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David Poland

By David Poland

BYOB Humpday 1010

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51 Responses to “BYOB Humpday 1010”

  1. Pete B. says:

    Hey Joe,

    Have you recovered from the Hell on Wheels finale yet?

  2. sanj says:

    Lindsay Lohan has family problems – listen to 3 minutes of the crazyness going on …

    [EDIT: TMZ link deleted.]

  3. sanj says:

    are all of tmz links banned ?

    Lindsay Lohan personal life is way more weird and entertaining than her acting for a couple of years.

    tv news – ‘American Horror Story: Asylum starts soon – probably be confusing – Community has been delayed – nbc just doesn’t care – Louie won’t be back until 2014 …
    ‘Made in Jersey’ Pulled by CBS – lawyer show with a lady couldn’t cut it …

    if Mitt Romney wants to win the election he should get a dp/30 and answer DP’s super hard questions .

  4. tbunny says:

    Watched Prometheus finally. I don’t quite get all the hate this movie seemed to get. It’s a nice looking sci-fi movie with some good pacing, a couple good moments (FASSBENDER), maybe some script problems and silly moments yes but it works like a good juicy 100page sci fi novel. It’s not groundbreaking except in the sense that every frame looks very very expensive. It’s no District 9, but it’s a nice entertaining sci fi movie. Neither is it necessary to write 10K words on gender and colonialism, although the fact that the big expensive surgery machine literally isn’t set up for females and has no word for abortion does seem like some gigantic winking fan service to the academic ghetto dwellers.

  5. Joe Leydon says:

    Pete B: It was pretty damn stunning. And I have to say: I didn’t see at least one of those deaths coming.

  6. Don R. Lewis says:

    For me PROMETHEUS was just realllllly disappointing when I saw it. And, forgettable which was even more egregious seeing as it should have been great, not just o.k. or good. But then after a few days and discussions, I started hating it more and more until I eventually just soured on it completely. There’s just DUMB stuff in there. DUMB.

  7. Joe Straatmann says:

    I liked Prometheus but was still fairly disappointed by it. There are stupid things the characters do and plot holes that wouldn’t be acceptable in an “I Know What You Did Last Summer” movie, so why in the hell would they be acceptable in a movie that’s trying to be smart? The guy who brings out the plot device of the mapping system GETS LOST FOR NO GOOD REASON! You don’t just get away with that!

    That said, there are some worthy elements to it. Watching David behave alone is worth studying. They put human behavior is something that doesn’t have the emotional safeguards we have. People were quick to make him an asshole, but he’s more like a sociopath or some people with forms of autism where they have trouble understanding other people. His character is a good kind of ambiguity that I liked.

  8. tbunny says:

    Yeah, the two guys that get killed first seemed improperly vetted for a historic deep space mission. I don’t know why you send two chuckleheads to make first contact. How they could get lost doesn’t make sense when everybody else has no problem coming and going.

    Maybe people were expecting the movie to be a very serious and memorable sci-fi epic, and that’s sort of how it was sold, so I can understand that disappointment. I took it more as a pretty light but tasteful genre exercise that was at least interesting from beginning to end.

  9. storymark says:

    I checked out of Prometheus the moment that scientists assigned to explore deep space, upon discovering the first signs of alien life – get the willies and run away. Stupid.

  10. tbunny says:

    It’s a low point but I I’m coming to feel if you can hold on and get past various plot booboos and lapses in judgement (NO CHARLIZE, DON’T RUN THAT WAY!) it turns out to be a damn good story, despite what the haters said about the end sucking. I bought it and I’m buying it now. It could have been better but it was plenty good. There’s at least 80-90 minutes of top shelf sci-fi here.

  11. storymark says:

    So, as long as you ignore that it sucks, it doesn’t suck? It was pretty – Ill give it that. But that’s about it. Too many lapses in plot logic for me, thanks.

  12. palmtree says:

    Prometheus’s strengths are clearly not in the realm of basic action movie plot and character development. But that doesn’t discount its other strengths. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

  13. Don R. Lewis says:

    Fassbender and Theron were great, it looked amazing but other than that…..missed opportunity combined with a space shuttle’s worth of DUMB.

  14. christian says:

    What probably helped ALIEN was that the script’s characters were underwritten but the extraordinary ensemble cast made it work through naturalism and personality.

  15. sanj says:

    i asked about a prometheus dp/30 2 weeks before it even opened in theatres – since the cast has done dp/30’s before i figure this would be easy for DP to get

    over 2000 messages about prometheus – contains lots of spoilers

  16. LtotheG says:

    Everybody ready for GOD RYAN to seal the deal for Mitt tonight?

    YEP YEP.

  17. cadavra says:

    It’s astonishing–though on second thought, perhaps it shouldn’t be–that someone who complains as much as Lex does about how little money he has would be such a gung-ho supporter of the person who wants to make him even poorer and then die slowly in the street because the Affordable Health Care Act was repealed and the ER turned him away because he couldn’t afford to pay.

  18. LtotheG says:

    I don’t even know what that means, I just know Ryan is COOL AND AWESOME, and Biden is an old duckbilled buzzkill.

    Also I work 70 hours a week and don’t need anyone raising my taxes. Ryan and GOD ROMNEY will make me rich.

  19. Don R. Lewis says:

    I have two MORONIC friends on Facebook that haven’t had a job in the 5 years I’ve known them and they’re RR supporters. It’s just trollism, racism and/or idiocy. Plain and simple.

    And christian- I disagree about your ALIEN dismissal. Jim Emerson wrote an OUTSTANDING piece about the original ALIEN and how O’Bannon basically wanted to screw with every male audience member in every way possible. (Rape, incest, anal sex…etc.)

  20. sanj says:

    questions will be answered –

    lots of spoilers in this video –

    Prometheus Blu-Ray Features, Alternative Endings and Bonus

  21. sanj says:

    more governments are trying to block / censor the internets – i still want the united nations to protect youtube and other big sites … this is gonna be a worldwide issue and thats what they do.i learned from that team america movie that united nations have some real power … private companies can only do so much.


    here’s a video of a baby laughing at a dog

  22. Triple Option says:

    Alex Karras was before my time but I still knew of his legend on the football field. I did watch Webster and thought it was good, though even as a kid I could see it was a Different Strokes rip-off. Man, I’m surprised they haven’t tried to re-boot those shows. Maybe go with Mom is the international superstar, kid is from some 4th world ophanage. They’d mix it up so you couldn’t tell if it was Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie or who. They’ll do the missing birth records episode, Cloris Leachman makes a joke of “maybe he’ll grow up to be president” and NBC has a midseason replacement to Whitney, the end.

    Anyway, I ramble. I was meaning to comment on Beano Cook’s passing. Name won’t mean much hear but I’m sorry to see him go. Keith Jackson still IS college football to me but Beano really brought it. You could tell his love of the game. Hollywood has so many bottom feeding sycophants on the air, they do little to aid the industry. Anyone with capped teeth and gel in the hair will do. I think there are some good bloggers but fanboyism can really cloud them from time to time. I don’t know how well any would translate to TV.

  23. storymark says:

    “Everybody ready for GOD RYAN to seal the deal for Mitt tonight?”

    CBS Poll of undecided voters on the debate:

    Biden win – 50%
    Ryan win – 31%
    Draw – 19%

    At the very least, Lex is consistent in being always wrong on politics.

  24. Pete B. says:

    As with all politics, you can get numbers to back any claim.

    “CNN Politics reports that “Forty-eight percent of voters who watched the vice presidential debate think that Rep. Paul Ryan won the showdown, according to a CNN/ORC International nationwide poll conducted right after Thursday night’s faceoff.”

  25. Don R. Lewis says:

    All I know is that I love Joe Biden. He laid the smackdown on that smug little kiss-ass just like he did to Palin back in ’08. Granted, that one was low hanging fruit, but still. I loved it then and I loved it last night. Even though there was 4 outstanding baseball games yesterday, Biden won my award for most entertainment on a Thursday. Mostly because my SF Giants nearly gave me a heart attack though. And because LOUIE wasn’t on.

  26. storymark says:

    Right, but that was all voters, so you’re going to have loyalists on both sides, which are irrelevent at this point. No one on the left or right was going to be swayed by the debates anyway.

    But the undecided folks are what counts right now, and they not even close to evenly split.

  27. christian says:

    Don – My critique is not the brilliant subtext of ALIEN’s script but the dialogue and characters. I’ve read O’Bannon’s draft – the dialogue is weak, the characters blank. There’s no Ripley or Parker, not even the concept of working class space truckers that Hill brought to the script.

    As fer the debates, what’s most pathetic is that last week Romney put on a manic frentic bullying display that was lauded by the Right and Left – Biden smiles and “liberal media” dicks like Mark Halperin don’t like it. So he gives Ryan the win — for lying repeatedly? Then the other MSNBC hacks bring out their Style Handbooks, ignoring WHAT WAS SAID. Who cares if Romney/Ryan are setting a record of unchallenged lies? They look awesome. Except they don’t except to self-loathing ignorant rubes.

    The AMERICAN IDOLIZATION of our culture is almost complete.

    And for the record, Biden showed up Ryan for what he is – every libertarian fratboy douchebag who guzzled kegs of beer and Ayn Rand and shit them out as political philosophy without facing their reality. Ryan’s answers were incomprehensible and devoid of facts. His looooooooooooong pause on whether women should be worried about abortion rights said it all.

    But really, what a pathetic disgraceful media we have today.

  28. Don R. Lewis says:

    Christian- obviously you read the Matt Taibbi piece that echoes what you’re saying. right? And I totally agree with you either way. It’s come down to politics as sports franchise; you root for your side no matter what is being said or done. There’s channels made just for you and your side and free thinking, tough questions and criticism of your chosen party rarely happens on YOUR channel.

    I mean, I *do* think Bill Maher and the various MSNBC programs typically include both sides, but still….I don’t think alot of those who skew right give those programs a shot.

    I don’t know where it ends, honestly. The idea that the race is this close so close to voting day is fucking shocking. Unless you are very rich, completely entrenched in the GOP or racist/stupid/misinformed, there’s no way you should be voting for Romney/Ryan.

  29. christian says:

    Didn’t read the Taibi piece as I’ve been saying this for years. The joke is that there’s a “liberal media” — anybody who watches MSNBC should know they’ve been more brutal on Obama as FOX over the past couple years. It’s only in the light of Romney Rising that the reality is coming forward.

    One of MSNBC’s saddest hacks, CHris Cillizza, said he didn’t like Biden’s smile and he was too aggressive – unlike last week when Romney’s grin and bully manner was AWESOME. Yet Ryan smirked non-stop and that smirk is actually the same facial tic he shares with hacks like Cillizza, Mitchell, Gregory, Stephanapolous, Blitzer, etc. For a reason.

    And the media desperately wanted a horserace and created one last week with the help of emo-liberals (and closet republicans like J.Wells who actually lobbed a “teleprompter” jab at Obama — next he’ll suspect the Birth Certificate might not be real) who are never happy unless they’re wailing with defeat. But Obama is way ahead in Ohio and Penn and these post-debate bumps happen for the challenger.

    But I love when “liberals” like Rachel Maddow scream, “With Romney’s poll numbers soaring…” Uh, except they’re not. And why is Obama’s huge Ohio lead considered “tight” with Romney? Gallup had O/R 50-45 with Obama’s approvals rising — is that tight? And wasn’t it always going to be a close one? But how anybody willfully votes for Rmoney/Ryan only proves that HONEY BOO BOO is our national IQ.

    Only Paddy Chayefsky knows.

  30. christian says:

    And recall how much the GOP WORSHIP bullies like Chris Christie for calling people “idiots.” And Clint for railing on an imaginary chair. And…

  31. cadavra says:

    Pete, if you read the fine print on the CNN poll, you’ll find that the statistical sample was GOP-heavy. You get the result you pay for.

    “Ryan and GOD ROMNEY will make me rich.”–Making Lex just another member of the delusional 47% who don’t realize that they’re being played like a flute by smug con-men.

  32. christian says:

    Always stunned how much Americans love to be bullied. Well, not really stunned.

  33. sanj says:

    seems Jon from daily show spent 5 minutes talking to Paul about making the master movie – John did a dp/30 in 5 minutes.

    so now there’s no need for DP to rush out and do an interview.

    can people really spend 2.5 hours in a theatre watching this ? are there any teens that aren’t going to pitch perfect to see the master ?

    Paul Thomas Anderson – Daily Show interview

  34. Don R. Lewis says:

    Pretttty sure Lex was just being the character of Lex in that sense. But he probably is voting for Romney/Ryan if he’s even registered at all.

  35. christian says:

    Some people are so internally victimized that they’ll vote for the people that bullied them in school.

  36. sanj says:

    you know how LexG gets crazy – well a guy on social media site reddit was like 100 times more crazy …

    its about limits of free speech – reminds me of that people vs larry flint movie .. but online

    this story is super long but worth a read if you have time…. movie critics should really take a look.

    “This is how Violentacrez, Reddit’s creepiest user, also became its most powerful. ”

  37. sanj says:

    watched Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present 2012 –

    i really liked this documentary – the first hour turned into some sort of indie romantic drama and the last 30 minutes was pretty powerful …

    kinda sucks DP missed out on getting a dp/30 …while the moma thing was going on … everybody else seemed to be there because of all the media hype…

    yes i’m still expecting DP to get a dp/30 with Banksy.

    here’s the trailer –

  38. sanj says:

    pretty good discussion about how simple or complex God is ….. it’s a lot of SCIENCE here …lots of good quotes…

    “Likewise, a universe as complex as it is needs a creator who is more complex to produce it. It’s logical. How can a simple minded supernatural force create something as complex as it is? It would not be as complex as the world, which is illogical. Regardless of what form God exists, he must have a thought process- an intellectual capability if he did create it.”

    “The problem with explaining God is the lack of reference we have to explain him. Because God is outside of our universe he is not subject to the laws of our universe, thus hard to explain.”

  39. sanj says:

    dp/30 stuff people can avoid …

    watched – My Week In DP/30: October 8-12, 2013

    great the dp/30 factory is up and running with new interviews.

    cloud atlas and the sessions – hyde park are just there for oscars … how quickly can these folks come back
    with a normal film ..

    never back down – does a movie that looks made for tv need a
    dp/30 ? DP did you ask Maggie if Jake is around for a dp/30 ?

    The Perks of Being A Wallflower – something for the teens to watch

    Ethel – something for the super old guys who need their Kennedy fix

    the flat – history …with subtitles

    watched argo dp/30 – Cranston – i liked this a lot – a bit short – 8.5/10

    et dp/30 – why isn’t she on Ellen tv show telling these stories ? i did like the last 5 minutes

    7 Psychopaths – Martin McDonagh – standard dp/30 – i did like last 2 minutes about his next project and when its coming .

    i guess the rest of the cannes 2012 dp/30 are never going up – DP put them into his digital jail and won’t let them out. those actors shouldn’t do any mooe interviews with DP .

    i still try to be objective about the dp/30’s as possible
    i still want a few of my favorite actors to show up for a dp/30 which seems impossible this year.

    any Alex Cross dp/30 ? Tyler ain’t dressing up as a woman in this one …

    still not a fan of on the road dp/30 – DP seemed totally different in this interview ..

    and last 10 minutes of Bradley Cooper dp/30 was pretty weird … i dunno if he’ll come back for more interviews.

    somehow i figure Duplass brothers will show up a few more times before the end of the year. those guys
    want some sort of movie award but they aren’t at oscar level yet .

    still wondering if any of the dp30’s will end up on any tv station ever.

  40. sanj says:

    great news – now it’ll totally be worth it to spend 20 bucks to see here comes the boom …

    movie critics – do you care ? you still get to see
    every movie for free …

    Cineplex Inc. is rolling out more theatres aimed at adults-only audiences, as it seeks to draw free-spending grown-ups with a movie-going experience that is heavy on the amenities – and short on some of the irritants that keep them at home.

  41. sanj says:

    listened to Jay Chandrasekhar on nerdist podcast – for a director who makes funny movies – he don’ talk too funny .
    he needa a dp/30 – he did talk a lot about how much money his movies made and cost and DP likes that sort of stuff.
    my favorite movie he did was super troopers …he’s directed several different tv series …

    several movies and lots of tv and no dp/30 – how did DP miss out on this guy ?

  42. bulldog68 says:

    @Sanj: I use my Scene points to go to the VIP Screens in Coquitlam. It’s wicked. Felt good not having to stand in line to watch Avengers this summer.

  43. sanj says:

    how much money can you actually save using the scene points ? i haven’t been in any cineplex this year …

    i just checked the movie site and they won’t even tell you how much movies costs without having to click through several things – i’m guessing the full price is 15 bucks.

    also – when this variety / deadline thing doesn’t work out – LexG should take over variety and put K-Stew on the cover with the headline LOOK AT HER!!! plus LexG can do any reviews he wants and kicks every other movie reviewer out …. LexG buys variety in 2015.

  44. sanj says:

    cloud atlas is 2.5 hours long – i just heard a great review – however i hate going to movies over 2 hours. should i go ?
    does it move fast enough i won’t be looking at the watch .
    somebody send me free tickets to this .

  45. sanj says:

    the year is nearly over and none of my favorite actors /people have come around and gotten a dp/30 …

    i’ll probably give it till the end of the year – actors are super super busy acting – i’ll stop requesting people and stop commenting on the dp/30’s at the start of the new year too.

    i’ll just watch them only.

  46. Joe Leydon says:

    A scary thought: If it weren’t for Sanj inflating the number, I wonder how many comments this blog would get these days?

  47. sanj says:

    don’t worry Joe – there’s another election debate and that’ll get more comments ….

    why doesn’t DP moderate a debate …seems easy … DP throws questions at people all the time . plus it’ll be a great way to promote the dp/30’s .

    plus everybody saves all the good comments for the weekend box office ..

  48. sanj says:

    i finally saw looper 2012 – everybody is hyped up with Joe and Bruce acting but for me it was Blunt and the kid

    overall – 15 minutes too long – some great stuff during the last 3rd act . plus the ending didn’t confuse.

    Blunt power – awesome acting cause she didn’t look like herself ….

    kid power – cause the kid wasn’t annoying .

    the dp/30 looper needed more Blunt – DP go do that one again with more Blunt. then i might give it a 9/10.

    Blunt impressed me with adjustment bureau – once a year Blunt does one really great movie .

    Blunt next movie with Tom Cruise. can she magically bring
    Cruise to do a dp/30 … we shall see.

The Hot Blog

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon