MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Blu-ray Discounting

An e-mail went out with some terrible Sony deals on Blu-ray that are too complicated and not nearly enough of a discount to attract anyone who isn’t buying already. But as I looked around Amazon, I came upon this, which made me gasp and then laugh…
Product Description
BluCube: the best Blu-ray value on the market! A $299.99 VALUE!!
Twenty films in high-def 1080p, widescreen format, including: The Big White starring Robin Williams; Supernova starring Luke Perry; Category 7: The End of the World starring Shannen Doherty; Mortuary, directed by Tobe Hooper; Cruel World starring Jaime Pressly; The Colt starring Ryan Merriman, The Last Sentinel starring Katee Sackhoff, Mysterious Island starring Patrick Stewart; Beer League starring Artie Lange; Blackbeard starring Angus Macfadyen; The Poseidon Adventure starring Adam Baldwin; Final Days of Planet Earth starring Daryl Hannah; The Woods Have Eyes starring Frank Adonis; 10.5 Apocalypse starring Kim Delaney; The Final Patient starring Bill Cobbs; The Ten Commandments starring Dougray Scott; Salem Witch Trials starring Kirstie Alley; Salvage starring Lauren Currie Lewis; Angel in the Family starring Meredith Baxter; and The Curse of King Tut’s Tomb starring Casper Van Dien.

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26 Responses to “Blu-ray Discounting”

  1. Bennett says:

    Sounds like the type of crap movies that used to be on USA network up all night

  2. jeffmcm says:

    This is the kind of thing that makes me think that, yeah, maybe a good solid recession isn’t the worst thing in the world. There’s some stuff that just does not need to be purchased.

  3. White Label says:

    Best deals I have found on Blu-Ray discs this year are at About $15 for a lot of decent ones.
    That cube is pretty horrible. $300 value in bizarro world.

  4. Martin S says:

    That’s the kind of crap that will stop people from upgrading.

  5. leahnz says:

    good grief

  6. Hallick says:

    If I were allowed to brain any one of those lead actors in the head WITH the cube as a condition of the sale, it would only just be worth that ticket price.
    Gotta love how Artie Lange has the second biggest name (if not the biggest) on the front of the cube.

  7. Aladdin Sane says:

    That’s like a dream lineup for MST3000.

  8. If my dad had Blu-Ray man, he would be allll over that box. Dude has the WORST taste in movies ever. I think his bad taste forced me into a career of trying to find non-sucky films.

  9. The only ones I’ve heard of are 10.5, Category 7 and The Poseidon Adventure. I wonder how much they could be separately?

  10. And I just noticed it has a user rating of 1/5. Hah!

  11. IOIOIOI says:

    BDs usually go down in price about three weeks after release. So people can get BDs for a discounted used price at Amazon. If they have patience. They would also have to be a bunch of grandiose assholes to buy the BLU CUBE!

  12. ployp says:

    They’re transferring crappy movies into Blu-ray and leaving out ones like The Lady Eve, Out of Sight…?? This is indeed a crazy world.

  13. Joe Straat says:

    USA Movies and MST3K mentioned in the same thread? This can only lead me to think of one thing:

  14. doug r says:

    It’s not even the Supernova with Angela Bassett in 1080p. Buying a TV movie?

  15. bmcintire says:

    I saw these at Fry’s this weekend, selling individually for $6.99 (which would be a $60 savings over this Cube-thing) and my eyes almost jumped out of my head at that price. Then, of course, I saw what a load of dreck they actually were. Bad enough that this crap is available on DVD – while better films still go without release – but BluRay for Chrissakes? Yeesh.

  16. Cadavra says:

    I think they’re ALL TV-movies!

  17. The Big Perm says:

    I think you’re right, Cadavra. That is a pretty amazing lineup of shit. To get any worse they need to add some Ted Mikels movies (although maybe Cadavra would disagree with me on that one).

  18. christian says:

    THE BIG WHITE with Robin Williams?
    Ted V. Mikels would only inspire me to get the damn cube. THE CORPSE GRINDERS!

  19. The Big Perm says:

    SEE! The Corpse Grinders!!! In HIGH DEF!!!
    WITNESS! The horror of grainy, horribly lit MOVIES!!!
    The Giant Claw scared me as a kid.

  20. christian says:

    “Do you know what this is? It’s a CORPSE GRINDING MACHINE!”
    That’s how you start a trailer, Hollywood!

  21. christian says:

    And in Ted Mikel’s defense, his films have fun pop-art Bava-esque lighting.

  22. jeffmcm says:

    The Giant Claw is the one with the giant muppet bird, right?
    If you can’t make it good, make it weird. Any Mikels film is better than the tedious, flat gunk in that cube, I’m guessing.

  23. Joe Leydon says:

    Maybe people aren’t buying enough Blu-Rays of any kind?

  24. David Poland says:

    Maybe people are waking up to the fact that Best Buy tends to have higher prices than you can get online and weak service to boot. Circuit City was even worse.
    Anyone who buys Blu-rays at Best Buy is throwing away at least few bucks per, often as much as $10 per…

  25. Joe Leydon says:

    True enough, perhaps. But even now, I wonder how many millions of folks never shop on line because they’re scared of identity theft, hackers, etc.? Sure, lots of other folks have no problem with buying even big-ticket items on line. (I know someone who, no kidding, bought a Jaguar convertible on eBay.) At the other extreme, however, some people don’t even want to leave comments on because that requires giving “personal information” on registration.
    David: Could many non-online shoppers be scared off from Blu-Ray because of the very high prices you’re talking about?

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