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David Poland

By David Poland

Look At The Size Of The Name On That Girl!!!


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18 Responses to “Look At The Size Of The Name On That Girl!!!”

  1. W.T.F. is that? Someone’s casting couch clearly paid off big for them.

  2. IOv2 says:

    Bassingthwaighte? How in the blue blazes do you say that girls name, and why did she not change it to Bassing?

  3. yancyskancy says:

    I guess it’s nice when people are proud of their given names, but sheesh. Kinda makes you miss the days of Tab Hunter and Rock Hudson. No one seems to change their name anymore. I especially hate all these three-named kids out there, though I get the impression that’s sometimes done because SAG already has a member with the same first and last name.
    I guarantee you that Natalie Bassingthwaighte, like many an actress in recent years, thought to herself, “If Meryl Streep didn’t have to change her name, why should I?”
    My favorite is Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, who I’ve seen on TV a fair amount and has a role in PREDATORS. He actually did change his name for show biz — from Mahershalalhashbaz Gilmore.
    Oh, another good one is Imogen Poots.

  4. palmtree says:

    Cherry Chevapravatdumrong writes for the Family Guy…used to always think it was a funny made up name but no, she’s real! It’s a Thai name.

  5. yancyskancy says:

    Imogen Poots should co-star in something with Alison Doody.

  6. IOv2 says:

    Imogen Poots is easily one of the funniest names in the history of funny names. The person who really should change her name, and hopefully will when she marries King Lewis, Nicole Scherzinger. Outside of the INGER, that whole SCHERZ is damn hard to say. Seriously Nicole Hamilton is a nice classy name.

  7. LexG says:

    Imogen Poots is SO smoking hot. Dug her in 28 Weeks Later and is really something else in Solitary Man. Unfortunate name though, yeah.
    BASSINGTHWAIGHTE? Holy shit. And now I wish Kamikaze (or leah) were around more frequently of late so I could ask what exactly NEIGHBOURS is the Aussie equivalent to. Looks like this chick was on that, along with EVERY AUSTRALIAN ACTOR EVER. Is it like an Aussie… what? Young and the Restless? Days of Our Lives? 90210? Dynasty?
    Is it literally THE ONLY show on the television in Australia? I realize the film industry might not be as huge there as it is in the U.S., but always strikes me as odd that virtually ever Aussie actor EVER was on this show. Isn’t there at least a RIVAL SHOW that some of them can be on?
    Isn’t it just some cheesy soap opera? How is it the NATIONAL PASTIME?
    It’d be like if Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Alec Baldwin, Brad Pitt, Angelina, Jamie Foxx, Will Smith, Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Sean Penn, Kristen Bell, Kristen Stewart, etc etc (you get the point) ALL “got their start” on General Hospital, like it was the ONE LONE SHOW that GALVANIZED THE ENTIRE NATION.

  8. a_loco says:

    Ellen Page on the CLASSIC Canadian TV show, Trailer Park Boys:

  9. tjfar67 says:

    You call that a chainsaw?

  10. CitizenCooper says:

    There aren’t all that many opportunities for young actors to catch a break in Australia, but historically “Neighbours” and it’s close competition “Home and Away” provide that break.
    These two shows are essentially early evening soap operas that focus mostly on younger characters which are constantly turned over, with the occasional youngster who would never attempt to find success elsewhere and simply stay on the show for what seems like forever.
    Most of the time, however, you see some young talent (not always actors, often they attempt to become ‘popstars’ such as Bassingthwaighte) slumming it for a short period to get some national recognition and a pay check and then move on elsewhere.

  11. IOv2 says:

    Cooper how do you say Bassingthwaighte?

  12. Foamy Squirrel says:

    Lex – there are actually TWO! (count em!) Aussie soaps that spawn 90% of actors downunder. “Neighbours” and “Home and Away”.

  13. Josh Massey says:

    Woah, how did Yvonne Strahovski manage to miss both of them?

  14. ployp says:

    Re: Cherry Chevapravatdumrong
    Cherry is probably her nickname. Her last name, long even for a Thai last name (which are usually 4 syllables), means approximately ‘life’s history maintained’ (pronounced chee-va-pra-vat-dum-rong). My last name has 3 syllables and is considered shorter than average.

  15. CitizenCooper says:

    IO: Uhm… you pronounce it pretty much how it looks, I think it’s just that it looks so daunting.
    I’m not good with phonics but: Bassing-thw-8? lol. But only 2 syllables

  16. Indeed, it’s pronounced bass-sing-th-weight. She used to be on Neighbours, has hosted three seasons of So You Think You Can Dance, fronted a popular dance group (The Rogue Traders) and released a #1 album. All in all she’s done quite well in spite of her ridiculous name that most people here joke about “Natalie Bassingsassingthassingthwaight” and so forth. Just because it’s amusing to see how many variations on her kooky name we can come up with.
    And, yes, Neighbours and Home & Away are exactly what Cooper has described. They’re an easy way for young actors who have a regular weekly acting gig, which is not something you find too regularly down here. I would point out, however, that the big names that get listed as having come from these shows (Russell, Naomi, Heath, etc) only ever appeared as short story arcs and guest roles. They were never full time stars like, say, Clooney was on ER (not that ER is a comparable program).
    H&A and Neighbours really aren’t comparable to any American show. They are five episodes a week series, but they are prime time (7pm and 6.30pm respectively) and not daytime, plus they are not about rich people or fashion designers or anything extravagant so they can’t be compared to Bold and the Beautiful or The Young and the Restless.
    England and Australia have that connection with shows like Eastenders, but there’s no similar American program. Not sure why, but it’d sorta be like if The OC was on five nights a week? I guess.
    I was so happy when I discovered how to pronounce Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s name that I kinda just wanted to throw his name into random conversation – “have you heard about the new Apichatpong Weerasethakul film?” and so forth.
    As for “The Outback” – otherwise known as Prey, it is a HILARIOUS movie to see with a crowd of likeminded people who are there to laugh at the absurdity of it all. It has lesbians, chainsaws, ancient Aboriginal curses, ghosts, possessed serpents, exploding faces, Natalie Bassingthwaight playing a DOCTOR (hah hah) and even Don Johnson’s lookalike son! It’s terrible in every conceivable way, so much so that the director walked off the project half way through and it was completed by someone else who used a pseudonym (“Oscar D’Roccster”). The producer apparently had to file for bankruptcy after blowing $3.5mil of investors money on it only to have the film make only $1000 at the box office.
    And now I shall return to my cave.

  17. IOv2 says:

    Thanks Cooper. I just wanted to make sure because that epic sized name deserves proper pronunciation.

  18. Pete Grisham says:

    Good for her. It’s a beautiful looking name.
    Poland is just jealous that her name is bigger than his dick.

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