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David Poland

By David Poland

BYOB – On The Road To Sundance

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146 Responses to “BYOB – On The Road To Sundance”

  1. Tim DeGroot says:

    Happy Birthday to John Carpenter

  2. Paul D/Stella says:

    Here’s hoping he has one more great movie in him.

  3. sanj says:

    Wienstein company won many movie awards at the golden globes..

    Harvey Weinstein Has Risen From the Grave to Feast on the Bones of His Enemies

  4. sanj says:

    Awkwardly Smiling with Celebrities

    lots of pictures….

  5. sanj says:

    18 Alternate Universe Movie Posters

    ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ and the Hollywood Hype Machine

    “Believe it or not, to legally watch that famous Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream” speech — arguably one of the most hallowed moments in American history — costs $10 thanks to the twisted state of United States copyright law. ”

  6. Krillian says:

    Sometimes I think sanj is DZ’s split personality mainfest.

  7. ivan says:

    really? Its on youtube. Does the King family have rights to it?

  8. sanj says:

    where is the MLK Jr dp/30 …DP was around back then..

    there does seem to be a dozen video clips of the speech
    on youtube

    “That’s because the King estate, and, as of 2009, the British music publishing conglomerate EMI Publishing, owns the copyright of the speech and its recorded performance”

    … public speeches outside with important people
    always end up in documentaries these days ..

  9. sanj says:

    watched 2 hours of alcatraz tv show …

    bunch of bad guys disappear from jail and come back
    and small group wants them back…

    acting was fine – it was too dark in places –
    too many flashbacks – a bit confusing story line

    but what i really didn’t like was Michael Giacchino and
    his music … they kept using music while people are talking and thats not good ..

    see i don’t think they got a choice – they have to
    make this confusing – otherwise this could turn into
    law and order and another cop show where they find
    people …

    whatever i think is useless cause the scifi guys will love this show ……..

    person of interest was suppose to be different – they
    just turned into another cop show …

    J. J. Abrams keeps trying to do something different – just turns into another cop show with lots of flashbacks …

    anybody like alcatraz ?

  10. Don R. Lewis says:

    I head out Thursday for my 14th (!) Sundance….Jesus….I’m old. I started as a volunteer and did that for 10 years. It was pretty amazing and definitely launched my love of film, filmmaking and film writing. I still am very close with people I volunteered with and I always have said volunteering is a GREAT way to do fests. I’ve never got as many perks as a filmmakers or press there as a did as a volunteer. They put you up, give you kick-ass jackets and your pass is really great too. I miss it.

    I’ve seen the festival go through a ton of permutations and have to say this year (and sort of last year too) feels like it did over a decade ago. There’s still a bunch of overall heat to the fest but I don’t notice as many star vehicles this year as there was for a long time. I attribute that to the taste and personality of John Cooper and Trevor Groth who are 2 guys I really, really respect and admire. They’re bringing Sundance back to basics but maintaining a high level of programming.

    To prove my point– is there anything anyone has really heard buzzed about or is there anything you’d “kill” to see? I haven’t heard much and while there are films I’m excited for, there’s nothing that’s making me antsy about not getting in. I think that’s a neat feeling as the fest will have more positive surprises that way. I’d rather see something I have no clue about with new/no-names that blows me away (like BELLFLOWER) then some crappy, half-ass star vehicle trying to be the Little Engine Who Could come awards season.

  11. christian says:

    Go see my pal’s films: THE PACT (horror from a true fan) and LIBERAL ARTS (smart comedy)…tell ’em christian sent you.

  12. Triple Option says:

    Sanj – I wanted to watch Alcatraz but decided to go see Contraband instead. Alc should be online soon, right? I didn’t care that much for the movie but I didn’t hate it. The guy next too me was really having a problem w/suspension of disbelief. Not that it was unfounded but calm down, it’s not that serious. Counted five people who lit up their cellies at some point during the film. Seriously, check into a clinic if your addiction is that bad. I kinda like Walburg but man he was sucking the funny out of any scene w/a potential laugh.

    I don’t mind flashbacks too much. I do question the whole premise. What, we don’t have enough bad guys in 2012 so you gotta import some from 55 years ago? Ones that weren’t that good even back then to not get caught and we expect them to wreak havoc today? Buncha 75 year old men running around. They’d be stopped cold by a faucetless sink, much less waking up out of a coma to find personal computers. Yeah, good luck with that.

    What I’d like to see are some criminals who go back in time. Could you imagine the mail order scams you could run if teleported back to 1920s? Ivan Boskey would go freckin’ APE. Arthur Andersen would have a field day playing in the margins of off balance sheet accounting. Instead, we’re supposed to believe that some hood fresh off the boat from WWII could commit a crime that wouldn’t end up on YouTube before he got back to his hideout. Yeah, Right!

  13. sanj says:

    Triple Option – one day it might be on but there are
    other sites that have it for download – its easy to find.

    the guys that comeback are all the same age like 30 – 40 years .

    there’s only one cop guy who knows why or what is happening and he ain’t telling .

    so the show is about capture the bad guy in a crazy way ..
    the 2nd episode had a guy who used a sniper rifle on random people ..and somehow they stopped him….

    the acting is fine by a bunch of new actors – they got a nice budget – doesn’t feel cheap …its the whole flashbacks that bug me. seen it too many times .

    my big problem is still the music – really want DP thoughts as he interviewed the guy behing it …..

    also – archer tv series – all new episodes coming –
    i like this spy animated series – they got solid funny
    stories .. justified might be back but i don’t watch that series .

    plus haywire movie starts this week … contraband might
    have some competition…plus its done by Steven Soderbergh so DP has to like it.

  14. sanj says:

    Lindsay Lohan to play Liz Taylor …

    this will finally get Lohan the dp/30 to win the oscar

  15. sanj says:

    Jessica Alba in the eye – movie wasn’t the greatest
    but i liked her acting in it …should have got some
    sort of movie award …

    the eye trailer

    18 + years of acting – no dp/30 …

    she does one film a year these days – even a look at her!!! actress sometimes people forget about ..

    she should go back to tv acting … i liked dark angel ..made by James Cameron … she could guest star
    in a whole bunch of tv shows …

    wouldn’t suprise me if she retired from acting …
    she could do weight loss / makeup ads the rest of her life
    if she wanted …

    can Jessica Alba get oscar in 5 years ?

  16. Paul D/Stella says:

    Justified season 3 premiere tonight. Be there. I recorded Alcatraz and will give it a chance.

  17. sanj says:

    7 minute video

    video from everyday of the year – 2 seconds of video
    per day

  18. Don R. Lewis says:

    I think I am assigned THE PACT…is that the Caspar Van Diem one?? Looks awesome! (seriously). Not sure about the other one.

  19. krazyeyes says:

    Is The Pact that new horror film with the chick from Firefly?

    I saw a trailer for that over the weekend and it was one of the worst trailers I’ve seen in a while. It’s a “mood” trailer with no mood, just boredom. I hope it was just something that got cobbled together quickly for the festival and that the film itself is better. Sometimes not having a trailer is better than having a trailer that sucks.

  20. Paul D/Stella says:

    Don are you going to see John Dies at the End? Looks interesting.

  21. Paul D/Stella says:

    Also, anyone see Detachment at any of the festivals it’s already played at? Just watched new trailer. That’s one excellent cast. Really hope it’s good.

  22. sanj says:

    Michelle Williams on the cover of gq magazine.

    she’s in a blond wig promoting that Monroe film shes in.

  23. LexG says:

    I am confused: I thought Don L. was somewhat around my age (30s), but makes it sound like upthread like he’d never thought much about movies (making or writing about them) until he… worked as a Sundance volunteer in his mid-20s?

    I guess that’s a relief as an anecdote, as opposed to the umpteenth zillionth “My mommy took me to STAR WARS in 1977 and I knew RIGHT THEN!” story, but… really? I knew I wanted to be a filmmaker and actor when I was 8 years old.

    Which is why of course I’ve worked for 16 years in soul-crushing offices typing in movies in black and white for 42k.

  24. Triple Option says:

    OK, will you guys start naming your top 3 Sundance movies, since I think 10 would be a bit of a stretch? When I think Sundance I think of movies like Spitefire Grill, Zebrahead, films that were, you know, okay, I suppose. But generally, its films like May Martha Mommy Marlene, Another Earth, Parker Posey’s First Period and I wonder why people pack up and go to a festival in a dry state? I never hear anyone talk about the skiing. Maybe seeing Michael Stipe play an Elton John cover, which, don’t get me wrong, may be cool if you already happen to be there but doesn’t seem worth the trip. What’s broken out of there?

  25. sanj says:

    actors doing a fashion show for prada…

    also a lot of big websites will shut down on the 18th to protest sopa / pipa laws…this should be major news
    in the next 24 hours ,.,,

  26. sanj says:

    for LexG mostly –

    Charlize Theron Meeting Kristen Stewart: ‘It Was Instantly Amazing’

  27. Don R. Lewis says:

    I just turned 40 and don’t believe what anyone says, it SUUuuuuucks.

    I am not assigned JOHN DIES AT THE END but I do wanna see it. There’s like, 4 Film Threat writers covering and we all got different stuff to see. I got some pretty weird ones that, on the surface, look torturous. Hope fully I get some pleasant surprises though. To my knowledge, Film Threat is the only site that covers EVERY movie or close to it. Yay for us. I think we may skew a little Slamdance-ey this year.

    And I’m less sick of the “My mommy took to me to STAR WARS stories” as I am “my dad bought me a super 8 camera and me and my friends made movies all summer long” schtick.

  28. hcat says:

    Get to fit in the snowmobile scene in Die Hard 2 right before the premiere of Justified. In a bit of Red Meat heaven right now.

    Jazzed to see that Neil McDonough is in this season. He was excellent in Graham Yost’s first show Boomtown. I will miss Margo but am jazzed to see where they take this next.

  29. sanj says:

    when the boomtown theme song came on i liked it a lot – must have listened to that 100 times before i got kinda
    bored with it – true story.

    sundance – any movie critics going to ask
    if any of them are award worthy…when they
    expect to go to Toronto for that festival so they
    can finally get some oscar buzz ..
    the sundance people try hard for awards but
    don’t get mainstream notice on tv … unless
    your kinda famous already.

    i still don’t know how normal people sat through
    girl with dragon tattoo without having some back problems aftewards . movie critics can deal with it …
    i’m sure some movie critics are standing outside
    a theatre right now for the 6 hour version of tree
    of life …

  30. LYT says:

    Some film critics lose jobs. Over the weekend, SF critic Rossiter Drake dropped dead. He was younger than I. Met him at Comic-Con once and liked him; we stayed Facebook friends. I thought his death was a Twitter prank at first.

    another critic friend, Wayne Perry, who used to do local TV reviews, was in a car accident, broke his hip, had his liver and kidneys fail and lost all his possessions and life savings – but I just saw him for the first time since surgery/induced-coma and he’s in good spirits.

    As bad as you think it can be, things can get worse…

  31. sanj says:

    LexG – i can’t help it if other people don’t post anything. i have no control over them..

    A silent movie? I want a refund: Cinema-goers lodge complaints about The Artist after not realising it has no dialogue

  32. leahnz says:

    i don’t know the first thing about doing a blog but how hard would it be to just throw up a couple random but perhaps pertinent-in-some-way topics on the off chance it could start some convos…(not related to hirings and firings and bean-counter things that make my eyes glaze over)

    i don’t do twitter but i enjoy albert brooks’ twits when they show up here on the side scroll, he’s a card

    (but do you have control over the amount you post, sanj? just…wondering)

  33. leahnz says:

    yeah, as long as it’s artfully done and serves the story

  34. sanj says:

    i guess i could post less ..

    should DP limit the amount of posts people should post ?

    sometimes 1 small post ends up getting 25 other posts on whatever topic .

    which movie sites have the best forum posters …

    also if i left forever nobody would care – i know that.

  35. LexG says:


    You account for like 85% of the posts on Poland’s blog now. DP’s so into the DP/30 shit he doesn’t care about writing anymore, so he should just 86 the blog.

  36. sanj says:

    LexG – you need to yell at the other forum posters to post more..

    i’m sure everybody would be happy if we both left the hot blog forever.

    hey LexG – have you been watching the recent dp/30’s or do you only watch the look at her!!! ones

    i’m a free agent – any movie blogs want me ?

  37. LexG says:

    I only watch the LOOK AT HER ones… And even then, I think Poland’s 35-minute runtimes are overkill. Even some POWERHOUSES like Theron, Moretz, Woodley, Evan Rachel Wood, I kinda threw in the towel after 8-10 minutes.

    I did make it to the end of that Sutherland/Skarsgaaed one, for some reason.

  38. sanj says:

    LexG – i figured you watched the powerhouses like 4 times ..

    actors / directors are on my must watch list but editors / music … aren’t too high…

    DP got more british actors for dp/30’s than anybody else .
    sometimes i wonder why he doesn’t move to London England
    and do them all there .

    over all – the dp/30’s are wasted on the internet –
    they should be on tv and no tv station is picking them up. DP would get money for even more dp/30’s …

    LexG – did you watch the last 2 minutes of Theron dp/30 – do it now.

  39. LexG says:

    “sometimes i wonder why he doesn’t move to London England
    and do them all there.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sanj can be hit or miss, but his hypotheticals about DP are always pure gold.

  40. sanj says:

    LexG – he did like a dozen dp/30 with people from the UK .

    so it would be easier for him to go there and get even
    more UK based actors /directors / whatever .

    how many more tinker tailor soilder spy dp/30 do we need .

    DP should go to London just to find Keira Knightly and Sofia Coppola in whatever big huge castle they live in for some interviews .

    still don’t get why look at her!!! Natalie Portman hasn’t done more dp/30 . you win award – you get more dp/30 .
    but Portman just used DP to get oscar and bolted out of there … she probably has no idea who he is now.

  41. LexG says:

    Sofia Coppola isn’t British.

    But Keira RULES. Has there ever been a Keira DP, Sanj? An Emma Watson DP would also have the British LOOK AT HER factor.

  42. sanj says:

    Michelle Williams and Evan Rachel Wood have a British look at her ..

    haven’t seen a dp/30 with Keira yet .

    here’s 15 minute interview with her from Scott Feinberg

    Scott Feinberg Interviews Shailene Woodley – 15 minutes

    Scott does good interviews with are like 80% the same as DP’s .. they should join forces at a festival and do like 100 of these and put them on one site = more traffic for both of them. i don’t know if they even know each other

  43. movieman says:

    “Red Tails” was even worse than I feared going in.
    From the opening scene, it has this exaggerated, cartoonish quality that prevents you from ever taking any of it seriously.
    The dialogue is beyond dreadful, the physical look of the film is much too antiseptic and phony (the scenes in the Italian village look like a Chef Boyardee commercial; virtually nobody smokes…in WW II; the actors all look much too contemporary) and the performances are predictably broad and lacking in nuance.
    I was totally disengaged from the story/characters, yet still was able to predict every single plot “twist.”
    The only positive thing I can say is that the aerial dogfights are nicely shot (good second unit work).
    “Haywire” on the other hand totally lived up to expectations. It’s as much of an arthouse/grindhouse mash-up as “Drive,” and nearly as much fun. I’m not sure whether Gina Carano is really an “actress” (and she looks disconcertingly like Nia Vardalos’ younger, prettier sister at times), but ultimately it doesn’t matter. I was surprised that the promo was SRO (they turned away a LOT of people). Maybe it’ll do better at the b.o. than I was anticipating. Hope so.

  44. Paul D/Stella says:

    You can never really tell movieman. In October a big multiplex here hosted an Idea of March Screening in their largest theater. It was full about an hour before showtime. That hasn’t happened at many screenings I’ve been to over the years. Though I suppose a $10 million opening for Haywire sounds about right.

    Justified is off to a strong start. McDonough makes a great villain (similar to his nice, brief turn on the awesome Terriers) and even if none of the bad guys this season are as memorable as Mags, the show seems to have found its groove and the overall quality looks to be as high as it was last season. Good times.

    Also watched Alcatraz. The prison itself is a pretty interesting place, and San Francisco is a great setting. But I don’t see how this show works long-term. The lead is bland and I can already feel myself getting tired of the formula (bad guy from 1963 shows up and starts killing people, they capture bad guy and put him in special prison). Not sure the mystery surrounding why they’re showing up and what happened to them in ’63 is enough to overcome the limitations. I’ll give it another episode or two, but overall, probably not something I’m going to stick with unless it improves quickly.

  45. movieman says:

    Hope is a good thing, Paul, lol.
    It’s always nice when a good movie connects with a formidable segment of the American public.
    We both know that’s not always the case.
    Haven’t watched “Justified” yet, but it’s on my DVR. Hope to squeeze it in before my first class of the semester later today.

  46. Paul D/Stella says:

    And we know that people love free movies. Almost every time I’m at one of these free screenings, I overhear at least a few people stating that they have no idea what the movie is about. I look forward to seeing Haywire, but I’m not too optimistic about its box office prospects, even if it is very good.

  47. scooterzz says:

    re: justified
    i interviewed elmore leonard last week for this season’s shows and he’s quite happy with what they’ve got…i watched the first four eps and, while i do miss mags, it doesn’t disappoint…that said, graham yost said killing her off was one of his big regrets….
    leonard also gave me a copy of his new novel ‘raylan’ (released yesterday) which is a great read for fans of the show…yost said leonard gave him permission to ‘strip it for parts’….

  48. christian says:

    sanj ftw.

  49. The Big Perm says:

    I like how each season of Justified has a new big villain. That works for me.

    Is sanj an Asian dude?

  50. Paul D/Stella says:

    And it looks like this season might have two new big villains between McDonough and Mykelti Williamson.

  51. leahnz says:

    gee DP if you’re going to remove several of lex’s late-night posts can you at least note it in the comments (“comment removed due to sheer dickheadery” or something to that effect) so that i don’t sound like a complete random loon? thanks yeah, christ

  52. LexG says:

    You guys wanna spoil the whole fucking thing for Mr Catching Up On S2 over here? Gee, thanks for dropping that Martindale isn’t around anymore.


  53. Paul D/Stella says:

    You’re right Lex, sorry, wasn’t thinking. Should have dropped a spoiler warning. I’d be pissed too. I apologize.

  54. Don R. Lewis says:

    Anyone else read that George Lucas piece in the NY Times? Yiiiikes. I literally cringed about 16 times. I’m certainly in no mood to pile onto the guy about the STAR WARS stuff, that’s been driven into the ground. But just being butt hurt that none of the studios wanted RED TAILS is shocking to me. It’s as if he’s unable to see that NO ONE LIKES HIS STUFF ANYMORE. As someone stated above, RED TAILS looks really, really bad and IS apparently bad. But that’s not even the most cringe-worthy stuff.

    All the comments about getting Spike Lee and Lee Daniels to direct the sequel and prequel and then saying he’s “opened the door” for them to do a big studio film?? Jeezus. That’s like me opening the door to a bathroom I just stank up so you can use it next. Plus, why do Lee Daniels and Spike Lee need a “door” opened for them? plus, in what WAY are either of these directors making similarly cheesy projects? The only semblance between RED TAILS and a Spike Lee/ Lee Daniels film is black casts and that’s what Lucas is referring to.

    He also restates his threat to make smaller films which I’ll believe when I see. I like and respect Lucas and all he’s done for my love of cinema, but he’s like a shut-in or something with no real grasp on what people want. It’s freaky to see, frankly.

  55. scooterzz says:

    you have GOT to be kidding…the final ep of season 2 aired over 8 months ago…she talked about getting iced at the emmys…
    christ! rosebud was a sled…get over it…

  56. Paul D/Stella says:

    I see where he’s coming from. I was unable to watch season 2 of Boardwalk Empire as it aired (halfway through it as of today). I was disappointed when stories about the season 2 finale blurted out the fate of a major character without a spoiler warning. I still love the show, but it’s not quite the same when you know something like that prior to viewing it.

  57. LexG says:

    The DVD came out 2 weeks ago.

  58. leahnz says:

    crap, my edit period expired but to DP a quick question i meant to ask:

    if it was reversed and i had said to lex the same things he said to me last night, would my comments have been so swiftly sanitised from the thread, or left to stand as a monument? (don’t worry, i don’t expect an answer)

    sorry, carry on with the umpteenth ‘spoiler’ debate. (in the late 90’s i had a guy at a party get super annoyed with me for spoiling the end of donner’s ‘the omen’, so top that)

  59. JS Partisan says:

    Yeah I am glad Lucas agrees that finding prequel-haters ASSHOLES, is a good thing. Seeing as someone above listed how excited he was to see two SHIT HORROR FILMS but RED TAILS LOOKS BAD TO HIM, must mean his schtick is supporting shit horror films.

    What really bothers me about the backlash of people towards Red Tails is… a bunch of overweight white guys obviously not getting how racially insensitive they are being. Even if here it makes me cringe when any one of you give Red Tails shit. Seriously, he doesn’t care about this film being for you, and he is trying to do something with this film. Spike liked it and when was the last time Mr. Lee got a huge budgeted action film? Seriously, Lucas made valid points but leave it to the horror loving haters not to get the point. Oh I know why, THEY LOVE HORROR MOVIES, AND SHIT ONES AT THAT!

  60. LexG says:

    Leahnz, if you had said “show me your dick” (the distaff equivalent of me asking you to show your tits), I’d have gladly emailed you a pic of THE MEMBER.

    I think I also offered to bang you, I don’t know why he deleted that.

  61. Paul D/Stella says:

    Must one praise Red Tails if they genuinely dislike it in order to avoid being racially insensitive?

  62. LexG says:

    I’ll be too busy being annoyed by chunk-ass Gina Carano’s thick ankles and hideous feet and annoying smirk this weekend in Soderdouche’s latest “formal experiment,” and UNDERWORLD I DON’T REMEMBER 1-3 to bother with “Red Tails.”

    If it was called WHITE TAILS I’d be first in line.


  63. Don R. Lewis says:

    Yeah, “TAKE THAT MISTUH HITLER!” is right up there with “MY NAME IS MR. TIBBS!” in terms of powerful images of powerful and proud black people onscreen. The black filmmakers were indeed waiting for George Lucas to open the door for them to make blockbusters. All hail Martin Luther Lucas the King!

    IO- so we have a water mark: can you name a CGI heavy movie in the last decade you DIDN’T like? I’m honestly asking.

  64. leahnz says:


    (just a brief recap of part of last night’s festivities, denial boy. ginko biloba)

    personally i had hoped ‘red tails’ would be good and would do well (from skinny white woman, jf sebastian)

  65. LexG says:

    Yeah, so?

    Show ’em or shut up, cooze.

    And yeah, I’m totally serious.

  66. LYT says:

    In fairness, what Lucas was actually saying is that no studio would fund even his big budget movie because it had an all-black cast, and that if it does well, it opens the door for other big budget movies with all-black casts.

    My problem is when he justifies the Special Edition tinkering because he should be able to do what he likes with films that have his name on them – I wasn’t aware that he also went by the names “Richard Marquand” and “Irvin Kershner.”

  67. LexG says:

    Serious question:

    When other guys see a movie like HAYWIRE where the pretty girl is getting smacked around a lot, do you kind of spring a semi?

  68. christian says:


    “Show ‘em or shut up, cooze.”

    “When other guys see a movie like HAYWIRE where the pretty girl is getting smacked around a lot, do you kind of spring a semi?”

    So David, this is how you want to represent your blog? You spent ten years building your brand to rep this? I guess you’ve already said “carte blanche” so I should move on. But you dudes here that defend this are worse.

  69. Joe Leydon says:

    No, LexG. As I think I may have mentioned somewhere else before: Back when I worked in the real world, I was a welfare worker. And I occasionally had to deal with abused women. One of the reasons I had to quit: I found myself seriously considering telling some of these women where they could buy a gun back in my Ninth Ward neighborhood. And on one or two occasions, I thought of buying guns for them. So, no, I do not get sexually turned on when women get smacked around. And I think any guy who does is a sick and twisted fuck who deserved to be anally raped every night of his life.

    Any other questions?

  70. LexG says:

    saving poland the effort

  71. leahnz says:

    no, that’s not what you said at all (hint: OTHER guys). writing comprehension 101. but you keep on backpedaling there, unicycle boy (and perhaps a look-see at the definition of ‘irony’ in the webster is in order — what you post is usually the antithesis of ironic, but you’re too thick to realise this)

  72. LexG says:

    God you have NO HUMOR. I am doing COMEDY. It is FUNNY.

    You never get humor, at all, EVER. You have NO HUMOR. Neither does dicktian.

  73. LexG says:

    saving Poland the effort

  74. christian says:

    But you’re not funny. You’re a grown man trolling film sites in lieu of doing actual stand-up.

  75. leahnz says:

    oh you’re doing comedy? why didn’t you say so, i hadn’t heard that excuse before. but don’t worry, your little muzzled lapdogs think you’re funny

  76. Joe Leydon says:

    Gone like a freight train.

  77. The Big Perm says:

    I fully support DP giving LexG a job interviewing celebrities so he can ask those LexG questions. Poland, don’t be a pussy and get that guy to ask Carano to show him her tits and that she’s fat! I’d watch the shit out of that.

    And IO thinks Red Tails looks good?

  78. LexG says:

    saving Poland the effort.

  79. LexG says:


  80. leahnz says:

    lmao, i’ve baited you into this? i bait you all goddamn fucking day?

    the only thing i said to you last night after your vile bile is this:

    “yeah, as long as it’s artfully done and serves the story”

    YOU ARE MENTAL. it’s hilarious

    yowza, eta re: the above, so this is finally an admission that this isn’t ‘an act’ and you are seriously, deeply troubled? well whadya know…

  81. christian says:

    This is the second time you’ve claimed you were molested.

    I defy anybody to call this “schtick” or COMEDY.

    I beg for lexg to get some help.

  82. Joe Leydon says:

    Gone like yesterday.

  83. LexG says:

    I don’t believe in therapy or psychiatry.

    The only “help” I need is a WHITE SKINNY PROSTITUTE 18-21 years old who doesn’t have an STD.

  84. LexG says:

    So that’s a no on the Haywire boner question?

  85. JS Partisan says:

    Yeah Don, AVATAR AND THE LAST AIRBENDER! Oh my god, I love CGI because you know, EVERYONE USES IT! Some better than others, but you giving me shit for a genre you don’t like, is why I am going to give you shit for loving those shit horror films you go on about, or you can be civil? You know, CIVILITY?

    LYT, Lucas still had his hands all over Empire and Return and only delusional folks act as if he had nothing to do with them. Those are his films and he has the right to do with them as he wants. Why people online lack the empathy and the magnanimity to let the man do what he wants with his work, is why those people are assholes. The artist has the final say and trying to take that away from any artist, is a very dangerous thing.

  86. Hallick says:

    Just looking at some of the trailers for movies submitted for the foreign film oscar category, and somewhere around the 1:19 mark in this trailer for Spain’s (rejected) entry, Pa Negre (Black Bread), there is one doozy of a shot that looks unnervingly real and completely amazing:

  87. cadavra says:

    If this thread gets any worse, it’ll be down there with WORK IT.

    As for RED TAILS: Could we reserve judgment until we actually see the damn thing?

  88. JS Partisan says:

    Hal, I hope not, because there’s no reason for anyone to go all EXPLOITATION ITALIAN FILM DIRECTOR in the 21st century.

  89. Don R. Lewis says:

    CGI is a genre now? That explains your dedication to it a littttttle bit more, IO.

  90. Monco says:

    I don’t remember any of this happening when Leah took a break from posting on this blog. During that time when I saw a comment section have 60-100 comments it was about movies. Now it is just a bunch posts dominated by bickering between leah, her douche christian and lex. Do you know how tiring this is Leah. Does everyone not see that the conversation devolves when she is posting regularly? Do you not know Leah that lex is trying to bait you and that when you respond he wins? Act like a mature adult and don’t respond to him or read his posts.

  91. JS Partisan says:

    Don, stop being an ass. You know of what I am referring to, because it’s comic book films. Why you hate them for is beyond me, because you sure as shit seem to love a genre in horror that is nothing but jack and shit for well over a decade now. Seriously, it’s not my fault Tron or the Last Starfighter didn’t get you excited for the future back in the day, but they did for me. Stop giving me shit for your old cranky white issues.

  92. Mariamu says:

    I think at this point that nobody should respond to Lexg.

  93. leahnz says:

    ha classic. hey MONCO: go diddle yourself with one of those three-pronged corn-cob holders, dude

    that you feel the need to single me out here for a scolding says way more about you and the bug you have up your ass about me than it does me, as one of lex’s little feebs.

    if you could read, joe had plenty to say to lex in this thread that had nothing to do with me (before he edited them all out, who knows why, i can guess), and i have no control over what christian posts, he’s his own person. i can and do have regular conversations here in multi-comment threads that don’t devolve into anything, so your comment is inaccurate and inane. but i am a bit sick of coming here and not saying a peep to lex and having to put up with a barrage of insults and ‘show me your tits bitch!’ and then getting a finger wagged in my face how i’m to blame, just keep your mouth shut and take it. here’s an idea monco: get a clue, fool

    (oh so where’s your dressing down for lex, did i miss that? oh that’s right, you wouldn’t DARE take him on lest you get on the wrong side of the psycho asswipe king of the blog. you’re just a MASSIVE COWARD and hypocrite, but you’re not alone in that here, that’s for sure)

  94. sanj says:

    watching Colbert/ Daily Show – there are 6 movie trailer commercials – good way for films to get noticed ..

    all week long i’ve seen ads for Red Tails …

    Colbert is my favorite interviewer ever and somehow i
    haven’t posted 100 links…

    i wish i was like 5% as smart as Colbert .

  95. LexG says:

    Where does Leahnz get this idea that I have all these FANS here falling all over themselves to impress cool old LexG on the Hot Blog? I’d say the reaction runs the gamut from people who outright hate my posts (christian, Leah, GexL, scooterzz, Rocchi) to people who have better things to do but generally think I’m a douche with a mildly amusing thought for every 85 dud rants (Perm, anghus, Don Lewis) to people I get along with fine but still have rows with occasionally (Boam, JS, Leydon, Poland) to, at best, people who “get” it and are sort of amused but even for them it’s probably getting stale. I don’t think a lot of dudes are HIGH FIVING over my every idiotic opinion like I’m some CULT LEADER or something, at least outside of leahnz’s imagination.

  96. Joe Leydon says:

    Actually, Leah, I took some of my posts down because after Lex took his down — mine didn’t really make a lot of sense. Though, truth to tell, I still think LexG being anally raped by women wearing strap-ons would be… ironic.

  97. LexG says:



  98. leahnz says:

    well that’s what i thought joe but wasn’t sure (re: your edited posts). but hey, someone who understands irony

  99. LexG says:

    Equating a poster on a MOVIE BLOG you don’t like with being a RAPIST.

    Asshole Fest up in here.

  100. Joe Leydon says:

    Yes, LexG, your asshole would be rather ironic. Especially if the women wearing the strap-ons were Asians and/or Hispanics.

  101. LexG says:

    Like a Selena Gomez-Jessica Alba type Hispanic and a Miranda Cosgrove type Asian?

    Joe, this is beneath you. You’re being slimy, in reaction to something offhanded. And IRONICALLY you making this big whooping joke about some message blog dork getting RAPED isn’t exactly upholding the Mr Savior shtick from upthread. Just STOP before you embarrass yourself.

  102. Joe Leydon says:

    OK, I’m curious: Am I the only one who cursed loudly today after realizing that, oh, yeah, Wikipedia will be down for 24 hours?

  103. yancyskancy says:

    I suppose Lex getting anally raped by women with strap-ons could be an example of situational irony, provided Lex had previously advocated that women should be anally raped to teach them a lesson or something. Did he do that in one of the missing posts? I just got here.

  104. Joe Leydon says:

    LexG: No offense, but being accused on being slimy by you is a bit like being accused of being too sarcastic by Don Rickles. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out.

  105. Don R. Lewis says:

    IO- SCOTT PILGRIM was my #1 movie last year. Try again.

  106. Joe Leydon says:

    Yancy: Perhaps not so much situational irony as thematic irony.

  107. scooterzz says:

    credit where due: once again, lex has managed to turn a thread into something all about him and completely facilitated by people who should know better…i guess that means lex ftw….

  108. David Poland says:

    Seriously, folks.

    Do I even have to do the finger wagging?

  109. LexG says:


  110. Joe Leydon says:

    David: If you’re going to do any finger wagging, I think it’s only fair that you do at least some of it while standing in front of a mirror.

  111. JS Partisan says:

    Don, do you want me to call you Petaluma? Seriously, get over the IO shit. Leah is at least clever with how she references it, but you come across as some fucker holding onto 2009. Are you really holding onto 3 years ago? Move the fuck on PETALUMA FILMS. Nevertheless, liking Scott Pilgrim, a movie with a ton of CGI in it doesn’t help your case either. You’re a hypocrite who acts as if I am in here hyping ELEKTRA! Again, where were you big balls when David stated he liked Paul?

    Also, seriously, if you fucking hate someone in here get the fuck over it. It’s a blog, we are basically the same 15 or so posting in here every week for years. Enough of this nonsense, either Jeffy Mac yourselves, or learn some CIVILITY.

  112. scooterzz says:


    poland: just in case you’re missing it…your boyfriend is mocking you (in addition to insulting several others)…jus’ sayin’….

  113. JS Partisan says:

    Everyone insults everyone on here. Does that make it right? Fuck no, but that is what’s happening. Who cares who starts it? It’s shit and come on, outside of the MPAA thread where every reader of this blog decided to vent, it’s just the 15 of us. Can we get along for fuck’s sake, or is that too much to ask?

    Again, I am not accessing blame, or coming down on anyone. It’s just silly that this shit keeps happening and if you don’t want to read it from me, then read it from David. Not like he hasn’t vented about this countless times.

  114. scooterzz says:

    two things IO: learn english and grammar and then shut the fuck up…

  115. JS Partisan says:

    You wouldn’t say that to may face, so what in the fuck makes you think you can state it in here? Is it that you are a 50 something year old woman hiding behind a childish nickname, and you think that excuses your behavior? It doesn’t and I’ve had enough of this shit. Seriously, enough of the personal bs. Is it too fucking much to ask to just want to discuss movies with you people? Does everything have to have years of history to it? Jesus fucking Christ has this become god damn tiresome.

  116. LexG says:

    Slow clap.

  117. yancyskancy says:

    All I know is I liked ELEKTRA.

  118. JS Partisan says:

    I do not hate Elektra, but it’s total fucking bullshit for ANY OF US to be personally attacked for liking something others do not. Have I responded in kind to this behavior? Yes I have and I have responded in kind as well, but I’ve fucking had enough of it.

    We are the same people posting on this blog day in and day out. None of us seemingly are going anywhere, so why not try to be a bit more civil to one another? We should not need David to bitchslap all of us in to submission, but it’s getting to the point where I am begging him to do so. This has got to stop.

  119. sanj says:

    dp/30 crap – you guys can just skip this only DP will
    care or not.

    okay so 80% of the time the dp/30 are actually 30 minutes .

    the max seems to be 45 minutes – 2 times per month that seems to happen

    i watched paradise lost 3 dp/30 and it seemed to take forever while warrior dp/30 seemed to take shorter
    and they were both 45 minutes ..

    does that extra 15 minutes matter ? i guess i could
    watch another different dp/30 for 15 minutes . DP is cranking them out ..

    the people who somehow get extra 15 minutes better have
    something interesting to say …

    funny cause the bestest dp30 for me are sometimes the 20
    minutes ones with Bobcat Goldthwait and Chloë Grace Moretz – i want DP to go back for extra 10 minutes for real dp/30.

  120. The Big Perm says:

    IO, if you want to leave history behind maybe you shouldn’t generally start arguments with “but you like horror movies so…” Like that has anything to do with anything.

    The name IO is like the damn spot that Shakespeare wrote about…it won’t wash off!

  121. Paul D/Stella says:

    To reference our conversation from above movieman, the Man on a Ledge screening was full about 30 minutes before showtime. People were flipping out. The people who work for local radio stations promoting the screening and have to deal with these hooples screaming at them because a free preview screening is full, man, that is thankless work. They’ve already screened MOAL 2 or 3 times here with 2 or 3 more screenings scheduled prior to its release. Not sure something has ever screened that much here.

  122. sanj says:

    Paul D/Stella – did you watch man on a ledge ?

  123. Paul D/Stella says:

    I sure did sanj.

  124. Joe Leydon says:

    Very interesting Tucker Max quote up there on the right hand side.

  125. sanj says:

    Paul D/Stella – can you give a quick review – worth watching
    in theatres ? ending sucked ? good acting ?

    when DP does 45 minute interviews – why doesn’t the person
    just stop DP and asked why they went way over 30 minutes ?
    strange that nobody does that.

    also Joe – i still want 1 hour interview with Ethan Hawke
    – he tells good stories . fill out a form or put in a request or something.

    there’s a 100% chance i’ll never watch Coriolanus movie – i hate shakespeare and i don’t care who is in it .
    time to stick it to the old man who died hundreds of years ago.

    also – kodak files for bankruptcy protection – nobody
    cares do they ? they just didn’t get huge with digital
    cameras like canon / nikon ..

  126. Hallick says:

    “when DP does 45 minute interviews – why doesn’t the person
    just stop DP and asked why they went way over 30 minutes ?”

    Maybe they were enjoying themselves and didn’t care. It’s a format that doesn’t require you to be on and off in 7 minutes with two or three hilarious stories time after time.

  127. Paul D/Stella says:

    Hardly surprising though right Joe? Anyone behaving in that manner obviously has serious emotional issues and problems with self-loathing. Guys like him are a dime a dozen. Unlike the vast majority he managed to make some money and achieve infamy.

    I can’t sanj. I’m a small fish in a big pond but I’m reviewing it for the daily paper here and was asked last night to stick to the embargo.

  128. Hallick says:

    “Very interesting Tucker Max quote up there on the right hand side.”

    Never gonna happen like that, Joe. It’s gonna take a soulmate to get our guy to that place, not psychoanalysis. Come on Cupid, make it happen this year.

  129. Hallick says:

    But yeah, funny how that quote turned up here of all places. The random and highly coincidental nature of the cosmos is a mystery indeed…

  130. sanj says:

    Texas Governor Rick Perry is withdrawing from the Republican presidential race, US media report… many millions did this guy spend trying to be
    the president .

    every few weeks i expect more rich people to stop trying
    to become the president.

    i don’t see poor people trying to become president.

    the money issue is strange at times.

    Paul D/Stella- how long till you review it .
    the ending – sucks or not – all i want to know.
    this could be a good tv movie . not sure.

  131. Paul D/Stella says:

    The review will run when it’s released next Friday.

  132. spassky says:

    [elton john losing golden globe face]

  133. JS Partisan says:

    Permy, you start arguments about movies you do not like that I like, and thus I return in kind. If you don’t get how that has everything to do with everything, then that’s on you. Also, if you think it’s a spot that doesn’t wash off, that’s because you are a jerk who can’t let shit go. Or you are a guy, like you, who posted as a fake version of me more than once. Seriously, everyone needs to let the past go, or there’s no damn reason to visit this blog.

  134. The Big Perm says:

    It’s one thing to argue about movies,and another to take it personal and basically say “well you like horror movies so you’re crazy and they all suck so your taste is bad.”

    When you figure out how that fucks up conversations, then my son, you will be a man.

  135. cadavra says:

    …zzzzzzz…Huh? Did someone mention movies?….Guess not….zzzzzzzzz….

  136. Joe says:

    I have been reading for many years now, though rarely do I post, and I must say, I am a huge LexG fan.

  137. storymark says:

    The endlessly boring Hot Blog soap opera trudges along….

  138. JS Partisan says:

    BP, I’ve never stated that you’re crazy for liking horror films. I just can’t stand horror film fan hypocrisy. IT VEXES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  139. sanj says:

    woah guys – Peter Jackson is back and he ain’t talking
    about no lord of the rings ..

    DP/30 @ Sundance 2012: West of Memphis, director Amy Berg, producer Peter Jackson

    can Jackson use his lord of the rings power to get geeks
    to watch this movie that has nothing to do with lord of the rings ..

    overall – i couldn’t get into the lord of the rings movies – just didn’t care about the adventure
    but that scary rat looking dude with the big eyes was cool plus had cool voice.

    why didn’t they make a movie just with that guy / thing… hook him up with some smurfs and let them
    go in a forest.

  140. LexG says:


    I wish I had his life.

  141. The Big Perm says:

    IO, today I will help you become a better man. Thinking deeply will allow you to become one with nature and reason. If at all possible, have a female read this to you in a soothing voice with your eyes closed, I guarantee it will help.

    Have you done this? Good.

    Now, what is horror film fan hypocrisy? You seem to take it that when a person like horror films, they what…must like ALL films? Because since horror is the shittiest of the shitty, that there’s no way they could dislike anything else, because by their very nature any film is better than a horror movie? Therefore, the worst Rob Schneider movie is better than The Shining? You always bring up horror movies as if it has anything to do with anything.

    What is the hypocrisy? First define this, and then you will be on a new road to enlightenment.

    If you do actually have a woman reading this to you, then please let me suck your cock. I need it right now, come here and take me.

    There, I just hooked you up. Do your business and come back.

  142. JS Partisan says:

    The Hot Blog? Forget about it.

  143. Joe Straatmann says:

    Hey look kids, Big Ben again, Par… *WHACK*


  144. Hallick says:


    I wish I had his life.”

    Apparently it’s back on the market now, so go get before some Armenian guy picks it up.

  145. sanj says:

    i want short movies to show up on video screens in supermarket lines . people got 5 minutes. show something cool.

    or they could loop like a dozen movie trailers …play
    them over and over all day long

    total cost – 200-500 bucks per checkout line .

    i come up with the crazy plans hollywood just won’t do.

The Hot Blog

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon