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David Poland

By David Poland

BYOB – Thursday The 26th

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44 Responses to “BYOB – Thursday The 26th”

  1. CaptainZahn says:

    Has anyone rented The Cake Eaters yet? I’ve been thinking about it, but I’m a bit hesitant. Someone sway me one way or the other, please.

  2. LexG says:

    CAKE EATERS has K-STEW so you need to BUY NOT LEASE.
    DO IT NOW.
    (No, I haven’t seen it yet but I am going to buy 7 copies one for each day of the week.)

  3. mutinyco says:

    “The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!”

  4. LYT says:

    The first casualty of my move has been the “Caddyshack” hat that earned me a LexG nickname. Got crushed in the moving truck. Couldn’t get it back in shape.
    At least it was only a Goodwill item to begin with.

  5. LexG says:

    Lou, that SUCKS. That hat was LEGEND, second in power only to Wells’ magical cowboy hat which he uses as a down payment on hotel rooms.
    The best part was like you were trying to be Plainview, but probably didn’t have an era-appropriate period Plainview hat on hand, so instead you broke out this 1980 OFF-TRACK BETTING-looking ensemble and Brian Doyle Murray ‘stache.
    I don’t know if I was laughing at it or with it, but that skit had me on the floor for like ten minutes.

  6. movieman says:

    Zahn- “Cake Eaters” is merely okay. It’s better acted than it is written, but overall a decent enough directorial bow for M.S. Masterson. The weirdest thing about “Cake” is how Masterson remakes Lex’s beloved K-Stew into her own former screen image (think “Some Kind of Wonderful” meets “Benny and Joon”).
    It was still the best of my three Netflixers this week.
    “New York City Serendade” (can anything be more excruciating than the pairing of Chris Klein and Freddie Prinze, Jr.???) proves that director Frank Whaley should consider returning to acting full-time; and the (loved in certain quarters) “Viva” is more fun to contemplate (a kitschy-koo pastiche/parody of late ’60s/early ’70s soft-corn porn) than it is to watch. I’m still trying to figure out why the filmmakers felt the need to let their one joke run an interminable 121 minutes, especially when the movies they’re lampooning rarely, if ever exceeded an hour and a half.

  7. SJRubinstein says:

    Speaking of weird indies – just saw “Introducing the Dwights” aka “Clubland.” Can’t really recommend the film (Poland’s “indie okay” attribution seems appropriate), but Brenda Blethyn – Jesus Christ. She’s really quite something in the film. I’ve really, really liked her before and it’s not like she hasn’t done the Horrifically Domineering/Needy Mother before (“Little Voice,” “Pumpkin,” etc. – comically done in “Pride and Prejudice”), but she’s really the lead here, so you get a lot more out of what would otherwise be a familiar part.

  8. Hopscotch says:

    Pretty late to this conversation. But I just watched Happy-Go-Lucky…
    Sally Hawkins was amazing, and she was robbed of a nomination. Had she won, I’d been fine with that. Her mannerisms, her language. I was floored.
    Eddie Marsan was amazing, and he was robbed of a nomination. He was heart-breaking to watch.
    That final scene between the two of them… was just remarkable. It might be my favorite film scene of last year.

  9. Lota says:

    Happy go lucky was one of the best films last year IMUHO Hopscotch.
    I think compared to a couple of the overdone /mannered & arch performances that were nominated, wee optimistic Sally, and Eddie, (the racist driving dude “enraha”) –both should have been nominated instead.
    Lex should watch this movie. Poppy was the perfect foil to angry, self-pitying desperate males.
    great movie–very optimistic from Mike Leigh who usually is a serious downer.

  10. Hopscotch says:

    I’ve heard Leigh tends towards the downers. Which actually worked for me for the movie, I was waiting for something bad to happen to Poppi. And I was at the edge of my seat for many of the car scenes, just waiting for the inevitable.
    And I wanted to watch LET THE RIGHT ONE IN one more time, so I rented it. Not quite a glorious experience as the first time. But it’s still a wonderful moody movie.

  11. Hallick says:

    “And I wanted to watch LET THE RIGHT ONE IN one more time, so I rented it. Not quite a glorious experience as the first time. But it’s still a wonderful moody movie.”
    Might have had something to do with the rewritting of the subtitles that bleached all of the flavor out of the dialogue. They’re planning on a re-release with the original theatrical subs sometime, so they say.

  12. Triple Option says:

    Got my taxes done! Looking for a Villanova win this evening. No one’s mentioned word one about the tourney, is this because of the lack of upsets, decreased number of mid majors invited or you just don’t care until final four? Ha! And of course I needn’t remind anyone that opening day is next week!
    So I’ve been in the bar by the theater at Westside Pavilion and I know there’s a bar inside the movie complex at The Bridge but I’ve never been compelled to indulge in these new movie experiences pre-movie. I don’t know if it has anything to do with being pissed at the rising price of a ticket and not wanting to feel like I got bent over the blackjack tables at the old Barbary Coast chasing split 9

  13. Hallick says:

    It’s weird. I’ve always felt like alcohol in a movie theater was sacreligious somehow. Like it would stain the child-like innocence of the experience.
    Which is also weird, since I spent a good deal of my childhood sneaking into movies like CHUD and Private School, when I wasn’t hunting for beers and water damaged porn magazines left by migrant workers in the nearby vineyards.
    Come to think of it, “child-like innocence” is one of the biggest oxymorons of all time. And migrant workers are AWESOME.

  14. mysteryperfecta says:

    “Come to think of it, “child-like innocence” is one of the biggest oxymorons of all time.”
    No, its not, its just eventually overwhelmed by youthful curiosity and adolescence.

  15. jeffmcm says:

    These days there are two theaters in Los Angeles that are good for drinking: the New Beverly and the Silent, mostly because they show things like all-day Dolph Lundgren marathons (New Beverly, Apr. 18) or insane Indonesian action/horror movies (Silent Theater, this Saturday).

  16. mutinyco says:

    Gene Anthony Ray is rolling in his grave:

  17. Blackcloud says:

    “Looking for a Villanova win this evening. No one’s mentioned word one about the tourney . . .”
    There’s never been much sports talk here. It comes up occasionally, but is always fleeting. (Nary a peep about Obama’s bracket, for example.) I’m not sure why that is. Maybe collectively we’re not into sports. Or maybe THB simply doesn’t lend itself to blabbing about spring training, the BCS, LeBron vs. Kobe, and so on. This is one of the best times of year for sports: NCAAS, MLB starting, hockey and NBA playoffs, the Masters, Champions League last 8, etc. Yay sports!

  18. Eric says:

    What I’ve noticed when I drink before a movie is that I’ll then have no patience whatsoever if the movie can’t keep my attention. Normally I have a pretty high tolerance for mediocrity, but it’s gone when I’m coming down off a buzz.
    Sitting through The Darjeeling Limited this way was one of the longest moviegoing experiences of my life… and I once saw the Evil Dead trilogy on a triple bill.

  19. Triple Option says:

    Ahhh, Private School…Can’t say I remember it well but Phoebe Cates, God bless her. Reminds me of another Private School alum Sylvia Kristel who was also in Private Lessons. I was getting my wisdom teeth out like right at the start of summer vacation and I was in middle school at the time and since they were basically doing surgery to cut them out before they came in, they said I’d be out of it for a while and it’d be best if I lie still and watch some movies. If I’d even be able to stay awake.
    Well I gave the rents a long list of movies and didn’t say anything because half were R-rated and didn’t think they’d get them for me. Well, they got like 3 or 4 including Private Lessons, which I had never seen only heard about through other kids w/older siblings mentioned it. of course I had to see that. I put that on the list just as a long shot but no questions asked, they brought it home.
    So, I’m lying on the couch by myself, mouth all puffy and bloody with towels stuffed underneath me and my mom asks or maybe it was my sister which one did I want to watch and I said or shrugged really it didn’t matter. So she stuck in Private Lessons. I thought I was just going to watch it by myself, middle of the afternoon. The rents had taken the day off but they said they had to run errands. Well, no. They said they had never heard of it but “the lady at the video store said it was really popular.” I totally wanted to scream but mouth was still too numb. Plus the fact if I had said that it wouldn’t be a good film for them, I’d totally bust myself. I’m sure they knew what kind of film it was 5 seconds in but I was so freckin’ embarrassed. The moment the kid stepped into the bath tub w/Sylvia, I totally shut my eyes pretending to be asleep. They never said anything but it totally ruined the experience.

  20. Just throwing this out there for any possible ’80s children who love their synth pop. La Roux “In for the Kill” = all sorts of amazing. The video is all very much like if Knight Rider copied Miami Vice‘s “In the Air Tonight” moment.
    Happy-go-Lucky really was one of the best of 2008. And unlike a lot of movies from last year it’s really stayed with me. Hawkins gave the best performance – male or female – last year. That Oscar snub hurt. Specially because of someone like Angelina who was hardly firing all torpedoes with that performance. *sigh*
    Mutinyco, that Fame preview is horrific. It looks more like a direct-to-DVD Centre Stage sequel (which reminds me – I need to get around to see Centre Stage 2 since I love the original so very much) and not anything remotely linked to Fame. Yikes. And my ability to watch dance movies of that kind is quite astronomical. I even sat through How She Move!

  21. Actually, that Fame thing had one funny moment – “Ana Maria Perez de Tagle” made me laugh.

  22. LexG says:

    I realize not many here watch reality TV but since “Fame” is being discussed, an interesting question:
    In the Kardashian culture we currently occupy, or in the post-Hudson Oscar Win era, or the era where Elisabeth “Survivor” Hasselbeck is a buzzed-about commentator, has the stigma finally been broken about reality show “personalities” breaking into legitimate film and TV?
    The star of this new “Fame” was a contestant on the show “So You Think You Can Dance.” I realize it’s a cheesy movie and they needed a cute dancer, but nonetheless it’s a theatrical release being fronted by someone who is essentially a game-show contestant.
    For years, with the exception of Jacinda Barrett from “Real World,” most reality “stars” had about a two month run on E! talking head shows before fading back into obscurity. Colleen Haskell and Kelly Clarkson flopped pretty big time in trying to make the leap. And the legit industry seemed to have a fairly understandable prejudice toward putting reality famewhores in actual acting roles.
    But the line seems pretty blurred now. Perhaps we’re not too far from the day where “Ace From the Road Rules Challenge” will be co-headlining the new Innaritu with Penn and Del Toro.

  23. I think it’s more that some have actually proven to be worth the time and now people are more willing to wait and see with CERTAIN reality people instead of instantly disregarding them.
    Of course, no matter if the stigma is gone or not only a very very small number will ever go on to BIG THINGS.
    The thing with SYTYCD is that it is a legitimate arena for the medium. Idol – as much as I enjoy it – isn’t really a good way of testing a possible future performer. The number of contestants from that who were seen as the stars of tomorrow but who promptly failed/disappeared is endless.
    Besides, the constant stream of “celebrity” reality/variety/talent programs gives them time to stretch their 15 minutes even longer.

  24. LexG says:

    I’ve always thought a candid/confessional “taped-living-their-lives on tape” show like “Real World” would be the absolute least likely place to produce actors and performers; An inherent part of the mystique and appeal of a serious performer is that element of mystery, which is INSTANTLY shot down the tubes when a person’s on camera for 12 weeks drunk and talking shit and exposing their psychological quirks and hookups and fetishes for millions of people to see. Imagine if, say, Johnny Depp had been on some alternate universe 1983 version of the show, blathering on about himself ad nauseam and hooking up with 2am bar chicks.
    AI and SYTYCD focus on the contestants plying their trade, but the human drama is kept to managable levels; We don’t hang out with them in their house for hours at a time, so they retain some sense of being performers rather than freakshows living in a televised fishbowl.
    But, strangely, seems like RW people are breaking the barrier, too; The asian chick from the San Diego season has plum roles in two major releases this spring/summer, and fronted an ABC Family miniseries. (Strange, since her season was like half a decade before this recent flurry of film work.)
    Even though I’m generally all for junky TV and shows like this, it is kind of a drag that to the “kids today,” the difference between a serious, committed actor who did theater and studied their craft to get into the biz, and someone who puked on camera is pretty much negligible.

  25. LexG says:

    On the flip side, I’ll add again that “Chuck and Buck’s” Mike White is a contestant on the current season of Amazing Race.

  26. yancyskancy says:

    When I saw The Ruins, I was impressed by Laura Ramsey and wondered what else she’d been in. Was surprised to find she got her start in that The Real Cancun movie. Not a TV show, granted, but from Bunim-Murray, who do The Real World. I haven’t seen that film, but I wonder how it might’ve affected my reaction to her subsequent work if I had.

  27. LYT says:

    I’ve made it a regular tradition these past couple years to spend Thursday nights at The Block in Orange, where all the new releases are screened Thursday at midnight, and a pretty cool/artsy bar called Cafe Tu Tu Tango directly faces it and stays open till 12.
    Generally, I tend to be assigned to review the kinds of movies that don’t screen, so Thursdays = couple hours of beers at The Block, go in, sneak into any movie still playing that I’m vaguely curious about long enough to see if I want to come back later, then use my paying ticket for the midnight show.
    But now I’m outta OC, so there goes that tradition. Just went to The Grove for a midnight show of 12 Rounds, and it isn’t the same…NOWHERE to get a drink anywhere in the vicinity at 11 pm. And they won’t let you in early.
    Are there any better options in LA for Thursday midnights? Arclight has some, but I mean a place that reliably has all new releases, like The Block or Irvine Spectrum. It should be a point of shame if OC actually does something movie-related better.

  28. LYT says:

    Isn’t Arnold Schwarzenegger, in a way, just like some of those reality stars? He got famous in part by being himself in a documentary.
    Not a great example of acting craft, I realize. But this general sort of idea has been around a while.

  29. Josh Massey says:

    Lex: Check out who’s currently #1 on Billboard’s Top 200.

  30. mysteryperfecta says:

    “Just throwing this out there for any possible ’80s children who love their synth pop.”
    That would be me. I think the La Roux song/vid is a tad monotonous, but I applaud the effort. My favorite example of 80s-reminicent synth-driven pop from the last few years is here: (although the vid, while cool, is not really retro, imo).

  31. Martin S says:

    Dave tossed up some links to this before, but I never saw a discussion in the threads. So, does this bother anyone here, except me?

  32. Direwolf says:

    Hey DP, you have commented a lot on 3-D so I am curious what your expectations are for MvA in terms of 3-D. What % of tickets do you think will sell 3-D? Will 3-D theaters gain a disproportionate share of ticket sales (greater than the roughly 30% of screens)? Do you think that we will wake to Monday declarations of doom for 3-D as a driver? Or will it be optimism?

  33. Wrecktum says:

    Dreamworks and Paramount won’t share that information, Direwolf, so it’s a moot point.
    Speaking of Paramount distribution, RIP Wayne Lewellen. An old school executive at an old school company (hell, I think they didn’t start using computers until a few years ago), Lewellen was forced out a few years ago after running Paramount distribution through the glory days of the ’80s. Top Gun, Beverly Hills Cop, Star Trek, Indiana Jones. He had his hand in many of the iconic films of that decade.

  34. Triple Option says:

    What are you most concerned with the order, Martin S? There were some privacy issues that kinda jumped out to me but I’m not sure with the limited info given there what are the actual potential for breeches according to what we expect here in terms of constitutionality. I’m definitely not a big fan of search engines collecting and storing of information. Theoretically, I know they’re looking for Terminator and Harry Potter type bootlegs, but in determining what doesn’t fall under the ban you’ve still identified it and I’m sure classifications would be made thereof.
    I also see a slippery slope for powers under the directive to expand. “Well, if we use it to hunt for piracy, why not use it to hunt for pedos? Why not use it to hunt for suspected terrorists? Why not use it to hunt for tax cheats…” It’s not that I’m against taking criminals down but how long before it’s turned into some Stasi/Gitmo dragnet?
    Then as far as info being closely guarded…we can’t keep sealed grand jury documents quiet, we can’t stop “anonymous” drug tests secret, we can’t keep covers of sercret operatives on the hush hush, what hope would there be for a much larger pool that doesn’t have the built in safe guards in place protected?
    But as per enforcement, it seems like a case where Disney and WB would receive ample treatment but smaller indies would be shut out. I don’t know, maybe not.

  35. Triple Option says:

    There’s a couple of things about the reality stars making the jump to traditional tv/film. First off, I’m not sure a part form Hasselbeck that anyone has really distinguished him/herself. And she’s still in reality so to speak.
    Also, a lot of those people who got on reality shows are actors looking for reel and exposure. It’s kinda surprising more haven’t work. But then I’m wondering how much is this comes by way of litigated compliance. I know there was the suit by dudes from Biggest Loser against NUC/Uni because they were promised all these development and random show appearances because their weekly fee was so minimal. Of course in Hllywd people promise the world w/out delivering. I suspect this happens quite often, as there was a similar suit threatened (forget the name). So now it seems like they gotta give Johnny Exposed a walk on as the wacky neighbor on the Thursday night sitcom or make Mary Humiliated murder victim #4 in Slasherfest IX.

  36. Martin S says:

    Triple – We’re in the same realm. I can just see a laptop scan at an airport suddenly have the ability to tally for MP3 files and DRM licenses. Then a week later, you get a letter from RIAA saying “you have 300 MP3’s but only 200 DRM licenses”. The excuse will be that it’s not an invasion because they don’t know specifically what songs, only that the ratio is off. You’ll then have to spend the next six months defending yourself or pay for a blanket insurance.
    It’s a given this can aggregate your email. This is worse than Echelon or Predator because it’s also a physical grab of your property. And to go along with this while China and Russia are not on board…what the hell is the point?
    This started under W and caught steam when Orin Hatch flipped on P2P. I’ll never forget it because he was stalwart on Fair Use and then cut some horrendous Jazz Flutey-thing CD. He then got his ass kissed by a number of the big conglom’s, and a month later his tune changed. Excuse the pun.

  37. LexG says:

    Going back to Triple Option’s post about theaters that serve booze:
    Never really saw the appeal either, and agree with him about the bladder issue; Booze, especially beer, seems to go through anybody’s system a lot faster than usual theater beverage options, so, yeah, I’ve always imagined people at those “Over 21” screenings are making a beeline to the restroom every 17 minutes and missing key parts of the movie.
    I guess I can sort of understand the appeal of a cocktail to take the edge off at the beginning… IF you’re a total lightweight and one or two mixed drinks keep you pleasantly humming but still engaged for two hours.
    For someone like me who requires six or seven drinks before I even notice it in my system, just seems like drinking on an airplane — a big waste of money and energy, plus again distracting as hell.
    That said, most rental videos I watch at home, I’m usually half in the bag and manage to enjoy the movies just fine… but it takes about 3-4 hours to get through them with all the rewinding.

  38. christian says:

    Remember the Alamo…Drafthouse.

  39. David Poland says:

    Sad to hear about Wayne Lewellen. He would probably have told you that Brad Grey was the cancer. Definite rage there… not just at being let go, but in how he was treated by the company after 33 years. His wife, Rosemary, is a good person and also suffered in the transition. A shame.
    And Gene Anthony Ray… part of one my previous lives… produced a TV show with him as the co-host… the guy was a trip, even post-the heavy heat. We did and episode with Irene Cara… now that was a real trip. Sigh…

  40. Bob Violence says:

    It’s a given this can aggregate your email.

    If by “this” you mean the magic technology that can apparently instantly scan the contents of the tens if not hundreds of thousands of phones, laptops and portable media players that pass through G8 customs controls every day, then I don’t think we have much to worry about. Hopefully Michelle Bachmann will be all over this.

  41. Mystery, Shiny Toy Guns had some really great stuff on their album We Are Pilots.
    Josh, she’s actually one of the worst. Her last two albums (including that one at #1 right now) are dire. She literally drove 90% of her musical talent off a cliff and crashed it into the jagged rocks below.

  42. Martin S says:

    Bob – I’m not sure if your tone is sarcasm or not, so I can’t respond.

  43. Bob Violence says:


  44. Martin S says:

    Thanks for clearing that up.
    Makes perfect sense now…

Quote Unquotesee all »

It shows how out of it I was in trying to be in it, acknowledging that I was out of it to myself, and then thinking, “Okay, how do I stop being out of it? Well, I get some legitimate illogical narrative ideas” — some novel, you know?

So I decided on three writers that I might be able to option their material and get some producer, or myself as producer, and then get some writer to do a screenplay on it, and maybe make a movie.

And so the three projects were “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep,” “Naked Lunch” and a collection of Bukowski. Which, in 1975, forget it — I mean, that was nuts. Hollywood would not touch any of that, but I was looking for something commercial, and I thought that all of these things were coming.

There would be no Blade Runner if there was no Ray Bradbury. I couldn’t find Philip K. Dick. His agent didn’t even know where he was. And so I gave up.

I was walking down the street and I ran into Bradbury — he directed a play that I was going to do as an actor, so we know each other, but he yelled “hi” — and I’d forgot who he was.

So at my girlfriend Barbara Hershey’s urging — I was with her at that moment — she said, “Talk to him! That guy really wants to talk to you,” and I said “No, fuck him,” and keep walking.

But then I did, and then I realized who it was, and I thought, “Wait, he’s in that realm, maybe he knows Philip K. Dick.” I said, “You know a guy named—” “Yeah, sure — you want his phone number?”

My friend paid my rent for a year while I wrote, because it turned out we couldn’t get a writer. My friends kept on me about, well, if you can’t get a writer, then you write.”
~ Hampton Fancher

“That was the most disappointing thing to me in how this thing was played. Is that I’m on the phone with you now, after all that’s been said, and the fundamental distinction between what James is dealing with in these other cases is not actually brought to the fore. The fundamental difference is that James Franco didn’t seek to use his position to have sex with anyone. There’s not a case of that. He wasn’t using his position or status to try to solicit a sexual favor from anyone. If he had — if that were what the accusation involved — the show would not have gone on. We would have folded up shop and we would have not completed the show. Because then it would have been the same as Harvey Weinstein, or Les Moonves, or any of these cases that are fundamental to this new paradigm. Did you not notice that? Why did you not notice that? Is that not something notable to say, journalistically? Because nobody could find the voice to say it. I’m not just being rhetorical. Why is it that you and the other critics, none of you could find the voice to say, “You know, it’s not this, it’s that”? Because — let me go on and speak further to this. If you go back to the L.A. Times piece, that’s what it lacked. That’s what they were not able to deliver. The one example in the five that involved an issue of a sexual act was between James and a woman he was dating, who he was not working with. There was no professional dynamic in any capacity.

~ David Simon