accuse!-ed” by the lying class…
I don’t care how many cars John McCain has or where they are from. I don’t want to listen to spokespeople dancing through the raindrops of truth about who supported what and when they did it. As amused as I am by the right wing of the Republican Party that was bought off by Palin coming back at McCain strong – personally, I think they now sense that they need to start rebuilding before McCain loses – I don’t even care that much that George Will can’t stop slamming McCain.
Important moments are rare in life. It is, as we saw last week, all too easy to overreact. But this is, unlike any moment since Reagan was elected, a moment in which something truly important and nation changing is in the air. Both parties are ready to leave Iraq and the exit will be even more tenuous than the taking over of the country. We are in a crisis at the end of an economic bubble – not unlike DVD sell-thru in the movie business – with no “next bubble” on the horizon… meaning we actually might have to do heavy lifting as a nation to keep the balls in the air.
And after 8 years of an unpopular presidency, America is within percentage points of choosing to keep playing the same hand instead of moving towards a future the majority claims repeatedly in polling that they want. Forget about which side of that argument you fall on for a second… forget about whether you like the characterization… just think about the choice.
And then get your head around a passionate discussion of Eagle Eye.

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69 Responses to “Once Again…”

  1. pchu says:

    As a Canadian, I am an outsider for this election. But having read the news, I am pretty amazed that people actually would vote for McCain. He keeps publicize himself as a maverick and saying that he will change things, but what is he changing and how is he changing it?
    So far he has agreed with Bush on Oil Drilling, the Iraq War, he was for De-Regulation. And when he mentioned how ‘sound’ the economy was in last Monday, there is no way anyone would vote for him, but yet he is neck and neck with Obama. Just because he is saying he is a ‘Maverick’ people actually believe it.
    And then there is the Palin thing. They choose her for obvious political reason not for the good of the country. I don’t think she has the aptitude to handle the job.
    I read an article where most foreign nations would have prefer Obama as president to McCain and yet only in the States, that would not be the case.
    Maybe I am missing something here, but then again we have own election to worry about.

  2. Mgmax says:

    There’s a lot to be said for making people laugh. Did you know that that’s all some people have? It isn’t much, but it’s better than nothing in this cockeyed caravan.

  3. Joe Leydon says:

    David, you just have to learn to compartmentalize. A couple years ago, I was walking out of a screening of Barnyard when I got a cell phone call from my sister. She was crying, and told me that our father had died a few hours earlier. The news wasn’t exactly a surprise — he’d been ill for quite some time — but it was a shock. And I was bummed. But I went home and wrote my Barnyard review anyway. I admit, it was a little bit, er, awkward to deal at that particular point with a movie (even a cartoon) in which the lead character’s father died. But, hey, I had a deadline. Such is life: You have to keep doing your job, regardess of how you feel, because, ultimately, you’re the only one who ever really cares how you feel.

  4. LexG says:

    LEXG IN ’12.

  5. mysteryperfecta says:

    “Forget about which side of that argument you fall on for a second… forget about whether you like the characterization… just think about the choice.”
    What the hell does this mean?

  6. jeffmcm says:

    “…Listen to the sound of my voice…you are getting sleepy…”

  7. mysteryperfecta says:

    Funny, jeff. 🙂

  8. IOIOIOI says:

    I think he means; “Stop coughing on the repubconserv nuts, realize we are moments away from the beginning of freakin DEATH RACE become a reality, and we need a better tomorrow.” So… CHANGE!

  9. Honestly, aside from just deep and pure partisanship or misplaced loyalty, there’s absolutely no reason anyone should be voting for McCain. None. Zilch.

  10. frankbooth says:

    “There’s a lot to be said for making people laugh. Did you know that that’s all some people have? It isn’t much, but it’s better than nothing in this cockeyed caravan.”
    I agree, Mgmax. But do you really think it’s the job of the president and vp to provide that?
    Anyway, I’ll find Palin/McCain a lot funnier after they go back to their regular jobs.

  11. mysteryperfecta says:

    “Honestly, aside from just deep and pure partisanship or misplaced loyalty, there’s absolutely no reason anyone should be voting for McCain. None. Zilch.”
    Actually, I think he’s saying, “Disregarding your own ideals and opinions, if you accept MY ideals and opinions, mustn’t you accept my conclusions?
    Or put another way, “You have the choice between McCain, who is the devil, and Obama, who is the Messiah. Regardless of whether you believe McCain is the devil, or resent the characterization, if accept my premise that he is, shouldn’t you obviously choose the Messiah?”
    Hard to argue with that logic.

  12. Mgmax says:

    “I agree, Mgmax. But do you really think it’s the job of the president and vp to provide that?”
    Nope, but it sure is the entertainment industry’s.

  13. But mystery…c’mon man….the guys is a liar and the campaign is full of lies. I mean, if your ideals and opinions include lying, then by all means. But are you really turning a blind eye to the lies that are mounting by the day? Seriously.
    I just honestly don’t see how anyone who’s commenting on this blog (ie; not off managing a billion dolaar business or something similar) stand to GAIN or improve their life under a McCain presidency.
    And, I’ve said it before…I am and always have abeen a registered Republican. But I never, EVER voted for Bush 2 and voting for McCain would be like voting Bush 3. It’s just….wrong.

  14. mysteryperfecta says:

    I wish you guys would stop the constant “Liar!” bullshit. Were you all born yesterday? Today’s ‘lies’ were last election’s ‘fuzzy math’ and in elections prior ‘dirty tricks’. And Burr shot Hamilton over “depicable opinions.” I can accuse the Obama campaign of being liars, and cite four recent instances in a heartbeat. But you guys DON’T REALLY CARE about that. It comes down for you what it comes down to for me, our political views. I am more than willing to admit that. But DP wants me to disregard the only real thing of any consequence, and focus on abstract nothings like “hope” and “the future”. Sorry, no.

  15. Mgmax says:

    You know, honestly, something between 45% and 53% of the electorate is guaranteed to vote for McCain, no matter what. Disagree all you like but if it’s literally incomprehensible to you how a single one of them could vote that way, you need to get out more.

  16. jeffmcm says:

    Mystery, I think your 8:31 post is accurate.
    As regards the way decisions are made, I don’t think it’s as simple as ‘political views’, but more of a sort of combined mass of personality traits, substantive issues, and perceptions of how they’re handling themselves. I’m sure I agree with Dennis Kucinich on more underlying political issues than I do with John McCain, but I would never vote for DK because I know he wouldn’t be capable of leading the government or working with Congress. In 2000 I would have given strong thought to voting for McCain instead of Gore if he had gotten the nomination (that year my attitude was basically ‘anyone but Bush’).
    I really do think it’s important and productive to maintain some kind of open-mindedness and dialogue, because we all (well, most of us) live in this country together and ought to find ways to get along for a common purpose. Which is why I get so frustrated at the tired posturing that happens on both sides who are just out to boost their own egos and make the other side feel bad. It’s pointless and sad.

  17. IOIOIOI says:

    Perfecta: BULLSHIT. You are as much a fucking chicken shit on this blog as Palin is towards the media. Either put up the lies or crawl back into your cave.
    Jeff: OPEN DISCUSSION? I do not live in the same country as anyone who would vote for McCain. They represent with their vote every death in that pointless war, every freedom I have lost over the past eight years, and all the tax dollars you and I (and even scummy Max) will be hit up for to bail out these fucking corporations.
    Anyone who votes for McCain lives in an America that has died long ago, and these freaks are trying to keep it alive like Terry Schiavo. It’s what these sick, twisted, and bent people do: THEY HOLD THE REST OF US BACK. ENOUGH.
    A change is going to come. If these people are with us or not. A change is going to come.
    Oh yeah Perfecta… he’s not a messiah you daft twat. He’s simply a man some of us simply believe in. There are no false idol except in Brazil, but he’s just a man.
    Only some fucking piece of gutter trash like you, could take someone positive and hopeful, and turn the fans of that person into sycjophantic freaks. Yeah, fuck you too.
    If you have a problem with my methods. Make this all a movie, and you will understand why Jeff is the whiny chief of police.

  18. Mgmax-
    I should be more clear. I fully understand people are GOING to vote McCain/Palin…but I just don’t see how or why people can. Unless they aren’t paying attention. Voting for McCain/Palin makes sense if you’re like…an abused housewife or girlfriend who just is completely incapable of looking at reality and the enormous pile of shit your world has become.
    And mystery…you can be a Republican and still not vote for a really poorly put together ticket that offers you as a human being nothing for your tax dollar.

  19. jeffmcm says:

    IOI, you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.

  20. Cadavra says:

    You’re all overlooking the obvious. Very few people will be voting FOR McCain. They’ll be voting AGAINST Obama (aka “the colored guy”).

  21. The Big Perm says:

    Jeez Cadavra, that’s not true at all. I say this as a guy who’s going to vote for Obama, by the way. I swear to God for as much flack as the Republicans get, the Dems have a lot of it too. Just check out IO going batshit and Cadavra assuming people who vote for McCain are racists.
    Did anyone read that article about racist Democrats who may be the ones to help fuck over poor ol’ Obama?

  22. LexG says:

    Yeah. come November 5th all you super political assholes can run around with your I VOTED STICKER, and when you do PLEASE tell me how your ONE VOTE DECIDED THE FATE OF THE COUNTRY.
    Oh, right, it won’t come down to ONE VOTE.
    Especially Californians, WHY EXACTLY ARE YOU VOTING?

  23. jeffmcm says:

    God you suck.

  24. LexG says:

    Explain to me in rational terms how your lone vote will make any impact on this election.
    I’m all ears.
    Look, everyone likes to get all worked up about politics, but you have no control over the results, no real say in the system, whatever happens happens, and chances are your life will continue pretty much as it was, Palin or no Palin.

  25. LYT says:

    As a Californian, I’m anxious to go out and vote no on prop 8. My one vote won’t be the determining factor, but it probably won’t take a huge amount of votes to swing that either way.

  26. LexG says:

    I don’t even know what Prop 8 is.
    Unless it revokes Christina Ricci’s citizenship or bans vodka, IT DOESN’T AFFECT ME.

  27. Mgmax says:

    I swore I wasn’t going to get drawn into pointless political discussions like ruined, uh, some other movie site I forgot the name of. But look. Both candidates represent certain legitimate constituencies in this country. There are certain issues that they are strong on. And the people who support them because they feel that way are not wrong, not satanic, not actually that different from you on most of those issues– and they’re not gonna get everything they want, and neither are you, and they’re gonna be surprised when the other side gives them something they voted for their guy to get, and so will you.
    It is not evil to come from a part of the country where they are suspicious of big urban Democratic machines and the taxes they like to spend– and it is not evil to come from a big urban place where government has to be much more in charge of everyone’s life and work like that. It is not evil to believe that our most important issue is a strong defense (we WERE attacked you know) and it is not evil to believe that it’s repairing our image after some adventuring (we DO need good relations with other countries you know). And so on. Almost every issue has two legitimate sides and both guys will end governing with a bit of both.
    So please, can we try to have grownup perspective and not jump to the “I do not live in the same country as anyone who would vote for McCain. They represent with their vote every death” internet bullshit extreme which says nothing about the issues, just who can make the loudest noise saying the nastiest shit. Or else, anybody know a movie site that HASN’T been driven crazy by this election and is still about movies?

  28. Stella's Boy says:

    I live in the same house as people who will be voting for McCain. I still love them. They’re family. Unfortunately IO is like a counterbalance to Nicol.

  29. mysteryperfecta says:

    jeff- I understand what you’re saying. In the same way that you might consider voting for Kucinich, I might consider voting for Ron Paul. But with both candidates, neither of us can disregard the elephants in the room.
    I still think people vote issues, and those are divisive enough. But many here and elsewhere insist on making it about dueling talking points, parsing and nit-picking, demonizing/lionizing, tit-for-tat, etc. And the diviseness is amplified.
    Stella’s Boy- Are you saying that your parents are now voting for McCain? And please, be fair: Nicol and IOIOIOI’s posts are NOT two sides of the same coin, regardless of whether they annoy you equally.

  30. Stella's Boy says:

    My parents are both voting for Obama. I don’t live with them.
    We’ll have to agree to disagree about Nicol. He represents an extreme. Everything is broad generalizations about “the left.” He continually lumps all liberals into one big category, and of course it’s always bad. It has nothing to do with the fact that I disagree with him. You and I disagree a lot, so that’s not it. I just don’t see much difference between him and IO. You may feel differently because your politics are closer to Nicol’s than mine, but typically Nicol offers nothing more than overly simplistic rants, much like IO, but of a different political persuasion.

  31. mysteryperfecta says:

    I was pointing more at the delivery. You may think that Nicol’s opinions are extreme, but they are delivered in a measured fashion, which stands in stark contrast to wild-eyed hysterical extremism. But you’re correct, the content of Nicol’s posts doesn’t bother me as much as it bothers you.

  32. Stella's Boy says:

    I suppose that more than anything what bothers me is his insistence on breaking everything down into “the left” and everything else. It’s all black and white. Over and over again he lumps all liberals into one category, and that is something he’d imediately object to if someone did the same about “the right.” That is my problem with Nicol. I also think that he can be an hysterical extremist at times, such as when he goes on and on about the evils of “the left.”

  33. L.B. says:

    Well, we’re all a bunch of Che-loving, baby-killing, gang rape fans, so he’s got a point.

  34. jeffmcm says:

    In delivery, IOI and Nicol are miles apart. Nicol writes clearly and cleanly and is able to deliver with laser-precision the point that he wants to make. In content, however, I’d say that they basically are delivering the exact same mirror-image ideas, and that both are primarily interested in taunts and smugness and not in conversation.
    Lex, meanwhile: We know you hate your life and are trying to excuse your political ignorance through sudden attacks of apathy, but kindly don’t try to drag us down to your same level.

  35. Stella's Boy says:

    Yeah what jeff said. That is what I was trying to articulate.

  36. LexG says:

    Prop 8 is the same-sex marriage thing?
    I am against all forms of marriage. They should ban marriage in this country.
    It would do the majority of people a lot of good.

  37. jeffmcm says:

    Ba-dum BUMP! Thanks, he’s here all night.

  38. LexG says:

    You didn’t articulate why your vote counts. Even Lou Thompson, in his half-heated defense of his exercising the right, sort of proved my point and basically conceded it’s but a drop in the bucket.
    No one likes to feel like their voice isn’t heard, but I am telling you, YOUR VOICE ISN’T HEARD, YOU DON’T CONTROL THE ELECTIONS, your VOTE DOES NOT COUNT.
    It has little to do with my misanthropy, but it’s rather a very logical question of numbers, especially for California residents.
    All you’re doing is wasting your time and probably catching a cold from someone at the dank, depressing polling place.

  39. jeffmcm says:

    Lex, I’m not going to discuss Civics 101 with you, and I’m sure you have a rigorous masturbation schedule to keep up with.

  40. christian says:

    Wow. McCain continues to explode his campaign.
    How stupid does he think we are?

  41. L.B. says:

    He’s taking a gamble on appearing to put governing ahead of politics (by politicizing the act of governing, but I digress). It could work, but the other side just needs to successfully show that you can do more than one thing at a time. Like a President would have to. But the electorate loves a good drama, so I wouldn’t count the gambit out just yet.

  42. Mgmax says:

    Of course your vote counts, it counts 1/x where x=total votes cast. Do you really want it to count more? Do you want the responsibility of deciding who the hell should do what about all this? Do you think the rest of us should listen to you any more than ourselves? Who the hell are you that you’re so damn special?
    “I suppose that more than anything what bothers me is his insistence on breaking everything down into “the left” and everything else. It’s all black and white. Over and over again he lumps all liberals into one category, and that is something he’d imediately object to if someone did the same about “the right.”
    Fortunately this has never happened ANYWHERE in the entire HISTORY of the internet

  43. jeffmcm says:

    Yeah, but he does it A LOT while still posing as someone objective and serious.

  44. mysteryperfecta says:

    Again, I think we need to keep some perspective. Nicol bugs people here because he’s conservative, and smugly so. But if we were to do a count of everyone’s bipartisan comments, they would be measured in tenths of a percent, between 0% and 1%. Nicol may make concessions 0.1% of the time, but your sparkling .6% isn’t anything to write home about.
    Everyone here has been condescending and smug made generalizations during a debate (except me). So I don’t think anyone here has a right to judge (except me, which is what I’m doing RIGHT NOW).

  45. IOIOIOI says:

    Jeff: it’s people like me who do the things people like you are scared to do. So sit on your hands, wimp.
    Stella: Bullshit. Unlike Nicol, I bring substance, but you live with people who support betraying the American people. If you can deal with that sir. You are a more subtle person than me, but I bring the meat. You wimps simply are either too scared or too daft to get it.
    Perfecta: fuck you, you conservative cow. You and people like you are traitors to people outside of your tax bracket. You are a fucking ass, who supports this nation be crippled by the policies you support. If you fucking support McLiar. You support people dying, the country falling apart, and everything else that comes with that sir.
    So go fuck yourself. Every conservative can go fuck themselves. Until what they believe actually benefits the world and the American people. Unfortunately that day will never come… so fuck you… very much.

  46. Stella's Boy says:

    Mgmax, what’s your point, and aren’t you new here? I think you lack perspective on this one. My comments never suggested that Nicol is THE ONLY ONE to ever do this in the entire HISTORY of the INTERNET.
    mystery, again, Nicol doesn’t bother me because he is conservative (though yes he certainly is smug). I live with conservatives. I am around them daily. Plenty of my loved ones are conservative.

  47. jeffmcm says:

    “it’s people like me who do the things people like you are scared to do.”
    Like what, scream at people and call them assholes, even if they agree with you? Bra-fucking-vo.

  48. Stella's Boy says:

    Yes IO, I should force them, my family, to move out. Or kill them. I don’t think I’m more subtle than you. The words that come to mind are rational and reasonable.

  49. jeffmcm says:

    Sounds like somebody has a case of “either you’re with us or you’re against is”-itis.

  50. Mgmax says:

    “Mgmax, what’s your point, and aren’t you new here?”
    Hmm, and just what is that supposed to imply?
    The point, to put it briefly not to mention mildly, is that I find it amusing, at this point in the history of the internet, that the possibility of a liberal ranting about conservative views in a black-and-white, reductive and intemperate fashion is raised…

  51. Stella's Boy says:

    Well I am oh so happy to amuse you Mgmax.

  52. jeffmcm says:

    Well, since IOI just did that, and since I think he’s a mentally unstable ass as well, I think that should help even things out.

  53. Cadavra says:

    Perm: I said SOME McCain voters are racist. and this isn’t idle speculation: countless polls show that a not-insignificant number of whites are willing to state ON THE RECORD that they will not vote for a non-white candidate, which means that considerably more will not vote for him because he’s black but are unwilling to admit it (aka The Bradley effect). Given that wingers have already called Obama things like “uppity” and “Kerry with a tan,” and are selling boxes of pancake mix with an Uncle-Ben style caricature of him on the box, only a fool would ignore the obvious.

  54. IOIOIOI says:

    Jeff: you are a scared ass. Who most likely has never ever stood up for anything in your fucking life. Seriously; fuck you guy. I’m not your buddy, pal. So on and so forth.
    Stella: you would freakin argue with them at least. You would at least try to convince them that they are selling out the country with their votes. If you are doing that, then you are at least trying. If not, well, that’s total wussification.
    Back to that jackass Jeff; I was once a fucking repubconserv dipshit. I once walked down the wrong road, and now realize how stupid I was to walk down it. If you really believe that this is a for us against us situation. Please explain to me where the repubconservs have ever been for America. Please explain to me over the last 30 or more years when those fucking people have been for most of the American populace? Seriously dude; voting for McLiar after today represents a total and utter betrayal of most working people in this country. This even includes those who would foolishly vote for a man and a woman, that would keep them down for as long as they were in office.
    If you are too much of a fucking wimpy dimpy poo to understand this simple fact. You are the problem, and need to work that shit out. Grow a spine, asshole. Unstable ass? Fuck you, dick.

  55. jeffmcm says:

    Why do you work so hard to prove my points?

  56. Mgmax says:

    “Please explain to me where the repubconservs have ever been for America.”
    Yeah, between defeating Communism and ushering in a 30-year economic boom, they should hang their heads in shame. Or as you would say, fucking heads in fucking shame.

  57. Stella's Boy says:

    Didn’t Reagan single-handedly defeat Communism? Or did he have a little help?

  58. Mgmax says:

    I was in Berlin when he was standing atop the wall with a sledgehammer in one hand and a stogie in the other. So there.

  59. Stella's Boy says:

    Awesome! Seeing that must have been something special. Quite a story for the grandkids someday.

  60. Cadavra says:

    Hey, fuck all of you!
    (No reason. Just felt like I was missing out on something.)

  61. christian says:

    30 year economic boom?
    When was that? Before or after Reagan fired 11000 airport controllers? I bet they all went home thrilled to have lost their livelihoods — many forever — and said, “Honey, we were fired for demanding safer conditions. It sucks, but there’s an economic boom coming that’s going to OWN.”

  62. jeffmcm says:

    Yes, there has been no 30-year economic boom. The ’80s and ’90s booms were separated by the 1990-91 recession (remember Black Monday and the S&L crisis?)

  63. The Big Perm says:

    I love the idea of IO dictating his posts to his nurse while he’s in a straightjacket.
    Cadavra, you didn’t say “some McCain voters are racists.” You said very few voters for McCain are voting for McCain, and are instead voting against Obama because he’s black. So maybe you THOUGHT that, but you sure didn’t write it.

  64. Cadavra says:

    You’re right; I phrased that badly. It should have read, “Very few people will be voting FOR McCain. Most will be voting AGAINST Obama.”

  65. The Big Perm says:

    Against Obama because he’s black? That’s basically what you said above, then seemed to take back. Do you still think that’s the case? A vote for McCain is really a vote against a black guy?
    I think that’s pretty disingenuous…why do you have to demonize the other side? I think a lot of people stand for what McCain does, and will vote accordingly. I bet Republicans would have voted for Colin Powell.
    Seems to me, if racism is going to fuck over Obama it may come from his party. He’s going to lose votes that a white Democrat would get.

  66. Stella's Boy says:

    “Seems to me, if racism is going to fuck over Obama it may come from his party. He’s going to lose votes that a white Democrat would get.”
    I think there’s a lot of truth to that.
    My extremely conservative father-in-law just said on Wednesday night that he’d vote for Powell and wishes Powell was the Rep candidate, not McCain.

  67. Cadavra says:

    Yes, there is a fairly sizable amount of people who will not vote for Obama because he’s black. They will not vote for any minority, even Powell. This is not speculation–it’s a proven fact. Look at the polls.
    BTW, I’m sure you read about George Fox University, a Christian college where some students hung Obama in effigy a few days ago. Yeah, they’re voting for McCain because they like his stance on the economy.

  68. The Big Perm says:

    Still Cadavra, you make it sound like anyone who votes for McCain does so for racist reasons. Which I say bullshit. What about the Democrats who don’t like McCain but don’t want to vote for a black guy? I would think they’d just not going to vote at all, or maybe a third party.
    I bet if Powell were running, he’d get more votes than McCain will.

  69. Cadavra says:

    Perm, please. I am NOT saying ANYONE who votes for McCain is a racist. I can’t possibly make that any more clear than I have. And Democratic racists (yes, there are some) will indeed vote for a minor-party candidate or stay home.
    “I bet if Powell were running, he’d get more votes than McCain will.”
    In a related story, the sun rose in the east this morning.

The Hot Blog

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon