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David Poland

By David Poland

Sherlock Holmes Trailer

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I remain hopeful… Rocknrolla deserved a better fate and Downey & McA are faves… but I fear that the scent of Wild Wild West (of which I forgave more of than most) is not far away…

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33 Responses to “Sherlock Holmes Trailer”

  1. Crow T Robot says:

    Funny, I was thinking Stephen Sommers.
    Anyone else get the feeling we’ll see Iron Man 2 trail before we see Avatar?

  2. mysteryperfecta says:

    Going into the trailer I had totally forgotten who was directing this. I kept thinking, “What’s with all this slo-mo and heavy metal?” Then I saw Richie’s name at end in the credits.
    I’d almost expect something Burton-esque from this property, not something jokey and action-heavy. Don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing.

  3. Eric says:

    Um. This doesn’t look very good.

  4. LexG says:

    McAdams = More like Hound of the Boner-villes.
    All must BOW to her.
    Everything else is totally http://WWW... though who released Jude Law from Acting Jail?

  5. don lewis (was PetalumaFilms) says:

    That actually looked kind of cooler than I thought it would. But it also looks real stoopid. And I LOVE McAdams almost as much as DP (and obviously, Lex) but dude, eat something. That’s scary skinny.

  6. LexG says:

    There’s no such thing as “scary skinny.”
    In fact, if I had Lucas-level money and power, I’d make a movie starring McAdams and Keira Knightley and call it “Bone-R.”

  7. jeffmcm says:

    Well, it at least looks a hell of a lot better than League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
    Thumbs up for Eddie Marsan (is he Lestrade?) and McAdams. Thumbs down to pointless speedramping.

  8. Just testing… the comments thing doesn’t seem to be working.

  9. lazarus says:

    Why didn’t they just add a bold “NO SHIT.” title at the end and give Doyle’s skeleton an extra spin cycle?
    Of course, considering the filmmaker, it’s probably a line in the script itself.
    I hope to god this is like The Road, where the film is going to be a lot less high-octane than the trailer. I don’t mind the slightly revisionist/amplified Holmes, but there’s a lot of middle ground between too-faithful and what this seems to be advertising–the “700% Solution”, if you will.

  10. don lewis (was PetalumaFilms) says:

    Dayum, Laz….that was post of the week! Not only did you remind me I have “7% Solution” on my DVR….I was literally wracking my brains to think of a way to slip “No Shit” into a comment and I can’t beat what you did.
    Plus, that “700% Solution” comment was f-ing amazing. Nicely done man.

  11. Wrecktum says:

    For some reason, watching that, all I could think of was “Jekyll and Hyde…Together Again.”

  12. Aris P says:

    And for some reason, watching that, all I could think of was “too bad some people royally FUCKED UP League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.”

  13. Joe Leydon says:

    David, I see what you mean about the Wild Wild West vibe. But, like you, I liked that movie a good deal more than most other folks. (Or, to be more precise, I liked it more than most people are willing to admit they liked it.) I’m also picking up a hint of The Assassination Bureau, which is even better. But, tell the truth: You really wish they would have filmed Baker Street, right? (And before you bristle — I’m the one who still has the original Broadway cast album from that one.)

  14. Wrecktum says:

    For the record I despised Wild Wild West. And Leydon, the western fan that he is, should have too.

  15. martin says:

    It seems to be trying a little too hard to sell me on some OK action. Really, too much action for a Holmes movie. But Downey and Law seem like a good match, and the plot seem reasonably good. I’ll wait for more before making any judgements. Right now, I hope that the trailer is selling me on something that the movie is not (or is less of).

  16. martin says:

    I’ll also toss this in, about 2/3rds of the way through the trailer I felt like I was watching a trailer parody of a big budget Sherlock Holmes movie. I’m sure it will get some of the larger demo they’re looking for, but this is only a touch off of what a parody would be.

  17. Joe Leydon says:

    Wrecktum: What I really liked about WWW — even more than Kline’s funny stuff and Salma’s ta-tas — was the throwaway bit depicting the Grant-era White House (complete with animals on the lawn). Which, according to everything I’ve ever read, was pretty close to historically accurate.

  18. Joe Leydon says:

    Oh, and Wrecktum: Even when I watched the original TV show, I never mistook WWW for a Western. It was always just another 007 pastiche.

  19. Hopscotch says:

    Didn’t see Rock N Rolla. But Guy Ritchie really is a one-trick pony for me.
    This looks like shit. I’ll be really honest. This looks like real shit.
    If it said “Directed by McG” or “Directed by Brett Ratner” at the end of the trailer, would anyone be surprised?

  20. Hopscotch says:

    Last Action Hero I can understand. Wild Wild West is a god-awful, unartistic, movie-star wank fest piece of garbage.

  21. Joe Leydon says:

    Maybe it’s because I walked in with very low expectations. You see, a week or so before I saw the preview screening, I actually went back and looked at some old episodes of the TV series. Alas, they were not as cool as I remembered them. In fact, they were pretty lame. Sometimes, I think, the TV shows you loved during your youth are better remembered than watched.

  22. NickF says:

    Rachel is the best thing in the trailer.
    Snatch was the last decent thing Guy Ritchie did. There needs to be a better explanation for the Rock N Rolla comment. There’s nothing going on in that movie that warranted a better fate than what it go.

  23. Wow… I too enjoyed Wild Wild West more than most(I have a high tolerance for Kenneth Branagh hamming it up), but this looks shockingly dreadful. It’s Sherlock Holmes… TO THE EXTREME! I know they are after a specific Playstation 3, Twitter, Facebook audience, but the need to shove the ‘hip’ and ‘edgy’ elements in our face is almost embarrassing.
    It’s ultra EXTREME!

  24. don lewis (was PetalumaFilms) says:

    Wrecktum- you do know Abel Ferrara is making a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” film with Forrest Whitaker and 50

  25. Joe Leydon says:

    Don: Jesus, you sound like my students who ask if ever met D.W. Griffith. Of course, it is funny that, at 56 going on 57, I can truthfully say that I’ve interviewed Bette Davis AND Ellen Page… Benny Goodman AND Sting… Johnny Cash AND Pat Green… Warren Oates AND Steve Zahn… Steve Allen AND Jay Leno. Not a bad life.

  26. Look alright. I at least get a semblance of a plot, unlike the trailer for Rocknrolla.

  27. The Big Perm says:

    I think I liked it?
    Wild Wild West could have been great if they didn’t have so much constant awful fucking comedy in it. If they played it as an adventure movie it could have been really fun. I mean, those scenes of Will Smith and Kenneth Branaugh exchanging horrible pun themed insults that goes on for MINUTES…did anyone watching dailies think those scenes were working? Or funny? When a movie actually makes me feel sorry for the actors onscreen, I hate it!

  28. christian says:

    All that’s missing from this is somebody getting kicked in the balls…oh wait…

  29. Dr Wally says:

    Lock, Stock and Snatch were good movies, but given the ways their careers have diverged since, you have to wonder just how much credit for them should be given not to Ritchie, but to Matthew Vaughn.

  30. Hallick says:

    This trailer is an advertisement for a Sherlock Holmes movie that was made for people who never really got or liked Sherlock Holmes all that much. A lot like those “it only takes one phone call to ruin a movie” ads you see in the theaters. I guess the monkey wanted more fist fighting…

  31. Stella's Boy says:

    Yeah regarding Matthew Vaughn, I like Layer Cake much more than anything Ritchie has done. I saw Snatch again recently, and while the cast is cool, I didn’t like it much. Not nearly as much as when I first saw it. Holmes looks pretty lame, though it’s always nice seeing Mark Strong and Eddie Marsan.

  32. Hopscotch says:

    Layer Cake is awesome. Man I enjoy that movie. Very cool and a lot of fun.
    I’ve never liked Snatch. I’ve always been kinda baffled why so many love that movie.
    I do love Eddie Marsan (esp after Happy-Go-Lucky) and I hope it’s an enjoyable movie, but right now – Pass.

  33. anghus says:

    i loved the trailer. i thought it was great.
    Wild Wild West sucked. Hard.

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It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

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There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

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My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
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