MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

The Movie Needed A One-Sheet. They Gave Us A Handsome Conceptual Piece With Unrecognizable Stars.

The poster also have the air of familiarity…
Even more interesting, the vast majority of posters for movies starring Eastwood are a giant headshot of Eastwood with various dark colors behind him.

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20 Responses to “The Movie Needed A One-Sheet. They Gave Us A Handsome Conceptual Piece With Unrecognizable Stars.”

  1. LexG says:

    Clint is GOD but this seems so medicinal they should just project it at CVS. Also, isn’t it just POWER OF ONE meets VICTORY?
    Good news is, Clint’s still got about 8 weeks to whip up his traditional SECOND year-end movie that’ll get better reviews in case it’s looking like this one won’t be nominated enough.

  2. movielocke says:

    I think you can recognize both actors no problem in that sheet.

  3. Joe Leydon says:

    Movielocke: And if you can’t, shame on you, because THEIR FRICKIN’ NAMES ARE PRINTED ABOVE THE FRICKIN’ TITLE!!!!!

  4. leahnz says:

    but neither of the heads on that one-sheet are floating, they are connected to bodies.
    i will say someone has done a pretty good job of making damon look like the notorious pienaar, at least in that pic.
    the real pienaar:
    i can’t wait to see how he is portrayed in this film, i doubt it will be as the pompous, racist afrikaans dirty player he is known to be here. here is pienaar tackling an all-black around the neck/head, just about the most dangerous, foul thing a rugby player can do, pienaar to a T:

  5. jeffmcm says:

    Okay, so I thought in my ignorance that this was a simple biopic of Nelson Mandela – and now I find out it’s a Nelson Mandela movie plus rugby? I’m immediately five hundred % less interested.

  6. leahnz says:

    the 1995 world cup springboks, who supposedly united post-apartheid south africa, had this many black players on the team: 0

  7. mutinyco says:

    So what you’re saying is: Matt Damon = Clyde

  8. IOIOIOI says:

    Why the fuck is Neal McDonough on this poster? SOMEONE, ANYONE, TELL ME WHY HE’S THERE, AND WHY HE HAS BLONDE HAIR! WHY! WHY! why… ?

  9. Lota says:

    Dear God. He *does* look like McDonough. Well spotted IO.
    Yes, Leah, I would find it hard to watch ANY film about the Springboks in the Pienaar height of dirty tricks…yuk I loathed his attitude–ruined everyhting about Sporting behaviour. The All Blacks should have WON. I lost money : (
    I was so sure the A-Bs would win. : )
    I really hope they don;t gloss over what a miserable so-and-so he was. He might as well have been wearing a white sheet.

  10. Lota says:

    I wonder if F. Pienaar is related to the footballer Steven Pienaar, an African south African play for Everton.
    My opinions expressed on Pienaar are merely personal from watching him on TV/satellite…I am not a rugby player.
    I hope he changed for the better since Nelson was awfully nice to him.
    There was one player who was not Afrikaans on the ’95 team by the way.

  11. leahnz says:

    :-* kiss on the cheek for lota
    bloody hell, i think all of enzed went into dept -not to mention a state of shock & mourning – after that debacle. the AB’s puking their guts out on the sidelines because their food was POISONED the night before the grand final says it all. i wonder if clint put that delightful visual in his little flick!
    fuck pienaar and his bunch of fucking afrikaans thugs. and fuck this stupid movie.
    ok, i feel much better now i got that off my chest

  12. Lota says:

    I like CLint, and sometimes I love CLint, but it seems an odd topic in some ways or much will have to be swept under the rug to make it watchable, especially when Pienaar is basically from the Vinnie Jones school of sports ethics.

  13. Lota says:

    maybe he’s changed? doesn’t tackle by neck vertebra anymore?
    we can hope

  14. leahnz says:

    forgot to say, i think you’re right, lota, chester williams played in some of the games for the boks (he was considered a ‘coloured’ rather than a ‘black’ in the weird yappe vernacular) but if i recall he got injured or something and didn’t play in the final
    (clint’s a legend in my book, i just think this movie is going to ignorantly glorify people who don’t deserve it. i hope i’m wrong)

  15. leahnz says:

    perhaps francois has mellowed with age!

  16. Tofu says:

    leahnz, last I checked Chester Williams was still totally not white.

  17. I checked, and, honestly, the last decent poster for a Clint Eastwood film was

  18. leahnz says:

    yes, i know that, tofu, that’s why i commented to lota that she was right
    (the ‘coloured’ vs. ‘black’ bit was an aside re: the bizarre identification the yappe’s make when it comes to people of mixed race (‘coloureds’) as opposed to black africans, who are called ‘blacks’)

  19. Bob Violence says:

    Who the hell am I supposed to root for in an All Blacks vs. Springboks film, they might as well make a Yankees vs. Angels movie at this point

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