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David Poland

By David Poland

Wolverine & Sookie Stackhouse Duet, Circa 2000

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11 Responses to “Wolverine & Sookie Stackhouse Duet, Circa 2000”

  1. LexG says:

    PAQUIN POWER. I might need to do some Jackquin now, if you know what I mean.
    VINTAGE PAQ too. Now DO NOT GET ME WRONG, everyone here knows I’m TEAM PAQUIN AS HELL to this very day, but the above is telling:
    This clip is NINE YEARS OLD and Jackman looks EXACTLY THE SAME; I have NO IDEA if Paquin’s actively done something to her appearance or if it’s the True Blood lighting and makeup scheme, or if she’s just grown into a certain look.
    But she’s one of those actresses who look entirely different than they did just a few short years ago.

  2. Bodhizefa says:

    Lex, are you kidding? Entirely different than “a few short years ago?” That clip was almost a decade old and both of them look 10 years younger. Paquin looks like a girl (she now looks like a woman) and Jackman looks like he’s in his 30’s (he now looks like he’s in his 40’s and 20 lbs. heavier). And I typed that without even looking up their ages.
    Is there something about aging that you don’t understand? They both look a decade younger, and I don’t think you can make a good argument otherwise at all.

  3. LexG says:

    Again, I AM PAQUIN SUPER FAN #1. THERE IS NO DOUBT. She is pure awesomeness and one of the coolest actresses in the world; In 25th Hour, X2, and SQUID AND THE BONER, she is MY DREAM WOMAN.
    BUT FACE THE FACTS. On True Blood she looks DIFFERENT. Not better, not worse, just different. A LOT DIFFERENT. The eyebrows and forehead are different. Something is different. And she’s orange.
    You also gonna tell me Kate Bosworth looks the same today as she did in 2002? Keira Knightley? Lindsay Lohan? Michelle Monaghan? Again, big fan of all those chicks, but there is something “different” about all of them from four or five short years ago. And it’s not just natural “aging”… and for fuck’s sake, they’re all still in their TWENTIES or early 30s, no?
    Tom Cruise has looked EXACTLY THE SAME since 1982. Pitt hasn’t changed since ’88. So why do so many ACTRESSES (NOT Paquin here or necessarily the above mentioned chicks) suddenly gave that troutmouth-John Merrick EXPANDO-FACE look? Buncha beautiful 20-year-old woman suddenly turning up looking like 1997 Rene Russo.

  4. leahnz says:

    tom cruise doesn’t look even remotely the same now as he did then
    a quick photo search and comparison:
    cruise at about 18yrs old in ‘taps’ (roughly the same age as 17yr old anna in that clip w/jackman, and similarly baby-faced):
    recent cruise, looking his age:

  5. leahnz says:

    wasn’t gonna do pitt but it got stuck in my head so i had a quick look
    he was already almost 30 when he did ‘T&L’, so not exactly a babyfaced teen to compare his looks to and age from. but, tight and smooth:
    nah, but for real:
    not horrible but certainly far from ‘T&L’

  6. The Big Perm says:

    Well, Paquin seems to have lost quite a bit of weight. Plus, the blonde hair.

  7. Josh Massey says:

    How much money does Jackman owe to Mission: Impossible II running over its schedule? Would he even have a film career today?
    Dougray Scott must cry himself to sleep every night.

  8. jeffmcm says:

    Brad Pitt looking noticeably different over the years was even a PLOT POINT in Benjamin Button. Gah.

  9. Maskatron says:

    Wow, people are still responding to Lex posts. You would have thought after he was forced to lay low from embarrassment after he proclaimed The Goods would make 5 billion dollars in one weekend, he would have chilled out some.

  10. LexG says:


  11. jeffmcm says:

    That could well be true…but very few of us will ever know, one way or the other.

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