MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Dragon Tattoo Safety Pin-Pierced Nipple One-Sheet

It’s Not Safe For Work, so I will put the poster image after the jump.

The image is beautiful, whether people are comfortable with it or not, for p.c. reasons or not. Personally, I see the image as feminist, really. The man is hiding behind the woman. And after a second of being shocked by seeing her nudity, the power in the image is in her eyes.

Fincher is not sitting back on this one.

Others have misrepresented it a bit… don’t expect to see the poster with nudity in American theaters. It’s an international poster and there isn’t even a US website for the film as of yet. THIS you may see…

You may see a clothed version of this shot, perhaps with the safety pins indicated by bumps… or maybe it will be completely different. But
THIS (after the jump) is not going to get past MPAA…

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62 Responses to “Dragon Tattoo Safety Pin-Pierced Nipple One-Sheet”

  1. LexG says:


  2. leahnz says:

    other have misrepresented it? or maybe they simply see it differently than you (and trotting out the tired PC catch-all, one can criticise an image for reasons that have nothing to do with political correctness)

  3. LexG says:

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the image, and the piercings, and LOOK AT HER LITTLE NAVEL! And her TIGHT ABS YEP YEP.

    But can something truly be “feminist” if it is that arousing?

  4. christian says:

    What kind of perfume is this for?

  5. LexG says:

    What kind of perfume is this for?

    It’s called BONER.

  6. leahnz says:

    note: declaring the image of a fully-clothed man behind a naked woman as feminist is highly debatable

  7. David Poland says:

    Leah… I know that I must be punished by you as often as possible… but misrepresented as the domestic poster.

    Or were you too excited about taking a shot at me that you missed the rest of the sentence, “don’t expect to see the poster with nudity in American theaters.”

    Or maybe there was an invisible reference to how others see the poster that I can’t see.

    PS Being so unwilling to consider that there are politically correct motives in the world and dismissing it outright doesn’t make you open minded… it’s just as closed minded as someone saying that you can’t ever make an artistic statement with female nudity.

    (Oy, Lex… )

  8. David Poland says:

    Yes, Leah… everything is debatable.

    And I am a million times more interested in what you have to say in that debate than I am about you slapping at me without actually adding anything to the conversation… again.

  9. David Poland says:

    If it was a naked Gerard Butler standing in front of a clothed woman, would you be debating who was the dominant person?


  10. leahnz says:


  11. David Poland says:

    That’s not really an answer, Leah.

  12. leahnz says:

    wait, i should answer you when you accuse me of not adding anything to the conversation when i’ve made perfectly valid observations that happen to be critical of what you said? i’ll pass this time, i don’t give enough of a shit

  13. Rob says:

    Does Rooney Mara have the worst agent in the world? Who lets their client end up naked on a poster, even just the international one, in the age of the internet?

  14. Proman says:

    The image isn’t sexist or shocking. It’s just really cheap and obvious.

  15. JKill says:

    So far the ads for this (namely that UNGODLY AWESOME trailer and this poster) rule.

    I’m getting more and more excited about it. Christmas can’t come soon enough.

  16. Keil Shults says:

    You don’t get to 500 million dollars worldwide without showing a few nipples.

  17. David Poland says:

    Same one who put her in a Fincher movie in which she is naked a lot, including what I expect to be the hardest-to-watch rape scene ever in a US film.

    You have to own something like this or you end up being Elizabeth Berkeley.

  18. The Big Perm says:

    Rob, in six months there will be screencaps of the movie anyway so it doesn’t really matter. Also, if I got my nips pierced for real, I’d show that shit off too.

    Also, DP…Gerard Butler would never be naked in a poster while the woman remained clothed. That’s sort of the deal with sexiest Hollywood.

    And yes, I said sexiest. Because who wants to see Craig’s nipples?

  19. leahnz says:


  20. LexG says:

    Look at her PERFECT female body. PERFECT.

    Wonder if Kate Mara is ready to pull a Marvin Gaye’s dad, being usurped out of nowhere by her kid sister in a year flat after Kate’s been trying to make it big for a DECADE.

    Shit, when my brother made the football team and I didn’t, I was ready to hang myself in the shower. Can’t IMAGINE have your kid sister Jeff-Bridges your hard-working career.

  21. David Poland says:

    Did we see 300?

  22. The Big Perm says:

    Well, 300 is sort of the anomaly, wouldn’t you say? Is that like the average movie at all? I’m thinking no.

    Also, there was only a tiny little bit of actual male nudity, carefully lit so you don’t see it too well…while we got to see lots of boobage from random women.

  23. The Big Perm says:

    And Lena Hedley of course, who’s just about always naked.

  24. actionman says:

    saw the trailer (rather unexpectedly) infront of X-Men today — looks utterly amazing.

    x-men was decent at best. bad cgi.

  25. LexG says:

    Also now I’m doubly disappointed that Kristen Stewart wasn’t cast, despite being in the early running for this.

  26. Anghus says:

    Yes, its a shame the mopey, talentless kristen stewart wont be infecting another film with her lazy presence.

    A damn shame.

  27. David Poland says:

    Well, Perm, this is a bit of an anomaly too. Boobage, yes. Nipples on one-sheets… not so much.

    But I take your point. Just saying, I think this image is more than sex. I think it’s intriguing the way much of Maplethorpe was intriguing… if you can’t get past the body part, you can’t see the meaning.

    Moreover, topless lead actress is no way to sell a movie. It doesn’t work. It gets a lot of talk and a lot of Lex, but those movies don’t do great business.

    I think it’s more like the first 40 minutes of Saving Private Ryan. Let’s rip away the pretense and get over the, “Oooooh… she’s naked!” and look her in the eye, even with her nipples also staring at the camera.

  28. Anghus says:

    Ill never understand this country’s hang up with nudity. And the battles are always fought over attractive people who normally look really good naked.

    Im more offended with the eyeliner.


  29. The Big Perm says:

    I agree with you there, DP. I think it’s a great poster. And you’re right, this could be as much of a drawback as anything…look at the sewer that’s AICN and see how the average idiot is reacting to it. NOT very well, like this is the most offensive thing ever.,

  30. Anghus says:


    You dont go to the dumpster to ask the rats about the veal.

  31. LexG says:

    I hadn’t checked an AICN talkback in 5 years minimum, but had to see what they were saying. Yup, I’m good till 2016.

  32. js partisan says:

    I’m pretty sure Craig is not holding her. It seems rather shopped. Also this poster is no where as cool as the Swedish poster for tgwtdt.

  33. hcat says:

    I am a heterosexual male with two kids and I would like to see Daniel Craigs nipples in every film he’s in. The man is quite fit. Having him popping out of the surf in Casino Royale as a nice turnaround on tradition.

  34. anghus says:

    the guy who spends half his posts talking about underage pussy is going to cast aspersions on talkbackers.

    best chuckle i’ve had in ages.

    fuck man, you could be their king.

  35. LexG says:

    Anghus, that’s disgusting. I won’t even dignify that.

    Plus no talkbacker could write like I do. None.

  36. christian says:

    Except for Neill Cumpston.

  37. leahnz says:

    “I am a heterosexual male with two kids and I would like to see Daniel Craigs nipples in every film he’s in. The man is quite fit. Having him popping out of the surf in Casino Royale as a nice turnaround on tradition.”


    it’s always amusing when a group of blokes gets together in their little sewing circle to talk about nudity, which by default means FEMALE nudity, not actual nudity.

    newsflash: there is no circumstance in which women get naked in real life and men don’t (unless, of course, the woman are being paid to get naked, wherein they are paid very, very well to ensure they continue to take it off). the naked truth is, men are nude just as much as women are. sex = men naked; changing clothes after a long day = men naked; showering = yep, men naked, etc etc. but men generally don’t like to look at other naked dudes – perhaps due to insecurity and ego or just plain lack of conditioning – so naked men on (not pornographic) film is an anomaly rather than natural, as it should be (300 has loads of female nudity, virtually no male nudity, btw). no, nudity = women in man-fantasy world, where men are conveniently not naked but women, for some bizarre reason, are. and us chicks, who see all the same movies, just sit there quietly and deal with the endless parade of gratuitous boobs and bums and bushes on display with a little sigh, occasionally glimpsing a nice backside or (gasp) even a penis once every decade or so – while men continue to pretend they’re not naked just as much as women are. it’s quite funny if you think about it (but also kinda weird and sad)

  38. NickF says:

    Rooney looks crazy. Not in a hot way though. That’s not my type.

    I’ll give her credit for going all out on this.

  39. mary says:

    This poster was actually designed by David Fincher himself.
    Therefore, the poster may actually reflect some parts of this film’s content and style.

  40. David Poland says:

    Leah… do you think the nudity in Dragon Tattoo is superfluous or just a male indulgence?

  41. LexG says:


    I cannot stop looking at this. This is THE ULTIMATE female body. LOOK AT IT. Thin with solid B-cups, pierced nipples, skinny abs, the PERFECT navel. LOOK AT HER.

    What is worrying me more and more IN LIFE lately, and this is a great riff, is that a lot of BAD 80s fashions are coming back. Like suddenly a lot of chicks have 1989 Jersey mall hair again, like Haley Reinhardt. And there’s all these BALLOON PANTS and GLADIATOR SHOES and Greta Gerwig wearing TRAINERS AND SOCKS in “Arthur.” It’s like, WHOA, what happened to the straight hair and BARE MIDRIFFS and constantly exposed feet that were in from 1999 to 2009? Suddenly it’s back to like some godawful GLEE-inspired Saved by the Bell NOSTALGIA, and this HAS TO STOP.

    It pisses me off because I was in a relationship the entire time like the bare midriff era was in, and the straight hair was in, and the no pubic hair was in. I’m worried now that I’m a free man and about to GET RICH BITCH, I’m gonna be faced with a female populace that looks like ZuZu Petals from ADVENTURES OF FORD FAIRLANE.

    So ROONEY is making me encouraged that this look isn’t quite going away.

  42. Chel says:

    Not impressed with the poster. Swedish actress Noomi Rapace’s face looks tough and in character. Maybe it is the cheekbones. It is going to be interesting to see Mara in the movie. She is noticeably almost absent from the trailer. Fincher did a fantastic job with Marla in Fight Club but Helena is probably a lot better actress.

    Can anyone please explain to me why this movie needs to be made? Swedish movie was close to perfect given the material. Particularly why is Fincher wasted on a movie which is essentially just a translation into English? I wish instead he adapted another Palahniuk’s novel.

  43. LexG says:

    The first SWEDISH MOVIE is a piece of shit and the leading man is a TOTAL DOUCHE who looks like Don Calfa crossed with Graham Stark from the Pink Panther movies;


    If anything, it’s not “Why do they need to be remade?” It’s more like “Why is a movie God like David Fincher wasting his time remaking SWEDISH TELEVISION?”

    Also NOOMI RAPACE has UNATTRACTIVE FEET (as seen in Played w Fire) and is going to flop like the TRIPLE LINDEY when they try to put her in American movies. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ONE will care.

    NO ONE.

    ROONEY POWER. If Kate hasn’t throttled her by then for stealing her career.

    God it’s lonely being the only entertaining and intelligent person on this stupid blog.

  44. The Big Perm says:

    It’s a hard life out there.

  45. torpid bunny says:

    I’m seeing a hell of a lot of dick on Starz.

    Not sure that’s relevant.

  46. yancyskancy says:

    Chel, I haven’t seen the original films, but I think it’s a safe bet that Fincher will do more than shot-for-shot or plot point for plot point remakes. I realize that if you think the first one has been done to perfection already, you won’t go into Fincher’s version with much enthusiasm, but I’d like to see what a master director does with it. Are the directors of the original films considered good, promising, talented, whatever?

  47. berg says:

    Michael Nyqvist gives a brilliant performance in the 2004 swedish film As It Is In Heaven, don’t write him off the list

  48. Rob says:

    Also in agreement that plenty of people would like to see Daniel Craig’s nipples as frequently as possible, despite what was suggested upthread.

  49. Chel says:

    “Terrible movie”

    7.7 rating on imdb and 86% on rotten tomatoes

    Fincher will do a fantastic job but this is a used material and I am not sure if it is worth a marginal improvement.

    Poster: is anyone reminded of Janet Jackson’s superbowl final scene? A girl with a pierced right breast (JJ) and a guy behind her (JT)

  50. Triple Option says:

    Interesting Chel. I was thinking they looked more like half-vampire lovers. Either that or I’d expect the man to be Rutger Hauer w/a Replicant in front of him.

  51. leahnz says:

    ooh, what is this ‘Starz’?

  52. leahnz says:

    crap i replied in the other thread, obv. you meant to post here

    cutnpasted over:

    dammit we don’t get that! (tho spartacus is made here and plays on cable, i never watch it tho it didn’t tickle my fancy somehow) i guess no dick for me, then

    thanks c

  53. LexG says:

    I have a five-inch dick.

    Fucking sucks. Thanks, Mom, for insisting on making me wear the most SKINTIGHT BRIEFS EVER, like some fucking Rod from Nightmare on Elm St style shit, in my formative years. Like a Chinese chick getting her feet bound, my schwance stayed frozen in time. So pathetic.

  54. cadavra says:

    Okay, let’s recap: Lex is drooling all over Mara, but Rapace, who was even hotter and more dangerous-looking, is some sort of skank? …does…not…compute…

  55. LexG says:

    Where did I say ‘skank’? I don’t talk about women like that, hombre. I said I didn’t like her feet. Mara is more beautiful, though. FACT.

  56. cadavra says:

    Then I guess we agree to disagree. 🙂

  57. Lynch Van Sant says:

    Seems this is the U.S. version with the date covering the nipple and pin over it –
    The French-Canadian version places a “This film is awaiting classification” notice over her breasts –

  58. LYT says:

    This poster is up at the Chinese theater, with a sticker over the nips saying “this film is not yet rated.”

  59. Girl with dragon tattoo says:

    Nip piercing is fake

  60. This is a very rare poster of the movie you have posted. The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo surely has gained many critiques and reviews just for this poster alone. However, in spite of it all, it is still a good movie and a winner of an Academy Award.

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It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
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“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

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