MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Mechanic & Shankman Step Into Oscar Producing Roles

Bill’s a little bit inside… And Shank’s a little bit dance-n-sing…
He’s a little bit of Sherak’s old boss… With a little bit of drag queen in his wig
I don’t know if it’s good or bad
But they’ll make your Oscar show
He’s a little bit inside… and he’s a little bit dance and siiiiiiing…
This fits. Mechanic and Sherak were tight from the Fox years. Bill is a smart guy and has the time and energy to move the show along. On a list of musical theater mavens in the film game, Shankman also goes high on the list of performer/director/choreographers who can keep what happened last year moving forward.
Unlike some of the other musical types who might be expected to bring specific talent along with them – neither Tom Hanks nor Chace Crawford will not be hosting this year – Shankman’s talent relationships – Travolta, Sandler, The Rock, Steve Martin, Latifah – are not likely to be expected to be host, though all will be likely to make appearances. (For Travolta, it may well be his industry relaunch after the tragic loss of his son.)
Interestingly, the Adam Sandler connection is not only with Shankman, but with Sherak via Revolution Studios, which funded 4 Sandler movies including Punch Drunk Love and Sandler-produced The Animal, the company’s first greenlit production and second release. The connection also reaches to last year’s producer, Bill Condon, whose Richard Pryor film is being made at Sony via Sandler’s Happy Madison.
It’s been suggested in Academy circles that another Revolution Studios veteran was intended to be announced as host at the same time that the producing team landed. Didn’t happen. Don’t expect a long wait… or too much of a surprise.

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6 Responses to “Mechanic & Shankman Step Into Oscar Producing Roles”

  1. SJRubinstein says:

    “Revolution Studios veteran…”
    Vin Diesel? The White Chicks? Hellboy? Ice Cube? Rob Schneider?

  2. Drew McW says:

    Holy crap, I’m hosting the Oscars!
    Oh, you didn’t mean me? Damn.

  3. David Poland says:

    I would tune in for that!!!

  4. SJRubinstein says:

    Seriously, Drew – imagine if you just got that call from Sherak: “What does it take for us to convince you to host the Oscars?”
    Whatever comes next, well, shit – I think it would make for some great reality TV leading up to the night (when, inevitably, you barf on Anne Hathaway the second you completely nail that opening dance number where Billy Crystal makes a cameo, literally handing off a baton to you wearing a U.S. Track & Field outfit, circa 1984).
    And then you win the audience back by bringing back out Gary Rydstrom after they cut off his speech to go to commercial.

  5. SJRubinstein says:


  6. LexG says:

    Schankman better not be bringing that shrieking foghorn co-star of his from SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE into the proceedings.

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