MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Obama Wins

With 207 electoral votes already projected for closed states… add CA’s 55 electorals… and Washington State… and you have passed 270. Game over.
And he is going to win VA… and others…
Why the networks haven’t called it is beyond me.
It is done.

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76 Responses to “Obama Wins”

  1. mutinyco says:

    “Why the networks haven’t called it is beyond me.”
    Because then people would stop watching them…

  2. The Big Perm says:

    Because they had problems with calling it early before. They shouldn’t call it until it’s done.

  3. IOIOIOI says:

    They have not called it for one reason: they were sued by the Westen States because they called it before the MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE closed in 84. They avoided this lawsuit going to court by agreeing not to call any presidential race until the Western states polls closed. So expect it to be called around 11pm/12am est time.
    I am just proud of my country to night for not selling out THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD… AGAIN! WORLD! THIS IS THE UNITED STATES CALLING! WE’VE GOT YOUR BACKS AGAIN!

  4. Nicol D says:

    And when you wake up tomorrow…there will still be war, famine, rape, terrorism, poverty, crime, starvation, racism, despair, HIV, murder, lies, racism, bigotry, pollution, child exploitation, injustice, dictatorships, censorship, bad art, promiscuity, disease, sickness, sexism, homophobia…the list goes on.
    Sorry to break it to you pollyanna’s out there…but that is the truth.
    Even if you choose not to see it.

  5. David Poland says:

    Of course there will, Nicol.
    No one thinks otherwise.
    But we will have a leader we can get behind in a real way for the first time in a long time.
    And if you don’t understand the value of that, you surely don’t have much experience overcoming anything.

  6. NickF says:

    Couple of minutes left and this election is sealed.

  7. IOIOIOI says:

    When you wake up tomorrow Nicol. You will know that you LOST. The LEADERS OF THE WESTERN WORLD DECIDED THIS: You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. My god have misery on your buggered soul.

  8. Nicol D says:

    Really, the fact that you use a collective “we” is why I use the term pollyanna. Obama’s supporters, many of whom make the people in Jesus Camp and Religulous look like moderates, seem blissfully ignorant to the realities of the world and really think that an Obama win means the end of…all horror. Do you think the child prostitute in Thailand cares about Obama’s change…the rape victim…the person who will still go to the food bank at Christmas…
    …hey.. McCain was lame…but the naivete of the Obama camp staggers me.
    Remember…in 1992 the same thing was said about Clinton…right down to him being the first “black president”. How did that one work out?
    The fact that you use “we” a collective unequivically without any regard to the true horror in the world will be what makes Obama such a disappointment. When the war in Iraq still rages on January 21st…what will you say then?
    Hey, I hope Obama is everything you believe him to be…I also hope I will win the lottery.

  9. IOIOIOI says:

    Oh yeah Nicol… fuck you. We now have a reason to stand up to all of that shit. WE did not FAIL THE WORLD. WE GOT THEIR BACKS. We got your sorry fucking miserable back. You Canadian fuck. When your country goes back to the future. You can thank PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA FOR THAT… YOU ASS!

  10. NickF says:

    As a black man, I’m proud of this country. Change for the better has been made.

  11. Nicol D says:

    Read IOIO…
    …do you feel better or worse for having him on your side?

  12. mysteryperfecta says:

    A very historic night for the United States. Congrats to Obama on a well-run election.

  13. mysteryperfecta says:

    I mean, “a well-run campaign.”

  14. Nicol D says:

    “We got your sorry fucking miserable back. You Canadian fuck. ”
    I look forward to my Prime Minister Stephen Harper giving Obama his first dressing down and showing him how it is done.
    Trust…we now have your backs.

  15. IOIOIOI says:

    Nicol: I AM THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. You are a Canadian conservative asshole. Who posted that shit up there, is out of step now with the WESTERN WORLD, and really is a conservative asshole.
    If you have a problem with me. If you have a problem with a person who curses, works himself to the bone at his job, and hopes for a better tomorrow. Well, you are pissing on a lot of great Americans the world over, and you really need to go fuck yourself.
    Oh yeah, Mystery; “HA ha!”

  16. IOIOIOI says:

    Nicol: your PM is a bitch, that’s going to bend like everyone else. Do you really think a miserable conservative fuck Canadian PM can stand up to the queen, the British PM, and the leaders of Europe? All of whom who wanted Obama to win. I think not.
    To quote some other folks; YOUR BELIEFS JUST GOT POWNED!

  17. Not David Bordwell says:

    For God’s sake, Nicol, aren’t there other countries whose electorate you can harass for a while, now that we’ve made our decision? I hear there’s a presidential election going on in Iran — maybe you can peddle your poison to their people, and get them to re-elect Ahmadinejad. Maybe that will satisfy your vision of the world as a cesspool.
    Oh, wait… it looks like they’re tired of his shit, too:
    Guess you’re all alone, troll.

  18. The Big Perm says:

    Nicol, while some Obama supporters may be that nuts (i.e. IO), the majority of them aren’t. Like McCain was going to be better? What did he really bring to the table? His views tended to be simplistic at best when compared to Obama’s. The Republicans had their chance and they fucked this place up big time.
    I loved seeing the Republicans earlier stull trying to hang on to the hope of a McCain victory.
    By the way, McCain is making his speech right now, and givng Obama a lot of props. And some of his asshole supporters started booing when he said Obama’s name. Such class.

  19. Nicol D says:

    Have you actually studied the poltics of Europe…
    ….Britain is on the verge of a conservative revival…Sarkozy is conservative and so is the chancellor of Germany…
    …perhaps you are thinking of Chavez and Castro?
    …trust me…Obama will end up bending to the will of others (he is no decisive leader). Again, I look forward to Harper giving him a dressing down.
    Really. His inexperience will show itself up on the world stage.

  20. IOIOIOI says:

    Perm: fuck you, ass. Again, you have to be stupid to think that I am insane. I believe in a better tomorrow, in changing this nation for the better, and the hope we can all get along as people. You somehow have the audacity to refer to me as insane? Not only do you have very little ideal what that word means. You are also a fuckwit wastoid sleezoid fuck. Who needs someone like Lex to come over to your house, hang out for a while, and enjoy a beer with you. Only then will you realize that you are backwards, you are a flip-flopper, and you need a better understanding of the English language. Hit the bricks, or I will ask Lex to help you hit them :D!

  21. IOIOIOI says:

    Nicol: their conservative is not as disgraceful as the North American kind. You also have to realize that the United States leads the way. Do you really think that Obama is not going to change hearts and minds of people abroad, that were clamouring for him all year? You pitiful fool. American conservatism is dead. Long live LIBERAL IDEALS THAT CHERISH ALL PEOPLE NOT JUST THE RICH, WHITE, AND NON-GAY ONES!

  22. mysteryperfecta says:

    “And some of his asshole supporters started booing when he said Obama’s name. Such class.”
    I cannot think of a concession speech where this did not happen.

  23. IOIOIOI says:

    I will leave you with this… . That says it all. Refer to me as insane, naive, or whatever the fuck you want. You just need to understand that it all changed tonight. It all changed, and you were alive to see it.

  24. Joe Straat says:

    I am happy with the election results, but it’s obvious, here and elsewhere (Not to be mistaken with Hollywood Elsewhere), the real work has only begun….

  25. Noah says:

    Hey, let’s not get ugly in here. Regardless of what your politics are, this is a historical evening and we’re all in the same boat now. Obama is everyone’s buddy until his first fuck up. He can no longer afford to be a beacon of hope, now he has to prove what he said in that speech four years ago. Just because this was a landslide doesn’t mean we should ignore the other half of this country and I hope Obama will reach across the aisle and represent not just blue America, but the United States of America.
    I’m happy now and I hope that this happiness will not prove to be silly in four years.

  26. IOIOIOI says:

    The other half of the country has to catch up. It’s just that simple. However, Noah, that’s the best thing you have ever written. Good on you, kid.

  27. djiggs says:

    Please, IOIOIOIO. Show some class and humbleness. Be a gracious winner and enjoy this historic moment in joy not in ridiculous touchdown dances. At least, follow the example of your candidate and now all of our President.
    Even though I did not vote for him, God bless our new President Barack Obama and hopefully bless our nation once again. Let us hope not that God is not on our side, but that we are on God’s side. Peace out.

  28. Monco says:

    “That government of the people by the people for the people HAS not perished from the earth.” That was some speech. Truly a transcendent moment for our country. Congratulations to President-Elect Obama.

  29. a_loco says:

    Why is the only other Canadian on here a dumbass? Not that IO isn’t a dumbass, I’m just sayin’.
    The thought that Harper, the leader of a minority Canadian gov’t that was elected with less than 60% of eligible voters showing up to the polls, would give Obama a dressing down is insane. The idea that everything changed tonight is insane. I hope Obama lives up to people’s expectations, but I doubt he will. Either way, Obama is a way better choice than McCain, and I’m glad that he won.
    Also, Obama’s speech = ridiculously good, like, Citizen Kane good, like, holy fucking shit that was good.

  30. EOTW says:

    As someone who did not vote for either McCain or Obama becaue they both failed to make me believe they had what it takes to do this job, I am more than ready for Mr. Obama to prove himself and to give him the benefit of the doubt. And I will admit this:
    That was maybe the best acceptance speech I’ve ever heard. I wasn’t sure if I would sit through the whole thing, but I did and I was pleased to see that he understands the enormity of the situation and his humbleness was touching, even moving.
    Funniest moment? Biden walking from behind Obama to the cheering crowd. Obama’s gonna lock that guy away for the next four years. Hope Joe’s ready to work on his golf game.

  31. WHEW.
    Nicol…hah hah…YES WE DID and YES WE CAN and NO YOU CAN’T cuz you’re Canadian. Deal with it ya Pollyanna Mountie douchebag!

  32. alynch says:

    “Funniest moment? Biden walking from behind Obama to the cheering crowd.”
    When that started, I started yelling “Barack, look out!” at the TV.

  33. IOIOIOI says:

    If you do not understand how everything changed. You really are not an American. You have to be a Canadian because this is a reboot. This is a new start for the world and the US. If you do not get that fundamental fact. Get a clue. Here’s a WoWbuck. Go buy one. Dumbass? Seriously; dropping atomic elbows on almost all of you, and you think I am a dumbass. Only on this fucking blog.

  34. Mr. Rostan says:

    Can we all stop arguing for a few minutes and revel in the fact that a remarkable man who just gave the most sober, clear-headed, and humble victory speech I ever heard, is our president?
    I always believed I would see someone who wasn’t white or male become president in my lifetime, but I didn’t count on it happening for another thirty years or so. What a blessing to be proved wrong.
    I don’t necessarily believe Obama will fulfill all of his promises…there is so much wrong and so much to be done and a fair amount of telling the masses what they want to hear. But I DO believe he will try his hardest to get as much done as he can, to change us, and most importantly, to listen to us and be honest in his replies.
    If he can do that…and, over even the Middle East and the economy, fix our education system so we can be a nation truly of the best and the brightest who will never (at least) re-elect a man like W. again…then I shall count his reign as a job well done.
    Let us all, at least tonight, be as gracious as the man in Grant Park.

  35. IOIOIOI says:

    I’m not gracious. There’s a line. You are either on the right side or the wrong side of it. If you are on the wrong side of it. Guess what? STEP OVER THE LINE.
    If we are ever to truly be a great country. More people have to step on the good foot, come correct, and help us move to a better place.
    Until this happens: fuck’em if they cannot get a clue. Fuck’em if they vote against gay folks and marijuana for medical usage. Fuck’em if they boo at the PRESIDENT ELECT as the guy who LOST gives his classy speech in months. Fuck’em all. Fuck’em until they get a clue, wake up, and join the rest of us.

  36. christian says:

    Nicol, imagine how it reflects America’s stated purpose when the daughter of an actual slave can vote for and live to see a Black man become President? Things do change. For the better.
    Greatest. Country. Ever.

  37. djiggs says:

    Well, according to Presidents Barack Obama & Lincoln, you are no better than those who are intolerant of gay folks/marijuana medical use. You know, Lincoln could have said “Fuck the South” after the Civil War. But, he wanted to make amends and heal the nation just as Barack Obama wants to. Really, IO go to some anger management courses and really follow the new President’s example. Godspeed.

  38. digitalhit says:

    Considering Harper’s Conservatives were elected to a minority government with only 37.63% of the popular vote, it’s easy to imagine the majority of my fellow Canadians think Harper is a tool.

  39. Mr. Rostan says:

    IO, who completely disregarded my point…
    I applaud djiggs for evoking Lincoln in his own response to you. In what might arguably have been a greater speech than the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln talked about a little idea of reacting to victory “with malice toward none.”
    There are some people who believe in their side of the line enough to not want to cross it. I disagree with them, but I respect them and defend their right to hold fast. It is only through finding the great consensus among our diverse opinions that we shall again be strong.
    You and Nicol argue from completely opposite ends. I find both your attitudes hard to take…but if I could, I would look you in the eyes right now and shake your hands in thanks for offering up distinct messages in this time of celebration. Like Obama, your words remind us of the work to be done.
    All that being said, lighten up already!

  40. Triple Option says:

    I was flipping through channels and saw Rev Joseph Lowery talk about 40 yrs ago his experience w/someone shot and killed in the south in the struggle to bring equality to this nation. Immediately one would think MLK, Jr but he was referring to African American male who was murdered attempting to register to vote, not even vote itself, just register. Lowery spoke of the hope of this day but not believing it would come during his lifetime. I find it quite moving indeed that Barack is the face of change in this uncertain time. He obviously had a lot of help and supporters to reach this point. I hope there are places and that they remain to contribute to fulfilling a world of change.
    On the surface, many of the networks and poll analysts are saying this was an election about change and the economy. While I won’t dispute that, I’ll agree w/Sir DP that it was one of Hope vs fear, and hope won. Hope won. Things went from Obama’s lack of experience to threats. “You can’t vote for him, he’s a Muslim. He’s a bigot. He’s a terrorist sympathizer. He’s a socialist. To You don’t know what he is!! (With the implied ‘but bad things will happen if you vote for him!!’)” Four years from now I’m sure the GOP will do all that it can to target the under-30 vote and key demos they lost or lost ground in this election. What I find particularly telling was that despite whatever unknown factor involved, people chose to go with what was behind door #2 and hope.
    Like leaving a cult, Obama supporters were called names and referred to as being

  41. a_loco says:

    “imagine how it reflects America’s stated purpose when the daughter of an actual slave can vote for and live to see a Black man become President? Things do change. For the better.
    Greatest. Country. Ever.”
    How ’bout a country where there wasn’t any slaves to begin with? (i.e. Canada)
    Not trying to start an argument. I just don’t like it Americans call their country the greatest. Again, I’m not saying it’s a bad country.
    I’m just asking: How does one qualify “Greatest”?
    The government? Cuz I doubt the Bush gov’t was the greatest.
    The population? How could one group of people be objectively “greater” than another?
    Opportunity? I’m sorry, but the United States won’t be a place of ultimate opportunity until the price of education goes down by about $35 000 a year.
    Equality? I assure you, there are countries that are much closer to equality than the United States?
    Freedom? Not until the Patriot Act is repealed.
    Again, I’m not trying to say that the United States is a bad country. I’m just saying that it’s not the “Greatest. Country. Ever.”

  42. frankbooth says:

    Great comment, Christian.
    Nicol is a sad little punchbowl-pisser. Let him suck on his sour grapes marinated in Moosehead.
    And I also want to add, in classic American fashion:
    Yeeeeeeeeeeeee-hawwwww! Yippie ki-yay, motherfuckers!

  43. LexG says:

    Don’t let them get you down. This is YOUR TIME TO SHINE, so keep up the OWNING. Yours is the most well-earned Hot Blog gloating this place will see… at least until November 24th when it will be my turn for the over-the-top end-zone spike.
    McCain’s concession speech was COMPLETELY EXCELLENT despite the unfortunate WWE-style crowd reactions. That guy OWNS.

  44. Well done all your Americans (who voted for Obama) and congratulations. Such a good day. And to think that when he was born his parents weren’t even allowed to vote! Although, sadly, it looks as if Prop 8 is going to pass and that’s a horrible thing.
    Obama’s speech sure was something though, wasn’t it? Although I disagree entirely that this means anybody can be President. The day a gay person becomes President will not be in my lifetime, surely.

  45. leahnz says:

    outstanding. now all we need is a deck of cards…
    obama’s speech gave me goosebumps. i feel deeply happy and grateful. the world needs an inspirational leader now more than ever, and tonight we ALL got one (even nicole, whether he darn well likes it or not). yes, i’m claiming a little slice of obama for the rest of the world! (he’s the man here in enzed, everyone was buzzing today)
    aloco, as another non-resident, i think christian was just trying to express how proud he is of his country right now. the fact that a black kid with a funny-sounding name, from a very working class family, without his dad around, can rise up to become the president of the united states at the tender age of 47 is testament to the fundamental greatness of america.
    (those prop 8 results are terribly disheartening, a pox on an otherwise beautiful, momentous day)

  46. frankbooth says:

    Don’t be so sure, Kam. You’re might be twenty years…thirty…but things change.
    A black guy named Barack Obama just got elected president of the USA. By a nice, fat margin. Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
    Plumb that, Joe!

  47. lazarus says:

    Aloco, let me say this as someone who is far from a flag-waving patriot: the reason the United States of America is the greatest is because we are made up of more backgrounds and cultures than places like Canada could ever dream of. Today is the validation of the ideal that America is a melting pot where anything is possible. And no offense to your great country, but for the most part you are made up of British and French descendents, and can’t possibly claim to represent any kind of international cross-section, as America can more than any other nation.
    Having said that, I am not any less militant than I was yesterday, regardless of Obama’s unifying speech. The Nicol Ds and intolerant, bible-thumping, greedy motherfuckers of this world must be wrestled into submission, beaten to a pulp, reeducated into more compassionate thinking, etc. The battle is not over.
    The religious right is wounded and bleeding but not defeated. If we’re lucky, Obama IS the ultra-liberal, socialist, wealth-distributor they painted him to be. But if not, people who believe in a fair and equal society need to be vigilant against these misers and corporate assholes who think that every penny they earned on the blood and sweat of less-fortunates somehow belongs to them in an equal percentage to what hard-working individuals make on their own time card.
    It is all-out war against tired, outdated dogma and the smokescreen that social conservatives have weaved over the White South. This is only the first step. Soon those farmer and other lower-to-middle class citizens will understand Obama is not some Manchurian Candidate and will come to respect and admire him. In 2012 the fear of the unknown drops away, and he will have an even bigger mandate to shove the true ideals of the founding father down the throats of the corporate whores.
    Fight, fight, fight!

  48. leahnz says:

    so, what are you trying to say, lazarus? 😉 😀
    i dig it, man. power to the people

  49. LexG says:

    “If we’re lucky, Obama IS the ultra-liberal, socialist, wealth-distributor they painted him to be.”
    UGH. If Lazarus seriously means that, it *almost* makes me hope for Palin-Wurzelbacher in ’12.
    Seriously, socialism is some BULLSHIT and once you start evening the playing field like that, supermodels stop fucking ugly guys for their money.

  50. jeffmcm says:

    This is Nicol’s most absurdly hyperbolic argument ever. Stephen Harper will give him a dressing-down? Really? That’s legitmately a retarded thing to say.
    Nicol’s greatest gift is to fool people to think that he’s reasonable, when in fact he’s always been a total lunatic. I’m glad that he is on the wrong side of history.
    That said, the Prop 8 results are absolutely dismaying, especially in conjunction with the Prop 2 results. Apparently, my fellow Californians are more concerned with the well-being of chickens and pigs than with their fellow non-heterosexual brethren.

  51. jeffmcm says:

    PS: Fuck I hate you, Lex.

  52. frank, considering more than half the country don’t even consider gay people equal it’s going to be a looong way away.

  53. CaptainZahn says:

    I’m glad people have finally stopped pretending that there’s any chance of reasoning with Nicol. This is a guy who once used the “Matthew Shepherd was a drug addict” tactic in an argument about gay rights. Fuck him.

  54. Stella's Boy says:

    This is what Nicol has been reduced to? He randomly drops by and throws out a few lines of nonsense (even by his standards) and then runs away. He must be quite dejected this morning. I think he needs a hug.

  55. movieman says:

    I can exhale now.
    We can all exhale now.
    Boy, does that feel good!
    Gotta admit I sweated out the early stages of the vote count (when it looked like a replay of ’04 with Obama not winning any of the non-Kerry states). But that was just my natural pessimistic tendencies bracing for the worst.
    “A new day in America”? One can only hope.
    Looks like I might be paying a return visit to DC next year after all. I wonder how long before the stench of the Bush-Cheney era/reign
    is washed clean from the city (country, world)….?

  56. tfresca says:

    Re: an earlier post about how did the Clinton administration work out, it worked out pretty good. We had some military actions but we won all of them and got the hell out of the messy ones. By the time he left office we could see the light at the end of the tunnel after the bust. This was all in spite of personal scandals he had. Americans love a good economy, which is why he got re-elected.

  57. Stella's Boy says:

    Over and over again I’m reading or hearing that the economy is to blame for McCain’s defeat (and the loss of seats in Congress). The WSJ, conservative commentators on NPR this morning, etc., all point to the economy (and in some cases Bush’s unpopularity) as the main if not only reason for yesterday’s showing. Is it really that simple? I look at all of the red states that went blue (NM, NV, CO, VA, OH, FL) and I don’t believe it was just the economy. Palin was a factor as well as McCain’s move to the right. I think most moderates and independents voted against McCain/Palin rather than for Obama/Biden.

  58. montrealkid says:

    I’m not really sure what Nicol is drinking if he thinks Harper is capable of dressing down anybody. He called an election just a few months ago, confident of his popularity and Canada awarded his ego and his failing party with less seats. After years spent suckling at the teat of Bush, Harper is waking up this morning realizing that he has no one in the US to just follow along and ape their policies. He is waking up this morning and realizing that not only Americans — but Canadians and the rest of the world — want change.
    I can’t believe how ugly this blog post has gotten. Nicol, cynicism and hate and ugliness is easy. Hope, change and tolerance is hard because it requires you to actually give of yourself. To become vulnerable and put yourself in another person’s shoes. But last night America proved it wants to roll up their sleeves and make their nation better. They they are willing to work together for the good of everyone. And there is beauty in that — whether you’re conservative or liberal, black or white.

  59. hcat says:

    As a Marylander I would like to welcome Virginia into the blue states. Nice to have you aboard keep up the good work.
    Obama’s acceptance speech was everything I have ever wanted to hear from a politician, I was practically sobbing when it was done (though the beer did make me a tad bit more emotional). This was the fifth presidential election I have voted in and never before have I been prouder to cast a ballot. Not for the lesser of two evils but for someone I truly believe in. No one is niave enough to think this is an end to all the world’s problems, but we now have a leader that can work towards solving those problems instead of making more of them.
    And I was intrigued by the footage of the people in Grant Park shouting USA! USA!. Not common behavior for the left, hopefully this election can allow us to take back what it means to be patriotic.

  60. I’m truly saddened and stunned by the prop 8 loss…or win. Last night pretty much encapsulates how far we’ve come and how far we have still to go.
    Also makes me even more sickened by organized religion since groups from outside California poured some $70 mill into the campaign to defeat gay marriage. Stick to shit in your own state, frigging Mormons.
    I also think the way it was worded screwed prop 8 from Jump Street. “Vote YES if you DON’T want gay marriage….NO if you DO.” Nice work, right-wingers.

  61. Stella's Boy says:

    Yes the Prop 8 result is sad and disappointing. Like jeff said, CA voters were more concerned with the welfare of chickens than the right for all people to get married.

  62. a_loco says:

    “the reason the United States of America is the greatest is because we are made up of more backgrounds and cultures than places like Canada could ever dream of.”
    Um, no. Canada is just as diverse if not more diverse than the states. Just like the US, Canada was made up primarily of European (and not just British and French) immigrants for the last bit of the 19 and the first part of the 20th Century. Not to mention, There have been, for the past few years, more immigrants than people born in Canada. But I don’t think diversity is what makes a nation great. And again, I’m not trying to say Canada is the greatest, I’m just sayin’.
    “I’m not really sure what Nicol is drinking if he thinks Harper is capable of dressing down anybody. He called an election just a few months ago, confident of his popularity and Canada awarded his ego and his failing party with less seats.”
    Not that I disagree with argument per say, but Harper won about 20 new seats in this election, even if it’s still a minority.

  63. That ballot about farm animals is going to seriously damage California farmers…financially speaking. It’s ironic that with the increase of organic foods and their popularity here that we’ll be screwing the farmer over by making them retool much of their machinery and way of doing things. I’m all for treating animals fairly prior to them hitting my plate but that was not a good bill.

  64. noblefuse says:

    Beautiful speeches, well written and executed by a colorful and charismatic man now president elect of the united states of America. there is no question whatsoever many people feel a great sense of hope for unity and change by the election of Barack Obama. In the words of Barack himself, the time has now come for YOU Americans to be volunteers and progressive activists in Americas future. the time is now for YOU to do something as America faces very severe problems in economy,war,global warming and more.
    My opinion, in my 19 straight months on the net amongst all the Americans as i try desperately to uncover my science experiments to end global warming-war for oil- alleviate costs for energy- I have found no Hope and assistance from fellow Americans. I believe the change all ask for is because they all know inside something is very wrong all around them- it is YOU. YOU are the problem, and YOU are the solution. In my opinion America drifted into an atheistic secular dog eat dog attitude towards one another and may the best man win.
    To all who have shed a tear for Obama win in the feeling of hope and change, here is your chance. i don

  65. christian says:

    aloco, it’s funny, but I’m such a pathetic liberal that I actually paused after I typed that to think, “I hope nobody thinks I’m being jingoistic.” It’s obvious I’m not.
    All nations are great, all people are good. Kay?
    But this experimental nation founded on a singular idea that each person here, no matter what their origin, is endowed with individual rights and has the chance to become President is the Greatest. Country. Ever…THIS WEEK. ‘kay?
    Had McCain won, Amsterdam would be the greatest country ever.
    Where’s Martin S.? He should be happy he doesn’t have to buy me a plane ticket…

  66. frankbooth says:

    Who the hell is Stephen Harper? I thought Stef Carse was the PM of Canada.
    The passage of 8 is the only damper on my mood right now. Can we start a movement to raise money in Cali, to get a pro same-sex-marriage bill going in Utah? Hit ’em where they live. I’d contribute.
    No, Martin doesn’t owe you a plane ticket. But you know what you owe, and to whom…

  67. christian says:


  68. Chucky in Jersey says:

    Stephen Harper? Leader of the Conservative Party, a neocon whose soul mates are in the Bush government. Also has a splendid little war going on in Afghanistan.
    ….Britain is on the verge of a conservative revival…
    Already exists. New Labour = Nanny State + Police State + War Abroad.
    Sarkozy is conservative
    … France’s version of Rudolph Giuliani …
    and so is the chancellor of Germany…
    still another neocon with a thirst for war …

  69. jeffmcm says:

    Chucky, Angela Merkel is not a ‘neocon’, and there is nothing wrong with the war in Afghanistan except that, thanks to Bush, we’re losing.

  70. christian says:

    Jeff, we have accidently dropped bombs on civilians, so it’s pretty bad from their perspective.

  71. christian says:

    Just In:
    WECH BAGHTU, Afghanistan

  72. jeffmcm says:

    Christian, I redirect you to the “thanks to Bush, we’re losing” section of my comment.

  73. leahnz says:

    just a quick shout out for the dynamite chick that will be the new first lady: michelle is bonza!
    i must admit (maybe i’m a bit of a sooky romantic at heart) one of the things i really dig about barack is his glaringly obvious love, respect and admiration for his wife (and respect for women in general, i thought his speech last night had a subtle but lovely feminist slant); those two are so obviously INTO each other and genuinely in love – all touchy-feely and handsy – and there is something profound and reassuring about that, perhaps because love is the most powerful force in the human condition. i believe barack’s love for michelle and her love for him helps to make barack the strong, compassionate, dignified, thoughtful man that he is, and that’s enormously comforting somehow.
    ok, i’m done being a big sap

  74. movieman says:

    I know just what you mean, Leahnz.
    Loved the little peck on the lips Michelle gave Barack (and the way she so clearly–and gravely–enunciated the words, “I love you”) before his big speech on Tuesday nite.
    Like so much about the past couple of days, it brought tears to my eyes.

  75. leahnz says:

    me too, movieman! maybe we’re hopeless romantics at heart

  76. leahnz says:

    oops, that didn’t appear to go through

The Hot Blog

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It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon