Posts Tagged ‘color of the ocean’

TIFF ’11 Preview: Contemporary World Cinema

Saturday, September 3rd, 2011

This is always one of the hardest categories for me at TIFF because there are so many titles from around the world, and there’s usually nothing to go on but a catalog description in helping to determine which of them might end up breaking out and being a “buzz” film at TIFF, and which will just be mediocre.

Nonetheless, having culled through the entries, these are the films from the Contemporary World Cinema section that I’m most looking forward to at TIFF this year.

Always Brando
Ridha Béhi, Tunisia

After meeting Anis Raache, a young Tunisian actor who bears a stunning resemblance to young Marlon Brando, Tunisian master Ridha Behi decided to write a film casting the two. Marlon Brando was interested, the two met and reworked the script. He died before shooting started. Always Brando chronicles Behi’s saga with Marlon Brando and meditates on the lure and cruelty of the art, system and its industry.

Pedigree: World Premiere at TIFF
