MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Is Megan Fox Actually Smart?

In a stunning refutation of all things Bay, Megan Fox talks like a human being while being interviewed by an E! robot.
Let the countdown to her role in Synechdoche, NY 2: Attack Of Alan Alda’s Doppelganger begin!

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21 Responses to “Is Megan Fox Actually Smart?”

  1. Answer: Possibly…but the ongoing relationship with Brian Austin Green (aka The B.A.G.) tends to make me think…
    But I saw that clip live and thought she was pretty awesome. And, HOTTT!

  2. LexG says:

    Megan Fox = HOTNESS. This clip OWNED.

  3. byanyother says:

    She hung around Diablo Cody and picked up a thing or two about snark.

  4. IOIOIOI says:

    That’s pretty damn funny. The BAG statement is also pretty damn funny. It’s just damn funny. DAMN FUNNY.

  5. I always found Jessica Alba to be an equally human and humorous interview subject (she actually played along with the hosts’ jokes and was able to joust in kind), but that’s just me.
    Fox, from the few interviews I’ve read, certainly seems to be more level-headed and honest about her career than most. The fact that she has yet to be caught in some tabloid scandal (especially in this day an age) says a lot.

  6. Roman says:

    Could someone please enlighten me what was so SMART about that clip?
    Yes, she sounded like a human being but are we that easily impressed nowdays?
    (Judging by movies that win awards this year I am going to have to say yes.)

  7. BurmaShave says:

    BAG is redeemed by being the sole saving grace of The Sarah Connor Chronicles. He’s become a much better actor, and he’s kept his looks. She could do a lot worse as older men go. It’s not like she’s fucking Jon Cryer.

  8. LYT says:

    “The fact that she has yet to be caught in some tabloid scandal (especially in this day an age) says a lot.”
    I have to say, I’ve heard a lot of rumors lately.

  9. Roman, perhaps no “smart” necessarily, but she appears to have a nicely quick and keen self-depreciating sense of humour. Kudos for mentioning her 22″ waist.

  10. jeffmcm says:

    Let’s wait for her to get back to looking like a human being (which she used to) before we start to worry about her ‘aging well’.
    Lex – you still suck.

  11. LexG says:

    I suck for linking to an amusing B.A.G. video and for opining that an attractive actress is “hot”?
    Also, agree with Burma; Green’s had a nice TV comeback the last few years (didn’t he also get good notices for that Prinze sitcom?), and showed a nice sense of self-deprecation in “Domino.” And like Patrick Dempsey, he’s shed the early, stringy gawkiness. Besides, David Silver was awesome anyway, especially that ep where he hooked up with Kari Wuhrer in the limo and Donna got OWNED.

  12. jeffmcm says:

    For everything that isn’t a link; also, I don’t find her attractive because she’s so incredibly synthetic (and I actually am the kind of person who will admit to liking fake boobs – just not fake everything else).

  13. IOIOIOI says:

    Jeff: you really do not pay attention in class. Her features are those of a Northern European. If you like to believe that those people look synthetic, then that’s on you. Her features and boobs are about as real as they get. Do not believe me? Go look at her GQ spread. Fakeys never hang that way, and never will.
    Roman: what’s more real and intellectual? Meghan Fox responding honestly to those statements, or anything Kate Winslett did on the red carpet? Excuse me for taking the broad with the realistic and sensible approach to the red carpet over the rambling globes winner. She got two globes to match her boobs. Oh how I love that bit of business!

  14. jeffmcm says:

    IOI, there are pictures online of what she looked like a few years ago, and let’s just say there are striking differences compared to how she looked in Transformers. And I preferred the older version that I saw.

  15. jeffmcm says:


  16. I’ve always liked Megan Fox, there’s something about her that I like… she seems confident, but not arrogant. She seems real, not at all fake… of course, this is from the perspective of a female.

  17. Jason says:

    Doesn’t anybody remember the ox-murdering compulsion that Megan Fox confessed to last summer?
    Think of all the trite, insipid, and fatuous things you’ve heard from “it girl” starlets in the past, especially in response to the vapid inquiries of celebrity journalism.
    She’s different.

  18. storymark says:

    “there are pictures online of what she looked like a few years ago, and let’s just say there are striking differences compared to how she looked in Transformers.”
    She was a whopping 19 when she did Transformers. I would hope that she looks different in pictures from a few years prior, otherwise she wouldn’t be human. And why would one need to be British to recognize European features?
    Relax, Jeff. Just because Lex is behaving himself doesn’t mean you need to actively look for things to argue with him over.

  19. jeffmcm says:

    The ‘British’ thing has to do with IOI’s language affectations (‘bit of business’, ‘what are you on about’ etc.) nothing else.

  20. anghus says:

    This is the easiest question ever
    “Is Megan Fox actually smart?”

  21. sky_capitan says:

    erm. of course she’s had plastic surgery.
    i like these kinds of sites…
    fun seeing what the actors/actresses do to themselves.

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It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

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