MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Hulu IPO?

Okay… here’s why the Hulu IPO seems safer, in principle, than Netflix right now.
1. The business is owned by 3 studios.
2. The television archives are still less worn out that the film archives.
3. Assuming the three partner companies are on board, price competition should not make content costs prohibitive.
4. Hulu has established the idea of limited commercials as a viable business. I, for one, don’t think it will interfere with their pay model. And there might be an even higher monthly price point that eliminates commercials and actually increases net revenues.
What’s interesting about a $2b IPO is that this may be a move by Hulu to become the only television rerun streamer… which these days may mean being the only source of reruns, aside from DVD, period.
How much might they be willing to pay Viacom, Time-Warner, and Sony to come aboard? Would the current ownership allow the other studios to be equity partners?
This would be the unified model. Can Netflix be the unified home of feature film streaming? They seem to be trying to pay their way out of that model, not giving up chunks of equity. Another strategy.

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5 Responses to “Hulu IPO?”

  1. tfresca says:

    Until Hulu gets their head out of their asses and gets their content on Tvs they still loose to Netflix.

  2. David Poland says:

    Already on my TV and iPad and working great, tfresca.
    And they are pretty much using the same route as Netflix, though not quite as expansive yet. However, on my PS3, I don’t need any disc to get Hulu going.

  3. Joe Leydon says:

    It might be interesting to see what happens if Hulu does indeed position itself as “the only television rerun streamer,” if only to see if that would increase the number of short-lived and/or hard-to-find series they offer. I’m happy to see they have Peacemakers and Raines. I’d love it if they would offer older stuff like Harry 0 or East Side, West Side, Hawk, Captain Nice or The Trials of O’Brien. There might not be an enormous audience for shows like this. But I bet there would be enough viewers to make it at least profitable.

  4. tfresca says:

    Hulu has worked to stop boxed, playon and other projects that let hulu stream to tvs. I know you seem to dislike netflix bug honestly they have a great service. This whole thing feels like a bigger threat to cable than to movie studios. I’m watching Pillars of Earth on netflix as the show is one air. Why would I pay for Starz? Time Warner will be one a big dumb pipe if they like it or not.

  5. David Poland says:

    I love Netflix. I just don’t see how they can sustain their business paying premium prices for content. When I show people the iPad, Netflix is usually the first stop.
    And like I wrote, I see these two businesses as really being in different niches. There is some TV on Netflix streaming, but mostly movies. The inverse for Hulu.

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