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David Poland

By David Poland

Question du Jour

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55 Responses to “Question du Jour”

  1. JS Partisan says:

    There’s your answer. I would also force him, FORCE… HIM, to make an Oscar’s even more over the top, then the Hugh Jackman Oscar’s from a couple of years ago.

  2. LexG says:

    I’m a huge Ratner fan and WORDS ARE WORDS and some people need a SERIOUS lesson from Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor and Andrew Dice Clay about that…

    And now that the always irritating MARK HARRIS with his bad two-day shadow and tan and NO HUMOR and obvious halitosis face has gotten into the act, I’m even more on the FORGIVE RATNER TRAIN.

    Plus Ratner’s TOTAL OWNING of Munny was great.

  3. LexG says:

    And, seriously, not that they probably would, but if Steven Soderbergh or Roman Polanski described something as “faggy,” every limp-dick faux-outraged movie blogger blowhard in the universe would be bending over asswards to make excuses for that.

    I find it FAR MORE OFFENSIVE that on other blogs, people consistently– CONSISTENTLY– refer to Mr. Ratner as “tacky” or a “vulgarian” in ways that seem to have a vaguely anti-Semitic undercurrent.

  4. JS Partisan says:

    No, he’s just a tacky vulgar piece of shit. He also has a thing for shrimp. Nevertheless, if any other director said the same thing, especially if they were talented unlike Ratner, then they would catch shit for it as well. There are some words you just don’t use, that’s one of them, but it’s no surprise they are coming from an asshole like Rather’s mouth.

  5. Eldrick says:

    I agree with Lex. Eminem, isn’t he the darling of the intellectual cultural elite? with everyone from Robert Christgau and J holberman testifying to his genius? name a bigger gay baiter than him. Some kind of the same people that love him are now taking down Brett. Seems like some inconsistencies there.

    I only reference Eminem cause on one of Sasha and Jeffs podcasts, they opened with an Eminem song. So its ok to say ‘fag’ as long as you like the person saying it,

    If for one moment i felt Brett was referring to gay people I would be offended. But its clear what he meant, its a frat boy term that other frat boys use to put down each other.

  6. LexG says:

    Oh, fucking GREAT CALL, Eldrick, esp since Sasha Stone (aka JEFF WELLS’ GIRLFRIEND) was riding my balls all day on HE for even MARGINALLY apologizing for Ratner, whom I revere…

    Hilarious, that she’d use an Eminem intro after her sanctimonious bullshit aimed at me.

    I’m not gonna go into a whole spiel on two separate blogs, but the “IT GETS BETTER!” era of overbearing PC-ness about this one little word does a DISSERVICE to victims of real prejudice by forcing a nonexistent connective tissue between a line in a Vince Vaughn movie or Hangover or something BRETT RATNER says while riffing that ANY COMIC IN AMERICA SAYS IN THE CLUBS EVERY NIGHT… and gay kids getting strung up in cornfields.

    That’s like equating calling a campy women a “Yenta” with real-life HATE CRIMES. People are insane.

  7. yancyskancy says:

    Bet he’s wishing he’d said “wimps” about now.

    I doubt he’s a homophobe, but that use of the word ain’t flyin’ these days, regardless of humorous intent (see the brouhaha caused by the trailer for THE DILEMMA, which only used “gay”).

    Lex’s argument (edit: referring to his earlier post; I was composing this without seeing his comment directly above) is a bit of a straw man isn’t it? ‘Cause Soderbergh and the like are not likely to use the word. But if they did, we’d be more shocked and therefore they’d probably get just as much shit as Ratner’s getting.

    Eminem’s not a valid comparison, because he’s a rapper, and outrageous lyrics and statements are intrinsic to what he does. He addresses any controversies that arise, both in interviews and subsequent songs. Ratner makes popcorn movies. Sorta apple and oranges. But I agree that Ratner was using it in a frat boy sense — poor judgment, but not intended as hate speech.

  8. LexG says:

    Ratner is a hip-hop guy. Who hangs with rappers and directed rap videos…

    I did standup for years, didn’t use the “F” bomb BUT I’ll occasionally drop it in character as “Lex” just because the word sounds funny. Trust me, I’m not flushing anyone’s head down a toilet because they’re gay… though NOR am I pretending like gay folks are the ONE ANGELIC MINORITY ON THIS EARTH who are SO BEYOND REPROACH that we must tiptoe lest we send them to SUICIDE– Honestly, how ARROGANT and CONDESCENDING, PATRONIZING AND OBNOXIOUS is THAT, this IT GETS BETTER-era meme that every tossed-up line could cause some uncertain kid in Corn Country to slit his wrists. THAT’S the offensive thing here.

    And let’s be honest: LIFE DOESN’T GET BETTER. I was a BULLIED KID, and NOTHING has gotten better. I was a weird film-nerd kid who did DRAMA and COMEDY SKETCHES in an all-football school in rural PA… I got called “fag” for the better part of five years for not being able to throw a spiral, not playing sports, for doing theater, for not dating… I wasn’t a jock or a bully or a frat guy (though I overcompensate now by being a web bully on my lunch break over a Subway sandwich)… then or now I wouldn’t have thought Ratner was being anything else but funny.

    And FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME, sheltered showbiz people who work in an all-liberal magazine office or in their little world of the movie blogosphere act SO outraged about this, but from blue-collar guys on up to smirking post-house jockeys to standup comics, I could more easily count guys I’ve NEVER heard use words like “fag,” “gaylord” and “homo” than those I have. And that’s in Los Angeles. That’s not a brag, that’s not a condemnation, that’s just an anecdotal fact.

    You guys act like this is some N-BOMB level HOLY SHIT THE WORD HAS BEEN SPOKEN, but get any group of five dudebros together over a few beers, it’ll get spoken, though probably in some arch-ironic asshole kinda way… But never with any hate behind it.

  9. JS Partisan says:

    Yeah fuck the dudebros for using it. It’s offensive, demeaning, and people should cut that shit out. People doing it does not justify them doing it. Why you think it does is beyond me, but Ratner is a fucking jackass. He’s successful to a degree but seriously, that guy should know better. He should know better but he doesn’t seem to learn anything, and that’s why he’s special.

  10. LexG says:


    I’m straight, I’m not a homophobe… and yet I feel NO COMPULSION to GO TO THE MAT for gays… I honestly? Don’t really care one way or the other. This is brutal honesty. I live in LA, I’ve done theater, I know and like many gay people… But call it what you will, I don’t feel COMPELLED to jump on any soapbox or HIGH HORSE as a straight man and GO TO THE MAT for gay marriage or calling out people who use the F-bomb… To paraphrase the words of Dennis Miller, I feel I only owe gays nothing but my COMPLETE INDIFFERENCE…

    It’s just genuinely strange to me– not in a good or bad way– when Brad Pitt says he’s NOT GETTING MARRIED TIL GAYS CAN, or some movie blogger/critic who I know is straight has this HARD LINE stance about gay issues… At the very basic base core, those issues don’t affect me and I can’t get THAT worked up about them. Call it selective, but if one of my friends IRONICALLY dropped an N-BOMB, I’d go, “Whoa whoa WHOA, that shit AIN’T RIGHT,” but if we’re all guzzling Jack and someone goes “Glee is some straight-up fag shit,” I’m not gonna throw down and call the PC Police.

    That’s just being honest. I think– for worse, but true– that goes for a LOT of straight guys who won’t say that aloud… We like gays and have gay friends and don’t want to be an asshole to ANYBODY or to be prejudiced or small-minded and stupid and stuck in the past… But we don’t feel OVERWHELMED to throw down like Kathy Griffin over mistakenly perceived low-rent homophobia.

    I got my own fucking problems, in short.

  11. yancyskancy says:

    I get all those points, Lex, but unless Ratner’s prepared to make a second career out of pushing the p.c. envelope, he’ll have to drop that from his public vocabulary (which is the plan, I’m sure). I think maybe the main point is that the average dudebro knows to keep the word among his brethren who share his humor — not drop it in a public interview. Hard to feel sorry for him, even if you accept the context.

  12. anghus says:

    like any other sound byte, you have to look at the source.

    does anyone in Hollywood respect Brett Ratner?

    Does this shock or surprise anyone?

    I doubt this will have any traction at all. You have a Director who is known more for being a dick than making good movies. His reputation as a personality if far more defined that his reputation as a filmmaker.

  13. Bob Burns says:

    I’m offended by his remarks and thought his apology was all about him. narcissistic.

    The man has character flaws and put them on display. My friends have on occasion pointed out that I have character flaws, so, to the degree it matters, in fairness, charity.

    But no one will forget. Neither will he. Let him live with it.

  14. Proman says:

    THE proper reaction is to stop posting and exploiting this comment. Not that any of you online morons would understand.

    If it is the choice of words and not just the meaning that’s offensive than you are all just as bad.

  15. JS Partisan says:

    Lex, it’s not about how it effects you. It’s about fellow human beings not treated as HUMAN BEINGS by a bunch of intolerant fucks. If you live your life by what does and does not effect you, then that’s a pretty shitty way to treat the rest of humanity you cohabitate with on this planet.

    Dennis Miller is also a joke of a human being. Ron Silver at least had solid reasons to his convictions. Miller did what he did out of fear and for that we owe him COMPLETE FUCKING INDIFFERENCE!

  16. Paul MD (Stella's Boy) says:

    It’s a hurtful word, I cringe when I hear it, and the liberal in me has a kneejerk reaction that Ratner should be condemned for using it so casually. But at the same time, when I first read that he used it, I was not surprised or really all that offended. I thought, that sounds exactly like something a guy like Ratner would say. He probably says stuff like that all the time with friends and just blurted it out. To guys like him it’s not a gay slur. The first time he ever heard the word, he was probably a kid and someone was using it to call someone else a wimp. That doesn’t mean using it should be condoned or excused. But I’m far more outraged by and concerned about blatant, targeted homophobia from people in positions of power and influence than Ratner’s flippant comment.

  17. waterbucket says:

    The whole world has already known that he has a shrimpy penis. I think that’s punishment enough for this douche.

  18. LexG says:

    Honestly, I like Paul MD, I’m not sure how old he is… but when a straight dude says they “cringe” when they hear the word “fag”… Really? Is it THAT uncommon in your world? I grew up in blue collar towns at jobs like unloading trucks and flipping burgers… and even now I hear it– albeit ironically– all the time; It has NO power whatsoever to me, NO shock value, I don’t associate it with violent homophobia… It’s pretty much synonymous with “douche” or even “bitch,” both of which get thrown around like a Valley Girl saying “Oh my God,” which frankly as a failed Catholic is MORE OFFENSIVE TO ME, since “OH MY GOD” is against one of the TEN COMMANDMENTS (I’m an Atheist now and don’t give a shit, simmer down…)

    But REALLY, you live in a world so sheltered that the word “fag” is like an N-BOMB LEVEL SHOCKER?

    It’s a meaningless word that died circa 1992 in the Early Clinton PC era, and shock-jocks and comics and blowhards have reclaimed ironically the last couple years… You are free and within your rights to loathe that fact, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t spoken ALL THE TIME in comedic circles, because to comics and frat dudes and dudebros, it is UTTERLY MEANINGLESS.

  19. Krillian says:

    Some people are genuinely offended, and that’s valid and I get it. Then there’s another group who act offended because they feel like they should be. For me it was a one-second window into his frat toss-off mentality. This is turning into the Janet Jackson flash from the Super Bowl. It’s only a big deal if everyone keeps replaying it over and over and over….

  20. LexG says:

    Honestly, NO ONE IN THE WORLD is replaying it over and over… EXCEPT for movie bloggers and film critics, the majority of whom are gay but more importantly the majority of whom consider Ratner an affront to their little camp spectacle of THE OSCARS! and can’t wait to shoo him away from their precious meaningless ridiculous show.

  21. Paul MD (Stella's Boy) says:

    Lex I never said I consider “fag” to be “an N-BOMB LEVEL SHOCKER?” I just cringe when I hear it. I don’t have a violent reaction and my mouth doesn’t drop in shock and horror. I just cringe. Nothing more. I’m 32 and live in Milwaukee (grew up in Green Bay). I’ve heard the word plenty dating back to grade school. I’ve even used it (probably before I knew was “gay” really meant). I guess I cringe because I can’t believe people still use that word. I don’t hear it often anymore. I guess it’s out of surprise that someone said “fag” at all. But please, I didn’t grow up without that word, and it doesn’t SHOCK me. And like I said, Ratner’s use of it doesn’t really offend me, especially when compared to genuine homophobia from those in positions of power.

  22. Glamourboy says:

    Maybe if we change the expression to something like, “rehearsing is for jews”, it might gain some traction.

  23. torpid bunny says:

    banal fluff of invincible ignorance

  24. times watch says:

    So I’m going off on a tangent, but I’m commenting about an article that’s in part about Tower Heist, so there.

    David frequently bashes the Los Angeles Times’ lazy entertainment reporting. So in the L.A. Times article about Eddie Murphy, and come across this section:

    “Since the calendar turned to 2000, the man who for years ruled the box office has generated seven live-action flops and four hits. That wouldnā€™t be a terrible ratio if there was any variety to the list. But there isnā€™t: All four hits were broad family comedies: ā€œNorbit,ā€ ā€œDaddy Day Care,ā€ Dr. Dolittle 2ā€ and ā€œThe Nutty Professor 2.ā€ Most of the flops, on the other hand, were a bit more adult-themed and generally came with a genre spin: ā€œThe Adventures of Pluto Nash,ā€ ā€œI Spy,ā€ ā€œMeet Dave,ā€ “Showtime,” “The Haunted Mansion,” ā€œImagine Thatā€ and now “Tower Heist.” ”

    So according to the Times, Norbit, rated PG-13 for “crude and sexual humor, some nudity and language,” is a family film. Yet Meet Dave, The Haunted Mansion, and Imagine That are adult films. Does anybody edit that shit over there?

  25. David Poland says:

    Proman – It IS the context.

    Frankly, if Brett Ratner was just making his movies and said something thoughtless like this… a bit of a yawn. It’s not really a surprise. And it explains why he’s so incapable of becoming a better filmmaker, in spite of having the greatest toolbox in the world available to him.

    But as the producer of the Oscars, it’s profoundly stupid and shows a lack of maturity, self-awareness, and professionalism that should scare The Academy. I can assure you… Eddie Murphy, who some people fear will “go too far” on the show, would never do this. He’s a pro.

    This is not the worst offense in the world. But the level of stupid is very high. He took a job that requires political skills and this is (his first?) drunk Rick Perry speech.

    People rarely are fired from jobs at this level for their actions. But public shows of indelicacy can kill.

  26. David Poland says:

    Anything to make a trend, times watch.

  27. storymark says:

    He doesn’t matter enough to me to care either way. But I’d lean towards the pink-slip option. The Eminem comparison is daft. Ratner isn’t a rapper who’s paycheck comes from being inflamatory. He works in an industry with a HUGE gay contingent. He should have had enough brains to choose his words more carefully.

  28. hcat says:

    So the word is only inflamatory depending on what arm of the entertainment industry you work for?

    I don’t think this is a big deal, just makes him look like a jackass, and I get your point that there is a different audience for the oscars than for Eminem albums, but if you are going to call out one person you have to call out this behavior then you have to hold everyone else to the same standard.

    Saying Ratner should use that word because he works in an industry with a huge gay contingent is like saying its fine that if someone is anti-semetic if they don’t work with any jews.

  29. Glamourboy says:

    Has people heard the tale of Ratner and Bay’s private, top-secret blog? Now if someone hacked into that shit, there’d really be trouble.

  30. Mike says:

    Am I remembering wrong, or wasn’t there a big thing about Eminem being a gay basher and he had to go on the Grammys and perform with Elton John to smooth everything over? Hasn’t he suffered enough?

  31. movielocke says:

    meh, he was an idiot and is getting pounded for being an idiot.

    That still doesn’t excuse journalists from treating him worse than they treat Polanski. Polanski admitted to drugging, raping, and anally raping (the last one twice, as he stopped then started again until finishing) a thirteen year old girl.

    Apparently it is okay for Polanski to win an oscar but not okay for Ratner to produce the Oscars.

    It’s obvious none of the outrage is sincere, people who hate Ratner and Ratner’s movies are simply using this as an opportunity to oust him.

  32. anghus says:

    I was just as offended with his apology.

    The part where he refers to himself as a “storyteller.”


  33. David Poland says:

    I certainly have treated Polanski much worse.

    But an interesting point.

  34. JKill says:

    Eminem is an artist, and the language that people got angry at him for was in the context of his art. You may still not like it or be offended, which is fine, but that’s a totally different subject from what Ratner did.

    I wish this kind of animosity and opposition was directed at the blatantly anti-gay and homophobic policies of many of our politicans like, I don’t know, the majority of the 2012 GOP canidates…

  35. Glamourboy says:

    When something like this happens, why do people always have to make these ridiculous comparisons….treated worse than Roman Polanski? More ire towards GOP candidates… Why can’t the remark just stand on its own?

    The bottom like is when this word is used in a negative connotation, it demeans gay people and allows this negativity to thrive in our culture. Ratner shouldn’t lose his job over this, but certainly a little education might be in store for him.

    And Lex…I’m sorry you’re life hasn’t gotten better…but the ‘It Gets Better’ campaign has helped lots of gay kids, including the gay child that I am a foster parent to.

  36. storymark says:

    “So the word is only inflamatory depending on what arm of the entertainment industry you work for?”

    Well, duh. Yes, that is the case. It’s why the term “context” exists.

    There are a great many things said in rap that are not taken kindly outside of that audience. I thought you would have picked up on that in the last 30 years or so.

  37. Paul MD (Stella's Boy) says:

    So it’s as simple as that Glamourboy? Ratner said fag therefore everyone must be outraged and offended? Any attempts to contextualize are ridiculous?

  38. Glamourboy says:

    If it makes you feel better, Paul, to minimize how this might feel to a gay person, then go right ahead. I’ll tell the next gay kid that gets verbally bashed in school that he should be happy because Roman Polanski got it worse.

  39. Paul MD (Stella's Boy) says:

    Jesus Christ. Way to go over the top and put words in my mouth. And way to try to kill any discussion on the matter. Do you think every gay person in America is offended and outraged by this? Or is it fair to say that many gay people aren’t really all that offended and outraged? Are they too minimizing how gay people might feel about Ratner’s comment and being ridiculous?

  40. Joshua/CaptainZahn says:

    I’ll begin by saying that I think Ratner is probably more of your average Hollywood douche than he is a raging homophobe. However, it does seem like casual misogyny and homophobia comes along with his douchey-ness.

    “Iā€™m straight, Iā€™m not a homophobeā€¦ and yet I feel NO COMPULSION to GO TO THE MAT for gays.”

    That’s really too bad, Lex, because we need straight people to fight back against homophobia and discrimination against GLBT people. We can’t do it all alone.

    I also don’t really get the argument that the word “fag” no longer has anything to do with gay people. Even if the person using it doesn’t realize it, when someone says something like “hey man, you’re acting like a fag”, there definitely is some underlying misogyny and homophobia there.

  41. Glamourboy says:

    No, I don’t think the LGBT community in America has any one singular point of view. I am only expressing mine. I haven’t polled the entire gay community. (I love how straight people seem to think that we have this one big group meeting where we take votes and hand out tupperware to new members….) And thanks for caring about how an actual gay person on this board feels about this issue….

  42. Paul MD (Stella's Boy) says:

    I care about how people feel, straight or gay. That’s why I am talking about it. And of course I don’t think that there’s any kind of big group meeting. You keep making leaps with these outlandish and dramatic statements that completely distort what I actually said. I am not down with homophobia Glamourboy.

  43. hcat says:

    “There are a great many things said in rap that are not taken kindly outside of that audience. I thought you would have picked up on that in the last 30 years or so.”

    Well no shit Storymark, I mentioned the difference in audiences in the post you were responding to. But since Eminem is performing to a homophobic audience than any homophobia in his lyrics gets a pass? Or since its a ‘perfomance piece’ or his ‘art’ its not a problem. It doesn’t reinforce anyone’s prejudices simply because its in context?

    Its not like a some dumbass uncle character in a movie spouting anti gay stuff to show he’s a buffoon. People take the guy onstage to be the real guy. The hypothetical next gay kid that Glamourboy was talking about is much more likely to get harrased by someone listens to Eminem than someone who knows who the hell Ratner is.

  44. Joshua/CaptainZahn says:

    Here’s Ratner’s Howard Stern interview from the other day:
    Ratner on Stern

    I have to admit that he has a certain likeability/charisma. I’ve always found him kind of sexy, even though he undeniably stinks of douche.

  45. Joe Leydon says:

    Meanwhile, while Ratner was sticking his foot in his mouth, I was in Denver “facilitating” gay people. In a church. LOL.

  46. JKill says:

    GB, why is it a crazy stretch to bring up the homophobic policies supported by the majority of one of our two major political parties? We’re going in-depth into a dumb, offensive frat boy-ish, ironic use of a slur by the director of RUSH HOUR but people who wield legitimate persuasive power and send a much more insidious message of inferiority are off limits? I think they’re a much bigger part of the problem, despite their subdued language. You don’t?

    I think the fact that some in Eminem’s audience may be homophobic is kind besides the point, unless you want art to be censored and made for stupid people. (Also, I would assume a good deal of Eminem’s fans are those who are the bullied themselves, and they are also probably generally older by now…) I think free artistic expression, where the artist has full discretion to succeed or fail is important, whereas I don’t think there’s a horribly good reason to throw around mean language in your daily life. I also think it’s odd how music is thought to be this medium where everything is “true” and “autobiographical”, whereas very few (sane) people would ever get angry that Scorsese and Tarantino have their characters say and do bad things.

  47. Glamourboy says:

    JKill–it is a stretch because that is not the topic of conversation…it is this particular remark. You are playing that ridiculous and dangerous game of ‘shouldn’t we ignore this and put our energies towards that’. When in fact, I do both. And so do many gay people that I know. We fight to the mat against the religious right and the right wing about their homophobic policies. We fight the Mormon church. Why must it be an either/or? Are you saying that we can only fight one of these? Being a minority means you have to fight on all fronts.

    And ok, if YOU are giving Ratner’s slur a pass, are YOU now going to do something for the gay community on a bigger level now? Today?

  48. JKill says:

    I’m not saying it’s an either/or. I just think it’s alarming that we as a society will jump on someone for saying something offensive (and I don’t get where you think I’m giving him a “pass”, whatever that means), but then also act like it’s legitimate for a canidate for American’s highest office to promote policies that are motivated by foolish ignorance at best, hate at the worst. The mainstream media reported on Ratner’s slur with self satisfaction but you would never see them calling out a conservative for hate mongering when it comes to an absurd position on sexuality. Whoever the GOP canidate is, the media will report their “family values” with a straight face on the basis on fairness…I think I’m just really bothered by the superficial gotcha when there’s “bigger fish” out there. To clarify, my problem wasn’t with your or anyone else’s outrage or opposition at Ratner. I would just like to see this kind of legitimate energy focused at the targets who are actively trying to quash civil rights. I think it’s great and inspiring if you personally have your energy directed at everything. I thought it was helpful to bring up the macro. Apparently, you do not. That’s fine.

  49. anghus says:

    I understand the need to co-opt a story like this and spin it into something more meaningful. Buy when you take one idiot’s statemeny and turn it into a crusade, you are ultimately doomed to failure.

    There is no bigger issue here than a guy who lacks impulse control making an idiotic and insensitive remark especially considering the industry he works in.

    I dont really care what the LGBT community thinks, or concern myself with the GLAAD response. Im of the school that being offended is not an entitlement to one community or another. If you were bothered by his statement, dont watch his movies. This should be easy since he makes terrible films.

    I dont watch Roman Polanski films. Its a conscious choice made based in noy wanting to support the work of someone whom I find personally reprehensible.

    I dont expect anyone to do the same. My personal outrage,is my own and I expect no one to share it.

    Issues like this expose people for the idiots they are. Those who attempt to hrab a sound byte like this and spin into something more significant usually wind up having whatever point they are making crash under the flimsy foundation upon which it was built.

    The problem is when people take a stupid statement like this and apply it to a cause. Brett Ratner is an idiot. There are no greater social implications.

    No argument you make will be as strong as powerful as simply replaying or restating his statement.

  50. David Poland says:

    “There is no bigger issue here than a guy who lacks impulse control making an idiotic and insensitive remark especially considering the industry he works in.”

    I think that’s fair.

    I also think it’s fair for The Academy to fire him on that basis.

  51. Krillian says:

    “Rehearsals for British cigarettes, anyway.”

  52. anghus says:

    I think its fair as well.

    It would be understandable if they choose to do so.

  53. JKill says:

    Apologies for being a bit wordy, sanctimonious, and muddled throughout the thread.

  54. JS Partisan says:

    Seriously, some folks need to realize that millions of Americans are treated like second class citizens, and shit like this is just another example of how some folks do not get it.

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Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” ā€” some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it ā€” I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury ā€” he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” ā€” and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging ā€” I was with her at that moment ā€” she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy namedā€”” “Yeah, sure ā€” you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that Iā€™m on the phone with you now, after all thatā€™s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didnā€™t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. Thereā€™s not a case of that. He wasnā€™t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had ā€” if that were what the accusation involved ā€” the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. Iā€™m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, ā€œYou know, itā€™s not this, itā€™s thatā€? Because ā€” let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. TimesĀ piece, thatā€™s what it lacked. Thatā€™s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon