MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

So… A Child Anal Rapist Walks Out From Behind Bars….

I truly can’t figure out which position by the Swiss government is less morally sound…. refusing to extradite Roman Polanski, who has never denied the charges against him, has never been sentenced, and undeniably broke US law by fleeing the country OR holding a man in custody for 7 months only to let him walk without a single significant change in the material evidence against him over those 7 months.
In some ways, I think that holding him only to let hm go is worse. And then I think, well, the decision must be corrupt, to take this long. He was just another piece of art hidden in a Swiss bank for a while until the tariff could be settled.
This was, essentially, Polanski’s longest incarceration for this crime. True, it was less severe than being on I’m A Ceelebrity Get Me Out Of Here, but it was constraint. And sadly, it seems to have been criminal compared to what the California government would have done to him.
I am not thrilled about child anal rape being embraced as a victimless crime, which is something Polanski supporters refuse to come to terms with. But it’s not like the man has been able to spend the last 30+ years plying his high-profile, high-paying trade in the lap of luxury without paying any price greater than not coming to Los Angeles or New York to visit…. oh… right…

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62 Responses to “So… A Child Anal Rapist Walks Out From Behind Bars….”

  1. Joe Leydon says:

    Elsewhere, however, there is sure to be celebration.

  2. Don Murphy says:

    Way to continue to not address the point, DP….

  3. a_loco says:

    On the plus side, if we get a new film on the level of The Ghost Writer, I’ll be happy, not that it makes up for his getting saved for no good reason, though.

  4. tjfar67 says:

    Come on every perpetrator should have the right to decide the appropriate amount of time they should serve.

  5. Bob Burns says:

    I am so happy that we won’t have to hear about this endlessly like we would have, had he been returned.
    I am all for prosecution of pederast/stalkers. Have tried to thwart them as opportunity has arisen, so do not mistake my position for leniency on this topic.
    No good would have resulted from his trial. It’s time to move on and try to do better preventing these kinds of things in the future.
    I would love to see one hundreth as much attention given to the young victims of sex slavery suffering now, as has been given to Polanski and his crime.

  6. Krazy Eyes says:

    Bob Burns . . . your reasoned stance is clear evidence that you 100% condone child rape. Sorry.

  7. Blackcloud says:

    Don’t anyone be surprised when all of a sudden the Treasury Department decides to cancel UBS’s license to do business in the US because they were helping US citizens evade taxes. Uncle Sam may not get Polanski, but he can screw the Swiss in ways Polanski couldn’t begin to imagine.

  8. jeffmcm says:

    Just goes to show, give some people an opportunity to grandstand and display their moral superiority and they’ll take it, every time…

  9. David Poland says:

    Don, please remind me what point I am not addressing…

  10. alynch says:

    Just goes to show, give some people an opportunity to grandstand and display their moral superiority and they’ll take it, every time…
    I can’t tell. Is your finger-wagging admonishment of other people’s finger-wagging admonishment meant to be ironic or do you just lack self-awareness?

  11. Bob Burns says:

    jeffmcm, you don’t know me at all and can’t possibly understand my feelings on this subject based on a post in this thread.
    I have two former close friends who have served time for crimes related to pederasty. I’m still angry at them and believe they deserved their punishments.
    And I have many close friends who suffered from sexual abuse as children and still deal with the horrendous effects decades later.
    It is primarily for them and people like them that I am happy we will not go through months of ridiculous media posturing on this subject.

  12. lazarus says:

    DP, I think Don’s talking about all your complaining being about the supposed corruption of the Swiss authorities, and nothing about the credibility of the system over on this end.
    But I love how you automatically think this is some kind of payoff. That’s disingenuous. The Swiss asked for certain documents, the U.S. wouldn’t present them, and the Swiss told them to fuck off.
    It seems pretty clear to me.
    Also, your titillating headlines whenever you discuss this case, even if they’re trying to be ironic, are rather childish. Why not put “anal rape” in all caps while you’re at it?

  13. David Poland says:

    Laz… they held the guy for seven months. Glad you think it’s as simple as a request for documents.
    The credibility of the system on this end, in this case, in terms of the pro-Polanski folks, is still limited to a threat by a judge that was not followed through on, so is therefore not part of the record of the case.
    The reason I always use the child anal rape tag is because it is the central fact of this situation… not some idiot judge who had already basterdized the system by letting Polanski plead out to almost nothing then threatening, in private, allegedly, to change the plea bargain because Polanski went out partying in another country while on bail for work. (I can only assume you think that Lindsay Lohan in Cannes, not getting back to court in time, was okey-dokey too.)
    I know that a lot of people in this industry want to pretend that this is not about child anal rape. So instead of being cute about it, I am direct about it.
    Funny how being a fugitive for 30+ years is seen as a “get out of jail free card” to so many.

  14. Nicol D says:

    Dave’s headlines on this are not childish at all. I disagree with Dave on many things but he does seem to be one of the few in entertainment media who – gets – the seriousness of what happened.
    While listening to a Toronto based radio talk show this morning where one of the subjects was Hollywood’s reaction to Polanski vs. Gibson, a news report came on. The report said Polanski only had “sex with an underaged girl”. That is how this story has been reported for decades. Even I only read about what really happened when this new chapter happened. The reporting for decades have made it sound like a romantic “Lolita-like” affair with Roman as the persucuted victim.
    Dave’s headlines, far from being childish, actually shine a bit more truth on the subject.
    Perhaps Polanski should direct a movie starring Gibson and then get Alec Balwin to play a supporting role.

  15. lazarus says:

    At this point, Nicol and Dave, we all know the details. There’s no need to keep pressing that Hot Button over and over again.
    And just as you think people see 30 years in exile = time served, there are many like you who feel that legal misconduct should be ignored when something serious like OMG CHILD ANAL RAPE is concerned. It didn’t fly with O.J. and it shouldn’t fly here.

  16. The Pope says:

    Oh jeez Nicol,
    I was with you for so much of what you were saying… until you threw Baldwin into it.
    This is part of the problem about the Polanski case. People place inappropriate comparisons.
    Baldwin is a very troubled man. So is, and I think on a monumental scale, Mel Gibson.
    But as far as I know, reprehensible as Baldwin’s behavior has been, I don’t think anyone has ever accused him of doing what Polanski admitted to.
    So again, Nicol, just to make sure you don’t misunderstand me. I agree with you… until putting Baldwin in the frame.
    Gibson… well, he is a monumentally tormented man and my heart goes to him, but only in so far as it is a human thing to do. I do not condone, accept or agree with any thing he said (and the same goes for his films!).

  17. Nicol D says:

    The Pope,
    Obviously Baldwin has not done anything like Polanski has done. Neither has Gibson for that matter although what he said is vile and if he hit his girlfriend it is even viler.
    But the radio show played the Baldwin rant at his 12 year old daughter side by side with the Gibson rant and the host made a point…they do not sound much different. Baldwin too has a rep for confrontation and violence…have a look at the Vanity Fair article that came out several years back about The Bear. Gibson and Baldwin are both very angry self, loathing types.
    I suspect on some level, Polanski is too.

  18. LexG says:

    Alec Baldwin disciplining his daughter– in a way that most TRADITIONAL VALUES righties would usually FUCK YEAH in approval– is somehow on par with Polanski… because Nicol doesn’t like Baldwin’s politics?
    I don’t know what fully-functional Dr. Phil households some of you guys grew up in, but I never got the OH MY GOD CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? *shock* that Nicol types feigned over that Baldwin tape (assuming that’s the entire reason Nicol is elevating Baldwin to POLANSKI STATUS.) Sounded like pretty typical old-school flustered dad bullshit to me, familiar from just about any male member of any family ever, especially if you came up in some old-school football burgh or around military types or just tough old bastards in general.
    At the time I worked with a guy, big right-winger like Nicol, who acted like it was the most BEYOND THE PALE shit they’d ever heard… mostly because it was a big gotcha moment of a notoriously left-leaning celeb.
    In general– and this goes for both recent Gibson tapes, too– Hollywood types, talking heads, and pussyish blog commenters are the kings of fake outrage. People say that about Sarah Palin, and it’s true– she’s pretty big on feigning offense at every comment; To be fair, Obaama calls PRESS CONFERENCES when you make fun of his MOM JEANS.
    But every gasping in WHY I NEVER! *shock* at a guy losing his temper over his spoiled daughter, or a hair-trigger maniac actor/director unloading on his GOLD DIGGER trophy girlfriend– Not excusing any of the words or the vitriol, but kind of surprised how many people are acting like IT’S SO FOREIGN, like they’ve NEVER heard such words, like they’ve never been on the giving (or receiving) end of a VERBAL TIRADE.
    You guys must all be some well-adjusted, sheltered motherfuckers from the loins of Phil Donahue on estrogen tabs if the Gibson or Baldwin phone calls are some OUTLANDISH shit you’ve never even envisioned in your wildest nightmares.
    Sounds like pretty fucking standard East Coast mook hothead venting to me.

  19. palmtree says:

    Nicol, what’s the radio show you seem to get your Hollywood gossip from? You know those programs thrive on making statements for entertainment value, right?

  20. The Pope says:

    I say this with reluctance but with no apology. If you were ever to attain any semblance of stardom or Hollywood power, I reckon you would behave in exactly the same manner as Mel Gibson. Your self-loathing is cut from the same cloth as his.
    Get yourself into therapy.

  21. LexG says:

    I already behave in that matter.
    It’s called being awesome.

  22. Stella's Boy says:

    Lex your analysis of Baldwin is pretty spot on. Show me a parent who never lost it and yelled at a child in a manner they later regretted and I’ll show you a liar. Of course it’s about politics for Nicol. What else is new.

  23. The Pope says:

    Sure plenty of parents have lost and yelled at a child in manner that they later regretted… but not every parent has yelled at their child in the manner Baldwin did to his child. My parents never spoke to me like that.
    What is more, there are plenty of us who have, in the heat of the moment, said things to our partners that we have later regretted… but there not everyone has yelled at/spoken to their partner with the rage that Gibson has.
    And Lex, it is not being awesome. It is very sad and self-diminishing (not to mention the effect it has on their other person).

  24. Jeremy B says:

    We still do Extraordinary Rendition, right?

  25. Stella's Boy says:

    One of my parents has lost it in a manner similar to Baldwin during a trying time in my younger sister’s teenage years. I don’t think it is in any way indicative of the overall parenting quality my siblings and I received. I imagine a nasty divorce/custody sharing only increases the overall stress and frustration. I think Baldwin’s incident is fairly universal.

  26. David Poland says:

    You have my head spinning now, Laz… you seem to be taking both sides…
    “At this point, Nicol and Dave, we all know the details. There’s no need to keep pressing that Hot Button over and over again.”
    Well, that is the point. You may have stayed fully focused on the crime that was committed, but few of Polanski’s supporters do. As has been noted, there is a play on the issue that this was some indiscretion and she just happened to be young… not the case. And I am not satisfied that toning it down tells the whole story.
    “And just as you think people see 30 years in exile = time served”
    Not me. I think some people feel that way.
    “…there are many like you who feel that legal misconduct should be ignored when something serious like OMG CHILD ANAL RAPE is concerned.”
    I don’t think legal misconduct should be ignored at all. But none of the evidence of any misconduct is in the official record because the alleged misconduct never actually occurred. A mercurial judge could say, a minute before entering the courtroom, that he wants to hang the person they are judging… until the judge does the wrong in sentencing, there is no misconduct. And while there are other accusations of bad behavior by this judge, almost all of it was in Polanski’s favor.
    Polanski is not a black man in Alabama in the 30s. He had top legal representation and a ton of media attention. His victimization is all a projection of what might have happened. What he did to the girl actually happened.
    I can assure you, I would not be suggesting Polanski be in jail for telling someone he was thinking about giving a 12-year-old a quaalude and f her up the butt.
    “It didn’t fly with O.J. and it shouldn’t fly here.”
    Not sure exactly what that means, but the degree of misconduct by the police in the OJ case is not remotely comparable to the alleged possibility of the judge throwing out the plea here. I do not think that Mark Fuhrman’s racism should have been a key issue in the trial. I do think that the lack of a timeline and the key blood evidence showing up more than a month after the truck was impounded was and should have been.
    Finally… comparing Baldwin to Gibson is insane… and comparing either man to Polanski is wrongheaded. I may not like what some say… but words are words… action is action. If Alec Baldwin beat his daughter… different. If Gibson did, indeed, beat his girlfriend/wife… closer, but not proven.
    Polanski denies nothing about this event, other than the right of the US government to prosecute him as the law allows and not by his own personal standards.

  27. A. E. Ase says:

    Baldwin’s career didn’t really take a direct hit, but Gibson is gone baby gone right?
    What amazes me is that people are shocked at this type of behavior from Hollywood stars… All this shock about a RANT? Seriously? If anything the Polanski thing is more indicative of some of the real depravity happening in the hills… I mean think about it. Power, wealth, fame (this is showbusiness!) not to mention the standard operating procedure drug and alcohol fuelled shit that the public never hears about. But really, Lex is right. A racist star with a god complex and a temper running his mouth in rage? This is SHOCKING?! Are you fucking kidding me?

  28. Nicol D says:

    I know you are trying to be shocking and contrarian and your comment about all right wing parents talking like this seems pulled from deep within your own psychosis. If that’s how you were raised…well I guess that explains a lot with regards to your own issues.
    Since when is calling a 12 year old girl a “pig” amongst other vitriol normal? Seems to me you are the one playing politics, Stella. As you always do.
    Thanks so much for straightening me out. Greatly appreciated. The whole Alec Baldwin thing was made up. Never happened. The station made the whole tape up and I fell for it.
    As you were.

  29. Stella's Boy says:

    We can play semantics with the language Nicol, but losing one’s temper and saying hurtful things that they later regret is pretty normal for a parent in my experience. Maybe you disagree.

  30. Nicol D says:

    So in other words, in your view, as a parent anything pretty much goes in an argument with a 12 year old girl as long as you feel pretty bad after?
    Something like that.
    How about a bitter break up with an ex-girl friend? Does anything pretty much go there too?
    I am not trying to be a prick. But what are the standards in your mind? Where can one cross a line? Is there a line in your eyes or should all be forgiven as long as there is contrition?

  31. brack says:

    I take it you’re not a Christian conservative.

  32. palmtree says:

    Nicol, I never accused you of making up the Alec Baldwin thing…but the conclusion that the Baldwin thing and the Gibson thing were the same is a conclusion you appeared to get from a radio show. I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that comparison was made in some unbiased venue…
    So what was the radio show?

  33. CaptainZahn says:

    I believed Baldwin when he said that his mistake was releasing his anger on the wrong person. Kim Basinger is by many accounts not an easy person to deal with, and it does seem like she’s made it very difficult for him to see his daughter.

  34. Stella's Boy says:

    Is “you selfish spoiled brat” not as bad as “you selfish spoiled pig”? I am a parent, and it should go without saying that most people don’t believe “anything goes” with a child. We might have different standards about what crosses the line and what doesn’t, but I believe it is normal for a parent to lose their temper and say something regrettable in the heat of the moment. I have certainly been witness to it. What is your standard Nicol? Is what Gibson said to his ex worse than what Baldwin said to his daughter? Is their a universal line?

  35. Nicol D says:

    Again, thanks for confirming how stupid I am. Really. I cannot reach conclusions myself. I can only parrot what I hear on right wing talk radio. What they say goes.
    Thanks for protecting me from myself.
    Captain Zahn,
    Baldwin’s anger is legendary. Again, track down the VF article on The Bear. It puts a lot in perspective. Not saying Basinger is a saint. I am sure Oksana is no saint either. But what behaviour led to a 12 year old taping her dad, even if Basinger put her up to it?
    Again, I think both Baldwin and Gibson are both very talented artists with very real self-loathing and anger problems.
    Ironically enough, on some level I think both Baldwin and Gibson get that what they did was wrong even if both have the potential to do it again and again. That’s part of the self-loathing process. You get what you are doing is wrong in a self-destructive spiral. Read the transcript where Gibson says he has no friends and was hoping Oksana would be his friend. He sounds like Frankenstein’s monster. You know he knows he has monstrous tendencies but is in a downward spiral. For all the vile nature of his rant and abuse…it is very very sad and tragic. I am sure there is a similar tragic element to Baldwin as well.
    In the case of Polanski, he has been so portrayed as the victim that I think he believes it.
    I do not think Polanski thinks he has done anything wrong. That is why his supporters are so misguided. Where Baldwin’s and Gibson’s acts (while vile just to be clear on where I stand) are more public and current, Polanski is allowed to walk in the glow of the past and think he has not done anything wrong.

  36. palmtree says:

    Haha…and thanks for avoiding a simple question. What radio program decides to make that comparison? I really couldn’t care any less if you are stupid or not…it’s just that you mentioned that you got your info from a radio show without bothering to say what the show was…
    In other words, lighten up, buddy. If I said I got my info from radio shows, I hope you’d do the same to me.

  37. LexG says:

    Nicol D:
    As one of the few Hot Bloggers to value your opinions (usually) and as someone who skews righter than most here, kinda bummed that you’d concoct this gem in response to me:
    “your comment about all right wing parents talking like this seems pulled from deep within your own psychosis. If that’s how you were raised…well I guess that explains a lot with regards to your own issues.”
    “Psychosis”? Hey, fuck you, dude. Also I didn’t say “all right wing parents” talk like Baldwin. I said many right-wingers embrace and even have a nostalgia for this corporal punishment type “discipline,” spin these nostalgic tales of “back when I was growning up, if I’d have done A, my daddy would’ve…” Shit, if it was some story about the Duke putting his kids in their place, or The Mighty Jon Voight telling 15-year-old Angelina (GOOD IDEA) to shape up or ship out, you’d be FUCK YEAH-in’ along in tandem with those great ideals of tough love and discipline.
    But when it’s Alec Baldwin calling his spoiled-brat kid a “pig” (who fucking cares?), it’s some hate crime on par with rapists and murderers.
    And again, I ask, who are you well-adjusted motherfuckers who’ve never gotten as worked up as Mel or Alec? You seriously aren’t capable of that kind of frustrated, stifled, self-loathing RAGE? Fuck, I feel like that seven times a week, twice on Sunday or however the expression goes. Not saying most people are out dropping N-bombs like Mel, but, FUCK, compared to the way Tiger Woods sat back like a NEUTERED DOUCHE and took every piece of shit that was shoveled his way, Mel’s rage at SURELY getting taken to the cleaners by an opportunistic GOLD DIGGER are AT LEAST somewhat, kinda, sorta, VAGUELY relatable in that Chris Rock “I’m not saying he shoulda done it, BUT I UNDERSTAND!” way that every white douche in the world thought was the greatest comedy routine of all time when it was about OJ Simpson ALLEGEDLY KILLING TWO PEOPLE, but when it’s Mad Mel SAYING SOME WORDS, it’s the most horrifying, shocking, I-couldn’t-even-conceive shit EVER.

  38. Pete Grisham says:

    Poland, your are a fucking dumbass.

  39. Pete Grisham says:

    “which is something Polanski supporters refuse to come to terms with. ”
    No, FIRST AND FOREMOST it’s the position and pleas of the VICTIM that people like yourself have trouble coming to grips with.

  40. storymark says:

    So…. does this Grisham chump do ANYTHING but wait for something to bitch at David about?
    Given that he’s in the pro child-rape camp, I think having a guy like that as an enemy is a good thing. So, bravo Mr. Poland.

  41. A. E. Ase says:

    Wonder what his beef is with Poland

  42. Don Murphy says:

    You are beyond disingenuous these days. What happened?
    The system was broke. Roman made a deal. Deal was going to be broken. Romaan fled because he could. AND HE SHOULD HAVE. Fuck any system that behaves the way this one did.

  43. leahnz says:

    victims of serious crimes do not determine the consequences for the offender for a reason. this is why there is a justice system.
    and you all do realise that oksana was taping mel because he was smacking her around and she wanted proof. she got it. plus he clearly admits to hitting her a couple times on tape with the typical flourish of abusers, that she ‘fucking deserved it’ (mel is clearly going mad, just like his pops)
    “Mel’s rage at SURELY getting taken to the cleaners by an opportunistic GOLD DIGGER”
    blah blah blah predictable blather. aw poor, led-astray mel, ii’m mean he couldn’t possibly be held accountable for his own actions, boys will be boys, it’s HER fault! yeah right. mel is responsible for where he finds himself right now. and the fact that all the focus has been on the one ‘nigger’ word and not the primary, utterly contemptible, clear-cut misogyny exhibited by gibson is in itself a very clear indicator of a misogynistic culture reporting the incident and almost more disturbing than the tapes themselves. who cares if he abuses that stupid bitch (she must have brought it on herself), he said the N word! i’m not excusing the racist component of his rage, but it it dwarfed into insignificance by his clear contempt for and hatred of women mel exhibits, and yet this has been skimmed over as if it’s just a side-issue, when in fact it is the crux of the matter.
    hey note to assholes: if you don’t want to impregnate women, DON’T HAVE SEX WITH THEM. and if you just can’t manage a modicum of big-boy self control, WEAR A CONDOM. fucking duh. take responsibility, a novel concept.

  44. RoyBatty says:

    No, it’s pretty clear from many of comments here and on Jeff Wells’ site that most of the supporters continue to duck and deny the rape part of it. It always about “statutory” or how different the age of consent is in Albania. So I applaud Dave for putting it in the starkest, truest terms.
    I do love, however, that in case of ALLEGED judicial misconduct (which isn’t really) versus ADMITTED child rape, Don Murphy proudly cheers the rapist. Guess that explains his films: garbage in, garbage out.

  45. David Poland says:

    Don… not remotely disingenuous. We just disagree.
    One judge is not The System.
    I am always fascinated by where you land on stuff like this. I don’t think you just think The Man is evil and Fuck The Man.
    So regardless of what the deal is and how the parties behave after The Deal, anyone threatening to change The Deal is broken and fuck the system… do I have that right? I’m not baiting… serious question… because I think that has to be your answer.

  46. Don Murphy says:

    OKay I commit a crime. Idiots in LA get tickets for Jaywalking. I dunno what they charge. Let’s say $176. So I commit the crime and the punishment is legislated. There is a fee to pay for the crime.
    Next Level
    I steal a car. I may not know exactly what the penalty is if I get caught. BUt I know it involves jail time. Let’s say 2 to 3 years. They catch me. But what they really want is the guy who drove it who ran over 6 nuns. So I agree to give him up and in exchange for that I will do two days in jail. This is the plea that is agreed to.
    If after I do my two days you then say
    ” I changed my mind that is my prerogative and you have to do 2 years” then that is fucking unfair and not right. AT ALL. Now I may not be able to do anything about it and be screwed. But it is unfair and not right.
    Roman committed a far worse crime. He probably deserved several years in jail. But he got 43 (or whatever) days . It is not up to you or me to debate that- because ONE judge IS the system…. how can you seriously say that one judge is not??? Every cop is the system. Every judge is the system. That is why corruption cannot be tolerated.
    The only thing here that interests people like you is that Roman, faced with that corruption, had an option to say FUCK YOU and used it. Therefore he is a bad guy.
    He did EXACTLY what you are supposed to do assuming you can when faced with a corrupt judge. He non violently said NOPE.

  47. storymark says:

    Sure, Polanski was justified to run in a Minority Report/pre-crime kinda way. What he DID doesn’t matter as much as what the Judge was (maybe) going to do. But then, that’s science fiction.

  48. David Poland says:

    The same “corrupt” judge he used to get a 43 (or whatever) day sentence.
    And your story about the car stealing kinda makes my point… there is nothing about Polanski’s story that touches that. There was no motivation for the plea arrangement other than the judge being a star fucker. Polanski didn’t do anything affirmative to cause the plea.
    I still don’t know that I would be okay with your hypothetical guy running… but his situation stirs a lot more sympathy with me than Polanski’s.
    We’re not going to agree on this because, in the end, you feel the circumstances justified taking the law into his own hands and I do not. But I sincerely appreciate the extended effort to clarify your position.

  49. Don Murphy says:

    I don’t think he took the law in his own hands…that would involve shooting his way out of he courtroom.
    He said “wait a minute, you are a fucking liar and your word is not good to me anymore and I can ignore you and so I will.”
    That’s a pretty huge difference actually.

  50. David Poland says:

    Yes… except that it kinda ignores one little thing… he is the criminal.
    When you commit a felony, you lose your right to decide for yourself. You also lose a lot of other rights in this country.
    You make it sound a bit like someone cheated at a living room poker game and he walked out.

  51. IOv2 says:

    No, if you choose to run. Once your fate is turned over to the law, if you choose not to accept, you are taking the law into your own hands. Polanski, if he were a man, he would have stayed.
    Yes, I break it down to being a man because that judge would not have gotten away with anything due to the media scrutiny of that case. If he would have stayed, used the press to make him a victim, this would have been over already, but now, IT’S STILL GOING ON!
    Polanski used drugs to butt rape a girl. Again, think about that for a minute then you might realize how out of frakkin sorts you have to be to defend a guy who threw away everything for some young drugged poon.
    Oh yeah, Gibson beat a woman. Alec yelled at his kid. If you have never had your parents yell at you and insult you while doing it, good for you. I have, it sucks, but it sure as hell is not as bad as someone beating your ass. I experienced that as well.

  52. LexG says:

    I would say this about anyone from Polanski to Gibson to Robert Blake to you name it. It has nothing to do with making light of Polanski’s crime or anyone’s victims, but just everything to do my enjoyment of big, wanton fuck-you moves and awesome displays of Plainview-sized fuck-everything ego:
    Whatever RP directs next, it should proceed as a regular movie and everything, but THE VERY LAST SHOT should be a still shot of Polanski smoking and enjoying a giant asshole cigar and flashing some shit eating grin in front of a big PATTON-sized American flag.

  53. IOv2 says:

    Oh yeah Leah, Mel is clearly a woman hating jackhole but if you are a celebrity or a politician in the US, there’s one word you never want to have people hear you say; the N word. Once you say that word, you have to grovel like a mofo to get back in the good graces of the American press.
    Yes, they are ignoring the misogyny but that’s what happens when someone utters that word, everything else is negated. You can hit a woman… Josh Brolin, you can run someone over… Halle Berry, and you can pick up a ho… Hugh Grant, but do not say the N word. If so, you are phased out for a good long while.

  54. Rob says:

    Halle didn’t run anybody over. I thought she just left the scene of a collision.

  55. IOv2 says:

    I thought she ran a brother over but you are right. She just fled from the scene and then claimed she did not remember it. She could have used her life time pass on that one (she earned that pass from surviving her time with Wesley Snipes and the deafness he gave her in one ear) but she just had to run. It still did not hurt her career in anyway.

  56. Anghus Houvouras says:

    America is such a peculiar society.
    had this happened 5, 10 years ago, there’d be lots of fresh anger.
    for most people it was “so long ago”, and therefore it’s irrelevant. There’s a generation of sycophantic filmies who knew him as a filmmaker first and a child molester second.
    every time i told filmies i didn’t watch Polanski movies, i am generally scoffed at. I don’t care how good of a filmmaker you are. If you fucked children, i don’t want to contribute a dime of my money to you or anyone who may benefit from your existence.
    I don’t fault anyone for watching Polanski films, but if you defend a rapist by saying “he makes great movies”, then you’re a rape apologist. You are saying that someone who has done something truly awful has redeemed himself by avoiding prosecution and making great movies.
    That’s fantastic.
    I think i’d like to mount a remake of The Accused where a group of guys rape a girl on a pinball machine. Then they head to Europe, become avant garde filmmakers, and win the Palme D’or.
    Maybe a more apt metaphor would be a remake of a Time to Kill. Instead of Samuel Jackson storming into the courthouse and gunning down the rapists, he offers them a five picture deal with Universal.

  57. mutinyco says:

    Speaking of criminal redemption. Nice to see he still believes in things that don’t exist.

  58. Anghus Houvouras says:

    So Berkowitz went from hearing imaginary voices to believing in an imaginary God?

  59. Kambei says:

    Interestingly enough, John Douglas (the basis for Jack Crawford in Silence of the Lambs) is firmly convinced that Berkowitz made up all the “voices from dogs/Satan” crap because he thought he would get a more lenient sentence. He is a true sociopath and I wouldn’t put it past him to fake being “born again” for 20 years if he thought it would get him out of jail a day earlier or bring him more attention.

  60. christian says:

    Oh, he was “born again” all right.

  61. IOv2 says:

    Not a fan of the other Boss, I hate his team, and I hate what he has done with baseball. I also hate that ESPN really thinks he’s this big of a story and that pretty much cements their east coast bias in my mind. All of that being stated, if you have to go, going on the day of the All-Star game when they have to give you a tribute in front of millions of people, is the way to do it. Not a fan of the man but someone obviously wanted him to go out big and with style at the All-Star game.

  62. IOv2 says:

    I have no idea how the above got posted in this frakkin thread. It will be moved in a minute to the BYOB.

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It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon