MCN Blogs
David Poland

By David Poland

Bring Your Own Oscar Yammering

Liveblogging died today… as every monkey with a keyboard, Traditional Media or New, feels a need to comment minute-by-minute on a show that everyone gets to see live. It seems to me to be about the equivalent of reading a column about sex during sex. Methinks your “partner” would be better served by a little concentration.
The day of verbal diarrhea as a communications medium is coming to an end.
I don

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96 Responses to “Bring Your Own Oscar Yammering”

  1. anghus says:

    My picks in the Big 5.
    Picture: No Country For Old Men
    Actor: Daniel Day Lewis (duh)
    Actress: Julie Christie
    Supp. Actor: Hal Holbrook
    Supp. Actress: Ruby Dee
    Though, i would like to see it be There Will Be Blood, Daniel Day Lewis, Don’t care about Best Actress (wasn’t a good year, imo), Javier Bardem, and Amy Ryan.

  2. Chaiyya says:

    has David been doing this for a long time or what? geez it seems like just the other day those two young actresses came up to his hotel room at that one movie festival, i think one was Rebecca Gayheart

  3. Jonj says:

    Supporting Actress is all over the board. Page could pull an upset in actress, but I agree it’s not a good category. Any category that includes that horrible Elizabeth sequel isn’t worth the time.

  4. Chaiyya says:

    did Regis just call javier, Xavier?

  5. IOIOIOI says:


  6. Jonj says:

    Yeah, those Enchanted songs are great, better than anything Eddie Vedder could have done. And we get to hear two more. I just shot my TV.

  7. Chaiyya says:

    beowulf got screwed out of best animated, it will be remembered more than that rat movie

  8. anghus says:

    chaiyya, you’re not serious, are you?
    because if you are…. wow…..

  9. Hallick says:

    “beowulf got screwed out of best animated, it will be remembered more than that rat movie”
    True. Since so many more people will be spending their time watching the “rat movie” than merely remembering it.

  10. IOIOIOI says:

    TRANSFORMERS DID NOT WIN BEST SPECIAL FX? NEITHER DID PIRATES? The Academy are officially fuck-heads. 😉

  11. Wrecktum says:

    I’m sure Don Murphy will have an excuse.
    Was Bardem’s Spanish bleeped?

  12. Chaiyya says:

    yippee, more lovable animated animals, give me naked angelina, monsters, dragons, action, good characters, fun, beowulf rules

  13. Wrecktum says:

    LexG is that you?

  14. Hallick says:

    Why is it every time I see that clip of Javier Bardem and the clerk at the gas station negotiating the terms of the coin toss from “No Country For Old Men”, I keep thinking that the actor playing the clerk is blowing Bardem off the screen? Whoever he is, he’s awesome.

  15. Chaiyya says:

    Hallick, that was funny

  16. Chaiyya says:

    show off your scar, Owen Wilson

  17. Jonj says:

    Ruby Dee looked upset when they cut her clip.

  18. Aladdin Sane says:

    Yay Coens!

  19. IOIOIOI says:

    Tilda Swinton winning pretty made this night for me already. It’s about damn time that woman got some gold.

  20. pchu says:

    Agree about Tilda. I was watching Michael Clayton again last week and she was probably the best thing in the movie. Even better than Tom Wilkinson.

  21. Wrecktum says:

    I’m sure Don Murphy will have an excuse.

  22. Wrecktum says:

    I’m sure Don Murphy will have an excuse.

  23. IOIOIOI says:

    Don Murphy does not need an excuse. If you have a pair of eyes. You can tell QUALITY over ALRIGHT. The Academy voters have not been kind to ILM for years now. The pikers. Nevertheless; I hope the response to Swell Season translate into some gold.

  24. scooterzz says:

    y’know, ‘transformers’ wasn’t a great movie and murphy can sometimes be an asshat on the boards but that movie got robbed tonight…..really….

  25. Geoff says:

    What is going on with these technical awards? Bourne is cleaning up – it just got Best Film Editing. It deserves it, but wow…….
    Some kind of statement against No Country and ‘Blood? Both films were damn technically proficient, too.
    But it looks like Bourne could win the most awards, tonight, or at least tie.

  26. Geoff says:

    And yeah, Transformers got robbed. I didn’t see The Golden Compass, but I truly doubt the polar bear looked THAT impressive.

  27. Wrecktum says:

    “The Academy voters have not been kind to ILM for years now.”
    ILM won for Pirates 2 just last year.
    Is this the first time a shaky-cam rapid cut movie has won best editing?

  28. Geoff says:

    Wrecktum, could be.
    But the film was very well put together and let’s face it…’s a tight film.
    As good as No Country and ‘Blood were, both films dragged towards the end.
    There will be discussions for years about No Country’s ending – the content can certainly be defended, but I think the way the Coens stacked up the Tommy Lee Jones monologues did hurt it a bit. The film was easily 15 minutes too long, whether you agreed with the statement of the ending or not.

  29. Geoff says:

    Alright, the couple from Once won! Awesome!

  30. IOIOIOI says:

    I actually liked the Golden Compass, but the effects were regular run of the mill CGI you could get in any movie. While Transformers presented the audience with effects you rarely ever freakin get in film. Nevertheless; ONCE winning was pretty damn awesome. Too damn bad the Orchestra has to keep fucking rushing people. Someone tell Bill to slow it down.

  31. IOIOIOI says:

    That was a good moment right there.

  32. Geoff says:

    They brought her back out, very cool. Stewart’s doing a good job, tonight. Suprised he has not montages making fun of news or clips, tonight, though.

  33. Wrecktum says:

    When will Roger fucking Deakins finally win the award????

  34. Aris P says:

    How about less (none) musical numbers and 4.8 seconds more per winner for their speech. christ.
    Also roger deakins not winning is a pathetic joke.
    ALSO, this is the most boring oscar telecast, by, far that i’ve ever seen.
    And ending on heath ledger = big surprise yawn. yes it was a shock and sad, but really, lets get a hold of ourselves. i’d end on BERGMAN, if not 10 others.
    I guess i forget that hollywood is like 10th grade student council voting.

  35. Geoff says:

    Aris P,
    I agree, but you gotta admit that it’s kind of startling watching that montage – Heath is at least 35 years younger than just about any one else in that grouping. It’s genuinely sad.
    I don’t get why they couldn’t include Roy Scheider – they just squeezed in Suzanne Pleschette.

  36. Wrecktum says:

    I like this Oscars. Hardly boring.

  37. seymourgrant says:

    Yeah, no Roy Scheider or Brad Renfro?

  38. Wrecktum says:

    “Yeah, no Roy Scheider or Brad Renfro?”
    Scheider I can understand (too soon). Renfro? Should have been there.

  39. Aris P says:

    What too soon? Find a clip, put it in. He died a week ago.
    I cant believe the stripper won the oscar. good grief.

  40. Wrecktum says:

    Um, it’s tough to edit crap like this. You just can’t “find a clip, put it in.” Please.

  41. IOIOIOI says:

    Aris; put a little love in your heart. Diablo Cody not only shows it all off, but she breaks down. There have been some pretty nice speeches tonight.

  42. Geoff says:

    Aris P,
    If we are really going to go this route, how about the “cokehead” who won the Oscar? Would be tough to find one of those…..

  43. Aris P says:

    Yes you can just find a clip, come on. Again, he died a week ago. French connection or Jaws. I can name 5 scenes from each. How hard can it be? A call to Sid, a call to Universal. Please.
    And yeah, I’m a few martinis in. Cody’s speech was good and I’m happy for her, all cynicism aside.

  44. Wrecktum says:

    “I can name 5 scenes from each. How hard can it be? A call to Sid, a call to Universal. Please.”
    Snicker. Yes, it’s just that easy.

  45. L.B. says:

    The title card at the beginning of the montage showed that it was honoring people who died before January 31st. For whatever reason. So, don’t freak out. Roy gets his moment next year. Hopefully a longer one than he would have gotten in this crowded year. Take a breath.
    Stewart wins th night for bringing Mark

  46. Aris P says:

    Okay dude, obviously i don’t understand the process. please explain it to me.

  47. IOIOIOI says:

    Wow. The least meaningful film won the 80th Oscar. Oddly enough; that makes a lot of sense.

  48. Noah says:

    Thank goodness Juno didn’t win Best Picture…that would be such an embarrassment a year from now.

  49. IOIOIOI says:

    Noah; it’s an embarassment that you continually get to write about movies. Carry on.

  50. Wrecktum says:

    “Wow. The least meaningful film won the 80th Oscar. Oddly enough; that makes a lot of sense.”
    Explanation needed.

  51. TuckPendleton says:

    Does anyone know the music that was playing during the montage of the Best Picture winners? The one that Nicholson introduced, I believe.

  52. Wrecktum says:

    “Okay dude, obviously i don’t understand the process. please explain it to me”
    It’s pretty boring actually. But not only do you need multiple approvals (which take time) but then you have to find appropriate footage (which takes time) in the best possible quality (not as easy as it sounds), and then insert it into an already edited montage, which takes A LOT of time, considering they probably have it timed to sertain music cues and want to keep it under a specific running time. Trust me…you can’t just make a phone call and BOOM the montage changes

  53. Geoff says:

    I get your point, but I think the issue with NCFOM is that it could have been a just a tough genre film with little meaning that they tried to tack meaning on to, in the end. I hate to admit this, because I dig the Coen’s and I think it’s a very good movie, but that third act just bugs me and does not age the film well. I’ll have to see it, again, but I just remember that the Coen’s made some iffy choices on how they pulled it together. Still, they deserve their Oscar and it’s a memorable film.
    I would not have minded Juno winning, at all – what’s to be embarrased about? Can’t fun, sweet-natured movies written by people named Diablo win?
    I really have no ill will against any of these films, though I never bothered to see Atonement nor will I ever. Was very jazzed to see Once get its win, Bourne clean up some technical awards, DDL win Best Actor – the guy is just pure class.

  54. waterbucket says:

    Why did the producer of No Country say that the film Best Picture win was “a surprise”? Maybe he agreed with David Poland and thought that Michael Clayton could actually win. How cute!

  55. IOIOIOI says:

    No Country For Old Men is a Coen Brothers action film. It has no real meaning to it. The only meaningful part to the movie — that ending — is only meaningful if you actually feel it’s not a tacked on piece of the film. Juno will be watched by teens for years. Atonement will always be in pantheon of quality British romance films. There Will Be Blood will always be more about that performance, then that meandering movie. While Michael Clayton will be the flick that people will write about in 10 years that got robbed by a film that would be seen as MEDIOCORE if anyone else’s name was attached to it.

  56. Wrecktum says:

    “While Michael Clayton will be the flick that people will write about in 10 years that got robbed by a film that would be seen as MEDIOCORE if anyone else’s name was attached to it.”
    I agree that Michael Clayton will be talked about for years to come, but I strongly disagree that No Country is empty of meaning. Christ, the book was hailed for its philosophical ruminations when it was released, and the movie (which weaves its elegant themes throughout the film, not just the ending) is extremely faithful to the book.

  57. Geoff says:

    I actually agree that No Country For Old Men was very much a “Coen Brothers action film” just like The Departed was probably a “Martin Scorcese hipster cop-and-robbers film,” but what’s wrong with that? Now, you are almost making me feel like I have to defend NCFOM, just as I was criticizing it. The whole third act bugs me, BUT I could not call the film “mediocre.” For almost two hours, the Coens had me in the palm of their hands – they had the whole audience on the edges of their seats until…..
    It’s certainly not easy film to forget, and I have to see Michael Clayton, already. I can still see Juno being remembered fondly for many years. Jeez, when you realize the following that teen films, of a lesser quality, like American Graffiti and Breakfast Club STILL have after all of these years, Juno holds up very, very well.
    That might sound like faint praise, lumping it in with its genre, but it’s not. Seriously, Breakfast Club is a very fondly remembered movie, despite its cliches. On the other hand, how many people do you see quoting The Last Emperor?

  58. Wrecktum says:

    May I also add that Scott Rudin (no matter how one feels about his personal demons) is a hell of a producer and puts out great films year after year. He deserves this win.

  59. IOIOIOI says:

    Wrecktum; I am not stating it’s devoid of a brain or a piece of shit. Far from it. I simply feel that the Oscar should go to the film that has the potential to stand the test of time. This film simply lacks it because of it’s structure. It’s structured in such a way, that everything hinges on an ending. An ending that seemingly does not work for everybody. Maybe that’s how life works, but the Oscar should mean more. This is why ET and A New Hope being jobbed will always make me think less of two films that have not stood the test of time… nor have they changed lives in the process. That’s what a BEST PICTURE OSCAR should represent all the time not some of the time.

  60. Lota says:

    wow. hate to complain since even if you get nominated it’s a winner but really bummed about some.
    very disappointed Nancy Oliver didn’t win. She stuck with her story and did something great with it, so bumming for her.
    Roger Deakins not winning again…although I won;t get over Fargo getting passed over, it’s just too much.
    It still irks me that most award winners get no time to speak about what the award means to them. Seriously, 30 seconds per person would be nice. Yes the show is long but I could do with less cutesy monologs in favor of more time for set design and editing etc so winners can thank Their people.
    my man Javier winning…and don;t know why the dis during his spanish by the showrunners…but something was Off all night with the sound. There were times when the visuals were so off sync it was disturbing.
    Marion cotillard…good for her, even though Julie Christie was pretty well magic.
    bully for Tilda, didn;t like her dress tho
    Marketa being allowed to make a fine speech.
    Good dresses: Jessica Alba, Marion Cotillard, Helen Mirren, Penelope Cruz.
    relieved that No COuntry won what it did

  61. Lota says:

    good grief IOIOIO
    No Country is one of the few films of the way too many i saw this year that will stand the test of time.
    The structure?
    I watch films to be entertained and I thought No C was gripping beginning to end with so many great & memorable characters which is more than I can say for most of the other Best Picture nominees.
    The ending is what the film builds toward. There is nothing worse than a bad ending on the film–to me the ending is key to a film being great or being dung. and No Country aint dung.

  62. Wrecktum says:

    “Wrecktum; I am not stating it’s devoid of a brain or a piece of shit. Far from it. I simply feel that the Oscar should go to the film that has the potential to stand the test of time”
    Buzz. Wrong answer. You first said the “least meaningful film” won. You now admit the film has meaning, but it has the worst staying power. I dig it that you don’t like the film, but stick to one argument, por favor.

  63. IOIOIOI says:

    Wrectum; let me emphatically throw your ass down like Scottie Pippen dunking Patrick Ewing. You have no idea my unit of measure. Without knowing how I quantify something. You simply cannot make such a judgement. You — like everyone else around — lack the ability to get in the ring. Now go sit down.
    Again; out of the five films it’s my least favourite, but I have not once stated it’s a PIECE OF SHIT. If you could actually re-read what you quoted. You would see that I have no animosity towards the film. I am a fan of film. That does include Joel and Ethan Coen and what they have given to the medium. I simply do not feel this movie is SUBSTANTIAL ENOUGH — throwing in the ending that I do like — to be a Best Picture winner. Those other four flicks will mean more to more people, that’s what I am getting at right here and now. Since this feels like a CRASH moment to me.
    Seriously; do not play Rec. You simply do not have it.

  64. Nicol D says:

    Marion Cotillard winning was awesome! The most sincere moment of the night.
    Tom Hanks introducing the doc awards with Iraq war soldiers was tasteless in the extreme. A genuinely disgusting and phony moment given the way both the majority of docs and Hollywood films depict soldiers.
    Go Coens!

  65. Wrecktum says:

    “Wrectum; let me emphatically throw your ass down like Scottie Pippen dunking Patrick Ewing.”
    I’ll let you win this one because this line is awesome.

  66. Wrecktum says:

    “Tom Hanks introducing the doc awards with Iraq war soldiers was tasteless in the extreme. A genuinely disgusting and phony moment given the way both the majority of docs and Hollywood films depict soldiers.”
    So they shouldn’t honor them at all? The Academy reaches out to overseas service members (who watch a LOT of movies, by the way), and you automatically assume the gesture is phony. Based on what?

  67. Nicol D says:

    Based on the way Hollywood depicts the soldiers in Iraq. If you need examples…you don’t watch movies. It was quite disgusting.

  68. Wrecktum says:

    I wrote a long response, but lost it. Suffice it to say, the Academy (the board of governors and producers) don’t necessarily march in lockstep with the antiwar Hollywood creative community. I think it’s great that the Academy is reaching out to service men and women overseas.

  69. IOIOIOI says:

    Yes; it is funny. not as funny as what happens in that clip, but funny nonetheless. Nevertheless; you are just being dicky by implicating that I hate a movie, that I do not hate. I just feel it should not have won. Excuse me for foolishly believing that the academy would vote for a lasting movie. Curse me for hoping they had learnt their lesson.

  70. Nicol D says:

    “Suffice it to say, the Academy (the board of governors and producers) don’t necessarily march in lockstep with the antiwar Hollywood creative community.”
    Then why are soldiers always portrayed so poorly (rapists, thieves, murderers, racists, bigots, Christians) so consistently in Hollywood films?
    The are exploiting the soldiers to make it look like they respect them when we all know they don’t. Why fake it? When Hanks said they would honour those overseas who can’t make it home I half prepared myself for a montage of sympathetic suicide bombers. It would have been more honest.
    You know it. And I know it. Let’s not fake it. Those soldiers were exploited whether you agree with the war or not.

  71. IOIOIOI says:

    Nicol dropping a logical fallacy on the people. Thanks Nicol. Let me just state that you are Republican, and you should hate Hollywood. It’s evil. You know: it wants to corrupt the children, turn them gay, and force them to believe in the good of people. DAMN THAT HOLLYWOOD! Nevertheless; Soldiers love Hollywood. They produce things that help get these soldiers through their day or possible psyche them up or inspire them. You and your political leanings forget this because you believe HOLLYWOOD IS EVIL. Why you would even be a fan of film, when you believe that people who make film are the scum of earth, could bring Leonard Nimoy out of retirement. You seem like a candidate for a great “IN SEARCH OF.”

  72. Joe Leydon says:

    Geoff: Trust me, I wasn’t in a great big hurry to see Atonement either — but when I finally did, it bowled me over.

  73. Aladdin Sane says:

    NCFOM is a masterpiece. TWBB is a masterpiece, which I give a slight edge over the former. Both deserving. At least one of ’em one.
    And Nicol, you’re being irrational about the soldiers being asked to participate.

  74. Lota says:

    Tom Hanks has been paying tribute and supporting military families of servicepeople for YEARS and YEARS, he unveiled the WWII monument in D.C. a few years back which is a great honor for an actor to even be allowed to do so. There are half dozen of my family in the NG and marines and they think he’s great how he doesn;t forget them and is trying to help them get home out of this war they didn;t vote for.
    Tom Hanks chooses to bring a little sunshine to ordinary servicepeople who might be dead next week. Those weren’t generals announcing the awards. He has done many nice things to lift the spirits of people in the armed forces without drawing attention to himself, certainly more than our government is doing.
    And what’s this about Docs? Everyone I know in the armed forces loves it when corruption and Hillbillies are shown on film–they want those people OUT of the armed forces and the only way to do that is to expose it. You clearly have not been to Iraq and my immediate family has been so STFU. Maybe you should go–go do your time.
    My cousin Paul who is a marine thought it was brilliant there were docs related to Iraq/Afghanistan nominated at all, from ANY perspective.
    The worst thing is being there and being forgotten–when there is no movie, there is no discussion, because people in this country simply do not respond or have access to News.
    But people do respond to movies.

  75. IOIOIOI says:

    Nicol; you do know that there are quite a few soliders — of all wars — that have committed atrocities? You know this right? Or do you want to be jingoistic?
    Your response is just the standard bullshit Republicans spew because they cannot understand that there are more sides to being an AMERICAN then their side. Soldiers — of all nationalities — have committed atrocities. When you make a movie telling of these atrocities. It own makes soliders look bad in the minds of the stupid assholes that the people you support like to control.
    If you have a brain. If you have an inkling of common sense. You will realize that bad soldiers are not all SOLIDERS. You will realize that we should always be thankful of the good soldiers that we have, who sacrifice their lives and their LIFE, to keep this country free.
    How dare you or any other milly-mouthed Republican or Conservative belittle Hollywood for giving a shout out to soliders on their biggest night. Only a backward fuck could think the way that you do. I pray that one day the LIGHT clears up your DARKNESS. I really freakin do.

  76. Cadavra says:

    Oh, man, how does a visual AND aural headache-inducer like BOURNE sweep the editing and sound awards? I guess ADD cutting and cacophonous tracks are now the order of the day. And poor Kevin O’Connell: now 0 for 20. And who saw ELIZABETH winning costumes? Still, glad that Cotillard and Elswit defied the odds and won.
    Remind me never to go with the Gurus’ down-ballot choices again. :-O

  77. THX5334 says:

    Damn, Nicol. It’d be better now to just admit you’re inebriated like the rest of us and are typing impulsively and apologize to our soldiers for the way you’re dishonoring them now…
    At least pay respect to the excellent owning you’ve just tasted from IO and Lota.

  78. Cadavra says:

    By the way, I’m too tired and lazy to do the research, but is this the first year that none of the acting awards went to an American?

  79. Wrecktum says:

    “By the way, I’m too tired and lazy to do the research, but is this the first year that none of the acting awards went to an American?”
    No. Apparently also in 1965.
    I don’t think it’s necessary to gang up on Nicol, but he’s wrong to think that the Academy is somehow a spokesman for liberal Hollywood activism. Remember, this is the same organization that thumbed its nose at a lot of Hollywood by honoring Elia Kazan a few years back.
    Hollywood is no political monolith. There are as viewpoints as there are people in this town. The only time I’ve been prosthelytized in my life was by someone who worked for a pair of well known writer/producers. My boss is slightly to the right of Atilla the Hun. His boss (a ladida big deal studio exec) is even worse.
    Nicol knows all this…he’s just being difficult.

  80. IOIOIOI says:

    The Republicans want to win California as well. They need the votes. Which is why I never ever get why a political party slams the part of the state, that makes it one of the richest economies on the planet. An economy so rich that even John McCain will need to get those people out west excited for his candidacy. It’s just so freakin silly. Yet the Republicans keep on hating.

  81. Lota says:

    i forgot to say Anne hathaway is a classy broad. now I have to get some work done.

  82. Nicol’s must’ve got the right-wing radio talking points early up there in Canada as I guarantee that what he just said will be parroted all day tomorrow by Rush/Savage/Hannity and every other boring, closed minded right wing loudmouth. Thanks for the sneak peek, Nicol!
    I liked the Oscars and wasn’t really too bummed for any of the winners. My highlight was the “Once” performance, win and those speeches. Great stuff!

  83. jeffmcm says:

    Sigh…Nicol being the conservative contrarian…what else is new. Except to say that he’s looking for reasons to be pissed off. I defy him to name, specifically, what it was about tonight’s presentation that he thought was ‘disgusting’, and if there would be any presentation involving Iraq troops that would satisfy him, because I’m pretty sure it would be impossible.
    Anyway, I’m very happy for all four acting winners, especially Swinton and Cotillard, who I didn’t think would pull if off; the Coens, who seemed to be chuckling at their own private jokes all night; and Stewart, who kept it together and was very classy re: Irglova.
    Not so happy that Diablo Cody won, and I wish Deakins could have been swept in some No Country bandwagon, alas.

  84. bmcintire says:

    Cadavra – I am equally befuddled on the BOURNE wins. Didn’t hate the film by any stretch, but found it the least interesting of the three (and was surprised to go back and see that neither the first nor second were nominated for anything.
    And IOIOIO – do you honestly think that ATONEMENT is going to enter any sort of pantheon? Maybe along the “Cinematherapy” likes of THE ENGLISH PATIENT. And JUNO will be about as well-esteemed as HEATHERS or ELECTION in three or four years: Considered good-to-great, but only by a handful of people – and a never ending staple on Comedy Central.

  85. Nicol D says:

    “Everyone I know in the armed forces loves it when corruption and Hillbillies are shown on film–they want those people OUT of the armed forces and the only way to do that is to expose it. You clearly have not been to Iraq and my immediate family has been so STFU.”
    STFU…so much for discussion. I do not know your family…do they ever question why Hollywood, 9 times out of 10 will – only – show the armed forces as being corrupt and filled with Hillbillies?
    “There are half dozen of my family in the NG and marines and they think he’s great how he doesn;t forget them and is trying to help them get home out of this war they didn;t vote for.”
    Soldiers – never – vote for a war. That is not what they do. They are required to serve their country when called to do it. They go into the military voluntarily and knowing this. Your condescending attitude towards these women and men undoes any respect you purport to have.
    Do you care that Gore tried to block military votes in 2000?
    If Hanks really cared, perhaps he could produce a film about soldiers in Iraq who do some good. Perhaps he could call out Hollywood for only producing films with soldiers as…corrupt Hillbillies.
    Hypocrite. The truth is the Iraq war has been on for several years know. Why the chage in tune? Oh right…they want to get a Democrat in the White House and not be seen as hating the military. That didn’t work in 2004.
    “The worst thing is being there and being forgotten–when there is no movie, there is no discussion, because people in this country simply do not respond or have access to News. ”
    Which is why Hollywood only shows one side…because all media is biased and corporate…something like that. They need movies to see the ‘truth’. Something like that?
    Look, no one believes Hollywood cares about the military in America. We know that by how they are depicted routinely in the majority of Hollywood films. Terrorists are always portrayed with complexity and nuance. Misunderstood freedom fighters. American soldiers; dumb, evil, one dimensional. Sorry, but no one is buyin’ what Hanks was sellin’ last night.
    “Nicol; you do know that there are quite a few soliders — of all wars — that have committed atrocities? You know this right? Or do you want to be jingoistic?”
    No. Only American soldiers commit atrocities. I mean…that’s all we see in modern Hollywood films 90% of the time. Must be true, right?
    “You will realize that we should always be thankful of the good soldiers that we have, who sacrifice their lives and their LIFE, to keep this country free.”
    Why doesn’t Hollywood honour them by making a movie about them? Oh right…Stop/Loss is just around the corner. Right.
    “How dare you or any other milly-mouthed Republican or Conservative belittle Hollywood for giving a shout out to soliders on their biggest night.”
    One shout out on their biggest night does not make up for the battering Hollywood has given them for decades.
    This was hypocrisy at its finest. You know it. I know. They want Obama and are trying to be on their ‘best behavior’. That’s what we saw last night.
    “Hollywood is no political monolith. There are as viewpoints as there are people in this town.”
    Then this begs the simple question, why is this -not – reflected in the vast majority of films we see?
    Even Stewart acknowledged the anti Iraq war films flopped. Why not make a pro Iraq film if there are simply so many voices? That is a logical question. Hell, even a pro soldier in Iraq film.
    Even GI Joe is being de-Americanized.
    As for the poltical issue; there are any number of websites you can go to to see who contributes to which politician in America. If you go to the LA area codes and search for Hollywood professions, (producers, directors, actors etc) they are all overwhelmingly far left in contributions. Even the whole argument that the ‘money people’ are right wing is bollux. If they were, they would know that the money is not being made in anti American soldier films.
    Hollywood is about as monolith as a profession can get for political views. Are there exceptions…sure. But they are few and far between right now. Hell, even Surnow got the polite, heave ho from 24 so it could be more left-wing. Didn’t see Sorkin being ushered out of the West Wing when ratings fell for that show so it could be more right wing.
    “Nicol’s must’ve got the right-wing radio talking points early up there in Canada…”
    They came late on Friday night by Fed Ex. I also got sent some pretty neat photos of one presidential candidate doing some pretty interesting things with a can of vegetable soup. Hey, e me and I’ll tell you the secret location of the next meeting of the vast right wing conspiracy.
    “I defy him to name, specifically, what it was about tonight’s presentation that he thought was ‘disgusting’,…”
    Have you not read my posts? You can’t dump on someone 364 days a year and then expect them to think you are sincere when you ‘honour them’ on the last day. Doesn’t work that way.

  86. Since when has the Best Picture category meant Best Picture in Fifty Years Time? Never. And Juno, like NCfOM will be loved in 50 years by those who love it now.

  87. Stella's Boy says:

    As soon as I got up this morning, I couldn’t wait to get here and see how pissed off Nicol was at the Tom Hanks/soldiers presentation. He did not disappoint. Although you have become oh so predictable and boring Nicol. Like others have said, no tribute would have satisfied you. You would have found a way to bitch & moan about anything they did. And you never met a broad generalization you didn’t love.

  88. Joe Leydon says:

    Nicol: What about all those brave U.S. soliders who were fighting the big-ass robots in Don Murphy’s movie last year? Weren’t they depicted in a heroic fashion?

  89. christian says:

    Spielberg hates the troops so much he made one a hero in WAR OF THE WORLDS. And look how disgusting the troops were portrayed in CLOVERFIELD. And Eastwood has been hating on the troops ever since KELLY’S HEROES.
    Nicol, name me the governor of California.
    Then the list of his liberal films.

  90. jeffmcm says:

    Nicol, there’s obviously no point in having a discussion with you. You’re too deeply buried in your paranoia and delusions.

  91. sweeneyrules says:

    Nicole Kidman looked like a chandelier fell on her

  92. LexG says:

    NO KEIRA = lame.

  93. IOIOIOI says:

    Nicol; I still KNOCKED YOU THE FUCK OUT. Seriously: get a handle on your life. Seriously…

  94. For once I agree with LexG. Although Travolta’s “hair” owned the hilarious stakes more than anything else.
    IO, you’re on the internet. You have not, nor have you ever “KNOCKED (ANYONE) THE FUCK OUT”. Get a handle on your own life and stop being a complete and utter dickhead by trying to make yourself look all big and strong. Nobody’s falling for it.

  95. frankbooth says:

    Anyone know of a good Brit movie blog? I want to go over there and bitch about their politics without bothering to tell anyone I’m American. I’ll find some socialists and spout off Tory talking points. I’ll get all fired up and pretend to be personally offended as if I have a stake in their elections.
    Wouldn’t that be wacky!

  96. jeffmcm says:

    Don’t forget the occasional ‘u’ in ‘colour’ or ‘labour’ or they might figure you out.
    I also understand Kathleen Wynne is a liar, whoever that is.

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon